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Agency of the 5th World Head Mission 5: Code: Red (Remix Version) Part 2: The Battle of the Agency

Darkness knows the location of the Agency and launches a full scale assault on it. Every available agent, every ally, has to band together in order to stop the forces of Darkness, but is this a battle they can truly win?

By Jeremiah EllisonPublished 2 years ago 23 min read

Previous Mission

First Mission

<Original Plotline by Jeremiah and Nic Ellison

I do not own Club Penguin, Roblox, or Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They belong to their respective owners with respect to all other character ownership rights.>

Chapter 3

The Agency meets the Intergalactic Superheroes

Now, let’s see what the duplicate has been up to. The duplicate just woke up and he's walking through the hallway on his way to Head Spikey's office. After the duplicate got done eating dinner the night before he contacted the Superhero Council and told them that it was time to start negotiations. They told him that they would send Earth of the Intergalactic Superheroes to handle the actual negotiations. Jeremiah has arrived at Head Spikey’s office.

“Hello Agent Jeremiah. You have been working hard lately so I thought I’d give you the day off,” greets Head Spikey.

“Thank you, Head Spikey. I got something to tell you as well. Today Earth, one of the Intergalactic Superheroes, will be visiting you. The Superhero Council sent him to discuss whether the Superheroes and the Agency could become allies,” says Jeremiah.

“I see. Thanks for telling me. Well, off you go,” replies Head Spikey.

He exits Head Spikey's office and went over to the Breakfast Café. Meanwhile, Earth, a young adult male with dark brown hair and green eyes is arriving at the Agency in a small one-man ship.

He asks Head Spikey through the ship’s communicator, “Permission to land?”

Head Spikey replies, “Permission granted.”

Earth lands inside the Agency’s ship bay. The cockpit opens and he jumps out of the small spaceship. He walks over to Head Spikey's office having no trouble finding it and opens the door.

When he opens the door, Earth asks Head Spikey, “Hello. Are you Head Spikey?”

“Yes, I am. I'm guessing you're Earth,” assumes Head Spikey.

“Yes, I am. Wow! How did a dog become head of the Agency?” questions Earth very curiously.

“Don’t push your luck or you won’t get an alliance,” threatens Head Spikey.

“Ok. It just seems a little ridiculous and hilarious when you think about it,” says Earth causally.

Meanwhile, in the Breakfast Café, Jeremiah, Nic, and Tiffany are talking as usual. Suddenly, there was a loud crash. It was so loud everyone in the Breakfast Café heard it. Jeremiah went over to investigate only to find the original him. He chokes out, “Darkness is coming.” People started saying stuff like “Who is Darkness?” or “Is this guy going to attack us?” stuff like that.

The other Jeremiah went up to him, grabs him by the shirt, and shakes him violently yelling, “You fool. You could blow our cover. Not to mention…Wait, did you say Darkness was coming?”

Meanwhile, in Head Spikey's office,

Negotiations are going well even though it got off to a bad start.

“Anyway, by joining forces with the Superheroes, you'll have an extra layer of protection while keeping your freedom,” finishes Earth.

“I see. You made quite a comeback from your bad start,” replies Head Spikey.

“I had practice. So, will you join forces with the Superheroes?” asks Earth extending his hand.

“Yes, I will,” affirms Head Spikey shaking Earth’s hand with his paw.

“Great. Just sign here,” says Earth as he pulls out a contract.

Head Spikey signs it.

Earth takes the contract and says, “Thanks. Now the Superheroes and the Agency are allies. See you later and call us whenever you need us.”

“Bye,” says Head Spikey as Earth leaves his office.

When Earth left Head Spikey's office, Jeremiah appears running down the hallway with a worried look on his face.

“What's wrong Jeremiah?” asks Earth knowing something bad was afoot.

“Darkness is coming,” panicks Jeremiah.

“Darkness is coming! We gotta tell Head Spikey,” exclaims Earth.

“Tell me what?” asks Head Spikey who appeared out of nowhere.

“Darkness is coming to attack the Agency,” explains Jeremiah.

“WHAT!?” exclaims Head Spikey with worry in his tone.

“It's true. He found out about the Agency by invading the mind of the other me,” explains Jeremiah.

“Other you? What are you… Never mind. I’ll find out later. Right now we got to prepare,” says Head Spikey doing his best to remain calm.

He goes to the PDA and announces, “All agents, prepare for battle.”

Head Spikey says to them, “We got to be ready for Darkness's attack.”

They both reply, “I agree.”

Chapter 4

Epic Battle at the Agency

All the agents are outside the Agency and geared for battle. Suddenly, they look up and see a ship. Tech Boy uses his technopathy to make the laser turrets all around the Agency aim at it. As the turrets begin to charge up, they notice that it wasn’t one of Darkness’s ships. A transmission comes via the commlink revealing Falco from the Super Smash Bros. world saying, “I came here to help.” “Welcome aboard,” says Jeremiah. Following Falco’s arrival, a bunch of Superhero ships enter the atmosphere enter the atmosphere of the Agency’s planetoid and land. Right when they landed, a giant purple portal opens up in front of them and out of it marches Darkness and his forces.

“My regular minions. ATTACK!”

His regular minions started attacking with several charging at them. The fight is on. Falco’s ship starts shooting lasers into the enemy forces. Meanwhile, the ground forces are primarily using attacks that can hit the most enemies at once which usually come in bursts, circular, or spherical attacks. Darkness's regular minions are either using powers or shooting lasers with their weird trident things. As Jeremiah was fighting them off, he notices something off and wonders, “Where are his best minions?” He looks up. Nobody was guarding the roof. And even worse, minions are climbing the Agency. He activates his Light Sword and levitates up to the roof. Upon landing, two minions notice him and charge at him. Jeremiah spins hitting the one on the right knocking him back. Cutting it dangerously close, Jeremiah does a 180 and breaks the trident of that minion with a vertical slash in half. All it took was one impact to the side to knock that one off the roof. The other one tries stabbing him only for Jeremiah to sidestep and kick him off the roof as well. Unfortunately, even more are climbing up.

“Oh great. There’s more,” complains Jeremiah as the minions arrive at the roof.

As they close in, he uses Light Burst to knock them off the roof. Meanwhile, Nic is shooting a bunch of electricity at Darkness’s minions. When the electricity hit them, it electrocuted them thus knocking them out. He tries forming a fist of electricity but he put in too much power and it shorted out. One of the minions seized the opportunity and shot a laser at him. He fell down but he wasn’t out.

A huge explosion happened on the other side of the Agency. One agent was shooting a bunch of energy orbs at a minion while that minion dodged and came in for a spinning fire attack. That agent was defeated. Suddenly, the minion couldn’t move. Tiffany walked out of the shadows and pinned that minion to a wall. The impact knocked him out. Three more minions somersaulted off the roof and launched a series of precise blows at Tiffany. One of the shots accidently hit her in her unmentionables. This made her angry and she unleashed a burst of psychic energy causing them to go flying up. Jeremiah jumps at the speed of light and slashes them thus knocking them out.

When he landed, he asks Tiffany, “Need a hand?”

“No, I’m good,” replies Tiffany.

“Alright then. Hey, how about we switch posts? You get the roof while I go back to the land battle,” suggests Jeremiah as another explosion happens right behind him.

“Sure why not,” answers Tiffany as she used her psychic powers as a spring to take her up to the roof.

Jeremiah runs back into the heat of the battle at the speed of light. One agent launches a whirling fire kick on a minion while another minion shot a bunch of rocks at another agent. Head Spikey was running through the battle on all fours shooting fireballs at a bunch of minions knocking out every minion it hit and leaving a trail of explosions in his wake. Jeremiah was doing quite some fancy swordplay while running through the crowd of minions. When he stopped in front of the minions for a bow to the other agents, they all fell down. Another electric guy in the Agency shocked another minion. Unfortunately, that one was wearing shockproof armor. That same minion shot a bunch of dark electricity at him while hitting three other agents at the same time. Jeremiah notices this along with Head Spikey who arrived at the exact same spot simultaneously. Jeremiah takes a look at his armor and noticed that it looked different than the rest of the minions.

“That isn’t one of his ordinary minions,” states Jeremiah with his voice as serious as can be.

“What do you mean, Agent Jeremiah?” inquires Head Spikey taking a closer look at this odd minion.

“Look at his armor. It’s different from the rest of his minions. Not to mention the fact that he’s significantly more powerful than the rest of them,” says Jeremiah as another explosion happens in the background.

Head Spikey now saw the difference by looking at the lighting pattern all over this minion’s armor.

“You’re right. I suggest we get Agent Nic for this. He is unaffected by electrical powers,” suggests Head Spikey as he got himself geared for battle.

“All right, I’ll get him. But what about you?” asks Jeremiah.

“I’ll create a diversion,” replies Head Spikey as he shot a fireball at the minion.

The minion turned in Head Spikey’s direction with dark electricity surging through his body. Jeremiah knew that was his cue to run and find Nic, which he did.

“Come get me if you can,” taunts Head Spikey as he started running on all fours.

The odd minion began pursuit.

Jeremiah runs at light speed through the heated battle. He went past many people: like a superhero who was lashing water at some minions, minions who were throwing tridents at some superheroes and agents, and even those who were causing what could be considered natural disasters such as earthquakes and tornadoes. He suddenly comes across Hurricane, a guy with black hair who can turn his limbs into tornadoes. He helped Jeremiah way back in his early days, but usually as support instead of combat. Jeremiah went back-to-back with him.

“Hey Hurricane. Long time no see,” greets Jeremiah as he kicks a minion back a couple of inches.

“Hello Jeremiah. Haven’t seen you in a while,” greets back Hurricane as he turns his arms into tornadoes and blows away several minions.

“Hey Hurricane, can you do me a favor?” asks Jeremiah as a minion tried to stab him with a trident which he kicked aside, grabbed, and stabbed that same minion with the trident.

As that minion fell over and bled its black blood, Hurricane replies, “Sure, what do you need?”

Jeremiah punched another minion in his face as he tried to blind-side him and explains, “I need you to cover me while I use my Citaloanin Sight to look around the battlefield for someone.”

“Roger that, Jeremiah. I’ll do the best I can,” replies Hurricane as he hit several more minions.

As Jeremiah activates his Citaloanin Sight, Hurricane ascended and expanded his arm tornadoes to the point where they hit the ground once more. While Jeremiah was searching for Nic, Hurricane made the tornadoes circle at amazing speeds. Several minions try to get in but were instantly stopped by the tornadoes. Jeremiah found him fighting at the edge of the Agency. He used his Citaloanin Sight to figure out the best path while Hurricane kept him protected. Once he got his route figured out, he deactivated his Citaloanin Sight and exclaims, “Open a path. I know where to go now.” “Roger that,” replies Hurricane as he stopped his tornadoes thus opening a path. The minions started charging straight for Jeremiah. He used his super speed to slice them all in the blink of an eye. When he stopped for a brief moment they all fell down. After that, he begins running towards his destination. Agents and heroes were falling one-by-one. Unlike the minions, the agents and heroes were getting tired from the battle thus causing them to fall one after the other. It was not a pretty sight to see. One hero freezed several minions only to see them thawed out by another one who had fire powers. Jeremiah reaches his destination and taps on Nic’s shoulder. Nic was ready to zap him but hesitated when he saw that it was Jeremiah.

“Jeremiah, what the heck are you thinking? You should know never to tap on somebody’s shoulder in the middle of combat,” yells Nic.

“We can talk about my lack of protocol later. Right now, we need to get to Head Spikey right away,” says Jeremiah as he grabs Nic by the arm and starts running around the battlefield as if he was in an endless relay race.

Back at Head Spikey’s location,

Head Spikey is still running on all fours while the mysterious minion kept attacking him with some sort of dark lightning. Despite the mysterious minion’s best efforts, Head Spikey manages to dodge every single one of them. The minion is having difficulty aiming since he’s also using his dark electricity as thrusters which he’s discharging from his hand. This is how he’s been keeping up with Head Spikey who has proven himself to be quite agile. Head Spikey suddenly skids to a stop and shoots a fireball at the minion. The minion guards himself and the fireball dissipates on contact. It made his armor steam a bit, but he was unphased by the attack. The minion zaps Head Spikey knocking him down for the count. Jeremiah just returned with Nic as the strange minion lands. Jeremiah looks down and notices the defeated Head Spikey. He goes over to him, puts his ear on his chest, and listens for his breathing.

“He’s still breathing, but he needs urgent medical attention. I’ll zip him on over to the Medical Wing. Nic, we need you to beat that minion,” says Jeremiah as he points to the minion that knocked him out.

“Nic, do you accept this mission?” asks Jeremiah as he put Head Spikey on his back.

“I accept. He is going down,” replies Nic.

“Good luck,” says Jeremiah as he runs toward the Medical Wing.

Nic looks at his opponent and exclaims, “You’re going to pay for what you did to Head Spikey!”

The minion titled his head towards him. He could not see his face due to the helmet covering it.

Dark electricity surges through the minion’s body as he focuses it through his fingertips aiming at Nic as if his fingers were a gun. He shoots a bolt of dark electricity at Nic, who just stands there because he assumes that he can just absorb it like any other electricity. He was wrong. It hit him in the shoulder blade and left him with what looks like a second-degree burn. Nic then realizes that he could not absorb his electricity because it was not compatible with his bio-structure (Which he would have no clue of what I am talking about). Nic generates electricity into the palms of his hands and uses it like thrusters to lift himself off the ground. The minion creates a ball of dark electricity at him and tosses it at him. Nic quickly dodges it because he wasn’t about to make the same mistake twice. By enhancing the electrical output being generated in his hands, Nic gains a sudden burst of speed allowing him to quickly get behind the minion. Once there, he places his hands on the minion’s back and attempts to shock him only to find out that it was futile. The minion discharges a bunch of dark electricity to get Nic off of him. It worked. Nic was having muscle spasms due to the recoil of the dark electricity. The minion forms a whip of dark electricity and starts lashing at Nic with it repeatedly. At about the seventh lashing, Nic forms Planetary Wall, a dome of electricity meant to shield the user. The minion was unable to break through it. He generates his dark electricity into a fist, which Nic failed to do earlier. Nic exclaims, “Oh come on. He can do that but I can’t.” The attack shattered Planetary Wall and hit Nic pinning him to the ground. Nic starts swirling electricity around him as the minion walks over to him getting ready to deliver the final blow. Before the minion struck, the electricity suddenly rushes to him but ultimately failed. Luckily, that was just a distraction as Nic pulls out a bomb from his ultitly belt and sticks it on the minion. It explodes with both of them getting caught in it. Nic was injured more in the blast than the minion, but it served its purpose because there was now a big hole in the shockproof armor. This maneuver also dissipated the dark electric hand. He channels all his electricity into the newly created hole and puts his palm there to increase the output thus electrocuting the minion. After a few minutes, it stopped, and the minion fell down which knocked off his helmet thus revealing his face. The minion’s face had a striking resemblance to Nic’s face except much darker and sinister. As Nic took in the shocking sight, the minion melted into thin air as if he was turning to dust.

The battle raged on for several more hours. Testing the strength and endurance of agents and heroes alike until all the minions were defeated. After that, the only people left on the Agency and Superheroes’ side was Jeremiah, Nic, Tiffany, Tech Boy, Tech Girl, Hurricane, and Earth. Darkness smiled the nastiest smile in history and laughs hysterically.

“Congratulations. You have beaten all my regular minions. But now, it’s time to bust out the big guns. Best minions. ATTACK!”

Suddenly, eight small black portals open up on the ground. All eight of his best minions rose out of the portals. His best minions from Club Penguin are Herbert and Klutzy. His best minions from the Super Smash Bros. World are Bowser and Bowser Jr. And his best minions from Roblox are The Evil Robloxian and three random Robloxians. Jeremiah goes into his Light Turbo Form and speed levitates toward them. Once he was in the very center of all of their positions, he activates his Light Burst to send them all flying. Bowser put his feet on the ground and skidded across the Agency and he caught Bowser Jr. while he was at it. Herbert’s shadow marking starts glowing and shadow energy wrapped around Herbert’s feet in the shape of roller skates, which it became. He used the roller-skates to stop him from hitting the wall. He succeeded but fell flat on his face because he never ridden roller-skates before. Klutzy hit the wall right when Herbert fell on his face falling down on Herbert. The Evil Robloxian pulls out a sword and sticks it into the ground. Making a trail with the blade, it creates enough friction to stop the Evil Robloxian before he hits the wall. He throws teleport tools at the other Robloxians and they teleported to him.

Jeremiah levitates up to Darkness and exclaims, “Hey Darkness. I have a way to make things more interesting.”

“And what would that be?” inquires Darkness his curiosity piqued.

“I think we should divide it up to where everybody has 2-on-2 face-offs, or in the Robloxians’ case, a 3-on-4 face-off,” suggests Jeremiah.

“We’ll have the face-offs, but you shall be excluded because you provide an unfair advantage to your side,” states Darkness.

Jeremiah turned back into his regular form and replies, “Alright. I accept the terms.”

“Let the contest begin!” says Darkness as a bunch of shadow energy rises from the ground shattering it in its wake.

“How are you doing that?” asks Jeremiah amazed at the sight.

Darkness points up and Jeremiah spies the Shadow Energy Core on the roof, bigger than before.

“When did you do that?” asks a hysterical Jeremiah.

“At the brief moment you left your post unguarded. I set it up to gather the Shadow energy from the Shadow Realm and spread it once the battle was over,” explains Darkness.

“So that means…” realizes Jeremiah.

“That as soon as they lose, they will fall under my control,” finishes Darkness.

“Then, why don’t you have me battle?” asks Jeremiah.

“Because it’s more fun to have your friends capture you than you becoming my minion due to losing a fight,” answers Darkness.

The shadow energy spread around them until it formed three rooms within a small circle. This divided up everyone into their arenas for this arrangement. The matchups were Hurricane and Earth vs. Bowser and Bowser Jr., Nic and Tiffany vs. Herbert and Klutzy, and Tech Boy and Tech Girl vs. the Robloxians.

Bowser just shot a fireball at Hurricane and Earth. Hurricane turns his lower limbs into a tornado and ascends while Earth jumped out of the way. As Hurricane ascends, the shadow energy rose to make sure he doesn’t get out of his arena. He shot himself at Bowser like he was a torpedo. Earth aims and attacks using a power called Meteor Tongue where he changes the chemistry of his tongue to match that of a meteor’s and hit his opponent with it. How he can breathe while this power is in use is still unknown. It hit Bowser straight in the face. Hurricane stopped. As Bowser fell down, a giant hand grabbed him. They looked up and saw Bowser Jr. in some sort of giant robot. The robot was light blue in its armored parts, it had a cockpit on the top of its “head”, its feet were flat and the kind made for stomping, and its hands were connected by big cables that gives it maximum flexibility.

“That robot can barely fit in the arena,” comments Jeremiah.

“By the way, I forgot to mention one thing,” states Darkness smugly.

“What?” asks a scared Jeremiah as the robot put down Bowser and pins Hurricane and Earth with one hand to the wall of shadow energy.

“There is such a thing as a ring-out in this competition,” answers Darkness who just loves the scared look on Jeremiah’s face.

The robot starts pushing the two through the shadow energy wall slowly, shadow energy rushing into their body. Suddenly, a big swirl appeared in the sky and a bunch of meteors poured down from the skies. It hit the robot’s arm knocking it clean off the robot. The arm fell and landed on the ground. Earth turns his hands into the same stuff as meteors and moves the hand just enough to escape.

Meanwhile in the arena Nic and Tiffany are in,

Klutzy forms a ball of shadow energy around himself as he hops into Herbert’s hand who rolls him like a bowling ball, a tactical maneuver they call the Dark Klutzley Bowling Ball. He got a strike. Nic and Tiffany get up and decide to use their own combo attack, Psycho Storm, on them. Tiffany moves the clouds above in a thunderstorm position using her telekinesis while Nic charges up his electricity sending it high into the sky. The electricity mixes together with the clouds causing lightning to strike down from it electrocuting Herbert and Klutzy, who did not take too kindly to it. Their shadow markings start glowing and shadow energy came blasting from the wall. Nic and Tiffany narrowly dodge them but they sink into the wall before bursting back over in some weird ricochet motion. The beams keep firing at both Nic and Tiffany who have to keep evading for their life. After several misses, Herbert and Klutzy make the beams converge and curve setting course straight at Tiffany. Nic runs in front of Tiffany to protect her from the blast but Tiffany did not want Nic to get caught in it so she uses her psychic powers to pull Nic out of the way as the shadow energy hits her. Shadow energy starts pouring into Tiffany taking her morals and twisting it into all kinds of new dimensions. As it pours in, it corrupts her soul until it was as black as ash and just barely anything remained of the old Tiffany. A shadow marking appears on her face and she goes into a combat stance.

“Tiffany, are you all right?” asks Nic hoping Tiffany would answer with her normal voice.

Tiffany suddenly attacked Nic. Nic is just barely dodging the decisive blows.

“Ah crud. They got Tiffany!” exclaims Jeremiah in horror.

“One down, five to go,” says Darkness in order to rub in the danger of these face-offs.

In another arena,

Tech Boy and Tech Girl were blasting while the Robloxians were slicing and dicing. Thanks to the brutal combat training that is a Superhero standard, they were able to easily dodge the swords especially with the Robloxians’ limited mobility. However, the Robloxians weren’t trained like Tech Boy and Tech Girl making the blasters a living nightmare to dodge. Electircity sparks in Tech Boy’s eyes as he uses his technopathy along with spare parts in his pocket to modify his blaster into a platform dispenser. Tech Boy jumps up and uses the blaster to change the atomic structure of a little piece of the air in order to form a platform which he landed on. Tech Girl performs a back flip and Tech Boy makes another platform that she lands on it gracefully. Tech Boy remodifies his weapon back into a blaster and used the foot controls on the platform to circle above the Robloxians and blast them. The Evil Robloxian looks up and sees that his comrades were useless. He pulls out his sword and kills his comrades. But luckily, Robloxians don’t die. Instead, they respawn at a designated spawn point. The Evil Robloxian transforms into his second form, which is some sort of blocky dragon, and takes flight. Tech Boy and Tech Girl barely move out of the way as the dragon ascends. They make their platforms ascend just as quickly to get next to the dragon. As they rose to new heights, so did the wall of shadow energy that is keeping them confined in the arena. When they were next to the dragon, they shoot lasers at it. They got a few key spots but it wasn’t enough. The dragon knocked Tech Boy off the platform and he started falling towards the wall. Luckily, Tech Girl swoops down and saves him.

“Shall I tell everyone how I had to save you?” teases Tech Girl.

“Heck no. I still like to have my dignity,” replies a steaming mad Tech Boy.

The Evil Robloxian breathes fire at them. They quickly dodge.

“We’ll talk about this later,” says Tech Boy quickly.

“Agreed,” says Tech Girl as she put Tech Boy on the ground.

Jeremiah is watching the battles in horror because he knows what the stakes are. Hurricane is breaking the cockpit of Bowser Jr.’s robot. Earth is punching Bowser with his meteors for hands. Nic is barely able to dodge Tiffany’s attacks and the shadow energy Herbert and Klutzy keep sending at him. Tech Girl transforms her laser pistol into a laser cannon and fires at the Evil Robloxian. The Evil Robloxian falls out of the air and hits the ground while Tech Boy was barely able to avoid that.

Jeremiah just couldn’t stand it anymore. He exclaims, “That’s it! I’m not going to let them risk their lives without a little backup. I’m going in.” Jeremiah gets up out of his floating lawn chair and levitates towards where the arenas converge.

“I don’t think so. If you do, the match is an automatic forfeit and the shadow energy will spread around the Agency corrupting everyone it comes into contact with. Just like how it corrupted that girl,” says Darkness as he pointed at Tiffany.

Nic tries zapping Herbert but failed because Tiffany redirected it towards the wall using her psychic powers.

“I trapped myself, didn’t I?” asks Jeremiah fearing the answer.

“Yes, you did,” replies Darkness making sure it sunk in.

Jeremiah watches the fights in disgust. That’s when he noticed that he had nothing to worry about. Hurricane and Earth were combining their powers to beat Bowser and Bowser Jr. Tech Girl just trapped the Evil Robloxian in some sort of electrical field. The only fight that had him worried now was Nic’s fight. Nic is very reluctant to attack Tiffany, and every time he tries attacking Herbert and Klutzy, Tiffany redirects it. This gives Jeremiah an idea.

He ascends, turns around, and points out with a bit of taunt in his voice, “Hey Darkness. I thought these were supposed to be fair fights.”

“What are you talking about?” demands Darkness who can care less about whether or not the fights were fair.

“Well, these fights are supposed to be 2-on-2 with the exception of the Robloxians since most of them are not combat trained,” starts Jeremiah.

“What’s your point?” asks Darkness getting a bit annoyed.

“My point is that since Tiffany is corrupted now and working for you, Nic’s fight has turned into a 3-on-1 match thus breaking the rules we agreed upon,” explains Jeremiah with confidence in his voice.

“So what? We can’t change anything now. Besides, who really cares about the odds?” states Darkness.

“Exactly,” says Jeremiah.

Darkness gulps.

“If you don’t care about your own rules, (He pulls some little ball of condensed light from his pocket) then why SHOULD I?” screams Jeremiah at the top of his lungs as he throws the ball of condensed light just past Darkness and straight at the Shadow Energy Core at the top of the Agency.

When it hit the Shadow Energy Core, it got absorbed and the Shadow Energy Core suddenly expanded. The external shadow energy rose like wildfire and attempted to correct the balance by sucking Jeremiah into the shadow energy and placing him in Nic’s arena. Tiffany was about to crush Nic with the remains of Bowser Jr.’s robot. Nic was expecting it to be the end of him, but the impact never came. He opens his eyes and looks up seeing Jeremiah with a Light Shield up. Jeremiah uses his own psychic powers to pick up the machine parts and he launches them at Herbert, Klutzy, and Tiffany.

“Jeremiah, what are you doing? You’ll hurt Tiffany,” exclaims Nic.

“Nic, don’t think of her as your girlfriend because she’s not anymore. Think of her as your enemy with every intent of destroying you when the opportunity arises,” says Jeremiah with a serious tone of voice.

Hurricane and Earth just defeated Bowser and Bowser Jr. while Tech Girl just slayed the Evil Robloxian. Jeremiah just Light Punched Tiffany, got in the middle of his opponents, and used Light Burst, all in the blink of an eye. Everyone goes flying straight through the wall resulting in a ring out. Then, a holographic screen appears up in the sky saying, “Winner: The Agency of the 5th World!”

“Oh yeah!” exclaims Jeremiah before he realizes it was short-lived.

Right when the matches ended, the Shadow Energy Core expanded once again and starts spreading shadow energy all over the place. Darkness starts laughing manically.

“Now, the next phase of my plan has begun. Soon, you will all be my minions! There is no way to stop me now, Mwa ha ha ha!”

“We can't stop the shadow energy from spreading. But, we can save everyone before the shadow energy gets them. Everyone, listen up. You must grab all the agents and heroes you can from the Medical Wing and head for the ships,” orders Jeremiah.

“What about you?” asks Hurricane.

“I’ll play decoy,” answers Jeremiah as he ascends.

He pulls out three more of those odd balls of light straight out of his pocket and hurls them at the shadow energy that kept them all imprisoned thus creating three holes that would allow them to escape.

“You heard the man, let’s go,” says Hurricane as he turns his lower body into a tornado and races towards the Medical Wing.

Everyone else except Jeremiah followed.

“Hey, Darkness! I got one last challenge for you,” exclaims Jeremiah.

“And that would be?” asks Darkness already knowing the answer to his own question.

“One last fight, you and me, for the fate of the Agency,” answers Jeremiah.

“No problem. But, you have to play under my rules,” agrees Darkness as he extends his arms and grabs Jeremiah as a ray of shadow energy comes out of the core and sucks them into the Shadow Energy Core itself.

What will happen in the Shadow Energy Core? Will Nic and the others make it to the Medical Wing in time? Find out next chapter.

AdventureFan FictionHumorSci FiSeries

About the Creator

Jeremiah Ellison

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Ellison and I'm here to post content that I hope you will like. I mainly specialize in Sci-fi, action, and apparently psychological horror as of recently. I hope you enjoy my content.


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    Jeremiah EllisonWritten by Jeremiah Ellison

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