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By TestPublished 10 months ago ā€¢ Updated 10 months ago ā€¢ 3 min read

In response to the challenge JBaz 'Silent thought' Challenge. You can read more about it below:

But I finally clicked when I read this. I can be incredibly, mindblowing dense sometimes. Check out Paul's emtry here:

I really didn't intend on writing this tonight but I had a glass of wine and it seemed like a good idea. No editing except right clicking of various coloured squiggly lines in word. Tomorrow, I will regret it. The wine. And the writing. And the not editing.

I donā€™t suppose It matters much really- All told- Heā€™s happy with whatever I put in front of him these days- Except that- None of that anymore- We used to be soā€¦Well- you know- Come on Clara- you canā€™t think like that- You knew what you were getting into when you said I do- Saw it with your sister-And it was a lovely wedding afterall- Everybody said so- Best wedding theyā€™d ever seen- I suppose theyā€™d have to say that- it would be rather uncouth to say anything less- but that cake- Marnie did a good job bless her soul- Now that was a funeral- such a lovely send off- Funny really how they just disappear and then- Well- you know-mustnā€™t think like that- canā€™t be morbid- Besides our Jerryā€™s coming down for tea at six- I told Brian to be back from the pub by 5 but I doubt heā€™ll make it - Never mind- Weā€™ve had a good life all in all- 5 grandchildren to speak of and another one on its way - You didnā€™t do too bad for yourself all things considered- Remember that Vera down road- Tough life of it she had- Husband left her and all that commotion -They reckon she met a fella- Michael Jones they call him. Havenā€™t seen her ā€“ Not since she upped and left that night- But I donā€™t know nothing about that. Not one for gossip am I really? Keep your nose out of other peopleā€™s business.-Thatā€™s what I say ā€“ But it was the most excitement weā€™ve had down here since Barbara Windsor left EastEnders Well that and the Coronation- But that was a long time ago now - Beautiful that was- I remember it like it was yesterday-And all them jewels- Being a kid and seeing all that- Never forget it as long as I live- Exquisite she was- A real princess- I still remember her shaking my hand like I was special- Born for the job she was- I didnā€™t expect her to go before me to be honest- Bit of a surprise really- considering I mean that husband of hers a silly fool but you couldnā€™t help it- liking him-The day he told that photographer to take the fucking picture- Thatā€™s what he said - Didnā€™t half make me giggle- Now him you saw coming- It looked like heā€™d been dead 10 years already before he passed- But her- Not on your Nellie- I never thought it- But thatā€™s love for you isnā€™t it- Broken heart thatā€™s what she had- I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do if Bryn popped his clogs tomorrow- No idea at all- But mustnā€™t think like that- Canā€™t let that kind of thing get in your head- Itā€™s like a maggot- innit? One of them- hundreds of them all chomping on your brain- Making you think things you shouldnā€™t be thinking- Besides- it would be better really if he went first- Heā€™d be lost without me- Heā€™d pickle his liver in a week- The thing about it is he likes my pies too much so he always comes home when heā€™s hungry - but what would he do if I werenā€™t here to make ā€˜em- Nothing I imagine- Heā€™d starve himself to death- And Griff would never get his biscuits- Itā€™d be a shambles- No better that way- Those begonias donā€™t look too healthy- Iā€™m going to have to start taking more care of the garden- Now Clara think about what your mother told you- The house isnā€™t going to clean itself and the men need to be fed- Theyā€™re the breadwinners after all-- And look at you here - sitting around thinking about nothing- Thereā€™s things to do- And you still need to go to Nancyā€™s to pick up the bake stones- You should have made them yourself- You know how Jerry likes them freshly baked- But- thereā€™s just so much happening itā€™s hard to keep up with it all and now our Sheila in the hospital- How she managed to fall on the ice- Iā€™ll never know- I need to take her some flowers later- Visiting hours- what time are they again- I think itā€™s between 12 and two- Iā€™ll need to check- She had a lovely bunch at her table yesterday- The scouts got them for her- Gorgeous they were- pink and red carnations- Maybe I should just take her a magazine- Right come on old girl- The pastry isnā€™t going to roll itself-


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