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Princess Cora and the Kingdom of Keys

A Children's Story

By J.M. PowellPublished 3 years ago Updated about a year ago 5 min read
Princess Cora and the Kingdom of Keys
Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

No one knows where the Key Queen will go. Even she doesn't know until the Key Fountain flickers and flows. Legend says the children chosen to receive a key will change the world later if they set their hearts free. Just before the sun rises on the mornings those to be chosen turn 10, their keys wake them like lamps shining by their beds.

Little Cora, unaware she was next, slept peacefully while the Key Queen stood by her bed assembling her key on her nightstand as she read the message to give her from the Key Fountain.

Take this key while a child who

is free and when you turn 18

find the path that sets you free

just like you felt when you were

10 and worry free. If you

succeed a letter will come

telling you where to use the key.

The Key Queen closed her eyes and made herself disappear just when Cora woke to the Key's bright light.

Everyone knew The Legend of Keys and Cora jumped out of bed screaming, full of glee. Her parents began to plan her key party at once, just as tradition suggests for every key prince and princess. Cora would then wear her key on a chain as a necklace everyday until her 18th birthday and beyond, awaiting her letter to arrive.


Cora went to bed one night when she was 23, losing hope and suffering. She drifted off to sleep and began having a dream. The image of a little girl named Bailey floated into her mind. The girl was sad because she was always getting bullied.

Cora woke the next morning with the little girl named Bailey sketched forever in her mind.


One bright Tuesday morning when she was 33 she took a walk in the park, still wearing her key. A little girl sat on a swing with tears in her eyes. Cora gasped when the girl looked up. She looked exactly like Bailey. Cora approached her, wanting to cheer her up.

She asked the girl, "Hi, what is your name?"

The girl answered shyly, "Bailey."

Dumbfounded in shock, Cora stood completely frozen for a few seconds. She knew it must be meant for them to meet but she didn't know why. She decided to comfort her.

"Why are you sad? Do you want to talk about it?"

"My foster siblings bully me and my foster mom doesn't care."

"How about we go for some ice cream at the place across the street?"

Cora saw a kind light in the woman's eyes unlike any she had seen before. She felt safe and decided to join her, a little light suddenly flooding into her own eyes.

They laughed throughout their treat time and decided to make every Tuesday their treat and meet time.


Many Tuesdays later Bailey seemed quiet and nervous at their meetup.

"What's going through your mind?" Cora asked her.

Bailey took a deep breath and boldly asked, "Would you like to adopt me?"

Cora grew silent a moment. "I don't know the first thing about parenting. My parents were always busy when I was a child. I don't think it's a good idea.

Bailey slumped her shoulders. "My foster mom is giving me back to the state. I may not get to see you again."

Cora understood because of how she would miss Bailey too.

They finished their ice cream quietly this time and said goodbye in case this would be their last meeting for a while. As Bailey opened the door to leave, a tear slipped down her cheek.

Cora arrived home shortly after at dusk and checked her mail before going inside. She found a very fancy letter in a gold envelope. It was so nice it seemed to glow in the dim shadows. She walked up onto her porch so she could see better under the porch light. She sat down on her porch swing so she could read it.

You have arrived on the path that

is setting you free. The answer

lies in what has been bringing

you joy. Use your key to open

your house door.

Cora grew frustrated. Why would her key open her house door, especially after all this time. She didn't know what it meant and felt betrayed. She already had a lump in her throat from the news Bailey had shared.

Many days went by with no inch closer to finding the meaning of it all. Bailey had been moved to a new foster family on the other side of the state so they hadn't seen each other since the day Bailey had shared the news about the change. Cora really missed her.

That evening Cora decided to meditate in hopes to find clarity on the meaning of her key. This went on for a few weeks until one day during it the answer hit her out of nowhere as if someone had whispered it in her ear.






Cora had not thought of it this way. She thought changing the world meant she would be well known and famous for something special one day. This very moment she knew that wasn't going to be the case.

The next morning she contacted the state to adopt Bailey. Bailey was so happy she could not stop crying for a little while.

Bailey arrived at Cora's home a few days later. When she stepped out of the car her eyes were so full of light from happiness. It was a beam so bright surely the whole world could see.

At that moment, inside on the wall in a frame, out of their view, Cora's key lit up brightly. Far away, the Key Queen smiled warmly, so happy Cora had finally made her way to her destiny. Bailey's key floated to the surface of the Key Fountain as Cora's glowed that night. The Key Queen looked forward to delivering it to Bailey soon on her 10th birthday. Sometimes a key holder changes the world for a person and it gives that person the type of heart to change the world one day as well. These were some of the Key Queen's favorite key moments to witness. She always feels warm watching love be the key.


About the Creator

J.M. Powell

You can make anything by writing. -C.S. Lewis

My passion is to spread what it means to love.

My published books of poetry: Quantum Leap Overmorrow

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    J.M. PowellWritten by J.M. Powell

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