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Water of Life

A conversation with a newborn baby

By Alice K.S.Published 3 years ago 9 min read
In the Name of Love - Painting by Karmspi Art

I have been on this all my life and again last night, I fell asleep dreaming about its wonderfulness and when I woke up, my skinny arm stretched to reach the glass of water. I am here, naked in the depth of this old apartment as it became quite cold on Atlantic Avenue.

My thoughts were bursting, and Bang! They hit the wall. Headache! I cracked the sleep; the big Bang woke me up like a sign buried under the frost. I hear it piercing out through the night like the relics of a bygone asylum. It may be terrible news. Fear is upon the city for something is trying to get out but it’s freezing outside and it’s frozen inside. Eyes covered with cataracts, what is there to be seen?

Out of the blue I see a snow remover and it’s scratching the ground. I hear it louder; for sure it’s coming closer. It’s digging its way through the ground now. It wants us to be part of the machine as if we owed it something. The wind is blowing and the big Bang is coming from the other side. It’s cracking. BAM! The wind blew through and we became part of it somehow.

I also see Ice. Melt through it and ye shall become one. Break it and ye shall pass through the other side. There is a song playing all around and as it is dripping on the ground it hums: “I once was tired so I laid myself down like a cover over the waters and when I woke up I was the water. Never will I feel thirst ever again.”

I quickly swallow a sip of water and enter the dream. Here I can see it and hear it. As a rainbow fills the bedroom, something is moving under the water. I felt it like a call. Oh! I hear a ring! Here’s a phone call. Someone is calling and I wonder if they might need some help. I stretched my arm to reach the bedside table. I was dead curious and really wanted to answer, whence I took the plug and started the current. The electricity was running therefor I answered. The voice sounded as clear as water. “It’s me I’m coming.” It was Mrs. Florence Boisjolie and all she had to say is that she heard her grand-father’s clock ringing as she was delivering her baby. “Ok thanks for calling.”

The little new born baby is crying and it’s so beautiful to hear its voice in the depth of me. Baby needs no water; it goes the Milky Way. Now Mickey Mouse wants to play; the little mouse is scribbling the way. The words walking their way are swirling and twinkling, they wake up the night that will soon black out the current to convert it into a new day. Yay!

Little baby is crawling and I’m within his rescue to protect the labor of our love. Baby left a trace in the snow; we can see it by the evidence of its footprints. It’s ready to spark up the show and lead the way towards the point of traverse. I’m not quite sure exactly where that could be but indubitably it comes from the echo that I hear. So clever! It’s hidden beyond the moving imagery of my mind. Exclamation mark!

Baby: “Ah gees, she won’t be happy seeing all those footsteps on the floor.”

Mrs: “How dirty! Somebody just came in with their boots on leaving all that yucky slush all over the floor. Slush Puppy! Obviously they didn’t even bother taking their boots off as they entered and plus, they couldn’t even keep themselves in the entrance. How could it be that they had to go everywhere? And now who will clean up this big old mess? What!? A mess! I feel like I need to go to church now.”

Baby: “Please don’t be offended, I don’t mean to drool on you. It’s just that I’m working to retouch the little panel of this filter here for you, and don’t worry, it will not deform yours at all.”

Mrs: “You are always welcome to do so, thank you. Here I give you my plate in case you’re hungry - served warm on your table.”

Baby: “No need for lawyers and court dates. This is straight business, no need of a witness, only your bare eyes with a perfectly blue background as perfect as this morning when it broke in, you stopped sleeping. Welcome to the never ending dream! Legitimately off the movie script! This is real life business, off our limits like you can’t afford this. It’s scripted, encrypted, well woven with the mathematics of your mind. No one can escape it. It’s fantastic. Some say it’s like magic playing with your limits in the world of ethics.”

Mrs: “Kiss, kiss.”

Baby: “I already excused myself to have intruded in your journey. I’m trying to rewind it to give you a snippet from my lip.”

Mrs: “I’m sorry if I’m lazy but sometimes I feel like sleeping instead of napping. And at times I am tired of having to tell you what I heard.”

Baby: “My mamma wants me to make you something fresh for the review and I thought how about a spicy tangy Indian dish with turnips and sparkles of relish served on the platter of her wish. She knows how to do this. It’s her favorite! Her best meal; grown from her wishbone to welcome you home in your new throne.

I came here prepared, I brought things with me. Perhaps we’re just meant to play together, not work. I wish we could play more like we used to out in the open fields, in the forests and breathe the fresh air together. I loved it when I used to call you by your name, it sounded fairyllike. Do you remember how pretty the scenery was when we watched the stars at night? I didn’t want to close the boutique, that’s too tragic. I wished we could have had kept it as our place of magic.

To be honest, I didn’t want you to stay for too long. I didn’t want you to get drunk and then having you to drive home would have been too risky. That’s why I came here, to make sure that you make it out safely. Me, I can’t tolerate when people have accidents. It’s too risky for God’s sake!

Are there other things you would like to go see at the store before I close all the boutiques?”

Mrs: “Let’s sew together. I want to make myself a princess dress.”

Baby: “Perhaps you’d like to change the color of your hair? Why don’t you make yourself your own chair? There’s cut wood stored in the shed. Papa left it there for you. Listen Kermit, the Queen changed the date. And moreover, she changed the land.”

Mrs: “Excuse me, what!?”

Baby: “Her sister had an interference. But it wasn’t supposed to have happened. It slipped.”

Mrs: “Ok so there’s no time for fluffy outfits anymore.”

Baby: “I spin a dime, it twinkles. You have just seen the introduction - My introduction. A flying message tells me that you see all the negatives and that they should be supplied for enlargement purposes.”

Mrs: “Imagine I would be around right now. Oh and we could be having a party in the big house.”

Baby: “Do you want me to go by car?”

Mrs: “Well if you’re able, please do.”

Baby: “Ok I’ll go with you but we’ll each keep our own car.”

Mrs: “I cried yesterday. I was sad about all this. I really didn’t plan it this way. I missed square one. It feels like I’m sliding down the back of a snake but I can’t go backwards. You know what I’ll do? I’ll build us our own ladder.”

Baby: “But why is there a focus for our rejection straight from the beginning? How come so much injustice? And why can’t I be everywhere with you? The wind that blows in the air is so strong, like it wants me to go Absolute; to utter out-and-out.”

Mrs: “Well, you have your own car, but if you want we can drive to the same destination. And if you need a little pillow at night, I’ll let you use mine.”

Baby: “Yes I know it was stressful for a pregnant lady. It started when you pressed play to listen to the record. I mean it’s the perfect ingredient for our next move.”

Snakes and Ladders - Painting by Karmspi Art

What will you do on your turn? Will you pack your things and leave? The machine stopped blowing and I can hear the wind clearly now. Are you able to hear it too? It’s a sign that you may be missing the boat, which means you won’t be able to play anymore turns. Thank you, next. On the board we see, but it goes so fast, it’s hard to catch. I should be heading for take-off soon. The chords are young for my guitar. If you pass by here, try to notice if you can see the footprints of my socks around. I know this whole story might be uncomfortable, but once I finish building my little ladder, thus reaching my next square, I’ll look around for you and I hope you'll join me for a Spin. Oh!

To make the story short, that’s how I was born. My first night was wonderful and perfect. I felt warm and cuddly in my mother’s arms. My second night was much different for I had to sleep in the car. It felt like if suddenly I didn’t belong anywhere and perhaps the world didn’t have a special space for me. Ironically, there wasn’t really much I could do about it. So I made of this adventure somewhat the destiny of circumstances. I just trusted that I would land in the hands of a wonderful loving caring mother. I was born in tumultuous times. Disorder was present even at the very heart of my family. My mother had a good heart and wanted to raise me into a virtuous child. But the owners of the land were shocked about our presence and were threatening our lives for us to depart. My mother’s father is a just man and always seeks for peace to be restored. Although he wasn’t really directly involved in any of this, he took the matter in his hands and kicked his daughter to a faraway land. And that’s how I started my journey of epic adventures.

My mother is an artist and knows just how to paint a world of Magic with the most intricate stories attached to it. I am grateful to her father who on the day of her forced departure had the good grace to carefully store all the paintings in his airplane hangar. And on this note, he pushed the small boat and gave us his farewell goodbyes. He warned her never to come back and made her sign off the legalities that she did not belonged there anymore. He doomed her that if she was to come back, he’d kill the baby. But she knew that her father’s heart was carved in gold from the deepness of the seas and since all the villagers were there watching him and listening, in her heart she always believed that her father did it to protect her own good and in order to protect the progeniture. As obsolete as it could seem, she was blessed by the ointment of her father’s protection.

The walk back to his house felt like a thorn at the heart, for the whole weight of the world rested on his shoulders, and broken, for he had to deny his own daughter. As if he had to leave the two most precious pearls to the faith of the magnitude of the ocean. His body was aching, wounded that he had to deny the pearls of his very eyes.

This is how from the very start my story was stored in heaven. All you see is pieces of scatter everywhere. Sip. Sip. Come on, drink some water, I’ll explain to you all of what happened. There was a mistake. Things didn’t go the way I said. Things went the way they were meant to be. We’re not the only world in here anymore. Welcome to my world. Next story’s; last story.

And here I am now spreading the words. I was bleeding, and on white immaculate sheets of paper, I got taken and wrapped up in the cover of a little black book which was offered as a gift, and when I opened it, I cried, for all the riches I had put into it were stepped on and dirtied, and as a final insult, under the court of justice, I lost the case and was compensated the sum of twenty-thousands-dollars to go clean up that mess.

Da-Da-Da-DUM! Da-Da-Da-DUM!

I apologize in advance for the blood you got on your fingertips while you were flipping these pages. You just innocently spread your fingerprints all over them. I regret to say that you are now part of the story with me. The bells are ringing at a distance like a shimmering light.

At last, I am coming along for this last song; the Last Song.


About the Creator

Alice K.S.

I once believed I was a gifted ballerina.

She beseeched me for something to live for,

so I started painting it for her.

Welcome to my wordly world!

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    Alice K.S.Written by Alice K.S.

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