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Twin Mum Truths

The Really Annoying Things

By Natascha WainwrightPublished 7 years ago 3 min read
My twinlets 

So I’m a mum to beautiful boy / girl fraternal twins. They’re currently coming up to being 14 weeks old.

Those 14 weeks have been the hardest ever.

There’s the obvious hardships, like twice the crying, double the feeds, and a shed load of nappies. But. There’s something that’s more annoying that all those things, as any mother you just take them in stride. It’s the constant questions and being treated like your pram is carrying a circus freak show.

For example here is a typical conversation when a wild stranger approaches...

Stranger: Oh twins, how adorable! Are they identical?

*Please note the boy is dressed like a boy and the girl, funnily enough, like a girl*

Me: No, and they’re boy/girl twins.

Stranger: Well they could still be identical!

Then they walk off all offended like I’m the idiot here. Last time I checked identical means — the same. Genetically equal and physically the same. Now if one is a boy he has a willy and the other a girl... well I think you know where I’m going with this. Point is obviously not identical and point number two. I’m their mother, I think I know.

FYI I am aware that boy/girl identical twins can be born, but this is beyond ultra rare and the girl would have Turner's syndrome.

But hey, at least they said they’re adorable, right!?

Scenario of irritation two.

Stranger: OMG Twins! I would hate that, I’m so sorry.

This is astounding to me, to the point some people have even said "I would kill myself if I had twins."

Very much uncalled for. After three miscarriages and told I’d never have children this was an amazing miracle. Don’t get me wrong I was shocked and scared sh*tless, but never having one child I have nothing to compare it to anyway.

Regardless, these people are super rude and need to think before their brain activates. You don’t know someone’s struggles, especially in trying to have a family.

Lastly, strangers who think it’s okay to start touching my children.

Yes, they’re twins. Yes, this may be fascinating to you. But for the love of god, please don’t start touching my children! I have no idea who you are (or what your hygiene is like), so don’t feel it’s okay to start putting her dummy in her mouth, or kissing them, or trying to hold their hands. Especially before they’ve been vaccinated. Christ. This is also my fiancé’s pet hate and will wipe down our children after every time it happens 😂🙈.

So they’re the top three pet peeves with strangers and baby twins. Next time you come across a twin (or more) mummy, just think before you speak, don’t touch her kids and don’t argue with her knowledge of children. Oh, and don’t feel you have to tell us about every single set of twins you’ve ever known or met. Just let us do our shopping for God’s sake.

It’s not all bad though being a twin mum, as everyone who doesn’t have multiples seem to think it’s crazy hard. Everyone deals and copes with pregnancy and children differently. I’ve known some women only ever have one child and struggle tremendously, I’ve known some have triplets and find it a breeze. Well, not a breeze, but have suffered from post natal depression or struggled as much as you think they would.

Yes, I have double the work load, but I always get double the cuddles, double the smiles and love. Best of all I’m only doing it at once. Those sleepless night are all done and dusted at once. I’ll only ever go through the trauma of screaming, teething toddlers once. Instead of having one baby, then once they stopped and outgrown it you're doing it all again.

The best bit (for ME personally) is that I have a boy and a girl. I get the batman outfits and the pretty dresses all at once. They may be twins but they’ll be treated as separate people, as nothing is worse than people comparing your twins all the time.

For example my little boy can hold his head up and is trying to sit up and can nearly roll over. My little girl is still too small and struggles with most of that, but is much more verbal and better at coordination with her hands. Yes, they are twins, but they won’t do everything the same.

I won’t lie, I was sh*t scared when in I found out I was having twins, but it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me (other than meeting my other half of course). I can’t wait to watch them grow and see how they’ll turn out and hope others will treat them as individuals too, although I sort of wish they’d stay this tiny for ever!


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    NWWritten by Natascha Wainwright

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