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The Magical Pear Tree

A Grateful Family

By Ronna CurtisPublished 3 years ago Updated 13 days ago 7 min read
Family staying together https://www.goodfreephotos.com

In the heart of the Ozarks, a family flourished in the warmth of their togetherness, their home a sanctuary of laughter and shared moments. The parents, always eager for new experiences, would whisk their children away on picnics, playing until exhaustion set in. But one day, their world was shattered. Their only child, the beacon of their lives, fell gravely ill. Her name was Maggie. Yet, even in the face of this devastating news, the family's unity and love remained unshaken, a testament to the power of their bond in the face of adversity. It was this love and unity that would carry them through the darkest of times.

The doctors tried all they could to heal the child, but Maggie's condition seemed to worsen. As she lay in her bed at home, weak and frail, she looked at her mother and made a request.

"Mom, may I have a pear for dessert today?" Maggie asked, her voice filled with hope and longing.

"Sure, you can, honey," said Mom.

Maggie's mother went to the store, and Dad stayed home with her. Mom was resolute in her quest to find pears for her daughter, but she could not find any. There were none anywhere! She searched for hours and eight different stores. The day was turning to dusk, and the light was nearly gone when Mother made it home from the store. Exhausted and disappointed, she felt a pang of guilt for not being able to fulfill her daughter's only request in weeks. Then, as she looked up, she saw a tree in the distance. The tree shone in the evening light when everything else was dark, symbolizing her unwavering hope and determination.

"It's as if it were a sign from the heavens above!" thought Mother.

Leaving her groceries in the car, Mother ascended the hill where the tree stood, a solitary figure in the red hue of the evening light. It was a sight that defied all expectations: a pear tree adorned with the most beautiful pears, standing out like a beacon of hope in the darkness. The tree, which had not been there before, was a miracle in the making, a testament to the power of the unexpected.

Overwhelmed with joy and relief, Mother's heart swelled with a renewed sense of hope. 'I was on the brink of despair,' she thought, 'but this tree, this miracle, has restored my faith in the unexpected.' It was a moment that would forever be etched in her memory, a testament to the power of hope and the resilience of the human spirit. At that moment, she felt a surge of strength and determination, a reminder that hope can bloom like the most beautiful pear on a tree, even in the darkest times. The family, too, was filled with a renewed sense of hope, their spirits lifted by this miraculous event.

Overwhelmed with joy, tears streaming down her face, the mother wasted no time. She knew she had to start dinner soon, but her priority was her daughter's happiness. With a heart full of love and devotion, she began picking the pears, using her shirt as a makeshift basket when her arms could no longer hold them. She gathered enough to fulfill her daughter's wish and make a pie, symbolizing her unwavering love and devotion.

Mother walked like she was drunk, trying not to lose any pears; she walked home, took them into the kitchen, and put them in the sink. Dad entered the kitchen as she placed the last pears into the sink.

"Hello, darling! I see you found the pears! Maggie won't be eating them anytime soon. She fell asleep a few minutes ago. What took you so long?" asked Dad.

"I had a horrible time finding pears. I went to eight stores and only found them when I arrived home. Maggie can take a nap while I fix dinner."

"Where did you find the pears here?" Dad asked.

"The pear tree over in the field." Just then, Mother pointed out the window towards the field. Dad opened the front door to look for the tree.

"Funny! I don't remember a tree being in the field!" Dad said as he opened the front door and saw the pear tree in the field.

"Wow, that is a beautiful tree! I don't remember seeing that tree yesterday." Mom was not listening to him because she was cleaning the pears and had started dinner. Dad shrugged, walked into the living room, sat down, and started reading the newspaper. It seemed like no time had passed, but nearly an hour had passed since Dad decided to read the paper. Mom walks into the living room.

"Will you go upstairs and bring Maggie down for dinner?"

"Sure will," Exclaimed Dad.

Dad went upstairs to find Maggie reading a book she borrowed from a friend from school.

"Hello, Daddy! Is dinner ready? I am starved!" Maggie stated.

"Yes, it is Maggie; I came up to see if you were ready to go downstairs."

"I am glad, Dad. I get tired of eating in my room all the time."

Dad picked up Maggie and walked down the stairs with her in his arms. He sat Maggie down at the dining table, her favorite spot. Then, Dad and Mom sat in their places at the dining table, their hearts filled with love and gratitude. Dad said grace, and everyone started to eat, savoring the moment of togetherness and the taste of the miraculous pears.

"Mom, these pears are delicious. Thank you for getting them for me!" said Maggie, her voice filled with joy and gratitude.

"You're welcome!" said Mother with a big smile.

"Mother, I just realized something!" said Dad.

"Pears are not in season just now! They are not usually ready until the middle of August to early September!"

Mother and Dad looked at each other, puzzled, then turned white as a sheet. It was early July, and pears were not ready for picking yet.

"That is why I could not find any pears at the store today!" said Mother.

Then they both thought a minute and looked up from their plates, and their eyes widened as if something was desperately wrong! Then they both got up from the table and walked over to the window as fast as possible, bumping into each other. They looked out the window with astonishment. The pear tree had disappeared! Mom and Dad look at each other, and their white faces turn green. The tree, which had brought them so much hope and joy, was now gone, leaving them with a sense of wonder and intrigue.

"We ate the pears from that tree, and I have more in the fridge!" said Mother.

Dad opened the fridge, and sure enough, there were pears.

"Should I throw them away?" said Mother.

"No, we would be poisoned now if they were designed to hurt us."

Then Maggie gets out of her chair, walks toward them, and speaks.

"It answers a prayer I made the other night."

"What do you mean, Maggie?" said Mother.

"I prayed that we, our family, and our neighbors would be healed!"

"That was a generous prayer, Maggie; I don't know why I didn't think of it," said Dad.

"The answer to my prayer came in a dream. I dreamt if I ate a pear from a unique tree, I would be healed, and so would everyone who ate from it. You ate the pears from the special tree in the field, right?" said Maggie.

"Yes, we all did!" said Dad.

"Well, we are all healed!"

Maggie, who had not walked for months, walked out the front door into the pear tree's field. Mother and Dad followed.

"This is where it was, right, Mother?"

"Yes, that is right?" said Mother.

"This is where the tree was in my dream. Everyone has been picking from this tree all day. I thought it might be empty before you returned to pick some for dinner tonight. It is a magical healing tree! Look, I can now walk where I could not before eating dinner, and if anyone else had any problems before eating the pears, they are healed, too!" Maggie said.

Mother and Dad were happy with their daughter's newfound health. Maggie was taken to the Doctor for tests the following day, and when the results came back, the doctors scratched their heads in pure astonishment!

"Doctor, what is wrong?" said Mother.

"Nothing, everything is great! I don't understand! Every one of my patients has been given a clean bill of health today, most of whom were terminally ill patients! Including your daughter!" exclaimed The Doctor.

"Big Miracle comes in small packages! That is all I will say, Doctor," said Mother.

"Bring her back in six months to make sure it is truly gone, and hopefully, it won't come back," said The Doctor.

"Cancer is not something I want to see anyone else go through!" said Dad.

As they leave the Doctor's appointment, the entire family feels exceptionally blessed to have a daughter who will be with them for a long time. Maybe she will grow up, have a family someday, and pass the story to her children!


About the Creator

Ronna Curtis

Ronna Curtis, Ladybug is the author's name she goes by when publishing a book. Life In Ann's World at Outskirtspress.com/Life in Ann's World. College graduate she enjoys authoring books to entertain a diverse population..

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Comments (1)

  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran2 years ago

    This was a wonderful story. Oh how I wish this pear tree really existed

Ronna CurtisWritten by Ronna Curtis

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