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A Fish Story

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.. John 1:1

By Katherine D. GrahamPublished 3 months ago 6 min read

A cool breeze blew over the lake as the sun rose. Kat was ready to do what she wanted. The day promised to be bright. She was drawn to enjoy her first love, the natural world that had led her to pursue science. She believed individuals are subject to complex voluntary and involuntary experiments that vary according to given variables

Kat went to the salmon run. Her eye caught the shimmer of light on a salmon resting at a plateau. She became immersed in capturing the essence of the fish, swimming against the current, driven to leap up the steps to its birthplace.

Kat identified her thoughts as linear planar events drawn on a piece of light-weight tracing paper, which when cut on the diagonal, horizontally or vertically and placed in water, curl in different ways.

Kat realized that all the years of School, translated from Greek was originally meant leisure, had morphed to describe a group activity of fish, sea mammals or institutions intended to help humanity swim against the current.

At that moment the magic of nature happened. In that one minute , the best minute ever, she became lost in eternity and joined the many archetypal leaders who are pulled by a fish.

The Babylonian Oannes, Manu of the Indian Brahman, Noah, and Job in Christian myth, the bull-headed Quinotaur fish that fathered the Merovingian dynasty, the Dragon head of the fish clan in Chinese myths, a large herring-like fish, ‘the false herring king’ that traverses the sea at the head of a great host described by Sir Francis Bacon and others, were often offered red herrings, but always respected the pull of the fish.

During the early years of the Exponential Climb, patterns of the repeating fractal world were attributed to hallucinations. Now the facts stood on their own merit; physical chemistry follows sacred geometry. The time of feeling separate from the universe was over. The fish is a natural formation created by sacred geometry.

The bladder of the fish, called the seed of life, that forms the flower and fruit of life that makes the Mana, the honey dew ambrosia is formed by the path of overlapping spheres. Mana is the treasure in the Holy Grail of immortality. Mana is the nourishment for the soul that is shared and radiates rings of fire that burn sweetly in the heart and then sears it as it is torn away and leaves its mark. The Hindu Vedanta, suggests that non duality, is the mana force that brings about change and actions that move people because of a lifetime of experiences.

Describing mana in words, derived from a physical utterance through a uvular stop, fricative, nasal, trill or approximate, effectively tap into the chemical machinery that can direct societies. Messages through one utterance can take many forms that vary between and within individuals. Original meanings are translated, revised and are reborn. The same word often holds opposite meanings within and between languages. A noun becomes a verb, adverb or adjective can become polar opposites that release an internal strife.

The ancient pyramidal Egyptian texts described the god Hu, who uttered the first word. For the love of God, or the gods, the words that are exhaled or inhaled hold the undefined potential of Schrödinger’s cat. The child of the god Hu carries the power of Manu, the archetypal man.

Golinda Astrocytes was a Hu man womb-man, a thinking animal who listens to the sacred utterance that holds the elegance, grace, and joy of nature’s memory and hope. She had been placed on a hero’s journey. She was to live up to her name as the woman or fire energy often associated with the G spot that is officially known as the female Skene’s gland, the female prostate gland. Her inner fire was a product of the life force from the universe.

Her purpose was to nourish the soul. Golinda was the feminine jewel of the sacred lotus, that grows from the muck and mire and opens to the light. Golinda, the mistress of the animals, held the secret of the spirit that knew what is felt in the heart reflects conscious intention and ancient intuition.

Golinda had a prepared mind, to accept the physiological and mineral balance of the body. The pineal gland, the Third Eye, activated by the solar force generating light, the lunar force, reflecting light and the autonomous inner light, alters light-controlled genes through epigenetics.

Epigenetics is controlled by predominantly female derived mitochondria of bacterial origin. The essence of the smallest life forms cohabit the body and using quantum computing, at almost the speed of light, release cellular energy and alter the programming of genes.

Epigenetics controls invisible behavioral conditioning cues needed to establish the adaptive timing of learning, recognition, and movement to anticipate the future. The spirit molecule, N,N-Dimethyltryptamine (DMT), is found within Tryptamine, a precursor to serotonin and melatonin. It passes God’s message to and from the pineal gland, the 'seeing' ear using Quorum sensing.

Epigenetics was transforming society. The solar maximum had increased magnetic storms activity. This was mirrored by cyclic phase-locked rhythms in human physiology and pathophysiology. Cognitive processing of synchronous environmental light cues identified, by the Pineal located between the two hemispheres of the cortex, was leading to synchronous predictive premonitions.

Astrocyte cells with dendrites and axons, form a trisynaptic loop network to and from the amygdala, a part of the old brain embedded deep in the limbic system. These cells intercept neural patterns that associate reasoning and decision-making with emotions. Epigenetic messages from the pineal go to the psychic cell of the prefrontal cortex, that is associated with star shaped pyramidal cells of the hippocampus where emotional memories of patterns are encoded.

Truth and logic associated with emotional memories are seen, heard or otherwise perceived, and lead to conditioning. Brainwashing and negative conditioning can form mental blocks because of memories lead to frozen feelings of fear and inadequacies.

The frontal cortex evaluates threats and advantages learned through experience, ancestral or learned memories and controls the fight, flight or fornicate responses of the amygdala. Stimulation of the left amygdala that plays a role in the brain's reward system inducing either pleasant emotions (happiness) or unpleasant fear from threat, causing anxiety and sadness, or the right amygdala is associated with response to animal stimuli, positive picture encoding, and anger.

Golinda was trained to perceive the environment and connect the auricular cavities of 'seeing ear' and heart to the gut.

The liver, and the pineal are considered the seat of life and the soul. They open electrochemical gateways and control hormonal transmission of the spirit molecule that dictates the expressions of love, morality, wisdom, intelligence, pretense, confusion, and loyalty to create social norms that might offer advantages for the self and the group.

Astrocytes stood as a terracotta warrior, who held the spark that twinkles and in a blink of an eye, can give great pleasure.

Her messages were not always in harmonious words or tones of perfect fourths and fifths, they measured the breadth of the devil’s path. The deep resonating echo of the diabolus, the devil’s interval, with a flattened fifth creates the tritone that expresses the feeling of being defeated or defeating a foe. The discordant notes create a tension that awakens long term memories of a chilling fear and acceptance that resolution can become a figment of the imagination.

Mankind wants resolution. They look for order in the universe. Historically, Venus transits the Earth on about June and December each year, yet the orbit of Venus that forms the seed of life that makes the flower of life, was not understood. By the 16th century a French theologian, Ludovico Sinistrari, associated Venus and the horned goddess and virgin mother cults including Astarte, Isis, Freya, Indra, Danu, Io, Diana, and others, with a fearful demon fiery serpent god when a comet appeared and bode of upheaval. Venus, once called Lucifer, respected as the bringer of enlightenment, became a fallen angel changed to portray the demon who is partner to God as society changed. The demon is depicted with the features of the reptilian dragon.

In each new age, old ideas become extinct like the dinosaurs, yet are still part of the integral framework of humanity. Golinda was to tame the dragon and use the dragon’s fire to alight the soul through the devil’s interval then hit the sweet spot that would resonate through the ages.

A chill wind percussed space making the very fields that make matter ring.

Kat awoke from the vision. Only a minute had passed.

Kat watched the salmon shiver, become still, then leap. She followed. They were both performers, vessels driven to live their story. Their audience would follow the pull of their own fish story.

Short Story

About the Creator

Katherine D. Graham

My stories are intended to teach facts, supported by science as we know it. Science often reflects myths. Both can help survival in an ever-changing world.

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    Katherine D. GrahamWritten by Katherine D. Graham

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