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Mamaw's Legacy of Love

The Unseen Treasures

By Rebecca Lynn IveyPublished 4 months ago Updated 4 months ago 3 min read

This International Women's Day, in the auspicious Year of the Dragon, my thoughts turn not to world-renowned figures, but to the woman whose fire burned brightest in my life – my Mamaw. Unlike the mythical Dragon hoarding its treasures, Mamaw never had much in the way of material possessions. Raised in poverty, she carried that experience throughout her life, raising her three daughters with limited means. Yet, when she left this world, the wealth she left behind was immeasurable – a legacy of undying love and unwavering courage.

Mamaw was a small woman, barely reaching five feet tall. Her weathered hands, rough and wrinkled with age and labor, spoke of a life spent in tireless work. Yet, her eyes held a spark that defied her circumstances. They shone with a deep well of kindness, a mischievous twinkle that promised laughter, and a fierce determination that could weather any storm.

Poverty was a constant companion, a specter that haunted their small, ramshackle house. There were days when hunger gnawed at their bellies, and nights spent huddled under threadbare blankets, the cold seeping through the cracks in the walls. Yet, Mamaw never let despair take root. Laughter was a weapon against adversity, her voice always ready with a joke or a song, lifting the spirits of her family even in the bleakest moments.

Formal education eluded her. The demands of survival left little room for schooling. This, however, never dimmed her intelligence. Mamaw possessed a wisdom far exceeding any textbook knowledge. She could stretch a dollar further than anyone I've ever known, transforming meager ingredients into nourishing meals. Her resourcefulness was legendary, repurposing old clothes, turning scraps into useful objects, and finding beauty in the simplest things.

More importantly, Mamaw instilled in us the power of resilience. Life dealt her a harsh hand, yet she never surrendered to self-pity. She faced each challenge head-on, her spirit unbroken. Her courage was a shield, protecting her family from the harsh realities of the world. When faced with setbacks, she taught us to dust ourselves off, learn from our mistakes, and keep moving forward.

Her love was her greatest treasure. It flowed freely and unconditionally. It was in the calloused hands that held ours through thick and thin, in the stories whispered at bedtime, in the sacrifices she made without a second thought. It was a love that nurtured our dreams, even when they seemed impossible, a love that believed in us when we doubted ourselves.

Her love extended far beyond her family, encompassing all creatures great and small. The sight of Mamaw surrounded by her furry and feathered companions was a familiar one. She'd share her meager meals, tearing off bits of bread for the birds, coaxing shy animals closer with a gentle word and a plate of warmed milk. Her kitchen, though often bare for her own family, became a constant feeding ground for these displaced creatures.

Mamaw never worried about the practicalities. Her love trumped logic, her heart overflowing with an empathy that transcended species. She understood the unspoken language of need, the desperation in a hungry animal's eyes. In turn, they offered her a different kind of love – unconditional affection, a loyalty that demanded nothing and gave everything.

These acts of kindness, so simple yet profound, instilled in me a deep respect for all living creatures. Mamaw, through her love for animals, taught me compassion, the act of putting oneself in another's shoes, even if those shoes had fur or feathers.

Mamaw embodied the spirit of the Dragon. Like that mythical creature, she was fierce and protective, a force to be reckoned with when it came to defending those she loved. However, unlike the Dragon hoarding gold, Mamaw hoarded love and resilience. These were the treasures she passed down, a legacy far more valuable than any material possession.

Today, as I navigate my own path in life, I carry Mamaw's spirit within me. When faced with challenges, I hear her voice, urging me on with her quiet strength. When doubt creeps in, I remember her inner strength.

Mamaw may not have had the material riches of the world, but she was a woman of immense wealth. Her love, her courage, and her resilience are the gold I carry within me, a constant reminder that the most valuable treasures in life are often invisible. The woman who taught me the true meaning of strength and the power of love that conquers all will forever be the dragon by my side.

So, as I celebrate Mamaw on International Women's Day, I not only honor her strength and resilience but also her boundless capacity for love. She, the woman who had so little, gave so freely, leaving behind a legacy that extends far beyond the human world.

Georgia Pauline “Polly” Widener - April, 13,1931 - October, 7, 2017

childrenvaluesimmediate familygrandparents

About the Creator

Rebecca Lynn Ivey

I wield words to weave tales across genres, but my heart belongs to the shadows.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Heartfelt and relatable

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  • ema4 months ago

    Great woman, beautiful article! 😍

Rebecca Lynn IveyWritten by Rebecca Lynn Ivey

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