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a small turtle

a bubble of turtle milk smears the interior of a pond

By The ecinmyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
a small turtle
Photo by MOHAMMADREZA Kr on Unsplash

"It is a quiet evening in which two small gatherers of timber and snacks went to a little room to tend to a very small turtle.

"Grab the spoon, quick." says Hinata.

Muic stumble on a pile of textbooks and bowls of sushi to grab a small spoon. "Here you go."

Hinata holds the spoon firmly and scoops a small pup of turtle snack, although it can be wrought to withergreen. He places the snack in a large turtle terrarium, a small glass box that stands on a table in a corner of his little brother Jern's bedroom.

They perch on top and wait as the small turtle stumbles slowly from its nest to its pot of snack.

As a time of autumn wisps in the window, the turtle perches itself on a pot and mumbles in a treat of tiding. Muic returns to the sofa from the entrance of the room and plays with a television set.

"Wonder what kind of shows are on."

Hinata turns and says, "I'm not sure." He leaves the room to fetch a bag of chocolate bars and pop tarts. He tries to scutter quietly as his brothers Jern and New are busy working on a small contraption.

"How goes the innovation?" Hinata asks.

"Going okay, the molecular processes are not quite subpartially intervening as it should and can be, but I think we can get that to be okay in a few hours." New ponders as Jern turns a wheel back in a set.

"It's going great, I think." Jern gives him a glance.

Cool. Hinata walks back to the bedroom and declares, "We shall feast."


Hinata and Muic are mumbling on chocolate bars when Jern comes in in a panic. "Hina! Come quick!"

Muic drops his snack when Hinata scurries along to the kitchen to find the invention in a small flame.

"Messed up?"

"Yeah, I forgot that - uhh - the oxygen tank was not as sealed as I thought. We started the ember prematurely." New describes his report.

"Ah, we're next to the deadline! We won't make it, New." Jern stammers.

"That's okay, we'd have to shift gears a bit if we were to re-make the starter. Maybe we could bypass that by using some matches as its stead."

"Oh maybe." Jern is in a lil disappoint.

Muic stumbles on behind them, holding the turtle in a small pouch.

"Hey, he looks happy." Hinata reaches back and grabs the small pouch.

"Yeah, just wanted him to see what's up."

The two science students begin to rethink and rebuild their project as New listens and holds on to the turtle. Muic opens a fridge of milk and juice and pours a cup of orange juice.


After two drudgery days of tinkering and woodcrafting, the two boys have completed their project. New basks in his undertaking as Jern plays with the switches to ensure that the innovation is working.

As Hinata observes its delivery, the two boys glover over their work as the device begins to heat up the turtle tank.

"Spectacular guys, now the tank shall stay warm even in the winter."

New and Hinata share a bag of biscuits, and in reminisce of a daybrought in breakfast, the boys gather and watch as the turtle stubs in a mud in ferns; an afternoon is spent resting as Jern is in a slumber and New in a daze as he sits drawing on a notebook.

"Don't forget to swap the timer in the chassel once a day." New groans in his tired rest.

Hinata nods as he tinkers on, trying to figure out what to make of his copper metal. With a twist and a swift cut, he works on a small statue for the small statue.

The turtle takes a rest also.


About the Creator

The ecinmy

To the honorary gesture of the westworth village, I do encumber to create the stories of the pastive nature of the grove to which I can further create a surther of mine to village thence.

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The ecinmyWritten by The ecinmy

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