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A White Mountains Mystery: The Cabin- Chapter 8

Made for Judey Kalchik's Birthday Mystery Challenge- The Final Chapter

By Shauna MullenPublished 8 months ago 6 min read
Top Story - November 2023

This is the final chapter of this story. Before reading, make sure you are all caught up with the other chapters from these fantastic writers!

Chapter 1: Ian Read

Chapter 2: Doc Sherwood

Chapter 3: Ashley Lima

Chapter 4: Matthew Fromm

Chapter 5: ThatWriterWoman

Chapter 6: Kenny Penn

Chapter 7: Amanda Starks

Chapter 8:

Megan's eyes widened as Sarah, with a feral growl, broke free from her chains. The transformation was complete, and before her stood a creature that bore Sarah's form but exuded an otherworldly aura. The air around her shimmered with an unnatural energy, and her eyes glowed an ominous shade.

Danny stepped back, his face a mix of horror and disbelief.

"What... what did you do to her?"

The mysterious figure in the shadows chuckled;

"I simply awakened what was already within her. The experiment was designed to bring forth the dormant power, and she was the perfect vessel."

Megan, paralyzed by fear, watched as the transformed Sarah lunged at Danny. The garotte wire fell from his trembling hands as he attempted to defend himself against the onslaught. The cave echoed with the sounds of a struggle, and Megan could hardly comprehend the nightmare unfolding before her.

As the mayhem unfolded, Megan's survival instincts kicked in. She scanned the cave for an exit, her eyes darting between the shadows and the lifeless bodies strewn across the floor. The cave seemed to stretch endlessly, and the overgrown vegetation made it difficult to discern the way out.

With every passing moment, the monstrous Sarah seemed to gain strength and ferocity. The cavern walls shook with the intensity of the confrontation. Megan realized that her only chance was to escape while the attention was focused elsewhere.

Carefully, she crawled away from the fray, doing her best to remain unnoticed. The cave's entrance loomed ahead, promising a potential escape from this nightmarish scene. However, just as Megan reached the mouth of the cave, a chilling voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Leaving so soon, Megan?"

She turned to see the mysterious figure emerging from the shadows. Their face remained obscured, hidden by the dim light of the cave. Fear clenched at Megan's heart as she realized there was no easy way out.

"You were always an unexpected variable," the figure mused.

"But your destiny is intertwined with theirs now. You can't escape what's been set in motion."

Megan's mind raced, searching for a way to confront the situation. She couldn't fight the supernatural force that had taken over Sarah, and the figure in front of her seemed to possess an otherworldly power of its own.

"You're part of this twisted experiment," the figure continued. "A pawn in a game that began long before any of you arrived here."

A terrified Megan mustered her courage.

"What do you want from us?"

The figure stepped closer, and Megan could feel an oppressive energy emanating from them.

"It's not about what I want. It's about what's already in motion. The experiment was meant to unlock the latent abilities within certain individuals. Your friend was the key, and now that the seal is broken, the consequences are unfolding."

As Megan processed the cryptic words, the sounds of the struggle behind her intensified. She had to make a choice – confront the mysterious figure or attempt to escape through the cave entrance. The fate of her friends and the unravelling mysteries of the experiment hung in the balance.

Megan's mind raced, torn between the impending danger and the cryptic revelations. With a deep breath, she steeled herself and faced the mysterious figure.

"What do you mean consequences?" she demanded, her voice wavering but determined.

The figure grinned, a malicious glint in their eyes.

"You see, the experiment was never just about unlocking latent abilities. It was about finding the perfect vessel for a power beyond comprehension. Your friend, Sarah, was a key, but not the only one."

Megan's eyes widened in realization. "There are others?"

The figure nodded, and as they did, the cavern seemed to shift. Shadows danced around them, and Megan felt a strange energy enveloping her.

"You were never meant to escape," the figure said, their voice echoing through the cave. "The experiment requires sacrifices, and the power it unleashes feeds on the choices made within its twisted design."

Suddenly, Megan understood the true extent of the experiment. It wasn't just about Sarah or her friends—it was a web that entangled them all. The consequences were unavoidable, and the experiment demanded its toll.

As the monstrous Sarah's roars echoed through the cave, the figure raised their hand, and Megan felt a surge of energy coursing through her. In that moment of dread, she realized that she, too, was a vessel for something beyond her understanding.

The cave seemed to collapse in on itself, reality bending and warping. Megan's surroundings blurred, and the last thing she heard before everything went dark was the figure's chilling laughter.

When Megan opened her eyes, she was no longer in the cave. A burning light pierced into her skull, grey spots appearing in her blurry vision. She rubs her eyes and could make out a figure standing at the end of her bed. Her heart drops to her stomach, as she focuses more, she doesn’t recognise her surroundings but something about the figure looming over her feels familiar. As her vision starts to come into focus, she can see that it’s a nurse, her expression looks caring but you can see the judgement behind the fake smile that is plastered onto her face.

“Hello, can you tell me your name?”

“Do you know where you are?”

The soft voice something Megan finds comfort in. She is shouting the replies in her head but nothing comes out.

“There are some people who would like to speak to you”

The anxiety begins to grow the pit in her stomach as if it is never ending.

The nurse leaves the room.

Suddenly, a voice she recognises rolls around in her head.


“Why did you do this to us?”


“You just leave your friends behind?”


“I can’t believe you”


“We trusted you.”


“How can you live with yourself?”


“You deserve what’s coming for you”

The voices are so loud, Megan is sobbing, tears gushing down her face. In unison, the voices of her friends scream;



A whimper echoed from the other side of the room, freezing Megan in her tracks. Her eyes darted towards the shadowy corner, but all that met her gaze were the sterile, padded white walls enclosing her.

“You want to join your friends, right?” The sinister whisper slithered through the air, crawling through into her ears.

Her attention shifted to the bedside table, presenting a glass of water. Megan's hand seemed to have a will of its own, reaching towards the glass, she struggled against an unseen force taking control. The glass trembled in her grasp as it was raised high above her head.


The room now bore the chaos of shattered glass on the floor. Megan, barefoot and leaving a trail of bloody footprints, moved forward with a haunting determination. Her hand extended again, this time towards the floor, aiming for the largest shard glistening on the cold, freshly mopped tiles.

Megan realized she was no longer in control, a mere passenger in her own body. The shard hovered dangerously close to her neck. In the silence that followed, a chilling question hung in the air—was this the fate she had resigned herself to, or did she believe she deserved it?

As the moment hung in suspense, the door swung open, and a nurse's horrified scream shattered the eerie calm.


The nurse lunged towards Megan, a desperate attempt to thwart the impending tragedy. But it was too late. The glass had pierced through flesh, and blood spilled onto the floor.

Megan crumpled to the ground.

Amidst the chaos, the radio crackled with static for a split second, only to morph into a mysterious channel. A single song playing on repeat.


About the Creator

Shauna Mullen

I like to write about true crime and do small investigations. I also write fiction sometimes

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  2. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  3. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (11)

  • Ian Read8 months ago

    This was a spectacular finish to this story. Wow, how this has grown! Congrats on TS, it is incredibly well deserved!

  • Sherry Lipari 8 months ago

    I honestly don't read horror type stories, but the shared work challenge intrigued me. Not only intrigued me but held my attention all the way through. I wasn't sure how chapter 4 was going to come to life after chapter 5 & 6 were added... Well done to all the contributing authors for building suspense & in bringing it full circle in 7 & 8. 👌

  • Babs Iverson8 months ago

    Fabulous finish!!!! Congratulations onTop Story too!!!💕❤️❤️

  • Lamar Wiggins8 months ago

    Annnd! Roll credits… The song choice was very fitting for the tragic ending. It completed the experience of this entire story! I’m in complete awe! Thank you and all the participants for crafting the first collab I’ve ever read. 👏👏👏😍

  • Judey Kalchik 8 months ago

    Congratulations on Top Story!

  • Doc Sherwood8 months ago

    What a fantastic, unexpected ending! The shift of focus to Megan is really accomplished, and under your pen she shines, reminding the reader of all the strength she's discovered in this arc and how far she's evolved as a character. The hospital imagery meanwhile is brilliantly surreal, a kind of Kubrick touch to give us the very last kind of conclusion we were prepared for (while it makes perfect sense too, in the context of that mysterious experiment subplot). Shades of Akira as well, especially that really horrid and nasty broken glass, the very thought of which made me shudder! As for the Inkspots...! Just, one massive wow to that. I love them and I love that particular song, which happens to be one my dad used to sing! You can perhaps imagine then just what an experience it was for me to read your ending. Randy below has already acknowledged The Shining, but for sheer shock and suddenness I'd just like to mention Blair Witch too. So condolences to Ian on his entire cast, but my guess would be he predicted few if any were going to survive the rest of us!

  • With the ending song playing on the radio, this brings back thoughts of "The Shining". Outstanding!

  • Kenny Penn8 months ago

    Ah, everyone dies! Haha I love when writers give us an unexpected twist!

  • Test8 months ago

    Fantastic ending tying in with what happened previously so well, brilliantly done! 🤍

  • Lol, I loved that everyone died! So satisfying! I had so much fun reading this! Now this is what I call a grand finale!

  • Judey Kalchik 8 months ago

    What a skillful and mesmerizing conclusion to this collaborative fiction story! You maintained the same tension throughout the story, and managed to give both answers and questions while providing the conclusion. Thank you for such a great piece and for participating!

Shauna MullenWritten by Shauna Mullen

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