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Roger the World’s Greatest Rapping Therapy Dog

Roger the World’s Greatest Therapy Dog Volume 2

By Jmjulius15 JayPublished 3 years ago 12 min read

Five years ago, before Roger was the World’s Greatest Therapy Dog, he was the world’s greatest dog rapper. All the dogs made fun of Roger for trying to rap. There was only one black lab that saw Roger’s talent his name was Buster. One night Roger was preparing for a rap battle at a dance club downtown. Inside the dance club there were tons of black labs and other dogs rapping on stage. It was Roger’s turn to go and stage.

Buster said’’ Yo! Roger, you ready?”

Roger said ’’I’m so nervous.”

Buster slapped Roger in the face with his paw, and said’’Don’t be nervous, remember this is your night to prove to everyone that you can make it in the rap game.”

’’Your right, Buster. It's time for everyone to meet Rapin Roger the World’s Greatest Rapping yellow lab.” Roger was wearing a black baseball hat backwards and a solid gold necklace with a little gold R around his neck. Roger had to go up against a black lab named Hip Hop Hank. As Roger got up on stage all the dogs in the audience started to boo him. Hip Hop Hank was the first one to rap. Hank started off his rap by Saying,’’Yo! My name is Hank and I can commit many crimes with my dangerous rhymes. I’ll give you a map to Loser Ville because we all know yellow labs can’t rap.” Hank dropped the mic. Roger picked up the mic and started to rap.

“Yo! they call me Rapin Roger and I can dodge your dangerous rhymes any time of the week because your a super geek. I’ll smack the black off your fur. I think you should take a map to Loser Ville. because this yellow lab knows how to rap, peace.”

Roger dropped the mic and all the black labs in the audience started to cheer. After the rap battle Roger became the world’s first yellow lab that can rap. Roger went on talk shows, live concert tours all around the world but now, five years later Roger is the world’s greatest therapy dog at Care City Hospital.

It was Monday morning and Roger was working at the hospital. Harry the black lab walked up to Roger and said’’Hey Roger, I was watching my favorite TV show World’s Greatest Hip Hop Dogs, and I saw you! I didn’t know you were Rapin Roger, I loved your music!” Roger quickly covered Harry’s mouth with his paw and said ’’Be quiet Harry, I am not Rapin Roger anymore. I am Roger the World’s Greatest Therapy Dog. Ruby Roger’s girlfriend overheard Roger and Harry talking, and said “Roger, Did I just hear you were Rapin Roger?”

Roger said ’’No!”

Harry said ’’Yes!”

Ruby said ’’That’s cool! I use to listen to your music!”

Harry said ’’You should rap for all the patients in the hospital!

Roger said ’’I don’t know it’s been so long.”

Harry said “Come on Roger, you can make a music video, and I’ll post it on the internet.”

Roger said ’’Ok, but I’ll have to write a song.”

The next day Roger had written a song, it was called “The Return of Rapin Roger.” Roger started rapping in front of Harry and the other therapy dogs. “Yo! I’m Rapin Roger and I have returned! I can still rap any day of the week, month, or year. All the other rapping dogs will run in fear when they hear my new song.” Five minutes later, Roger finished his song. Harry recorded the whole song on his phone. Harry said ”Roger, that song was awesome!

’’Thanks, Harry I guess I still got it after all theses years.”

Suddenly Marvin showed up and said’’Hey, why are none of you working?”

Harry said ”We just found out Roger was Rapin Roger the World’s Greatest Rapping Dog!”

Marvin said ’’Really? Rapin Roger! I loved your music! I still have my t-shirt from when I saw you in concert on your world tour. I can’t believe I’m working in a hospital with Rapin Roger” I’m going to give you a raise!”

’’Thanks, Marvin!”

Marvin said ’’Your welcome, Roger. I have a great Idea you should have a concert at the hospital to entertain all the patients.”

’’That’s a great idea Marvin, I will do it.”

The next day Harry put the video of Roger’s rap song online. In an hour the video got a 1,000 views. Roger was preparing for his concert. All the therapy dogs and patients were excited for Roger’s concert tonight. Harry was selling t-shirts. Some of the therapy dogs were building a stage for the concert tonight. Roger’s owner Michael was holding a black T-shirt. On the front of the shirt there was a picture of Roger holding a microphone and singing. The shirt said”Rapin Roger” in big red letters.

Michael said”Hey Roger, can you sign my t-shirt?

“Sure Michael!” Roger wrote Rapin Roger on the front of Michael’s shirt. Michael said ”Thanks Roger, wow I can’t believe my dog is Rapin Roger the world’s greatest dog rapper! Can I sing a song with you on stage?”


”Ok Cool!”

Marvin said ”Hey Roger, I need to see you in my office”

Roger walked in Marvin’s office. There were two police dogs standing in the office. They

were both wearing dark blue police uniforms, with dark black police caps on their heads. Roger said ”What’s going on I didn’t steal any chew toys.”

Marvin said ”Roger, I’d like you meet Officer Dale DogBone and Officer Walter Wags. They are big fans. Dale DogBone and Walter Wags walked towards Roger. Dale shook Roger’s left paw and said ”It’s very nice to meet you. My partner and I are really big fans. We saw your last concert five years ago.” Roger said” Really? That’s awesome! By the way I didn’t steal any chew toys.”

Dale said ”We don’t care about that, your Rapin Roger you can steal whatever you want.” Dale put his right paw in Roger’s face and said ”Can you sign my paw?”

Walter slapped Dale’s paw and said ”Dale, leave him alone, the only reason we’re here is to keep everyone safe at the concert tonight.”

Dale said ”Your right, Walter we have a job to do.”

Walter said ”That’s right! He has to sign my paw first.” Roger signed their paws, they both were excited. Dale said ”I will never wash my right paw!”

Walter said ”I will never wash my right paw again either.”

Ruby came in the office and said ”Hey Roger, theres someone here to see you, he’s in the waiting room.” Roger walked in the waiting room. There was a black lab sitting in a chair. The black lab looked at Roger and said’ ’Rapin Roger is back!”

Roger looked at the black lab and shouted ”Buster!” Buster was the black lab that encouraged Roger to be the best dog rapper. Roger and Buster ran toward each other. Buster gave Roger a big hug.

”Buster It’s been along time what are you doing here?”

”I heard your new song online it’s awesome!”

”Thanks, I’m doing a concert for all the patients tonight.”

”I know that’s so cool! I can’t wait to see Rapin Roger back on stage!”

Ruby showed up and said ”Hi! my name is Ruby, I’m Roger’s girlfriend!”

Buster looked at Ruby and said ”Wow! Rapin Roger is lucky to have a girlfriend as beautiful as you!” Ruby said ”Thank you! I can’t wait for the concert tonight!” Roger introduced Buster to all the therapy dogs.

Meanwhile at Leonard K. Cat Hospital, Leonard K. Cat was sitting in a waiting room, on a big couch, watching the news. A big fat grey cat walked in the room holding a cup of coffee in his left paw. The cat walked toward Leonard handed him the cup of coffee and said ”Heres your coffee cousin Leonard.”

“Thanks, cousin Clarance!”

”I really wanted to thank you for giving me the job. I always wanted to be a therapy cat.”

“Your welcome, anything for my favorite cousin.”

“Really? I’m your favorite cousin? You're not just saying that because my mom gave you $100 to give me the job are you?”


“Thank you, Leonard that really means a lot to me. Hey, wheres everyone else at?”

”I gave everyone the day off because I wanted to spend the day with my favorite cousin!” Clarance had tears in his eyes and said ”Aw! I love you too cousin Leonard, give me a hug.”

“I don’t like hugs.”

Clarence wrapped his big gray paws around Leonard and hugged him. Leonard became mad and pushed Clarance away. Leonard slapped Clarance in the face, and said ”I told you I don’t like hugs.”

“I’m just so happy you gave me a job.” Clarance sat down on the couch next to Leonard.

“What are you doing?”

Clarance said ”I’m sitting next my favorite cousin.”

”Get off my couch I don’t want any cat hair on my couch.” ”But your cat hair is on the couch.”

“That’s because it’s my couch and only my hair is allowed on the couch.”

”I won’t leave any of my hair on the couch. Hey, do you remember when we were kittens, and we tried to catch mouse?”

Yes! And you got your front paws stuck in the mice traps.”

”Yes! And I cried!”

Leonard laughed and said ”Yeah, those were good times.” Leonard was eating a bowl of popcorn. Clarance looked at the bowl of popcorn and said ”Can I have some of that popcorn?”


”Why, not?”

”Because you're really fat, and you need to go on a diet.”

“I’m not fat its just my fur that makes me look really fat. How come you're allowed to eat popcorn?” ”Because I’m not on a diet.”

“How come you're not on a diet?”

“Because I’m not fat like you, i’m already the picture of health.”

As Leonard and Clarance were sitting on the couch together, the news reporter said “Rapin Roger the Word’s Greatest Dog Rapper is back and he’s having a concert at Care City Hospital tonight!”

Leonard said ”I can’t believe it!”

Clarance said ”I know! I can’t believe Rapin Roger is back! I saw his last concert five years ago, I love all his music.”

Leonard said ”I didn’t know Roger the World’s Greatest Therapy Mutt use to be Rapin Roger the World’s Greatest Dog Rapper.”

”Really? Where have you been? Can we go to the concert tonight? If we go to the concert tonight, do you think he will sign my paw?” Leonard looked at Clarance, and slapped him in the face.

”Ouch! I’m sorry I asked.”

”Shut up, Clarance I’m thinking. If I can rap better than Roger than everyone will come to my hospital. Roger will no longer be the world’s greatest therapy dog or the world’s greatest dog rapper. I shall challenge Roger to a rap battle and win.”

”Are you any good at rapping?” Leonard said ”How hard could it be?”

Suddenly a voice said ”I can help you.” Leonard and Clarance looked around, and saw a black lab. Leonard said ”Who are you?”

The black said ”My name is Hip Hop Hank, I challenged Rapin Roger to a rap battle five years ago and loss. Ever since that day I promised to get revenge on Rapin Roger. I can help you become the world’s greatest cat rapper that has ever lived.”

Clarance said ”But you're the world’s worst dog rapper.” Hip Hop Hank walked over towards Clarance, and slapped him in the face. Leonard said “Ok, great nice to meet you!”

Later that night everyone was at Roger’s concert. Inside the hospital Roger was standing on stage. He was wearing a black baseball hat, and a solid gold necklace with a little gold letter R. There were thousands of patients and therapy dogs standing in front of the stage. All the lights in the hospital were turned off, so it was very dark. The only bright lights in the hospital were on the stage. Roger said”What’s up Care City Hospital! How’s everyone doing tonight?” Everyone in the audience started cheering. Roger started rapping.

“Yo! I’m Rapin Roger I was gone for a while now i’m back on track. I’m still the world’s greatest dog rapper, that’s a fact. I can rap better than a rapping frog on a log.”

Everyone in the audience was cheering and enjoying the concert. Michael Roger’s owner was in the audience, he was wearing his Rapin Roger T-shirt. Michael screamed that’s my dog. The concert was going great then Leonard’s cousin Clarance showed up. Clarance shouted “Attention everyone.” All the lights in the hospital turned on. Clarance ran on stage, he was wearing a black baseball hat backwards just like Roger He was holding a microphone in his paws.

Clarance said ”Everyone please put your hands and paws in the air and waved them like you just don’t care for my cousin, Leonard K. the Rap Cat!”

Leonard K. Cat showed up and ran on stage. He was wearing a black baseball hat just like Roger, and he was wearing a solid gold necklace around his neck with a little gold letter L. He stood next to Clarance.

Clarance looked at Roger and said ”Hi! Rapin Roger I’m Clarance I’m a really big fan! Can you sign my paw?”

”Sure!” Leonard slapped Clarance in the face.

Clarance said ”I’m sorry, Leonard.

”Shut up, Clarance.” Leonard grabbed the microphone from Clarance and started rapping.

“Yo! Let’s cut the chit chat I’m Leonard K. the Rap Cat! Rapin Roger you think you're the greatest animal rapper? “Well, I got news for you, I can rap too. My rap will crush you till you're black and blue.” The audience started to cheer.

Roger said ”Wow! Leonard K. Cat how did you get so good at rapping?”

Leonard said ”I had a little help.”

Hip Hop Hank showed up and said ”Rapin Roger do you remember me?”

Roger looked at Hip Hop Hank for a few minutes, and said ”Did we go to obedience school together?”

”I challenged you to a rap battle five years ago.”

Roger said ”It doesn’t ring bell.”

Buster was standing beside Roger on stage and he said”It” Hip Hop Hank.”

Roger said ”Oh yeah, that’s right, now I remember you.”

”Ever since that day you defeated me, my life has been horrible. My girlfriend left me. I have been living on the street eating nothing but hot dogs. Don’t get me wrong there delicious hot dogs, but the point is you ruined my life.”

Leonard looked at Roger and said ”Roger the Rapping Therapy mutt I challenge you to a rap battle.”

Roger said ”Ok, Leonard.”

Leonard said ”Let’s make it interesting if I win you have to quit your job as a rapper and a therapy dog.”

”Ok, and if I win you must never rap again, and never come to this hospital.”


Roger said ”Leonard K. the Rap Cat you can go first.” Leonard had the microphone in his paw and he started rapping.

“Yo! I’m Leonard K. the Rap Cat. I am great there’s no room for debate. I have furry paws and razor sharp claws. I am the most handsome kitty in the city. After I’m done rapping with you everyone’s gonna say Rapin Roger who?” Everyone in the audience shouted “Oh!”

Leonard dropped the microphone and said ”Your next Roger the Rapping Therapy mutt.” Roger picked up the microphone and started rapping.

“Yo I’m Rapin Roger! “Leonard K. Cat you are such a fat lazy cat, you can’t even chase a rat. You are so poor, you can’t even buy a house with a mouse. You call yourself a handsome kitty? Well, you may be a handsome kitty, but I’m more handsome and witty. I can rap till dust until dawn, after i’m done rapping your nine lives will be gone.” Roger dropped the microphone and everyone in the audience started cheering.

Clarance said ”Rapin Roger wins!”

Officer Dale DogBone said ”Hey Leonard K. the Rap Cat, you're under arrest for stealing a tuna truck.”

”I was just borrowing it.”

Officer Walter Wags said ”And Hip Hop Hank you are under arrest for stealing a bag of chew toys.”

”Come on, guys I’ll share them with you.” Leonard K. Cat and Hip Hop Hank ran out of the hospital.

Roger said ”Ok, let’s continue this concert.” Everyone in the audience chanted “Rapin Roger!” Paul the CP Puppy came on to the stage, and said ”Hey Roger, can I rap with you?”

”Sure, Paul!” Paul was wearing a black baseball hat, and a solid gold necklace with a little gold letter P. Paul started rapping.

“Yo! They call me Paul the CP Puppy! You can judge me by the color of my fur. You can judge me by the size of my paw, but most of all don’t judge me because I have CP.” Roger’s owner Michael was on stage rapping too.

He said ”Yo! I’m Michael I’m a doctor! I’m the greatest doc on the block. Everyone chill I can cure whatever makes you ill.” Roger signed Clarance’s paw, Clarance was so happy. Everyone was having a great time at the concert. Roger was definitely the world’s greatest rapping therapy dog.


About the Creator

Jmjulius15 Jay

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    Jmjulius15 JayWritten by Jmjulius15 Jay

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