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A Tale of Love and Loss in Shanghai

Ephemeral Crimson

By Franz·CabotPublished 4 days ago 4 min read

Seven years ago, under the gauzy veil of a Shanghai dusk, a man encountered her for the first time beside a narrow alleyway. She was a vendor of floral crimson fruits, which he knew as hawthorns in his native North. Unacquainted with the South's milder climes, he had never imagined such delights flourished here. Newly arrived in the city, loneliness clung to him like the damp mist of the evening drizzle. On that particular eve, her cart brimmed with the vivid hues of ripened fruit, a striking contrast against the muted palette of the rainy twilight. The fragrance of freshly picked hawthorns wafted gently, their allure heightened by her presence—one hand steadying the cart, the other holding an oilskin umbrella. Her posture, poised amidst the pattering rain, struck him as a solitary watercolor, poignant and arresting.

Approaching, he requested several of the fruits, surprising her with the boldness of his Northern accent as he purchased a generous five pounds. Their gazes met, a silent exchange of curiosity and warmth. She remained reticent, her smile a delicate composition of lips and teeth framed by the umbrella's shelter. It was then that he realized the depth of his attraction, a sudden infatuation sparked by a fleeting encounter and a transaction of hawthorns. He chided himself for such folly, yet the thought of her careful selection stirred a yearning within him. Her eyes, like placid lakes, averted his ardent stare, but in the fading light, he discerned a faint blush tinting her cheeks.

With a grateful nod, he turned away, only to hear her soft voice calling after him: "Here, we call them huahong." Her dialect, a gentle lilt reminiscent of the sweet osmanthus in the August air of the South, filled him with a sense of wonder. In that moment, he envisioned a lifetime of bliss with such a woman. Years later, he would forget the intensity of that desire, unaware that it had once burned so fiercely within him.

From that day forth, his thoughts were consumed by the prospect of this beautiful liaison, oblivious to the differences that lay between them. Was not love driven by motive? Alone in a foreign land, struggling and isolated, the affection of a woman offered solace, a warmth he craved above all else. He failed to consider that change was inevitable—success, companionship, better days ahead. But in the throes of passion, who ponders such nuances? He overlooked the fact that she was a simple, yet intelligent country girl.

Their ensuing story unfolded thus: within six months, they wed. Post-nuptials, she ceased peddling huahong, content to be supported by him. He ventured out into the world while she maintained the hearth, a docile pillar amidst the mundane realities of life. Despite her rural roots, she bore the burden of household chores without complaint, finding joy in preparing meals for her husband.

However, as his business prospered and social circles expanded, late nights and absenteeism became routine. Revelries were commonplace, yet she voiced no objections, tending to him dutifully upon his return, until he drifted off to sleep, leaving her to confront her own loneliness. Memories of their initial meeting on that drizzly evening resurfaced, his youthful vigor and grace captivating her heart.

Despite momentary pangs of melancholy, she continued her daily rituals, pouring her devotion into every act. Yet, what could she do? The reasons for loving and ceasing to love are equally effortless to find. Inevitably, the end came—a divorce finalized five years after their fateful encounter, conducted with minimal drama. Financially, he ensured her comfort; she requested merely enough to establish a fruit shop. As she watched him depart without a backward glance, tears streamed down her face, mirroring the trajectory of their relationship—beginning and ending with absence.

Shanghai's glamour seduced its inhabitants, rendering sorrow and joy ephemeral. Before long, their separation became but a nostalgic footnote in his life, overshadowed by career pursuits and romantic escapades. Though residing in the same metropolis, they lost touch entirely, swallowed by its vastness. He learned of her modest fruit store on Caobao Road, yet fate kept them apart, his whirlwind lifestyle preventing any chance crossing.

Two years hence, on a rainy night, nostalgia prompted him to seek her out. Navigating the streets of Caobao Road, raindrops drumming on his windshield created an impressionistic blur of neon lights and pedestrians. Recalling their inaugural meeting amidst similar conditions, weariness from countless liaisons awakened a dormant tenderness towards her. This unexpected warmth rekindled a smoldering ember of affection, startling in its intensity.

Finally locating her establishment near the end of Caobao Road, he observed her through the misty rain, closing up for the night under a pale green parasol, exuding the same quiet solitude as before. Absorbed in her tasks, she seemed unaware of his gaze. Inside her shop, an array of colorful produce glistened in artful arrangements, save for the absence of the vibrant huahong that once symbolized their connection. Just as those fruits belonged to a bygone season, so too did their love reside solely in memory.

He watched as a robust yet amiable man joined her, assisting with the nightly routine of moving goods indoors. Closing time approached, and despite the urge to reconnect, he chose to remain unseen. Reconciliation held no place here, given the passage of time and shifting affections. Hearts, like landscapes, transform with circumstance; hers had found another harbor.

This reunion, witnessed from afar, served as a reminder of life's transient nature—loves ignited and extinguished, dreams fulfilled and abandoned. Amidst the ever-changing panorama of existence, perhaps the truest testament to life lies within the fleeting moments of connection and disconnection, the ebb and flow of hearts entwined and set adrift.


About the Creator


Just a naive and sentimental individual, resemblinga drifting boat~

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    Franz·CabotWritten by Franz·Cabot

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