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Kneading Dough, Missing You

A Long-Distance Love Story

By Muhammad SafdarPublished 12 days ago 3 min read
Kneading Dough, Missing You
Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

The Edinburgh rain hammered a relentless rhythm against the bakery window, mirroring the thrumming anxiety in Maya's chest. Every Wednesday at 8 pm, her phone would become a lifeline, connecting her tiny Scottish flat to the bustling heart of New York City and her husband, David. But tonight, the familiar buzz of an incoming call remained stubbornly absent.

Three years of marriage hadn't dulled the sting of distance. They'd fallen in love in a whirlwind romance that defied geographical boundaries. Now, however, the miles felt like an uncrossable chasm. David, chasing his dream job as a journalist, was consumed by the erratic demands of the profession. Maya, a baker with flour perpetually clinging to her fingertips, missed the simple joys of his presence – the way his laughter would fill the kitchen as she made his coffee, the warmth of his arms around her after a long day.

The ache of loneliness sharpened with every passing moment. This Wednesday held a particular significance. Her best friend, Sarah, was getting married, and a familiar pang of longing twisted in Maya's gut. She desperately wanted to share this joyous occasion with David, to dance with him under the fairy lights, but his career, once again, demanded his sacrifice.

Just when despair threatened to engulf her, a chirp from her phone startled her. Relief flooded her as David's face flickered on the screen, a tired smile etched on his usually energetic features.

"Hey, sorry I'm late," he rasped, his voice betraying the exhaustion clinging to him. "Big story broke, had to chase it down."

The explanation, while frustrating, was understood. They talked for hours, weaving a tapestry of stolen moments. Sarah's wedding plans, a funny encounter with a customer at the bakery, a stray cat David had befriended in his New York apartment – these everyday details stitched their worlds together, momentarily bridging the vast ocean that separated them.

The following morning, a notification from a bakery supply store popped up on Maya's phone. It was a discount on specialty flours, a specific type David knew she loved to experiment with. A wave of warmth washed over her. Distance might isolate them physically, but it couldn't erase the depth of his knowledge of her passions and dreams.

Days turned into weeks, each one bringing a fresh set of challenges. Sarah's wedding day, a bittersweet symphony of joy and sorrow, arrived. Maya, surrounded by the infectious happiness of her friend, couldn't help but feel a pang of loss. But amidst the festivities, she clung to the warmth of David's late-night call and the silent promise nestled inside a small silver locket that had arrived at the bakery the day after their conversation.

Inside the locket, a picture held a universe of emotions. It was them, their faces beaming with unbridled joy on their wedding day. Tears welled up in her eyes. The locket wasn't a substitute for his presence, but it was a tangible reminder of their love, a love that had defied the odds and spanned continents.

The following Wednesday, the familiar chime of her phone brought a familiar smile to her face. David, looking a little less weary, greeted her with a goofy grin.

"So, guess what?" he said, his voice bubbling with excitement.

"What?" Maya asked, her heart skipping a beat.

"I got a promotion," he announced, a hint of disbelief coloring his voice. "They're assigning me to their London bureau!"

The world seemed to tilt on its axis. London. A mere train ride away. Tears streamed down Maya's face, a mixture of relief and joy.

"Does that mean...?" she stammered, unable to articulate the question that echoed in her heart.

David's grin stretched wider. "It means I'm coming home, love. Soon."

The months that followed were a whirlwind of activity. David securing his new apartment, Maya finalizing the sale of the bakery (a dream she'd always harbored of opening a small cafe-bakery someday), both of them navigating the complexities of immigration. Finally, the long-awaited day arrived. Maya stood at the platform, a nervous flutter in her stomach, her eyes scanning the faces disembarking from the London train.

Then, she saw him. David, weary from the journey but with a smile that could light up a city, walked towards her. Their embrace, filled with a lifetime of unspoken longing, was a silent promise of a future finally within reach.

As they walked hand-in-hand out of the station, the locket nestled against Maya's heart, a single thought echoed in her mind: distance may test a love, but a love that is true, like the perfect loaf of bread, can rise above any obstacle.


About the Creator

Muhammad Safdar

I'm a writer with a passion for both storytelling and connection. I believe strong relationships are the cornerstone of a fulfilling life, and I'm here to help you build one that thrives.

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Comments (2)

  • Sherif Saad12 days ago

    I love it

  • Hania 12 days ago

    Beautiful love story.

Muhammad SafdarWritten by Muhammad Safdar

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