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Mermaid ,Seashell, Parachute, Lightning, Pool

By Ocusan MPublished about a year ago • Updated about a year ago • 11 min read

Once upon a time there was a seafaring country that had separated from its motherland after the fall of communism that had a flag of a hammer and sickle. There were several states that formed anew, all adapting their own flags of their choosing. For some strange reason, the Governing country attacked one of the divided countries. The reason for it might have been that Russia is connected somehow to a Netherworld hidden & covered with a holographic cloak. It became extremely excoriating to survive as weapons of mass destruction obliterated their towns. In one city called Odesa lived a steel worker named Ody who everyone called Odes pious, named from the Greek tragedy. He had a vision one day that the world would be in grave danger and so he began to construct a escape tunnel that led to undersea contraption made of welded steel & titanium that could hover as a hovercraft & dive the seas. It held together as many as 75 men, women & children. Folks use to call him Noah when they saw him working day & night from his preconceived vision that the final day would occur. It took five years to complete having it ready when the first attack happened. A selected chosen crew would set out over the black sea, to submerge hundreds of feet below the surface. This would be their living quarters. Due to low oxygen the sea was calm and serene as ships could glide over without the awareness of the craft below. This is what Ody wanted, to be a as a mermaid in the environment that would provide the needed ecosystem they would learn to adapt to. Inside the dome of the giant craft it was quite elegant, with compartment rooms below the bridge as well as a sunken seashell shaped pool that span out to a outside portal. Ody had stalked a sufficient amount of powdered food, dehydrated meats & fruits, while containing water in tanks that would last until the seeds grew they planted in the garden room. Chemicals that could change sea water into drinkable water were used to create small pills that did the trick of changing the structure of the sea water. Ody had learned this from his military survival training where he parachuted into the sea for his first experience with the salt waters. Floating in his inflatable raft out at sea for days until his radio beeped signaling a helicopter pick up. Tangling from just a rope, he never forgot the exercise. Ody is now seventy years old where guys in the training today don’t train alone anymore, they jump in groups that makes it easier in a way. He mastered Engineering school and became a naval architect building many ships and subs that welded together a lifetime career. He specialized in designing innovative ships and he dreamt of air travel having a fancy for jet packs & steam inventions. He constructed ancient diving suits with bubble helmet apparatuses that were lightweight being built with titanium metals. In his scuba diving expeditions he would photograph & film undersea life capturing images of sea life never seen before. His most prominent work was his documentary about the transparent fish told in folk tales that had originated in the Netherworld. The bioluminescent exoskeleton with the see through canopy gave Ody the idea to construct a dome like apparatus that would travel above & below the sea. The sting ray as well influenced his work, having his ship float with saucer like wings. Yet he named his craft, Barreleye after the transparent fish. Ironically, Ody found engineers that helped craft the exterior molds living in Moldova, whom he chose as part of his crew. Some of their ideas were innovative enough that Ody thought they must have obtained from the astral plane. It all came together well, sometimes working well into the night, and now it was ready to take to the seas. He took as many as possibly, mostly families where each had adequate rooms to sustain their lives. He took the best chefs he could find, building a dinning area for all to dine together. They were briefed ahead of time and shown around the craft, as they stood and looked at the oxygen generator that would be their source of air. It was difficult for the children as they must adapt to a different lifestyle as their daily routines of attending school had been disrupted. The families consisted of mainly scientists in the medical field whom Ody had known all his life. The night they set sail became a magical night as they stepped aboard at the sea shore looking back over their shoulders at the land they will not see in years to come. Some had gone for a test flight, while the children had never felt the thrill of flying over the seas. Their were chairs to buckle into that gave a view above through the Barreleyes bubble of moving clouds in the silhouette of darkness. Just before sunrise Ody dived the craft down into the sea to be unseen by enemy eyes. He used no radios, & only had one in cast of drastic emergency. This he explained was playing possum for as long as the war happened. He kept emergency candles of oxygen as its engines ran on a small nuclear reactor that would last ten years. Once resting on a small plateau, the vessel had enough light to see out the windows, as they were now a few hundred feet deep. Any further would be too dark & unsuitable for living. They hadn’t eaten since the journey set off, and so with the morning rays of sunlight beaming through their watery cocoon world, they managed to eat their first meal. With Captain Ody sitting at the table proudly offering a toast to everyone who made the journey while distant sea creatures peered in from outside to see what had emerged. The children were ecstatic as they sat at the window making shrieks of laughter as sea life brought a new meaning to play. Ody lifted his glass of apricot juice & made a small speech. We embarked upon this new journey leaving everything we once knew behind, and now a new journey begins, I thank you all for the cooperation and toast to the future to come. All sitting at the table toasted their glasses in honor of what Ody had achieved. Ody sat among his comrades & puffed his pipe after a full breakfast. Since his wife had passed away he had just his daughter who sat by his side. I should like everyone who his interested with diving to assemble in the shell pool after you have finished unpacking in your rooms. I should like you to dive as well, he spoke privately to his daughter Olga. Of course father, Paval & I are excited to make exploration of our underwater home. Pavels stern eyes looked across the table. They were a newly couple out of wedlock, with Olga being in early stages of a pregnancy. Is it feasible for her to dive in her condition? Of course Pavel, babies born in water do exceedingly well in life. I know, I have looked at the statistics. Her stern eyes mirrored her soul mate. Pavel wiped his lips with a napkin, But this water is not a warm birthing cove. This outside water is too cold and could risk danger. The Medical Doctor at the table added, I have just the thing she needs as I have a special diving suit I had the nurse design just for your delicate nature. Ody exclaimed how thoughtful he was to consider his daughter’s health as he wanted to see the diving suit immediately. Absolutely, he motioned for the nurse to bring the suit. They small party of crew went to relax in their rooms while Ody went to sit in his lounge by the window where the children were playing. Olga, Pavel & the sea doc joined in. Soon the nurse had the new suit for Ody to see. Just look at it, not only was it made with stretch latex, it was lined in a soft imitation felt to make it extra warm. Where on earth did you find this felt? It feels so soft & electric. Sea doc laughed and explained that it was made from sea kelp then coated with a hybrid shea butter oil from a underwater shea butter tree. Then we sewed in fiber optics that heat up by using a battery pack inside the inner pocket. Olga ran her fingers over the lining as it unzipped. I can’t wait to try it on! She kissed the doc and took the suit as if it were a new costume for a underwater play. I can’t wait to see her in it, Pavel said. When she reappeared with it on, all were stunned at her beauty. Oh my little sea princess, Ody hugged his daughter. Pavel couldn’t believe the radiance as the optic fiber glowed like a jellyfish. That ought to keep you and young junior as cozy as a Mother Pearl! Sea doc said as he patted her pouch. Your the man who will handle the delivery! Ody laughed at the pun, Let’s make our first dive shall we..The small group of divers had assembled at the shell pool, Ody, Olga, Pavel, Sea doc along with the Chef who wanted to collect sea life for a seafood soufflé was standing ready with the needed containers. Swimming outside the living structure became daily exercise as meals now had the added nutrition of shrimp, crab, lobster & a variety of deep sea fish. Just about every aboard had ventured out, while one particular day a sighting was made of what appeared to be a bright light beaming through a rock formation. One night the scientists aboard were telling Ody of what they had seen. I tell you it’s strange, it beacons like a lighthouse and yet there is no source! Ody agreed that they had seen something, & needed to see right away what it was. The last thing he wanted was for the enemy to find him out. The next day he let the two scientists show him the rock formation. They waited for awhile, then it flashed like lightning through the stone holes giving it a underwater Stonehenge appearance. Ody swam out to the cracked stone examining it while the light was flooding through. He looked at his watch making note of the time as it could appear at a certain time. The structure became a phenomenon that he could not find a explanation of. Returning back to the home, they discussed what they thought over a meal of jellied eels & calamari. Olga had birthed her child & was nursing her infant in the lounge area. The discussion was between mostly the scientists, both male & female. Maybe it’s a light from the past, the sunken city of Atlantis. Female scientists said intuitively. Or the future! Male scientists added. Whatever it is, it could be a bad omen, I’m considering moving the vessel to the Mediterranean. Some think the Black Sea was cursed by Thors hammer! Chef added tasting his relishing creation. I never heard of that rumor before! Male scientist exclaimed. If it is Thor, I’m afraid of something so Mythological in the world. female scientist said. But it’s a stone with a crevasse, I think we should look for a sword. Male scientist said with sentiment. Ody sat back listening to his crew he thought of as his children. Why do you think of a sword? Because I read as a child about the legend of the sword & the stone! It fits the mystery better than a hammer! Who has the sword in the story? Merlin! He exclaimed turning a bit red from straining. Merlin who is he? I think he was a great man who put a sword in a stone to see who could pull it out. Did anyone pull it out? I don’t remember but it said only a King could remove it. Female scientist sat back and smirked. Ody laughed and added, we could look for a sword or anything buried nearby, it could give a clue to the light. What happens if we find a sword, do we slash it through the opening to see if it contacts the light? Sea chef asked. That might be a good idea. Ody smiled. The next day the four of them set out to search for a connection to the stone. Oddly enough Chef found in a nearby cave, not a sword but a crystal staffed bludgeon that he became so excited over his air hose had to pump extra oxygen to contain his spasms. Give it to me, Ody motioned to him as he swam out of the cave too fast with the find. He handed it to Ody, as it was truly a magnificent treasure. The cave was a little creepy as within the darkness a sea wolf swam out having the body of a fish, the face of a hairy wolf. No one else wanted to go in the cave after that. Ody took the staff swimming over to the lighted crevasse touching it with the crystal that began glowing & singing in a high pitched tone. The light grew brighter then changed its color to a golden flame. In the flame light their appeared a sight Ody shall never forget of a winged angelic being, that swam out between the split rocks beaconing before them. Speaking under water in a voice audible for them to understand, she spoke.. Centuries have passed as I was entombed in this rock being the curse of Andromeda. Now I can return home to Apollo to sit beside him in the clouds. She turned like a statue to pick up the bludgeon. Her body was glowing in the flowing sea, while her hand took the staff touching the crystal above Ody. I reward you by giving you the crown of Neptune. A gold crown appeared upon Odys head. He was astounded yet maintained composure. She then swam up through the waves, disappearing into the midst dropping the staff. Sea chef grabbed the rod and handed it to Ody. Feeling like the emperor in new clothes he led his crew back to the ship. He gave no explanation for the experience, all were disbelief although their was evidence that something metaphorical happened with the stone. It coincided with King Author folk lore as well as Greek mythology. Whatever occurred, Ody had now a crown that weighed heavy of real gold. He wasn’t interested with turning it into money, he wanted to use it to somehow stop the war. If he went back into his city wearing it, would their be a magical power connected? Could he stop weapons from flying through the air? To turn them into statues? And who did the crown originally belong to? Sea chef thought that the bludgeon might hold the answers. He tried touching it to the crown as the sea siren did with no avail. Sea doc said if he wore it anywhere but under the sea it would give no powers. They’d make fun of you and all would be lost as they would compensate it! Ody gave some thought to the advice given. He decided that he would stay under the sea while both crown & crystal staff were locked in a glass case the crew had welded out of sand. The case was embedded upon a alter that gave inspiration in building a sea chapel. Excalibur.


About the Creator

Ocusan M

I write in a surrealistic style learning new realities as i researched Quantum physics in Quantum Dreaming where the man had a Quantum computer in his home that could see into the future.

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    Ocusan MWritten by Ocusan M

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