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A Woeful Wood

A short story

By E.K. DanielsPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

Lost and weary, through a fog I strayed,

No path, no compass, naught to aid.

A mighty wall, of wood and bark,

A gnarled oak, etched with nature's mark.


A voice it spoke, within my head,

"Welcome, soul, to paths unsaid.”

“The Wood of Woe, where shadows creep,

A mirrored realm, where mortals weep."


Doubt gripped my heart, a chilling dread,

A talking tree, the words it said?

Yet onward drawn, by unseen hand,

To truths unveiled in this strange land.


The oak's vast form, a silent guide,

I stepped within, with purpose tied.

The forest floor, a carpet grey,

Of withered leaves, life gone astray.


No rustling leaves, no vibrant green,

Just skeletal limbs, a mournful scene.


A voice arose, a raspy plea,

"They took and took, relentlessly.

Blind to the beauty, deaf to the plea,

Their wasted lives, a haunting decree."


A ghostly form, with hollow eyes,

Pointed to husks, where beauty lies.


"The farmer's greed," the voice did speak,

"Left barren fields, where life grew bleak."

Each lifeless tree, a silent cry,

Of broken bonds, beneath the sky.


A monument to souls astray,

Who cast nature's once endless bounty away.


The path ahead, a twisted maze,

Of thorny brambles, a prickly haze.

With barbs like daggers, sharp and keen,

They tore at clothes, a spiteful scene.


A voice it hissed, with wicked glee,

"Take all you want, eternally!


Strip bare the earth, till nothing's left,

This bounty's yours, a gift bereft!"

I fought my way, through grasping vines,

A metallic tang, a web of crimes.


The air grew thick, with avarice's hold,

A greed so vast, a story told


In solemn secrets, dark and deep,

Of lands laid waste, where creatures weep.

Of resources, ripped from earth's embrace,

A callous hunger, a soulless chase.


The thorns they writhed, a twisted snare,

A spineless truth, laid harsh and bare.


The thorns of greed, a tangled maze,

A reflection cast on human’s gaze.


The path converged, a stagnant mire,

Where fetid waters, choked with fire,

Of glowing fungi, cast an eerie light,

On twisted vines, in tangled plight.


A figure rose, with beauty's grace,

A forked tongue hid, a smiling face.


Her voice it sang, a siren's call,

Of endless plenty, for one and all.

"The earth provides, a bounty grand,

No need to fear, a helping hand.


Take what you will, there's no mistake,

Progress unending, for goodness sake!"


The swamp it churned, a restless tide,

Skeletal hands, from depths they hide.

Faces emerged, with silent screams,

Lost in the marsh, of broken dreams.


Victims of deceit, a tangled web,

Misguided souls, where reason ebbed.

The lies they drank, a poisoned well,

Forever trapped, in this putrid hell.


The path climbed higher, on scorched terrain,

Where tortured trees writhed in endless pain.


Crimson flames licked at the ashen bark,

A furnace roaring, leaving its mark.

A voice arose, a snarled cry,

"Consumed by want, we never die!


More! More! The flames demand their fill,

An endless hunger, a burning thrill!"


Figures danced, in flickering light,

Hollow eyes, reflecting endless night.

Grasping hands reached for the sky,

Trapped in a cycle that could ceaseless die.


These were the souls, forever spent,

By fleeting desires, never content.

Fast fashion's lure, and gadgets new,

A bottomless pit, with nothing true.


The flickering flames, a mirrored gleam,

Of landfills overflowing, a polluted stream.


The yearning for more, a wanton’s delight,

Consumed the forest, shrouded in night.

A single tear, escaped my eye,

For the beauty lost, beneath the burning sky.


The endless quest, a soul's demise,

Reflected here, a hellish prize.


The air grew cool, the flames receded,

Leaving a landscape, deeply seeded

With sorrow's weight. The path, moss-grown,

Led to a grove, where shadows moaned.


Willows drooped low, their branches wept,

Waterfalls of tears, the silence swept.


Beneath their boughs, a figure frail,

Her face obscured, by a mournful veil.

"Why do you weep?" I dared to ask,

My voice a whisper, through the mournful task.


A sigh escaped, a wispy thread,

"Neglect's harsh hand, a burden bred.


Those who turned away, from nature's call,

Left us to wither, ignored us all."

The willows swayed, in mournful grace,

Aching roots, etched on a barren face.


Forests neglected, turned to dust,

A consequence, for misplaced trust.


"We were their haven, a verdant shield,

From scorching sun, and storms revealed.

But progress marched, with a callous stride,

Leaving us broken, nowhere to hide."


A single tear, traced a silent track,

Down her pale cheek, a memory brought back.


"Once vibrant boughs, now branches bare,

A silent plea, lost in the air."

Shame washed over me, a bitter tide,

For actions taken, with careless pride.


The forgotten role, of nature's embrace,

Reflected here, in this sorrowful space.

The path dwindled, into barren ground,

No trees in sight, no sheltering sound.


Just cracked earth stretched beneath the sky,

A desolate wasteland, where dreams went to die.


A howling wind tore through the air,

A cacophony of screams at the lack of care.

Whispers swirled, a tortured plea,

"We reap what we sow, eternally!"


Figures emerged, wispy and thin,

Lost souls condemned, for the unforgivable sin.


The destroyers of forests, with greed in their eyes,

Forever buffeted by nature's cries.

One figure spoke, his voice raw and frayed,

"We carved a path, with progress unstayed.


Forests we razed, for concrete and steel,

Leaving behind, a wound that won't heal."


Another joined in, his form like smoke,

"We blinded ourselves, to the coming choke.

Ignored the warnings, the pleas of the green,

Now driven to dust, a barren scene."


The wind howled louder, a mournful song,

A lament for forests, forever gone.

The price of “progress”, laid stark and bare,

A haunting reminder lingered in the air.


But amidst the dust, a sight did unfold,

A tiny sprout, pushing through the cold.

A single sapling, reaching for the light,

A symbol of strength, in the endless night.


Hope flickered within me, a fragile flame,

Of redemption, not a zero sum game.

If one small sprout, could defy the despair,

Perhaps there’s a chance, for nature to repair.


About the Creator

E.K. Daniels

Writer, watercolorist, and regular at the restaurant at the end of the universe. Twitter @inkladen

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran3 months ago

    I didn't expect for everything to be burned down. That was so sad. Loved that you chose to do a poetic form for this challenge!

E.K. DanielsWritten by E.K. Daniels

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