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A girl and her stars

A fiery red headed girl, obsessed with the stars, learns about her zodiac sign when an ivory cloaked man appears from a sun beam into the forest.

By Vanessa R. PowellPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Pixabay Image by: DarkmoonArt_de

Once upon a time there was a girl. A fiery, red headed girl that gazed inquisitively into the stars. The sky was a navy sea of tiny, brightly lit, white & yellow glowing orbs. She wondered if there was more. More to life, to herself, to others and what it all meant.

Every night she would walk to the forest with her bare feet. There was a special tree she loved. It was so high it could almost reach the stars, or so she thought. She was a small tiny thing. A strong wind could knock her over, but she was strong. She over analyzed everything she saw. She often wondered if the tree could hear her thoughts. The leaves crinkled below her feet as she got closer and closer to her snug little spot. So many of the large tree roots were above the ground. Yet they were shaped almost perfect for her body to fit snuggly. As if the roots were a chair made perfectly for her.

Pixabay Image by: Liggraphy

She was over confident. It often got her into trouble. It’s always the small ones you have to watch out for, isn’t it? The small animals that think they are the same size as the larger ones. She didn’t let her over confidence get in the way, though. She was tough. Her dedication to her thoughts and dreams couldn’t be crushed.

As she sat in the chair of roots at the base of the tree, she looked to the stars again like she did every night.

“Oh stars in the sky, you shine so bright, night after night. Who do you shine for?”

There was a small whistle in the wind. She thought it sounded like they said, “You”, she smiled, continued her gaze for a little while longer, and walked back home.

Her home was small, like her. A tiny little cottage nestled deep in the woods. Her cottage was always clean. There wasn’t a speckle of dust in any nooks or crannies. She was a perfectionist that way. She lived alone. She liked it that way. She didn’t think of herself as alone, though. No, she had friendship in nature around her. They were the answers to her thoughts and questions. They helped each other out. She had a garden that was large enough for herself and the animals around her. She loved to grow things for herself and others.

Pixabay Image by: Florian Kurz

During the day, the warm sun would beam inside her window. She had many plants inside. “Here you go”, she said, “have a drink!”. As she watered her plants, she felt love in her heart. She enjoyed tending to her plants. One morning, it was extra bright outside. So bright that she thought something was wrong. She quickly went outside but was almost blinded by the light. She quickly put both arms in front of her face to block out the sun. She tried to keep walking forward to get a better look. She decided to walk deeper into the forest so the trees would block the sun.

Pixabay Image by: Free Photos

“What is happening?” she thought. As she continued to get into the thicker portion of the forest, she was able to finally let her arms down. A beaming light was peaking directly through a branch onto the ground. Just as she started to get closer, the light disappeared and a person appeared. He was wearing a ivory cloak and had a golden staph. He was old and appeared wise. She couldn’t explain it, but it was a feeling that he was wise. He had eyes as blue as the ocean.

He started to speak, but he was so quiet, she had to move closer.

“Child, you are here to do great things. You see the stars, yes?” he asked.

“Well, yes, of course, I come to look at them every night.” she replied.

“You are a Virgo, a sun sign, and earth element, and a helper to all.”

“I’m a...a...what?” Virgo. She had never heard of that before. Who was this person? Was he a wizard? She was really confused what he was saying and where he came from.

“Child, you can create anything you wish, speak with the animals, and dance with the wind. You called upon me when you talked to the stars. As, I am part of the stars. Come with me and I will show you the way.”

She was really interested in what he had to say despite her confusion. She did wonder what her purpose was on this earth. She was fascinated by the stars, the animals, and the forest that surrounded her. She often wondered if there was more to her life and things she could help with....but what? What could she possibly offer?

She decided to go with the mysterious, ivory cloak, star man. She needed to see what her future held. What is a Virgo and what does that have to do with her? be or not to be continued.

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About the Creator

Vanessa R. Powell

I am a portrait photographer, graphic designer, creator extraordinaire, oh and I sell Scentsy. I suppose I am dabbling in writing too 😊 | Based in Evansville, IN | I am 721vanessa Photography |

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Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  2. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

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Comments (1)

  • ThatWriterWoman2 years ago

    Ah, this was written by a kindred spirit. I am so glad I came across this story! What a wonderfully intriguing story of nature and introspection! I especially enjoyed her interactions with her plants and the tree. Well Done V. Powell!

Vanessa R. PowellWritten by Vanessa R. Powell

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