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Open Letters to My Mama – Letter Three

The third letter in the series - Talent

By Rebecca SmithPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Dear Mama,

Okay, so you KNEW this one was coming. How could I not talk about your talent?! You’ve got more talent in your little finger, than most people I know put together. You ace your fucking job, every single time, you can sing (yes, yes you can), you nail being a mum, you have a talent for being able to cheer anyone up; no matter what’s wrong. AND - and this could be the most important - your Pesto Pasta is the best I’ve ever tasted. True story.

Let’s start with your job. It’s not easy, and often thankless, but you are incredible at it. It is a pleasure watching you at work (can you tell I’m being really cautious not to say what you do, in case people work out who is writing this and who you are?). I have so much respect for you in your field. Whilst I work in the same industry, what I do is very different, and it’s people like you that make my side of the job shine. Without you, people like me would be pretty needless. For someone who set out on a different career path in the beginning, you blow anyone else out of the water now. There are many people who do your job that I like, but no one compares to you.

Now, you’re gonna roll your eyes at this and disagree with me, but mate, you can sing! I shared some news with you today (I’m writing this Monday 16th November), and you sang to me. It’s incredibly rare that I get to hear your singing voice, BUT I love it. That time you had to sing for work, brought me to tears (IN A GOOD WAY – before you say anything). You really don’t realise how great your voice is, and I wish you’d sing more. More people need to hear you sing, because it’ll bring them all so much joy, but if you only wanna keep it in the family (plus me), I’m not gonna complain, I’ll just be happy to hear you.

Everyone knows that being a mum is a tough job. Kids can be utter arseholes. But, and this is coming from someone who’s biological mother was controlling and an addict who relied on me way too much even from a very young age, you are an incredible mum to your children (and an incredible maternal figure to me). I’ve touched on this before, but your children are so lucky to have you. You might not always feel like it, but you are doing an amazing job and you look after me too, and for that I am forever grateful. I love you more than I can explain. Like most parents would die for their children, I would die for you.

You joke about being a bad cook, and we’ve all seen your many accidents in the kitchen, but I had to give your Pesto Paster an honourable mention. It’s so good. Really nice. And, even though you thought you had broken your food processor (you’re welcome for me fixing it, haha), it was really nice.

There is more detail that I’d go into, if I was able to actually share your work and who you are, so please know that this would probably be at least three or four pages longer. You are ridiculously talented and a total fucking legend.

Please believe in yourself more. Because you are uber talented and deserve a lot more recognition than you actually get. I won't rest until I've adulated you to the world and everyone gets pissed off with me and tells me to shut up. Then, I'll just find other ways to talk you up. Please teach me your ways, because I'm rubbish at so many things, but you are amazing and basically everything.

I love you.


Your Liddle One



About the Creator

Rebecca Smith


Just be f*cking nice 🙌

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