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3 Doors Down

The Audubon Lake Diaries Part 3

By LATANYA N CHATFIELDPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
3 Doors Down
Photo by runnyrem on Unsplash

I was so close to going on a “secret mission” with my grandfather, but my parents were finished with their last mission earlier than expected so they decided to take it instead. At my age, there are not a lot of missions I can go on so I was drooling at the chance to get my mind emersed in a mission. I hear that it is a good one to investigate. My mom and dad called to fill me in on their last mission and I am going to tell you about it right now.

My parent's last mission occurred in a big city not too far from where we are living at the moment. They said that the “questionable occurrences” do not usually happen in big cities because more and more people would become suspicious and try to conduct their own investigations. This would not be good for the family business. Everything mission-related had to be kept a secret. We do not want people to know what we do. They would want to check all our records and may even take my writings! Some would sell their stories and bend the truth a little to make it more entertaining. Most of the people that we encounter during the secret missions either do not remember or do not want to sound crazy to others.

Back to my parent’s last mission. The residents in this new Highrise apartment complex were receiving mysterious packages wrapped in brown paper. It is reported by the resident that contacted my grandfather, that they had not ordered anything. The box was unmarked without a sent or a sent to address. The resident that called thought it was a bomb, but there was something on the inside of them that told them the box was harmless. The resident said they felt a connection with the box and it was mesmerizing. The most mysterious thing was that after investigating a little more. It was found that multiple boxes were delivered. My parents had their work cut out for them to find the other residents and record their experiences.

My parents found a resident that had received one of the boxes by accident, but we all know nothing happens by accident. They were walking the halls looking for clues and found the biggest clue they could have ever hoped to find. One resident had their door propped open while they were receiving a furniture delivery. My mom says that she told dad to go ask and see if the person needed help. It just so happened they were short a person and needed help carrying the furniture. But what happened next was nothing short of perfect timing and purpose as I have been told by my grandfather. The delivery company was not going to help the resident assemble some of the furniture and the resident had a broken arm and was expecting their parents for a visit. My parents offered to help.

The resident was so grateful, that they ordered food and drinks for my parents while they helped assembled the furniture. While refreshing drinks, the resident stumbled over a package that was wrapped in brown paper. My mom asked the resident if they could help to assemble whatever was in the box. The resident told my parents that they did not know what was in the box. They had a deep feeling that the box was not supposed to be opened until a later time. My parents asked if the resident knew of anyone else that received a box. The resident said no.

During the time of delivery, none of the residents were aware that there were others in the building who were receiving the same boxes. When my parents interviewed the first resident, the one that called for the investigation. That resident confirmed the information my parents had learned from speaking with the other residents. Up until that moment, my parents had no way of knowing or speaking to other residents about receiving a box wrapped in brown paper.

My dad thought that there could be a pattern as to where the boxes were dropped off. What were the pattern possibilities? There were so many variations of numbers or maybe names. My mom suggested that they focus on the numbers because getting cleared to check names would be too much of a privacy issue. One of the apartment's addresses was 1009 the other apartments were on other floors and those addresses were 806 and 603. The floors were so random that it could take weeks to figure out who to speak to next. My dad recognized that the pattern of deliveries was apartments divisible by the number 3. Now the problem was knowing which apartments to visit because it would be unlikely that consecutive neighbors 3 doors down from one another would receive mysterious packages and not know it.

I wondered how my parents would find out if the pattern theory was correct. Would my parent knock on the doors and pretend they lost their cat? Would they act on behalf of the leasing company and ask to inspect the apartment? Or would they just knock and ask? Well, would you believe that my mom wrapped a box identical to what she had seen at one of the resident’s houses and my dad knocked on the door of apartment 1521.

I was biting my knuckles to find out what happened next. Would they meet an angry resident that would report them to the authorities? Would they- never mind. I will tell you. No one answered the first few doors. He visited the other apartments on the same floor and then moved on to the next floor. He knocked on apartments 1312 and 1130 doors and someone answered. My dad asked if they were expecting a package and that he had one that he did know who it belonged to. Both residents told him they found a similar package like that about a week ago. This fits the time frame the other apartments received their boxes.

My parents listened to both resident’s stories. It was so amazing what they found out. The residents told them they had opened the box because they felt a strong instinct to do so. The resident said they never open things they did not know about, but something was different with this box. Inside the box was a family heirloom that the resident saw when they were children. Family members had thought it to be lost long ago, but it showed up at the resident’s door. Their stories were similar and the most intriguing part was that they opened the boxes within 3 days of the other.

The resident that called the strange occurrence in felt it was time to open their box and they did so before my parents could witness its unveiling. This happened 3 days from the last resident that opened their box. That resident had received something valuable also and it was needed in that resident’s life. As far as my parents could tell the boxes were sent through a portal. That was the only explanation. The Universe works on a number grid and the sequence in which the boxes were delivered and opened allowed a portal to another time or even universe to be accessed. Wow!

My grandfather saw something like this in a past mission when people were finding old items in their homes that were never there before. He said a group of college kids had found a way to time travel by using numbers and shapes in a precise sequence. This information was only known in underground operations and could not be told to the masses. Some of the people that would receive these random objects found themselves in good fortune. Others would receive sentimental items when they were feeling their lowest and needed something to put them in a good mood and help them on their paths to their purpose.

There was also talk of individuals coming back from the future and leaving items to better help their lives in the present. Of course, no one would believe this and call whoever shared this information crazy! So, most of the people just accepted the items, boxes, trinkets or whatever and went on and lived their lives. I thought it was great to travel in time, but that may not be a good idea if I was caught by myself in that current time. So, leaving boxes wrapped in brown paper seemed like the best way to stay hidden.

One question I have is why was this happening at this apartment building? Well, this mystery will have to wait. It is getting late, and grandfather promised me a bowl of ice cream and honey before bed. My parents would not be too happy with this combination at any time of day and especially not before bed. But grandfather and I have a special relationship and I want to keep it that way for as long as I can. Until next time friends-

-Audubon Lake

Short Story

About the Creator


I love to write all genres and teach my kids that they can do and be anything at any time in their lives.

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