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Agency of the 5th World Head Mission 2: Igloo Supplies (Original Version)

After his first mission was a rousing success, Jeremiah is sent on another one to gather building supplies for a new Club Penguin habitat. But while he's gone, two new faces show up at the Agency. Are they friend or foe? Will Jeremiah gather up all the supplies? Read to find out.

By Jeremiah EllisonPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
Cover Art by Jeremiah Ellison

Previous mission:

<Original Plotline by Nic and Jeremaih Ellison

I do not own Club Penguin or Pokémon. Club Penguin is the property of Disney while Pokemon is the property of Nintendo, Gamefreak, and the Pokémon Company.>

Chapter 1

Time for Another Mission

Last time during Agents Assemble, Jeremiah arrived at the Agency and met up with Head Spikey who assigned him to go recruit Gary the Gadget Guy over to the Agency. After a brief demonstration by Agent Nic of his three most basic powers, Jeremiah heads off to Club Penguin and successfully convinces Gary to join the Agency. Once he returns, he is informed of Darkness’s plans to construct a shadow energy core and their current plans to unite the four worlds to stop him. Now, time for today’s mission.

It's Jeremiah's second day here at the Agency. The 14-year-old teenager with brown hair and blue eyes wakes up, dresses in his usual t-shirt and pants, exits his Agency-issued room, and heads over to Head Spikey's office with only one thing on his mind, "What's today's mission?"

Once there, he greets the big black dog with a brown underbelly and spiked collar in charge of the whole Agency, "Hello, Head Spikey."

"Hello, Agent Jeremiah."

"What is today's mission?"

"I'm pretty sure you remember yesterday's mission?"

"Yes. I remember."

"It's related to that mission. May I direct your attention to the screen?"

"There's a screen?”

"Yes. I'll show you it now."

A screen suddenly appears. On the screen there was a Club Penguin habitat under construction.

"You're building a Club Penguin habitat?"

"Yes, we are. We need some supplies for igloos. Gary wanted to build a coffee shop first. You know how he is about his coffee."

"Yeah. I know."

"Anyway, your mission is to go to Club Penguin and get the items I'm about to say. First, you'll need some snow from the snow forts. Then, you need to get some ice. Melt it. And put it in tanks. You'll need at least five tanks. I suggest getting the ice from the frozen lake. You'll also need a yellow puffle and a picture of an igloo.”

"I see. But where will I get the tanks anyway?"

"In the storage area of course."

"Ok. But how will I carry it?"

"You remember that utility belt we gave you?"

"Yes. Why?" replies Jeremiah as he looks at the utility belt he got in the lobby yesterday.

"That's how you'll carry it. It also has a bunch of gadgets. It has a grappling hook, a Pokémon caller, organized by pokedex number, a laser, a walkie-talkie that lets you communicate with Agent Nic, and more," explains Head Spikey.

"I see. Well, I better get down to breakfast. I'll make sure to get the tanks after breakfast."

"Ok. Bye."


Jeremiah leaves the office and goes to the Breakfast Café.

Chapter 2

Tech Boy and Tech Girl

Little did the Agency know, it was about to get some new faces. Those new faces would also be familiar to Jeremiah. They were sent to help Jeremiah with his other mission. "I told you these were the right coordinates," says Tech Boy into his ship’s communicator. "Ok," responds Tech Girl, "You were right about it being the left turn in the Albuquerque Sector." They land their small ships in the ship bay. A boy and girl both with black hair, brown eyes, and wearing lab coats and big black boots hop out of the ships’ cockpits onto the floor. "So this is the Agency?" thinks Tech Boy aloud. "Its technology is inferior to ours," observes Tech Girl. They walk up to a random agent and Tech Boy asks, "Where is Head Spikey's office?” “Over there,” says the random agent pointing to the hallway out of the ship bay. "Thanks," thanks Tech Girl. They exit the ship bay and round the corner until they spot a wooden door. They go inside it finding themselves in Head Spikey's office.

"Who are you?" asks Head Spikey upon their entrance.

"I'm Tech Boy."

"I'm Tech Girl."

"We're here to help you," states Tech Boy.

He starts explaining, "Our planet is called Planet Gaxi (Gal-a-za).”

"Planet Gaxi has the best technology in the multiverse," finishes Tech Girl.

"I see. If you want to help, please go to the Research Lab," directs Head Spikey.

"Ok," says Tech Boy.

"Where is it?" asks Tech Girl.

"Just go down the hall, take a right at the last intersection, it's the first room on the right."


"Got it."

They leave Head Spikey's office and wander through the gray hallways to the Research Lab, filled to the brim with many computers and monitors with plenty of space in the front and center of the room. When they got there, they were greeted by none other than Gary the Gadget Guy

"Hello. Are you two also new here?" asks G.

"Yes," answers Tech Boy.

"We are," also answered Tech Girl.

"Welcome to the Agency. My name is Gary the Gadget Guy."

"My name is Tech Boy."

"My name is Tech Girl."

"So, Gary. What species are you?" asks Tech Boy.

"Tech Boy. Don't ask him that. It makes you sound stupid," states Tech Girl.

"Who are you? My mom?" questions Tech Boy.

"No. Besides, you know our mom is trapped in another dimension," argues Tech Girl.

"Oh. I'm so sorry. Did I make you mad?" mocks Tech Boy.

"I think these two are twins," whispers G.

"I'll say," agrees Scientist 1.

"Why is their mother stuck in another dimension?" wonders Scientist 2.

"Good question," says Scientist 3.

Tech Boy and Tech Girl just start fighting each other. Tech Boy makes a laser gun using his powers. Gaxi HAs, which Tech Boy and Tech Girl are, have the power to control technology with their mind, essentially technopathy. People of the royal bloodline have stronger technopathy than regular Gaxi HAs. When Gaxi HAs turn 13, keep in mind Planet Gaxi's time moves a lot slower than Earth's time, take a bath of toxic waste. It gives them a new form. In Gaxi time. Tech Boy and Tech Girl are 14. While in earth time they are over a million years old.

Now back to the fight. First, Tech Boy makes a laser gun and fires. Tech Girl dodges it and makes one herself. She aims and fires at Tech Boy, but misses him. Tech Boy takes control of the computer using his technopathy as bronze electricity sparks in his green eyes and has it tie up Tech Girl using long tubes. Tech Girl makes the computer activate the security systems revealing several wall-mounted turrets all around him as they target him. They fire and Tech Boy does his best to dodge them but one laser blast hits him in the privates. As Tech Boy was clutching his crotch in pain, alarms start going off as the computer suddenly loses control shooting randomly in all directions.

Tech Girl and Tech Boy hit the deck as Tech Boy yells out the obvious, "It's out of control!"

"This wouldn't have happened if we didn't fight. What should we do?" wonders Tech Girl.

"Clean up our mess."

"But how?"

"We take control of it and stop it."

"Good idea."

While they were talking, people were panicking and screaming stuff like "Abandon lab" or "Run for your lives." Tech Boy and Tech Girl stand back up and attempt to take control of the computer using their technopathy stretching out their palms forward, the electricity surging in their eyes. The computer targets them and starts charging up deadly lasers aimed at them. Tech Boy and Tech Girl pour concentration into the computer the electricity hitting a fever pitch as it causes a flash before their very eyes visible only to them. Right before the lasers shot, it stops. The Research Lab is saved thanks to Tech Boy and Tech Girl.

Chapter 3

Return to Club Penguin

Hard to believe only the people in the Research Lab noticed what went down. Jeremiah just got out of breakfast and heads over to the storage area. Upon opening the door, he is instantly met with the sight of the five tanks. He shoots them, one at a time, with the shrink ray in his utility belt shrinking them down to a small size suspending them in mid-air in front of the belt before ultimately phasing into the red center buckle. Once all the tanks were secure, the PDA announces, "The flight for Club Penguin will leave in 15 minutes." Jeremiah exits the storage area closing the door behind him and heads towards the ship making it there with one minute to spare. The ship leaves for Club Penguin.

The ship arrives at Club Penguin. After landing, Jeremiah walks over to the Ice Lake behind the Ski Lodge. When he arrives at the lake, he receives a transmission from Agent Nic.

"Hello? Are you there, Agent Jeremiah?" asks Agent Nic, another young man around the same age as Jeremiah with brown hair, blue eyes, and a smoother face than Jeremiah.

"Yes, Agent Nic," confirms Agent Jeremiah.

"My radar says you're at the Ice Lake."

"That's right. Why are you calling me anyway?"

"I'm calling to tell you how to get the ice. Now listen carefully. To get the ice just simply use the laser cutter in your utility belt. Then you melt it and put it in tanks. Did you get all that?"

"Yes. I got a question. Why melt it?"

“Do you really want to go to the trouble of stuffing the ice, still frozen, in there?”


“There’s your answer.”

“Ok. Preparing ice, now.”

Jeremiah presses a button on his belt activating the laser cutter to cut the ice. He cuts it into a square large enough to fit in the tank. Afterwards, he took out one of the tanks and tosses it to the side as it grows back to its original size and lands with a great impact right-side-up. Next, his eyes glow blue as he uses his psychic power to make the ice hover out of the hole and over the tank where he melts the ice with his fire powers causing it to land in the tank. He repeats the process several times until all five tanks are full. Then, he shrinks the tanks back down and puts them back in his utility belt. Now, he takes out his Club Penguin map and teleports to the Snow Forts. He scoops up some snow into a bucket and puts that in his utility belt in the same manner as the tanks. Next, he goes to his igloo and takes a picture of it. Lastly, he goes inside his igloo and picks up his yellow puffle, Prof. Yellow. He uses the map to go back to the beach. He gets on the ship with Prof. Yellow and it leaves the island.

The ship arrives back at the Agency. Jeremiah goes over to Head Spikey's office. "I'm back," announces Jeremiah. "Good," says Head Spikey, "Please take those supplies over to the Club Penguin habitat." "Ok," agrees Jeremiah. He goes over to the Club Penguin habitat with Prof. Yellow close by. When he gets there, he sees Tech Boy and Tech Girl.

"Tech Boy and Tech Girl, what are you two doing here?" asks Jeremiah surprised to see his old friends and teammates.

"It's a long story. But here we go," replies Tech Boy.

"I see. Hard to believe no one outside the Research Lab noticed," states Jeremiah after Tech Boy and Tech Girl finished recounting the events of Chapter 6.

"I know," replies Tech Boy in agreement.

"Well, before I forget, here are the supplies for the habitat," says Jeremiah as he takes the supplies for the habitat out of his utility belt and they land near the twins with a bang. Prof. Yellow also joins them.


Jeremiah leaves the Club Penguin habitat and walks through the hall back to Head Spikey's office.

"What took you so long?" inquires Head Spikey annoyed for being kept waiting.

"Sorry. I was just catching up with some friends," answers Jeremiah.

"Are these friends the new recruits, Tech Boy and Tech Girl?"

"That's right."

"Well, anyway. Please direct your attention to the screen."

A screen appears showing the newly built Club Penguin habitat, a small scale replica of the original island complete with some new igloos in it condensed into a small section of the map along with a coffee shop further inland.

Initial Club Penguin Habitat (Illustrated by Nic Ellison)

"Cool," says Jeremiah.

"Since you have completed this mission, you are now able to do sanitary missions."

"Sanitary missions?"

"Sanitary missions are side missions you can do to work on the habitats you unlock."

"I see."

"Well, you better get down to dinner, then."

"Ok. See you around."

Jeremiah left for dinner.

Next Mission:


About the Creator

Jeremiah Ellison

Hello, my name is Jeremiah Ellison and I'm here to post content that I hope you will like. I mainly specialize in Sci-fi, action, and apparently psychological horror as of recently. I hope you enjoy my content.


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    Jeremiah EllisonWritten by Jeremiah Ellison

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