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Chapter 1

By Lady Lavinia DasaniPublished 3 years ago 14 min read

Ж ‘There’s a pleasure in pain’Ж

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to names, characters, actual persons, living or dead, places, locales or incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are purely used fictitiously. To the extent that the covers and pictures go, models and free pictures websites were used.

Self- Published.

Copyright © 2019 by Lavinia Dasani

All rights reserved.

With the exception of quotes used in Reviews, no part of this book may be reproduced in any form or used in whole or in part by any means existing without the prior written permission from me, Adassa Lavinia K. Dasani, the publisher.

ISBN (pbk) #978-1-7339857-3-4

ISBN (ebook) #978-1-7339857-4-1

Printed in the United States of America



The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers. There are explicit E-rotic and S-ensuous love scenes which would most likely leave nothing to the imagination and doesn’t hesitate in its description. The love scenes are high in volume and might contain fantasy material that some readers find objectifying. However, I will give a fair warning that there might be some gruesome details within the literature. With this literature being an E-rotic and S-ensous plus action, there are going to be graphic languages.

This is an entertainment literature, and you’ve been warned of its potentially ‘dangerous’ contents in advance.

Proceed with caution – Not for the faint of heart.



C oming back to the State, I had spent half of my adolescence and adult life in, after five years of living in a whole different State, busy building my life from scratch, I would have never imagined bumping into my mom, Elize Buar, mopping the dirty floor of a grocery store.

There was nothing wrong with the job. I've always respected any person, no matter their position or work status in life. My lovely mother has forever ingrained the teaching of respecting a janitor the same way I would respect a CEO of a bigshot company, and I am proud to say I have never failed in this particular department. However, seeing the woman who has raised me and my brother from nothing, in that grocery store was a rude surprise.

This woman began her life with pennies in her pocket and rose to the peak of the mountain by working her butt off to make sure my brother and I never lacked anything in our life. Despite being constantly busy, she was a model of what a hard working woman and mother combined as one should be like. Thanks to her, we lived a near to luxurious life, and her support has made us the successful person we are today.

Gawking at her like she had several heads, I couldn't come up with an explanation as to why this woman - whom I've seen hold pens for my whole life would be holding a mop.

"What are you doing, mother?" Finally managing to form words, I silently prayed she wouldn't reply with what was the most obvious answer, given our situation.

"Good evening to you too, daughter." My mother sarcastically responded. My lips slightly pulling up, I was pleased, my mom's sense of humour was still very much intact. It was, after all, embedded in her.

"Mother!" Pulling my poker face, I've learned to perfect throughout the years on the field, I maintained a serious expression.

"I'm working. I would think it would be obvious given the wet mop I am holding."

"One would definitely think so... But my question is why? - If you got bored after your early retirement, you could have found a better job that wouldn't harm your back and health in a split second."

Hastily taking the mop from her hands and directing her away from the 'station' she was cleaning despite her resistance, I brought her to the wood section of the store so we could have a more private chat.

"Because some people need good lodgement and food to survive, Angel."

Confused by her statement, I blinked several times.

"Excuse me?" Unbeknown to me, the guy hauling woods behind me loudly cleared his throat, clearly asking us to move out of his way.

Swiftly turning on my hips to shush the guy, I was yet again left dumbfounded, thunderbolt, even. "Dad?"

Back strained, the man turned towards me with snail speed. Shock waves washed over his face. His skin paled to an even whiter colour as the blood completely drained from his face. Clearly, he was not expecting to see me here either. But, unlike my mom, he was unable to maintain a straight face. My dad was, after all the emotional one in the family.

"OKAY! What. The. Fuck. Is. Happening. Here!?" Looking back and forth from my mom and dad, I spelt out each word.

"Language, young lady." My mom scolded instantly. - Perhaps she had forgotten I was no longer her little daughter. Heck, I had my own kid for crying out loud.

"To hell with language, mom. Tell me what is happening right now?"

"Life is happening, Angel. We can explain everything later. But for now, we are still on the clock, and the last thing I want is for both your dad and myself to get fired."

"The hell you are! There is no way I am letting you both work here! Where is Pete, in all of this? And why didn't he put a stop to this stupidity? - Actually, we'll discuss this issue once I drop you two home. For right now, pack all your stuff, you are not coming back here to work ever again."

"Angel, don't be crazy! We need this job to survive."

"What type of surviving are you talking about, mom!? Your son is a millionaire for Christ's sake. You should be travelling in luxury or at home watching TV right now. Not mopping the disgusting floor of some grocery store, much less be working. And let's not forget about dad, he is hauling wood for the store. This is not normal."

"We don't live with Pete anymore, love. He couldn't handle having us under the same roof as him, so we had no choice but to move out. And since most of our savings were spent on you and Pete, we are left with pretty much nothing." My dad calmly explained. Advancing towards me with leaden steps, my dad, Auden Buar, placed both his hands on my shoulder blades, instantly making me less irritable.

Unlike my mom who had way too much pride to accept the fact that her dearest son kicked her out of his home without providing them with the necessary resources, my dad didn't have a bone of overconfidence in him. Oddly enough, his reluctance to boast and capability to be so grounded as well as speaking his mind without much filter made the relationship between him and my mom work like a pair made in heaven.

"Excuse me, but what!? - When the fuck did all of this happen? And why was I not informed?"

"It's been a few months now." Was my mom's only answer.

Shrugging at me as if it was no big deal, I was irked by her attitude. - How could she be so calm? - I would have raised all hell if I were in her place. Or better yet, I would have called my eldest kid to ask for help or at least keep her informed of the situation. But hey, that's only what I would do.

My mom, apparently, would prefer to stay quiet. To keep me uninformed and restart from the bottom-up once again in her old age. This realization and situation seriously made me want to punch someone hard, and by someone, I especially meant Pete Buar, my millionaire and now apparently selfish brother.

"Just give me a sec to recapitulate and wrap my head around this -" Slicing my hands through the air, "Whatever this is."

Trying my best to not dramatize the situation no matter how mad I was, I momentarily shut my eyes, took slow deep breaths and counted till ten in my head. It was a neat trick I've learned in my field of work to calm my nerves. It works so beautifully, I even use it at home with Kyle Henry, my son.

"So mom, dad, you are telling me you've both moved back to your old place, been living there for the past few months and didn't deem it necessary to inform me of the misadventure that has taken place. You haven't found it important to let me know how selfish my dear brother has become after winning his millions in the lottery. What did you think, I would never find out?"

Arctically glaring at them, I felt a sense of disappointment washed over me. A disappointment at my own blood; my brother and at my parents. We used to be so close, loving on each other like no other and now look at us. I had to find out the truth about their situation like this.

"We didn't tell you because we didn't want to worry you. You had your own busy life in Miami. Plus we figured Pete would soon come to his senses and realize the mistakes he has made. So, why worry you when going back to Pete would soon be an option."

"Mom dearest, the last thing I want is to snap at you. But your logic infuriates me, to put it mildly..."

"Angel, listen to us and try to see it from our perspective." My dad effectively jumped in, rescuing my mom from my wrath.

"I will do all the listening once we are out of here. Pack up, I am driving us back home, no discussion." Standing my ground, my gaze locked, I challenged them to defy me.

"You don't understand, Angel. If we leave with you right now, we will get fired, then what? Have you thought further than this current moment? Besides, we don't own the family house anymore, we had to sell it for money. We rent an apartment in Broadway now."

Stupefying the life out of me, the blood drained from my face as my head began to throb. Blankly staring between my parents, I was stumped. I couldn't start to believe the words that just came out of my mom's mouth.

"Okay, I am done! You are both coming to Miami with me. I don't care what your logics are or this job you have here." Swallowing my anger like a bitter pill, "And if you want to continue waiting for Pete to recognize his mistakes, you can do so at my place."

Grabbing hold of their hands, I left no room for discussion and tugged them with me to the front counter of the store.

"Angel, you are being irrational." My mom tried once more in an attempt to resist me. Then again, she soon realized there was not much she could do at this point other than let herself be dragged.

"This is the perfect picture of rationale you've probably seen in a while, mother. - Dad, talk to her, please. I am going to let the front desk know you both are not working here anymore." Determination and authority flashing in the depths of my eyes, I was a bulldozer in the store. A bulldozer with a mission in mind.

"Excuse me, ma'am, I just wanted to let you know that Auden and Elize Buar won't be working here anymore."

"If they've done anything to offend you, ma'am, we will take it to the manager, but I can't just fire them for no reason." The woman, who appeared to be the assistant manager of the grocery store answered with professionalism and curiosity.

"With all due respect, ma'am, they've done nothing wrong. They are my parents, and I just found out they've been working for your store for a few months now. I got nothing against your grocery store, but I simply can't have my retired parents bust their asses here when they should be relaxing." Explaining my situation to the lady in a surprisingly calm manner, I killed her curiosity in a flash.

"Oh...." She muttered, the surprise and confusion in her voice as bright as the sunshine during summer.

"Yes, oh." Maintaining my professional composure, I nod at the woman before turning on my heels.

Marching towards where my mom and dad were busy discussing the new situation they were basically forced into by yours truly, I prepared myself to fight them until I win this battle. It wasn't a matter of pride for me. Oh no, it was a matter of love and respect. They had given everything to make sure Pete and I were well fed and taken care of, and now that they were older, it was my duty to make sure they were being taken care of.

I recognized forcing them to live with me in a whole different State where the sun instead of the rain kisses us almost every day of the year was harsh, impulsive and well, not a totally well-thought solution to the problem. But I could care less. I knew I would be able to make it work despite not owning a mansion for a home as Pete does.

I was well off myself. A renowned Cognitive behavioural psychologist, who also works in partnership with the State law enforcement when they require my excellent sense of observation and profiling. I bought my own suite in a protected 'rich environment' complex barely outside the outskirts of the city. And in my opinion, it is one of the best locations. I get to be in the city within minutes, yet be away from all the buzzing noises that come with cities. Furthermore, we have a large patch of verdure behind the main building complex with a mountain view, giving Kyle plenty of room to play outside with other kids, and for me to relax under the sunshine, by the pool.

Not to forget Anastasia, who is my best friend, helper and babysitter would be of great help. And if my parents still don't like the arrangement I would be providing them, I could always buy a home for them wherever they want and make sure they are well taken care of. If my mom wanted to keep working after all of my help, she better get into crocheting or some type of artistic ventures. Or even go travel for all I care.

"You guys are not changing my mind, and even if you try, I already got you fired." Stopping short in front of them, I matched my mom's challenging gaze and acknowledged my dad's compassionate expression.

"I can always find another job." My mom retorted.

One could always count on Mrs Elize Buar to challenge people for the pure fun of it. It was a sick sense of humour she possessed, but one I have grown to love throughout my lifetime.

"Honey, behave." My dad playfully warned my mom, at which she simply rolled her eyes.

Their bickering and teasing were for sure music to my ears given the shock therapy I went through in here after landing in this State only a day ago for business purposes.

"If you guys are done fooling around, let's go pack up all your belongings. My company's private plane will be leaving for Miami in a few hours."

"Aye, aye, Captain." My father jocularly responded in an attempt to lighten the mood.

Smiling up at him, I marched forward with them trailing behind me like discipline soldiers. Having worked closely with the police force and with all the disturbed, aggressive or even psychopathic individual that comes with it, I have mastered the talent to keep my composure in the toughest situation possible. Yet, as I drove to my parents' small apartment on Broadway, my blood was boiling, and my composure was cracking.

Not even my father's dumb jokes could calm the anger within me. A wave of anger undeniably mixed with confusion and disbelief. The reality that my brother, Pete, of all people, could act in the way they've described in the limited time we were driving up to their place was truly mind-blogging. In that small space of time, the perfect picture of my charitable, loving, forgiving and respectful brother was shattered into millions of pieces.

I had come back to visit my family with the utmost courage and expectation after having run away five years ago, and I am forced to leave here without even seeing a sight of my brother. A brother I was longing to see from the most bottomless pit of my heart. However, I knew if I were to see him right now, I would explode and end up being on trial for murder instead of acting as an expert advisor and profiler for the court system.

I had left this State after my disastrous marriage five years ago and never once looked back. I worked my butt off in Miami to reach the height I currently possess. Just as my mother, I hustled without complaining but instead tried to find the new positives in my life with my son by my side.

Albeit being a single mother was the scariest thing I have ever done in my life, I recognize in a heartbeat that I wouldn't be so far ahead in my life without my son. Kyle has been my pillar on so many occasions, and despite being only five years of age, he was a wise little thing. He, without a doubt, took after his grandma.

Waiting for the plane to take off, I was secretly glad my parents were finally going to physically meet Kyle and pamper him as any loving grandparent should. Despite the guilty feeling trying to thoroughly wash over me, Kyle deserves to spend time with his grandparents and if this is how it can happen, then so be it.

"I can practically see the wheels turning in your head, Angel, what's up?" My father's gentle teasing tone brought me back to reality.

"Nothing much." Granted we would soon be over the oceans, flying in this small can that we call a plane, it would be utterly stupid of me to bring up any sort of conflicting conversation. The last thing I wanted was to be stuck mid-air with a giant elephant in the room.

"So, you are just trying to make sure the plane's motor is running smoothly by furiously turning those wheels inside your head?" My mom nonchalantly voiced out, propelling me to raise an eyebrow at her and her attempt at jokes.

"We don't want the plane to crash on us after all." Returning back the joke, I taunted her with a slight smirk.

"Girls, the plane motors would be absolutely fine. Now, Angel, if you would please answer my question - with seriousness."

"Way to be a party-pooper dad..."

"Angel." His definitive final tone told me he needed an answer, probably for his own peace of mind.

"I was just thinking of Kyle, dad. I haven't had the chance to tell him anything yet, but he would be so excited to physically see you both for the very first time."

"I am excited to see the little one too. He always seems so energetic on camera."

"Don't worry mom, you will get to feel all those energies to the point where you will start asking him to mellow down..... Just a warning to you both, Kyle is a MAJOR hugger. So don't be surprised if he jumps on you."

"I think I would be able to handle a five years old boy. I've looked after you and your brother for several years, after all." Slightly smiling up at my mom before breaking eye contact with her, I remained quiet. The mention of my brother so casually after what he had done to them brought an immediate sour taste to my mouth.

The worst part was, I knew I could never hate my brother no matter how bad he screws up. Disappointed and furious at him, for sure, but hatred, never once.

To reviewer: (Please delete this part after review)

This chapter is part of a short story novel that's available on other platforms along with already being printed. I am the author of the novel. You can find more information on the novel and where it is published on my website:

Short Story

About the Creator

Lady Lavinia Dasani

Entrepreneur and small business owner.

Founder/CEO of Plumitif Press, LLC & Plumitif Empowerment Academy

I have a passion for writing, reading and helping others. I like sharing what I learn along the whirlwind adventure that we call life.

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    Lady Lavinia DasaniWritten by Lady Lavinia Dasani

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