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A woman on her last day in her father's house.

Moving through the house.

By Ekombe hauPublished 9 days ago 4 min read
A woman on her last day in her father's house.
Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

The sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the familiar corners of the room. It was the last day. The last day in the house that had witnessed every stage of my life, from childhood to adulthood. The house where my father's laughter echoed through the halls and his wisdom resonated in every corner. Now, it stood silent, filled only with memories that threatened to overwhelm me.

I wandered through the rooms, trailing my fingers along the walls as if trying to imprint the sensation of home into my skin. The kitchen, where my father used to prepare hearty meals that filled the air with comforting aromas. The dining table, where we gathered as a family, sharing stories and dreams over dinners that stretched late into the night.

Outside, the garden bathed in the morning light, its flowers nodding gently in the breeze. My father had spent countless hours here, tending to each plant with care and patience. His love for gardening had been infectious, and I had spent many afternoons by his side, learning the names of flowers and the secrets of nurturing life from soil.

As I sat on the porch steps, memories flooded my mind. The sound of my father's voice reading bedtime stories, the scent of his aftershave lingering in the air as he hugged me goodbye before school. Each corner of this house held a piece of him, a piece of me, woven together in a tapestry of moments that now felt both vivid and fragile.

Moving through the house, I gathered remnants of our life here – old photographs capturing smiles frozen in time, books with worn spines that held the stories we had shared, and trinkets collected from vacations and milestones. Each item carried a story, a memory that anchored me to this place even as I prepared to leave.

In the study, shelves lined with books reminded me of my father's insatiable curiosity and his passion for learning. He had encouraged me to explore the world through literature, to seek knowledge beyond the boundaries of our small town. His desk, cluttered with papers and a worn leather chair where he used to sit, seemed untouched by time, as if waiting for his return.

Standing by the window, I watched the familiar street where I had ridden my bike as a child, where my father had taught me to drive. The neighborhood had changed over the years, new families moving in, old ones moving away. Yet, this house had remained a constant, a sanctuary of memories that now felt bittersweet in their intensity.

In the living room, I found myself drawn to the piano where my father had taught me to play. Music had always been our shared language, a way to communicate when words failed us. I ran my fingers over the keys, the notes lingering in the air like echoes of the melodies we had created together.

Time seemed suspended as I sat there, lost in the past yet acutely aware of the present moment slipping away. The weight of goodbye settled on my shoulders, heavy with the realization that this chapter of my life was coming to an end. The walls seemed to echo with whispered conversations, laughter that had long faded, and the quiet hum of everyday life that had defined my existence here.

As afternoon turned to evening, family and friends gathered one last time to bid farewell to this house that had been more than just a structure of bricks and mortar. It had been a haven, a place of comfort and refuge, where love had been both spoken and felt in every gesture, every shared meal, every quiet moment spent together.

We shared stories, laughter tinged with sadness, and tears that flowed freely as we recounted the moments that had shaped us, the memories that would forever be etched in our hearts. Outside, the sky turned shades of pink and orange, a final farewell painted across the horizon.

In the silence of the night, I found myself standing in my childhood bedroom, surrounded by walls that had witnessed my dreams and fears, my triumphs and failures. The bed where I had slept under the soft glow of the nightlight, seeking solace in the embrace of familiar surroundings, now felt both comforting and foreign.

I packed the last of my belongings, each item carefully placed in boxes that seemed too small to contain the weight of my memories. The room grew emptier with each passing moment, echoes of laughter and whispered secrets fading into the stillness that now filled the space.

Closing the door behind me, I took one last look around, imprinting the image of this room in my mind. The walls seemed to breathe with a quiet resignation, accepting the inevitability of change, of endings that paved the way for new beginnings.

Downstairs, the house stood silent, as if holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come. I walked through the rooms one last time, touching the walls as if seeking reassurance, finding solace in the knowledge that while this house was no longer my home, the memories it held would forever be a part of me.

Outside, the night air was cool against my skin, a gentle reminder that life moved forward even as we clung to the past. The stars shimmered overhead, their constellations a reminder of the infinite possibilities that awaited beyond the confines of this familiar street.

I took a deep breath, letting go of the lingering sense of loss that had weighed heavily on my heart. This was not goodbye, but a new chapter in the story of my life, one that would be shaped by the lessons learned within these walls, by the love that had anchored me to this place.

As I walked away, the lights of the house flickered one last time, a silent farewell that whispered of gratitude for the memories shared and the moments cherished. In the distance, the faint outline of a new horizon beckoned, promising adventures yet to be written, stories waiting to unfold.

And so, I left behind the house that had been my father's, that had been mine, carrying with me the echoes of laughter, the warmth of shared moments, and the enduring love that had made this place a home.

Short StoryFan FictionfamilyFable

About the Creator

Ekombe hau

Fictional stories writing and types of good narrative, histories science etc.

content creator in vocal media

lover of music

musical instrument Drummer

Master of psychology and counselling

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    Ekombe hauWritten by Ekombe hau

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