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A Twisted Deception

A young woman fears that the people closest to her may not be what they seem to be

By Clyde E. DawkinsPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 18 min read

"Marisol Fuentes, will you marry me?"

Those six words coming from Isabel Cruz, Marisol's girlfriend, were what Marisol had dreamed of hearing ever since she was a little girl. Marisol and Isabel had been dating for nearly a year, having met during their freshman year in college and hitting it off instantly. They never really discussed marriage during their time as a couple, so Marisol was stunned by Isabel's proposal, though she was very elated over the thought of spending the rest of her life with someone she loved dearly.

"Mari," Isabel said, noticing her girlfriend's long silence, "I'm kinda gonna need an answer."

"Of course, yes!" exclaimed Marisol, who hugged and kissed her fiancée. Isabel was equally as elated, as this was her first relationship, and she felt that Marisol was truly "the one." "I love you so much, Mari," said Isabel. "I can't wait to introduce you to my mom."

Isabel's statement stopped Marisol in her tracks, as her own mother hadn't known about her relationship with Isabel. "Mari," said Isabel. "What's wrong?"

"My mom doesn't know about us," replied Marisol.

"She doesn't?" asked a surprised Isabel. "Wait, does she know you're...?"

"Oh yes." Marisol interrupted. "I came out as bi when I was 16, and my mom is definitely supportive. The thing mom can be quite intimidating. She's a big-time prosecutor; she kinda brings that home with her.

"Betcha I can charm her," laughed Isabel.

"I'm serious, babe," said Marisol.

"So am I!" said Isabel. "I want to meet your mom. I really think we'd hit it off." Isabel's confidence and optimism were one of the many things that Marisol loved about her, and after showing trepidation and doubt, Marisol agreed to Isabel's suggestion. She made good on her promise on the following day, with Marisol and Isabel's appearance being part of a surprise visit by the former, as she had been living with Isabel throughout their time in college. Marisol and Isabel entered the house, as the former still had a key, leading to this response:

"Who's there?"

"Mom?" shouted Marisol. "It's Mari!" Marisol was later greeted by her mother, Laila Fuentes, who was dressed to the nines in business attire, as she was on her way out for another day of performing her duties as a prosecutor. Nevertheless, she happily hugged her daughter, while expressing her shock over Marisol's surprise visit. "Honey," Laila said sweetly, "I'm so happy to see you! I don't hear from you much anymore."

"I know, and I'm sorry, Mom," said Marisol. "I wish so badly that I had the time, but you know I would never be too busy to contact you."

"I should hope not," said Laila, who then turned her attention to Isabel. "And I see you have a girlfriend! Care to introduce her?"

"Isabel Cruz," said Marisol, "this is my mother, the one and only Laila Fuentes. Isabel and I have been together for a year, isn't that right, sweetie?"

"Well, it'll be a year in about two weeks," said Isabel, who extended her hand to Laila. "It's nice to finally meet you, Mrs. Fuentes. Mari's told me all about you; you're just amazing." Laila shook Isabel's hand, though the smile she gave appeared to be forced, giving an indication that she wasn't really pleased with the news of this relationship. Despite this, Laila acted cordial towards Isabel and masked her disdain, which appeared to be noticed by Marisol. "Mom?" she asked. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, dear," replied Laila. "I just wish you could have told me about your girlfriend, I could have prepared more of a welcome for you guys. I'm sorry."

"No, I'm sorry," said Marisol. "And actually, she's my fiancée." Both Marisol and Isabel showed their engagement rings to Laila, who later responded with shock and unleashed her true feelings about this development. "Engaged?!" exclaimed Laila. "But you barely know her!"

"Mom, we've been together for a year," said Marisol.

"That's not enough!" shouted Laila. "Besides, I don't think she's right for you." Laila's biting words shocked Isabel, though Marisol was completely angry. "I can't believe you right now," said Marisol. "Why are you acting like this? Why can't you be happy for us?"

"I am your mother, and I know what's best for you," was all Laila said before she left the house on her way to her job. Isabel was still processing the outburst of her future mother-in-law, while Marisol was still seething over the argument. "I'm sorry, babe," said Isabel. "I feel like I came between you and your mom."

"You have nothing to apologize for," replied Marisol. "I've told you before; ever since my dad passed away, it's been difficult between us. But what she doesn't get is she's not the only one hurting; I was just a kid when I lost my dad." Isabel hugged Marisol in response, consoling her fiancée as she relived the worst day in her young life.

A couple of days passed since, and Isabel was at a gym working out, still thinking about her introduction to Laila. She was doing so with her trainer, Rosa, who noticed that Isabel was working out with such intensity. "Wow!" Rosa exclaimed. "What a terrific session! I've never seen such fire from you!"

"Thanks," replied Isabel. "I'm just dealing with something right now." Rosa didn't really pay attention to Isabel's statement, as she appeared to have a very amorous expression towards Isabel. "All I know," she said as she stroked Isabel's hair, "is that you looked so good during that workout. Yet here I am trying to hold back what I'm feeling, but right now, I just can't." Rosa attempted to kiss Isabel, who stopped her in her tracks.

"What are you doing?" asked Isabel. "I'm engaged, Rosa, you know that."

"She doesn't have to know," Rosa said as she continued her seduction, only for Isabel to back away. All the while, both women were being photographed from a distance, and as for Marisol, she was on her laptop searching for the best way to plan her upcoming wedding, when she received a notification on her phone. Marisol went to her social media page, and that's when she saw photos of Isabel and Rosa in an apparent embrace at the gym, shocking Marisol immensely.

Isabel returned home to an upset Marisol, who wanted answers from her fiancée. "What's this?" Marisol asked Isabel, who was stunned to see that photos of herself and Rosa were on social media. "It's not what it looks like, Mari." said Isabel. "Rosa had her hands on me and I brushed her off. And anyway, how did that end up on social media?"

"Not the issue, Izzy," Marisol said sternly.

"Look," said Isabel, "I am telling you the truth, Rosa tried to come on to me and I backed off, I told her I'm engaged. Please believe me, you know I would never cheat on you, but somebody's trying to make it look like I am." Marisol stood silently as she processed Isabel's statements, which was followed by Isabel saying, "I love you, Mari. You're the only one for me, and I want to marry you." It was right after Isabel's proclamation that Marisol's phone rang, with Marisol seeing that it was her mother.

"We'll finish this later," Marisol said to Isabel as she left to take her call. The call led Marisol to head to Laila's house, and it was there that Laila showed her daughter the very same photos of Isabel and Rosa. "Well, Mari?" asked Laila. "Do you still think she's right for you?"

"I already saw them, Mom," said Marisol, "and Izzy explained everything."

"I'll bet she did," Laila retorted. "Let me guess. 'It's not what you think,' right? And you believe her?" Marisol nodded in response, much to Laila's disappointment. "Mari, honey, she's cheating on you!" she continued, right before she muttered, "She's just like her mother." Marisol caught her mother's comment, which drew her immense attention.

"What was that?" Marisol asked Laila, who said nothing in response, frustrating Marisol greatly. "Mom, please! Just tell me!" Laila gave a deep sigh before finally responding to her daughter. "When you brought Isabel here," she began, "you asked me why I reacted the way I did, and I couldn't tell you because I didn't know how you'd react. It was that name: Isabel Cruz."

"What about it?" asked Marisol.

"Her mother is Paula Cruz," said Laila. "Paula is the woman...who killed your father." Marisol's jaw dropped over her mother's statement, but also due to the fact that this was a secret that had been hidden from Marisol for a decade, as she had never known the details of her father's death. "No...that can't be true," a shaken Marisol said to her mother.

"It is, Mari," replied Laila. "Paula knew your father, and she claimed that she was in love with him, but she was obsessed with him. She tried to force him to leave us, but your father refused, and then one day, she murdered him." As Marisol continued displaying her shock, Laila continued her story. "The firm wanted me away from this because I was too close, but I insisted on prosecuting Paula, I just had to get justice for your father, my beloved husband, and I did just that."

"Why didn't you tell me this?" asked Marisol.

"How could I?!" replied Laila. "You were only 10 years old when your father was killed! My main concern was you, Mari; it always has been." After her revelation, Laila gave a tearful hug to Marisol, while expressing relief that a ten-year weight was off her shoulders. "I know you're worried about me," said Marisol, "but you have nothing to worry about. Izzy's different, she's not like her mom." However, both Laila and Marisol heard a chime from the former's laptop, and both of them were shocked at what they had seen: an online video of Isabel and Rosa making out in the former's living room.

Marisol felt betrayed and tricked; she had seen video evidence that Isabel was cheating on her, and was angered to the point where she considered breaking off her engagement to Isabel. She was calmed down by Laila, after which Marisol went to her old bedroom to think things over; all the while, a breaking news story suddenly flashed: Paula Cruz had escaped from prison. The following day saw Marisol confront her fiancée regarding what she had witnessed online.

"How could you?!" shouted Marisol. "You lied to me! You swore to me that nothing was going on between you and Rosa!" At the time, Isobel had woken up and wasn't feeling like herself, feeling exhausted and tad groggy, as if she was getting over a bad hangover. "What are you talking about?" asked Isobel.

"As if you don't know!" exclaimed Marisol. "I saw the video of you and her kissing! Don't deny it!"

"What?!" shouted Isabel. "Look, yes, Rosa did come over last night to apologize for the incident. We talked, had drinks, but that's all I remember. I don't recall anything else that happened!"

"You expect me to believe that?" asked Marisol. "Especially since I know you've been lying to me about your mother!" Isabel stood silently following Marisol's exclamation. "What do you know about my mom?" asked Isabel.

"I should be asking you that!" said Marisol. "After all, she killed my father!" Before Isabel could speak, Marisol walked out and away from her, leaving Isabel heartbroken, but also confused, as she was still trying to piece together what had taken place involving Rosa.

One Night Earlier

Isabel heard a knock at the door and was surprised to see Rosa through the peephole. Despite her uncomfortable encounter, Isabel answered the door. "What do you want, Rosa?" she asked.

"Look, Isabel," said Rosa, "I know I'm the last person you want to see right now. But I'm here to apologize, I don't know what came over me. I guess...I just wasn't thinking." During her apology, Rosa presented a bottle of champagne as her own peace offering. "I also realized that I didn't take the time to congratulate you on your engagement." she continued. "So how about we celebrate right now, as friends?"

"Come on in," Isabel said, after which Rosa entered and offered to pour the glasses herself. Rosa entered the kitchen, opened the champagne bottle, and poured a pair of glasses; but unbeknownst to Isabel, Rosa had an additional ingredient just for her: in the form of a powdered drug, which she poured in Isabel's intended glass before giving it to her. "A toast," Rosa began, "to you and your future wife."

"I'll drink to that," Isabel replied as both ladies drank from their glasses. Rosa later watched as Isabel began to slip out of consciousness, feeling the effects of the laced drink. "Isabel?" asked Rosa, who received no answer. "Perfect." The sinister Rosa then placed her phone nearby and pressed "record," which was followed by Rosa cuddling up to Isabel and appearing to make out with her incapacitated victim before posting the video online. Following this, Rosa placed a call and gave the following message:

"It's done."

Present Day

That evening, Rosa was leaving the gym when a car drove up in front of her. Appearing to recognize the vehicle, Rosa entered, as it was part of an arranged meeting with her co-conspirator and mastermind behind the set-up against Isabel: none other than Laila herself. The pair drove off to an isolated area, and after parking, Laila took out an envelope and handed it to Rosa.

"Your pay, as promised," said Laila. "Everything worked out perfectly. Mari is sure to end things with Isabel now."

"You really are going all out to destroy this relationship," Rosa said with a smirk.

"All I am doing is trying to protect my daughter," Laila said sternly while Rosa counted her money, and suddenly became dissatisfied. "That's it?!" exclaimed Rosa.

"What are you talking about?" asked Laila.

"This is what you call a 'handsome payday'?" asked Rosa. "After all I've done? I did all of the work at my gym with Isabel, while all you did was took the photos, and I set up that video on my own, too!"

"I would really watch my tone if I were you," Laila said ominously.

"Or what?" laughed Rosa. "You know, you seem to have plans other than just breaking up your daughter's relationship. Maybe I should ask Marisol...unless you want to, oh I don't know, double my pay."

"OK, fine, you win," Laila said. "I'll arrange it in the morning." Rosa gave a contented smile in response. "One more thing, Rosa," Laila added, "you should be careful out there."

"Why?" asked Rosa.

"Haven't you heard?" asked Laila, who pulled out a knife from her purse and suddenly stabbed Rosa. "A killer is on the loose." The maniacal villainess plunged the knife into Rosa a second time before tossing her body out of the car, which was followed by Laila giving an intensely evil gaze at the knife, now covered with Rosa's blood, before cleaning her weapon and driving off.

The following afternoon saw Marisol at a nearby café, where she heard about Rosa's murder on television. A somewhat apprehensive Marisol left after hearing the report, but while she was walking, she heard a very familiar voice close by.


Marisol turned to see Isabel driving near her, though Marisol still hadn't forgiven Isabel for their recent spat. "I have nothing to say to you, Izzy," said Marisol.

"Please, Mari," said Isabel. "I just want to talk. Just give me a few minutes of your time, that's all I ask. Please, babe." Marisol was reluctant, but she still saw Isabel as the woman she had grown to know and love for so long, and that factor led to Marisol entering Isabel's car and riding with her. "Thank you so much, Mari."

"This doesn't change anything," replied Marisol.

"I was telling you the truth earlier," said Isabel. "Rosa came over that night, claimed that she was sorry, and then we had a drink to celebrate my engagement to you. One drink. All of a sudden, I blacked out. I think she drugged me, Mari."

"Drugged?" asked Marisol.

"That has to be it," said Isabel. "I was still feeling out of it when we argued, but I swear, Mari, I'm telling you the truth. I would never do anything to hurt you; you're the best thing that's happened to me." Isabel was close to tears during her proclamation, while Marisol found herself not knowing what to believe, but despite this, she was certain that Isabel's statements regarding Rosa were true. "I believe you, Izzy," Marisol said lovingly. "But there's still another thing we need to talk about: your mother."

"That's why I wanted to talk to you in the first place," Isabel said as they arrived at their shared home. As the couple entered, Marisol became shocked and stunned as she saw someone she wasn't expecting to see: Paula Cruz, Isabel's mother.

"What is she doing here?!" exclaimed Marisol.

"I should be asking that," Paula said as she gave a stern look to Isabel. "Izzy, why did you bring her here? You're putting her in danger!"

"That's one thing we agree on," Marisol said angrily. "Because you are in my home! You killed my father!"

"She didn't!" exclaimed Isabel. "She didn't do it, Mari."

"You have got to be kidding me right now!" shouted Marisol.

"Please, Mari," said Isabel. "I brought you here to reveal the entire truth, and here it is. My mom is all I have; my dad ran out on us when I was just a few months old, and my mom raised me on her own for her entire life, and then, when I was 10, my mom gets arrested...for murder, and in all that time, I refused to believe that she could do this. So about two years ago, I finally gained the courage to visit my mother. I have ever since, and every time she tells me she's innocent." As Isabel spoke, she took Marisol's hand and held it fondly. "I looked into her eyes every time," Isabel continued, "and I always believe her. And I'm asking you to believe me."

"Izzy," said Marisol, "did she tell you that she had this crazed obsession with my father, and that she became angry and vengeful when he turned her down?"

"Is that what your mother told you?" asked Paula. "Because if she did tell you that, she's lying."

"What the hell do you know about my mother?" asked Marisol. "Or about me, for that matter?!" Paula looked longingly at both young women, and then gave a moderate sigh before finally telling her side of the story. "I wasn't just some obsessed woman," said Paula. "The truth is...your father and I were together. Luis and I had known each other a long time ago and drifted apart, but when we saw each other again, something clicked between us. I knew it was wrong, I knew he was married and had a daughter. We both knew it was wrong, but we just...fell in love."

Marisol wanted to respond, but couldn't, not only due to the shock of Paula's admission, but also due to her realization that she could be telling the truth. "Yes, Marisol," Paula continued, "I do know about you and I am telling the truth. It's your mother who can't be trusted. About a few days before he died, Luis told me that he told the truth about us to Laila, and he warned me about her. He said that she was always controlling and she was becoming unhinged and unstable after his admission. He was going to leave her, and then..." Paula started to break down, as she couldn't bear to relive that night, when Luis was killed.

"Go on, Mom," said Isabel.

"That night...I was attacked," Paula said, "and I suddenly woke up and saw Luis...dead, and a gun was in my hand. I barely got a look at the attacker before I was knocked out, I think he had on a mask."

"Or is it 'she'?" asked Isabel.

"But I swear, Marisol," continued Paula, "I didn't kill your father. And regarding what I know about you, I can just look at you and see that you're nothing like your mother, and I'm so happy that you're in my daughter's life." At that moment, both Paula and Isabel noticed Marisol taking out her phone. "What are you doing, Mari?" asked Isabel."

"Calling my mom," answered Marisol. "She owes me some answers. Now." After dialing, Marisol, Paula, and Isabel all heard a ringtone getting louder and louder from close by, and it was at that moment that Laila entered the house, with a gun pointed as both Paula and Isabel.

"Get away from them, Mari!" Laila shouted as she held Marisol close to her, before turning her attention to Paula. "You! You have some nerve being this close to my daughter, after you killed her father--my husband! You should be in jail where you belong!"

"I don't think so," replied Paula. "Especially since now that I'm seeing you with that gun, I truly think that you killed Luis, clearly due to the fact that he was going to leave you!"

"Don't listen to her, Mari, she's lying!" Laila snarled, though Marisol broke free from her mother's grip and gave a look of emotional exasperation. "Mom!" shouted Marisol. "Enough! I've had enough of you lying to me! What I want from you is the truth!" Laila gave an expression of shock over her daughter's words to her, but that soon went away, as she began to give a sinister laugh in response to Marisol's statements.

"Oh, Mari," cackled Laila. "You really want the truth? Here it is! Your father was nothing more than a pathetic cheater who was foolish enough to think that he could leave me! I knew all along that he was seeing Paula--I just waited for him to say it. And not only does he rub it in my face, he had the nerve to say I was crazy and that he would take my own daughter away from me!" As Laila's evil smile widened, Marisol looked at her mother in horror, while Paula stared proverbial daggers at Laila.

"You bitch," Paula said angrily. "I always knew it was you who killed Luis,"

"It was so easy," the evil Laila commented, "So was framing you and putting you away. The only regret I have, Paula...was letting you live."

"How could you?!" Marisol shrieked. "You killed Dad! And you tried to sabotage my relationship with Izzy! Did you kill Rosa, too?"

"I had no choice!" exclaimed Laila. "She threatened to expose everything! I did everything for you! I wasn't going to lose you to my husband, and I'm certainly not going to lose you to a woman who is a carbon copy of her mother!" Laila cocked her gun and was set on killing not only Paula, but Isabel as well, with even the sounds of police sirens increasing her confidence. "Perfect!" the villainess said with her arrogant swagger. "The police are on their way, and they're about to put you back behind bars!"

Officers entered the house, but they took Laila and handcuffed her, much the deranged madwoman's shock. "Wait, what are you doing?!" Laila shrieked before pointing at Paula. "Arrest her! She's the escaped convict!" At that moment, Isabel took out her phone and revealed that she had called police the second after Laila's arrival, and had recorded Laila's confession to two murders, after which Isabel hugged Paula and Marisol as Laila was taken into custody.

Six Months Later

Marisol was finally set to marry Isabel, as the couple opted to wait until after Laila's trial (which resulted in a conviction). A day before the planned wedding, Marisol visited Laila in prison, informing her villainous mother about her upcoming wedding, with Laila still voicing her objections.

"Mari, honey, please don't do this," begged Laila. "Can't you see that Isabel and her mother have turned you against me?"

"No, Mom," replied Marisol. "You did that all on your own. You lied to me for 10 years. You brought this all on yourself." Just as Marisol was about to hang up the phone and leave, Laila said the following:

"Everything I was all for you."

The wedding took place on the following day, with Marisol and Isabel saying their "I do"s before locking lips to celebrate their union. Among the guests was the fully exonerated Paula, who hugged her daughter, as well as her new daughter-in-law in a tearful embrace. "My biggest fear," said Paula, "was that I would miss seeing you get married. Thankfully, I received that chance and I am happy that you two are together!"

"I love you, Mom," said Isabel.

"I love you too, Izzy," said Paula, who later turned to Marisol. "And Marisol, thank you so much for being in Isabel's life. You've made both of us so happy, and I just want to welcome you to our family!"

"Thank you so much, Paula," said Marisol, who was elated to not only be married to the love of her life, but to have a new mother figure as well.

Thank you for reading this all the way through! If you like this story, feel free to respond on my Twitter and Facebook pages, and if you really love this story, feel free to leave a tip (if you want)!


About the Creator

Clyde E. Dawkins

I am an avid fan of sports and wrestling, and I've been a fan of female villains since the age of eight. Also into film and TV, especially Simpsons and Family Guy.

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Comments (4)

  • HandsomelouiiThePoet (Lonzo ward)about a year ago

    Great story❤️😉

  • Babs Iversonabout a year ago

    Outstanding!!! Left a heart!!!

  • Mariann Carrollabout a year ago

    Well done, you did an amazing job on this story. It was like watching it on tv. Bravo 💗Nice storyline as well 🥰Love the ending as well 👏🎉

  • Loved this story!

Clyde E. DawkinsWritten by Clyde E. Dawkins

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