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a clumsy sword

an aloof knight is scavenging for gemstones.

By The ecinmyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 6 min read

It's not working. Jhen describes his indiscriminate partner with haste. In just over a few minutes, a pack of loose welk-wolves will breach the wooden gates. Jhen has to fasten the thread around the horse's helm or he may not have a pack of cabbage to bring to his princess.

The horse is anxious and sits in the cobblestone hall, waiting for his rider to helm the ingredients. He neighs loudly.

Don't bicker! stammers Jhen as he tirelessly wraps the thread into a knoose-like loop around his neck.

The thrashing thuds and bangs of the gate's wooden frame stifles the two as the copper hinges creak in a silent evening.

Almost done! Just a bit more. Jhen grabs the end of the thread with his teeth and tightens the loop on the steed's cantle. His scabbard dangles at his waist, holdened by the days of practiced swordery. If it has to come, he may have to clench his sword before the claws of the welk-wolves.


In a swerve of his knife, the lonesome knight garments the horse with a mylar blanket with swift cuts to the knots so that he may re-attach the cords below the horse's abdomen.

The steed neighs a little softer as he gently caresses the knight's shoulders.

"It's okay, bon. We'll get out of here soon enough." Jhen whispers as he finishes the saddle's firming.

As he glances once more at the half-beaten wooden gate, he throws his pack of weinstones on his back and leaps onto his pet.

"Okay, bon, we can begin." In a hurdled dash, the horseman escapes the little throne-room and sprints to an ardled archway in a higher level of the castle. The horse carefully climbs the stairwell in gasps as the knight directs him with his torch. "Should be this way, bon."


In a disposition to holster his sword, the knight gasps with faith as he listens to his wizard's whispers.

In a dark light is a path to an aephim pillar.

The knight lingers on with a hint of courage as the wizard's chanting goes in silence. "Not really what I was wanting to hear.." mutters Jhen. A dark light? Where?

The two skulk around the palace's inner garden in a dazed hopeless saunter. Jhen quietly protrudes his hatchet in a web of palmberries and listens for any sign of nearby welk-wolves. "Hey, bon, you want a quick snack?" The horse neighs nervously.


The mosaic dirt-stone canopy is fervent as the two stagger their way into a desolate field. The horse smiles as he gurbles on the berries. "This may be the way." The knight gestures to his horse.

In a sudden sound, a phiem-fairy soars beyond in a settled well. The knight ganders with a mustered dazzle and glimmers to the fairy's notice.

Hi. The fairy waves at the knight. Would you be interested in a good gemstone?

"Gemstone?" Jhen says.

There is an elina perched in this field, hidden by me! The fairy giggles.

"You hid the stone? Oh, an elina!" the knight heaves.

As she nods, the fairy wiggles her feathers as she sits on a cold stone beneath the baldachin of the well.

"Okay... uhh." The knight gestures for the horse to come. "Stay here with her. I shall fetch the stone."

The horse neighs in approval.


A bushels of cherries and blueberries are wafting in the gentle winds as the knight gathers himself from a sudden fall. He could not notice the dip of the canyon and furnishes his posture.

"At an end of a table... is a nothing but my love." the knight hums in a rift.

"Where thou is her breast? I love her sooo."

Suddenly, he hears a howl in a distance. Jhen jolts in a subtle dread for the fairy and his partner, and so begins to hurl his way to the well. In a clumsy motion, however, he hits his head on the bark of a tall oak tree.

He rubs his side and mutters in a curse. Then, he opens his eyes to witness a beautiful red stone. Woah! This must be the elina which the fairy has mentioned. He gently picks up the stone, but in a thought of danger close by, he collects the stone in a pack and grips his sword.

Light and quick, his sword is a modest solid sabre forged by his uncle. With a quick slash, he can with an inspiration vanquish any threat.

He runs in a soft staggard and eyes the well. "Bon!" He yells for his pet as he readies his sword in front.

A welk-wolf prepares for his aperture as he gazes at the horse behind the stone well. He posits himself beyond the well and hears the fairy behind. Hi! I'm scared.

He nudges his hand to his side in a gesture to sit. "It's okay."

The welk-wolf growls in hesitation and begins to step forward. Jhen holds his ground as he clasps his sword in a swift defense. In a harsh howl, the wolf peaks in violent whirls and attacks. The knight meets its claws and swerves away. The fairy shrieks cutely.

The wolf, in a sunny daze, attacks once more at the knight's stance. Jhen sees the animal's vision and slashes at his arm. In a bout, he dodges the incoming hurl and swerves back a bit. The wolf howls.

Its arm is red. The welk-wolf leaps to attack the knight, thrashing its paws with power. The knight dashes forward in an abrupt motion and stabs the welk-wolve's chest; however, its paws claw at his face and waist. The fairy whimpers.


The welk-wolf, after heaving for a several minutes, lies in a grovel. It's eyes close.

The injured knight stumbles and quickly quivers his sword in case of wandering foes.

It's okay, it is gone. The fairy says to the horse. The horse prances, and the two walk to the knight.

"I will bring you with me, " gestures the knight. "We shall be safe."


The knight steadily rests on top of the horse with the fairy perched on his head. She points at a slender tree. Look! It's a cute tree, hehe.

The horse trudges in sludge in an evening of cool clouds. "We are almost there, bon and sweet." The knight munches on a sweet pastry as the fairy rests in a basket. She blinks and rolls over in a nap.


In a watch tower, a small girl and an archer sit together eating a cherry cake. "Look!" the girl says.

The archer gazes at the knight and his horse walking side by side on a path at a distance from the walls of the tower. "Ah, it's Jhen." he grins.

He walks to the knight with his bow at his side. Hi.

The fairy says hi in a surprise for the archer hesitates in a peaceful tune. "Hi!"

"Hey Mikov, this is sweet. I have her as a pet." the knight clasps his pack and lends it to him. "Please carry an for I am injured."

Mikov gazes at the bloody scarf wrapped over his waist. He gestures in a gentle support. "You okay? I shall fetch your wife."


His wife gently slaps Jhen in a reunion of a love. The fairy giggles as she sits on his shoulder. Hi, it is a nice meeting.

Jhen smiles as Mikov laughs, carrying his packs.

"I hope you readied a meal for me, my love." Jhen whispers.


At a gallant evening is a returned boy to his home. Jhen cuddles with his wife as is the fairy teaches the archer and a few other curious students an ancient intuition. The gemstone glows in an auburn hieroglyph as the fairy guides the archer's arms to understand the current of magic which lies in his heart. Your magic is your health. As you practice your archery, understand that it is a wizardry in which powers your love and magic.


The archer readies his bow and gazes at a scarecrow. A knight observes in a laze. "Do it one more time."

As he winds his arrow up in a tension, Mikov whispers a chant. Suddenly, his arrow wafts in a small fire. The knight looks onward with cheer. Woah.

The archer aims at the scarecrow and, in a moment of tenderness, releases his arrow. In a quick shoot, the arrow digs into the barrel of straw and pulses with a quivering fire.

"Nice shot, Mikov!" the knight clasps his courage.

Mikov nods in a grin. Thank you sweet, he thinks.


About the Creator

The ecinmy

To the honorary gesture of the westworth village, I do encumber to create the stories of the pastive nature of the grove to which I can further create a surther of mine to village thence.

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The ecinmyWritten by The ecinmy

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