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Kyrie and The Flowers

For mothers with Daughters

By Carina SimmsPublished about a year ago 8 min read
Made on procreate

Kyrie woke up to the golden rays of sunlight streaming through her window, filling her room with a warm and inviting glow. She could already feel the excitement bubbling inside her as she remembered it was Sunday, a day when her mother tended to their magnificent garden. Eager to join her mother, Kyrie sprang out of bed and made her way through the house, her steps filled with anticipation.

Passing through the hallway, Kyrie marveled at the beautiful paintings adorning the walls, their colors bursting with life. As she entered the living room, she was greeted by a kaleidoscope of colors from the vibrant throw pillows scattered across the couch. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted from the kitchen, promising a day filled with warmth and joy.

With each step, Kyrie's excitement grew, her heart beating faster in her chest. Finally, she reached the sliding glass door that led to their backyard sanctuary. Sliding it open, she was greeted by a breathtaking sight. Her mother stood among the towering trees, their branches swaying gently in the morning breeze. The garden was a tapestry of nature's wonders, a paradise waiting to be explored.

"Good morning, Mom!" Kyrie called out, her voice carrying the excitement that danced within her.

Her mother turned, a smile spreading across her face. The water hose in one hand, she beckoned Kyrie to join her. The backyard, like a secret world, unfolded before Kyrie's eyes. It was a symphony of colors, with flowers of all shapes and sizes blooming in harmony.

On their way up the path, Kyrie's eyes widened as she reached a spot in the garden where her mother had cultivated a patch of enchanting flowers. African violets, their petals a velvety purple, seemed to glow under the dappled sunlight. Yellow irises stood tall and proud, their elegant forms swaying gracefully. White jasmines released a delicate fragrance that tickled Kyrie's senses, while pink snapdragons danced with a mischievous charm.

The sight of these captivating flowers overwhelmed Kyrie's senses, and she turned to her mother with a glimmer of excitement in her eyes. "Mom, can I make a bouquet of flowers and show these beautiful flowers off to my friends?" she asked eagerly.

Her mother paused, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I don't think that's a good idea, Kyrie," she replied gently.

Undeterred, Kyrie tugged on her mother's arm, her determination shining through her pleading gaze. "But Mom, please! I have to show my friends what I see," she insisted.

Her mother sighed, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Seeing flowers in a bouquet is a lot different than seeing them when they are in the garden," she explained. "When you have your own garden one day, you'll understand."

Kyrie's persistence paid off, and her mother finally relented, carefully cutting some African violets, yellow irises, and white jasmines. However, before she could cut the pink snapdragons, she warned Kyrie, "It is said to be bad luck for a girl to carry a snapped snapdragon."

Determined to create her bouquet, Kyrie brushed off her mother's cautionary words. "Mom, I'm headed to the park to meet my friends and show off my flowers," she declared.

Her mother nodded, concern flickering in her eyes. "Okay, Kyrie, it's important to protect those flowers."

As Kyrie made her way towards the park, a sense of curiosity lingered within her. The stories and rumors about the peculiar witch who lived in the house on the corner of the street had always intrigued her. Whispers of strange happenings and magical encounters had reached her ears, painting a picture of a mystical and unconventional figure.

She had heard tales of children going missing near the witch's house, only to return days later with tales of enchanted adventures. Some said the witch possessed powers that defied explanation, while others claimed she was a benevolent force, granting wishes and spreading joy to those who dared to seek her out.

Kyrie's mother had mentioned the witch on a few occasions, describing her as an eccentric soul who lived life on her own terms. She spoke of the witch's love for nature and her deep connection to the mystical forces that governed the world. Her mother's words had painted a picture of a person who danced to the beat of her own drum, someone who defied societal norms and embraced a world beyond the ordinary.

As Kyrie passed by the witch's house, she couldn't help but steal a glance at the peculiar structure. Its walls seemed to whisper secrets, and the garden that surrounded it was a riot of vibrant colors and unusual plants. It was a place that seemed to exist outside the boundaries of the mundane world—a place where magic danced freely in the air.

As Kyrie strolled past the witch's eerie abode, she noticed two Fu dogs stationed outside. A shiver ran down her spine as she thought she saw the statuesque creatures move, their watchful eyes following her every step. Just then, a powerful gust of wind suddenly swept through, snatching the bouquet from Kyrie's grasp and sending it soaring into the witch's backyard, landing precariously in a tall tree.

Reluctantly, Kyrie summoned her courage and approached the wooden arch that marked the path leading to the witch's house. She rapped on the door, her heart pounding in her chest. The door creaked open, revealing a hunched figure cloaked in shadows. It was the old witch herself.

"Can I help you, young lady?" the witch asked, her voice dripping with a hint of mystery.

Kyrie's voice trembled slightly as she explained her predicament, desperately seeking the return of her beloved flowers. The witch chuckled, her laughter laced with secrets and ancient knowledge that echoed. She beckoned Kyrie to wait in the entryway while she ventured into the backyard to retrieve the flowers.

Minutes turned into an eternity as Kyrie's anticipation mingled with unease. Finally, the witch's voice rang through the house, beckoning Kyrie to join her. Swallowing her fear, Kyrie cautiously made her way towards the backyard, unaware of the dangers lurking within the witch's dwelling.

"Watch your step," the witch warned with a smile. "My Fu dogs are very upset with me, and I fear they've disrupted the chi in the house."

Curiosity mixed with trepidation, Kyrie ventured deeper into the house. The sounds of barking grew louder, echoing through the corridors. Her eyes widened in disbelief as she stumbled upon the source of the commotion. In the living room, two glass cabinets stood against the back wall, displaying a collection of small Fu dog figurines. To her astonishment, the figurines seemed to come alive, pouncing on the glass, their eyes filled with mischief.

Startled, Kyrie's breath caught in her throat, and she hastily retreated, fleeing towards the kitchen in a desperate bid for escape. But even there, she found no respite. The knives on the counters danced and twirled with an otherworldly grace, their metallic gleam reflecting her terror. Like spectral dancers, they advanced towards her, driven by an eerie force.

Fear surged through Kyrie's veins as she let out a yelp, instinctively seeking refuge. Spotting a narrow opening that led to the laundry room, she dashed towards it, her heart pounding in her ears. The knives pursued her, their relentless pursuit urging her onward.

With a final burst of energy, Kyrie stumbled into the laundry room, her breath ragged and her body trembling. The sight of the backyard door provided a glimmer of hope, the promise of safety and freedom. However, before she could step forward, the ground beneath her shook violently, threatening to swallow her whole.

Panic seized Kyrie as she felt an invisible force wrap around her leg, preventing her escape. She turned, her eyes widening in horror as the witch's washer machine came alive, its insidious intention to engulf her. Kyrie's pleas for help filled the air, a desperate cry in the face of imminent danger. The witch, alerted by the commotion, hurried back into the house and clapped her hands, commanding the washer to release its grip.

Relieved but shaken, Kyrie wiped away her tears, mustering the courage to face the final trial that stood between her and her beloved flowers. She approached the witch once more, her voice

steady but determined. "Can I just get my flowers now?" she asked, her voice laced with a mix of exhaustion and determination.

The old witch chuckled, her eyes twinkling with a mix of mischief and wisdom. "Yes, my dear, your flowers are right there in that tree," she said, pointing to the towering branches overhead. "But I must warn you, I haven't watered my Venus-eyed trap plants, and they might crave the moisture on your leg."

Kyrie sighed, her resolve unwavering. She had come too far to turn back now. With a deep breath, she looked up at the menacing eyes of the Venus-eyed traps, their fanged mouths chattering eagerly. The challenge ahead seemed insurmountable, but Kyrie refused to succumb to fear.

Step by cautious step, Kyrie began her ascent. The Venus-eyed traps closely monitored her every move, their gaze fixed upon her bouquet of flowers. She stretched and reached, her fingers trembling as she grasped the stems of her precious blooms. A sense of triumph washed over her as she finally held the bouquet in her arms.

But her victory was short-lived. The Venus-eyed traps snapped their jaws with an insatiable hunger, their attention shifting from Kyrie to her treasured Snapdragon clippings. Kyrie's heart pounded as she witnessed the voracious plants devouring the ill-fated flowers, their carnivorous instincts temporarily sated.

Seizing the opportunity, Kyrie swiftly descended from the tree, her movements nimble and agile. As she landed on the ground, she felt a renewed surge of energy, fueled by her survival and the retrieval of her cherished bouquet.

Breathless and elated, Kyrie thanked the old witch for her help, her voice filled with genuine gratitude. She hurriedly made her way through the house, through the laundry room, the kitchen, and the living room, paying no mind to the curious chaos that seemed to follow her every step.

Finally, she reached the front door, her hand grasping the doorknob. She turned back to wave at the old witch, her eyes gleaming with a newfound wisdom and resilience. With a mixture of relief and anticipation, Kyrie stepped outside, leaving behind the fantastical and treacherous world of the witch's house.

As she walked back towards her home, a sense of awe and wonder filled her heart. She clutched her bouquet tightly, vowing to protect and cherish the flowers that had brought her both joy and danger.

Returning home, Kyrie's mother rushed to her side, concern etched on her face. "Kyrie, are you alright? What happened?" she asked, her voice filled with both relief and worry.

Kyrie smiled, her eyes gleaming with a newfound resilience. "Flowers are supposed to be kept in their garden, especially Snapdragons," she replied, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and wisdom.

Her mother embraced her tightly, a mix of pride and relief washing over her. In that moment, Kyrie realized that her adventure had not only taught her the importance of heeding her mother's advice but also instilled within her a newfound courage and appreciation for the wonders of the natural world.

As Kyrie stood there, in the embrace of her mother, she knew that she had come close to the brink of danger and returned stronger and more determined than ever. And as Kyrie stepped forward, carrying her bouquet of flowers with a renewed sense of purpose, she embarked on a new chapter of her life—one filled with endless possibilities and the unwavering belief that she could overcome any obstacle that came her way.


About the Creator

Carina Simms

Hi all. I'm just an artist who loves storytelling. Trying to find my place within the community to continue my growth as a writer.

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    Carina SimmsWritten by Carina Simms

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