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On My Way

Growing Up Separated -Dad; Part2 (Entertaining the kids)

By Zachery LeePublished 7 years ago 11 min read

So were at dad's now, and I've found that one of the many things I REALLY enjoy, is entertaining for guests. So, in the spirit of entertainment, we're gonna dip into a few WILD nights I created while I was living it up in my new-found youth.

One of the nights that I'm particularly proud of was all about my buddy Josh. It was his 18th birthday, so I knew I had to make it a night to NEVER forget. I had been working full time for a little while now, and I'm very conservative with my money..but I always give more than most can bargain for. So, with me being me, I went ALL OUT. Candy dishes, 3 course meal with 2 kinds of desserts, all of which were HOME MADE by yours truly. Not to mention the shit ton of alcohol and hours of pong and dancing around like idiots in the basement of the condo. Spent the whole day on that night, and the turnout was PERFECT.

Lemme give you a layout of the condo real quick. So, as soon as you walk in the front door, there's a bathroom right to the left. All the flooring on the main floor are wood, walking down the hall there's a carpeted staircase leading upstairs where the bedrooms are. Beyond the staircase there's another set behind the door to the basement. The basement is totally unfinished, concrete floors, we kept our washer and dryer down there and that was also where all of the REAL drinking and pong games were held. Back on the main floor, we opened up into the living room, which was also opened into the kitchen space where We dined out the night and made all kinds of small talk. Right outside the sliding glass door in the living room is a small set of stairs with a little porch light overhanging them.

So, back to the parties. It was winter, I wanted all of my people to come together and enjoy the night with me. I had been messing with this girl Zeina and her cousin "Ducky" for a minute now, funny shit between those 2 but, we'll get to that on another note. Zenia came out to the party, I had my blacklights in the basement, all kinds of booze, pong tables are up, and a full group at a time was making trips out to the house to chill. It started pretty simple, we all were sippin drink, munchin on snacks, and going in and out chain smoking cigarettes like nobody's business. Everyone was getting along fantastic. As we all got a little more drunk, we all got a little more comfortable. By this point in the night, Josh had been long passed out on the couch upstairs, everyone else was bouncing around, stumbling for the most part, but the times were just wonderful in any sense. At one point, things got a little exciting with one of my guests. Brandon, my dude, ended up with an awesome experience in this night. It was, and will be HILARIOUS for years to come. So, like I said, he got a bit too excited so I had to "Cool Him Off". As we recall, its winter, there's probably a good like foot or so of snow on the ground and it was coming down good. I needed Brandon to chill so, I put my dogs collar on him, hooked up the leash and let him outside. He was in his socks too, but none of that phased him. At least not until he bolted as fast as he could, and then slung himself into the snow when the leash reached it's length. It was just perfect.

We woke josh up for cake, somebody took a video of it, but it got lost over the years. As we all watched josh blow out the candled on his cake, that had a poorly detailed outline of what was supposed to be a giant purple dick on it, we all cringed and laughed, patted his back and took a birthday shot. Josh had been out of the game for a while, so I set him up back on the couch, got him a blanket, and went back to letting loose. Then it was back to the basement for pong and shots. Nothing could ruin this night though. Nothing.

The guest list to this particular party was pretty extensive, but I'm pretty sure I can still name them all. Brad, his girlfriend (at the time) Mckenzie, Josh (Birthday boy), Brandon, Zeina, Gabby, Nate (Nate Dogg AKA my first friend out here). Shit was lit, and everyone was killin it on the floor, on the couch, there wasn't a face that wasn't smiling hysterically. Zeina and Mckenzie even had a fun little moment up in my bathroom...Too funny. So I was off the pong table and kinda sniped out Zeina and Kenzie walk off upstairs. I waited a second and crept up behind them. I followed them upstairs into my room and over heard them in my bathroom. I didn't see anything happen, but there was definitely intimate talk going on, and the image didn't help that earlier in the night Zeina made it fairly clear that if she had the chance, she would fuck the shit out of Kenzie in a heartbeat. I thew out the option to Brad for a 4way..he didn't go for it, but hey! At least I tried. So anyway, after the funny debacle over Kenzie and Zeina, we got back into the groove on the pong table. Gabby and Kenzie were on the one side, and me and Nate on the other. I was already pretty gone, but I wasn't done yet. I guess you could say I didn't end it very fairly, but I was having a great time, and so was everyone else. Gabby was killin it, and I had to think of something quick, so, after me and Nate shot, took a cup, it was back to the girls. I couldn't help myself, I got so into the moment and the music, it just felt right, so I whipped my dick out, and swung it like a helicopter, smacked it on the table a few times and it worked. Me and Nate ended up taking the game by storm after that move, and then we all went upstairs for a quick break.

Things had gotten pretty heavy between me and Zeina over the past few weeks, and even though we had messed around before, tonight was extra intense. A few more hours past and soon enough, everyone was passing out, Brandon ended up slumped over in the bathroom with his phone in his hand, we left Josh on the couch all cuddled up in himself, everyone else got blankets and crashed in their own time too, but in the meantime, I was drunk, Zeina was good to go, and everyone was about to get a face full of "WHAT THE FUCK".

So, just a fair sight ahead, I love my people, and I would do anything for them with NO INTENT to scar, maim, or hurt them in any way. But you gotta understand that, in my position, they just walked in at the wrong time and saw a lot more than they needed too.

Everyone was cooling down, and decided to go out for a smoke. I stayed in with Zeina. things got real hot and heavy between us (I'm not detailing in this article) and, just as things got real heavy, Gabby walked down the stairs and saw EVERYTHING. I wasn't stopping so we laughed it off, Gabby got her smokes and went back outside. Next, Mckenzie rounded the corner and the same thing happened. about 20 minutes went by and even though I was still loaded up and goin, I decided to give Zenia a break. I love these guys with my whole heart, we had all seen more of each other than most people would care too, but it didn't bother us any. after a quick smoke, we all went back inside and soon after, I got a call from my friend Josie Wyatt. She came by, wished Josh a happy birthday, hung out for a few drinks and then went home to share with her boyfriend. Everything wound down from there in that night, everyone picked their spots and crashed out bottle in hand. I slept downstairs with Zeina, who had some nightmares through the night ended up squeezing me dry with tears in her eyes. Those are stories for another chapter though.

Collectively I've had 3 people crash out in the bathrooms at my house. It was great EVERY TIME. Every time, I take care of them as I would have if they were family. I do this because if I were in the same situation, I would expect that be done for me as well. I don't ever intend to put myself in these kinds of places, and when I have, usually the favor doesn't get returned but, I can't get mad about it, because ultimately, I put myself there. Now lets speak on another night to remember shall we?

Another one of my favorite nights here started off a little more on a surprise note than the rest. All last minute, basically, thrown together on a wimb. So we got out the tables, picked up some drinks, and the crew flooded the house just like before. I was down, it didn't matter. Nate and I threw down on the pong table for a while, killed it, he invited this girl Jackie over to the party, had expressed that he had a large interest in her and wanted to pursue it that night. I helped with that, after we all got pretty sauced up, anything was possible. I wanted to fool around with Gabby, but she was in a dark place and you know...just wasn't a good time for it. Jackie on the other hand, even though she didn't exactly take care of herself at the time, or express any kind of drive to do so.. Well, lets just say I got voted to take one for the team in that instance. Kinda just said fuck it and threw down. Nate and I actually ended up taking turns with this girl. (Again, not detailing in this article). Eventually, all that nonsense stopped and we all went back to the pong table. Brad was getting over a break up with Kenzie that night so he went EXTRA hard on everything. Brad wondered up into my bedroom late in the night, Nate slept on the couch all disgruntled cause of things that went down with Jackie. I was in my bed, with Jackie. Brad got a good wake up call when things with me and Jackie got heavy. I didn't get to live that down for a great little while after that. Worth it.

This next one was a pretty chilled night, it was just me, Josie, and a new acquaintance, Frank. I had seen frank a few times before, but we never hung out really. Josie, Frank and I were kind of bumming through the day, took a road trip out to Belleville, grabbed some food, then it was back to the house for a few drinks. We ended up playing Waterfall that night, it got intense for real. Josie got SOO drunk, SO fast. Grabbed her a blanket, got her on the couch, she was chill. Even jumped up and ran to the bathroom when she needed to puke. She didn't remember any of it the next day but, DEFINITELY had to pat her on the back for making it work. Frank and I stayed up sippin our drinks for the next while. I was the last to crash out, but in the time that I spent chillin with Frank, we both found some real common ground. I didn't see much of him for a while, but that's all in for another series of stories later on. When I woke up the next day, Frank was dozed off in the downstairs bathroom slumped over the toilet, Josie was still on the couch and I was hungry. SO, I made everyone breakfast, and we all got on with our days. Had a good night, obviously invited them to do it again, and that was that.

Another chill night came up, this was the start of a very transitional point in my life. I had been hanging out with my buddy John for a good while now, we would go out and hit the club on the weekends, get down and just have a good time with it all. Well one night, me and John (Bater) were hanging out and he got a phone call from this girl Sabrina, who he'd been crushing hard on for years. She was having a hard time so, naturally I jumped in and offered to pick her up and take her back to the house, wind down and talk through whatever. So she jumped on board, I picked her up, we picked up a bottle and headed back to the house. Sabrina was stunning. She was wearing this skimpy skirt, makeup all done up and ready to get wild in the night. There was a sadness in her eyes that was incurable but, we tried anyway. Sabrina offered up backrubs. I was down so, we all lined up on the couch and started a train of back rubs. Things got kind of intimate and it was then clear that Sabrina wanted more than a back rub. Again, I was down, but quickly conveyed that I didn't think Bater would be ok with what was going on. I guess I'm kind of a scum for this one but, we all went upstairs and were chillin out watchin TV in my room; And if you wanna get the details on that or any of the other fun little sex-ports I've involved myself in...you should keep reading for the next ones in the other categories I'll be getting into. Me and Bater had a little scuffle but never really fought, and we ended up hanging out for a good while afterward too, cool on the ground that that situation NOT BE brought into play EVER AGAIN.

I'm not sure you'll get all the points in this one, but what I mainly wanted to show in this article is that, I love my people and I will take care of them in every opportune way given. More times than less I'll drop whatever I'm doing and go out of my way to try and make things better for them. Sometimes, things can get a little shady but, in the end of it all, I make sure that I'm good with everyone because, even though the world isn't always very giving, I would hope that one day, my efforts would come back on me and I would get back all the good that I've given without return. I hope that my reads have been entertaining, to say the least, and I hope that you continue to read in on these many stories that I have. The line keeps going, please, spread this to your friends, family, co-workers, whatever. I want to see how much impact I can make here, but I DO NEED YOUR HELP. I speak truth, and relay goodwill and messages.

Written and lived by: Zachery Lee


About the Creator

Zachery Lee

Just a loner kid who's been through some things in his life. I have mountains of stories to tell, not all of them clean... I hope that my stories inspire, and maybe even teach you a bit of something about life.

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    Zachery LeeWritten by Zachery Lee

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