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The Old Wooden Barn

A tale to remember

By Melissa GarciaPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 5 min read

“Good morning sweetheart and happy 25th birthday!”

I woke up to my handsome man holding a tray with my favorite breakfast; French toast with warm syrup, bananas, strawberries and a cold glass of delicious apple juice.

We have been together exactly three years today. We met on my 22nd surprise birthday party and we've been inseparable since then. As it turns out, the party wasn't the best surprise that day.

“Thank you honey, you never cease to amaze me!”

“Oh darling, this is just the beginning. Finish up and get ready for the best birthday ever! “

“I think my 22nd will be hard to beat, but if you're up to the challenge, I'll be down soon. “

I was excited. I finished my breakfast, laid out my clothes, and jumped in the shower. As per Jay's request to wear something casual, I wore my favorite pair of jeans, the ones that made my butt look bigger, a new tank top in Jay’s favorite color, yellow, and my comfy flats. That will do, I thought to myself.

It was half past nine as I made my way down the stairs only to find a dozen roses, a small beautifully wrapped box and a note that read:

To my love, Melinda

Three amazing years, a lifetime to go.



(Look in back of card)

I flipped it over.

Clue #1

It's not quite time to make your wish, but please head to the place where we had our first kiss!

I realized I was standing there smiling like a fool when out of nowhere I heard the familiar voice of my beautiful mother, “Happy birthday, sweetheart! We've been instructed to accompany you today. Hope you're ready.”

“Oh my gosh!”

With tears of joy I hugged my parents tight. Moving six hours away from home and not being able to see them often had been hard to get used to, but this was just such an unexpected, beautiful surprise. I was definitely eager to get through the rest of the day.

I proceeded to open my gift and inside I found a beautiful pair of diamond stud earrings and immediately put them on.

My parents and I made our way out the front door only to find a limo in the driveway. We got in and I instructed the driver where our first stop would be.

“Take a left here and the park entrance should come in to view.” I said.

It had been a week of late night talks and flirty texts since we had met when he finally got the courage to ask if I would join him for a picnic date at the park. Without hesitation, I had said yes. We chose a spot under a beautiful, old oak tree and had our first kiss there after a beautiful date. I remember thinking how lucky I was in that moment.

I made my way through the park and found my two sisters, Maya and Marlene sitting on a blanket under that same oak tree. They smiled and in unison yelled, “SURPRISE!”

I rushed over and hugged them obviously surprised and excited to see them. They handed me another small gift and note. The note read:

Clue #2

The time to make your birthday wish is near, next head to the place we went to dinner last year.

My sisters handed my gift and it held the matching necklace to my earrings. My heart smiled at the thought and effort Jay had put into this.

We ran back to the limo and off we were to our next destination, Jay's and my favorite sushi place. It's not your over the top fancy place, but just the perfect little place that makes you feel right at home. We went there often.

The waitress at the front smiled as she saw us walk in.

“Hello Melinda and happy birthday! Your table is ready.” I hadn't even realized it was almost lunchtime. I couldn't wait to see Jay and thank him for everything, but to my surprise my best friend Mandy was waiting for us instead.

“Oh my gosh Mandy I can't believe you're here!” I hugged her.

“Didn't think I'd miss your birthday, did you?”

She smiled as we sat and joined her.

This was all too much. No one had ever gone above and beyond like this, and I started thinking of ways I could thank my man when we were finally at home alone. We finished our lunch and Mandy handed me yet another beautiful gift and note.

Clue #3

You can't make your wish just yet, your final clue takes you to where we first met.

This gift completed a three piece set with a beautiful matching bracelet. I just nodded in appreciation as Mandy helped put it on.

We had enjoyed our lunch but I was anxious to get the show on the road and see Jay, so off we went to our final destination.

The drive had me reminiscing about that night. I smiled remembering how Mandy had introduced us. It was literally love at first sight.

There it was; the old wooden barn where I had my party, and there he was, standing there, looking as handsome as ever. I was flooded with emotions. I was so ecstatic to see him that I ran to him wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a smooch.

“Thank you Jay! Thank you so much for making this such a memorable day for me.”

“You don't have to thank me. I'm the lucky one that gets to have you, but there is still one more surprise. Are you ready?”

I nodded and with a smile he took my hand and greeted everyone. I was half expecting a group of my favorite people to jump out and yell surprise, but when we walked in I was taken aback.

The inside of the barn had been completely transformed.

“It's an escape room!” Jay said.

My mouth almost hit the floor. “Are you serious Jay? How did you…? I mean wow I can't believe you've managed all this.”

“Well I had some help!” he smiled his biggest smile at my family. “Are you all ready for this?"

A gentleman in a black polo shirt gave us instructions, locked the barn behind us and off we were looking for clues.

In the spirit of trying to solve this faster, we divided in to three teams.

I was so fixated on winning the game that I hadn't noticed they were no longer in the room with Jay and me until I came across my sister, Maya's shoe.

It was just laying there in the middle of the room. I looked around but no one was found. They were all gone. A bit of fear struck me as I remember all those movies on TV. Jay assured me they were probably fine but I was starting to feel the need to find the final clue and get out of there.

Finally, we figure it out! We unlocked the door and the end of the hallway led us to a different area.

I was shocked!

“SURPRISE!” Everyone yelled. There it was, the room full of people I had anticipated.

I looked back searching for my man only to find him on one knee with a final surprise, a beautiful diamond ring.


About the Creator

Melissa Garcia

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    Melissa GarciaWritten by Melissa Garcia

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