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Hello, Kim Fancy Seeing You Here.

Five crucial life lessons I learned from my loving mother.

By Ceo Of DyingPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Hey mom,

Thank you for everything. I miss you more and more every day (even though I could walk two steps and see you.)

First off, what is the definition of a mom? The purpose of a mother is a woman who gives birth or who has the responsibility of physical and emotional care for specific children. An example of a mother is a woman who has just given birth to twins (my sister and I are twins, so double the trouble on my mother's part.)

Why is it essential for a child to have a mom? Mothers serve two essential biological functions for children in the first three years. They soothe a child's distress at the moment, and they help regulate a child's emotions, not allowing them to go too high or too low. But do you need a mother to survive? Kids can survive (with some exceptions) anything and heal if they have a committed parent to help them recover their emotions.

If you're a mom raising kids without a Dad, you'll want to know that children need to thrive off unconditional love. Noting else, just all the love you can give them, give them.

I don't thank my mom enough for everything she's taught me. And I thank her for always loving me unconditionally, even when it is hard. I've learned so much from you, but if I wrote about all of the essential lessons you taught me, this would be hours long. so I am narrowing it down to ten life lessons that you taught me.

An example of incredible Generosity.

1.) Be Generous

My mother is so striking. She gives all her time, property, possessions, things, and so much more. She supported my sister and me all by herself. She works three complete jobs and still makes time for my sister and me. She packs our lunches every morning (my sister and I are physically capable of doing it ourselves, we aren't five.

She just has always made our lunches before she starts doing her work, and it's something small, but it means the world to me.) I wish one day I can be as hard-working as her. she is someone I will forever look up to no matter what.

What even is Generosity? The professional definition is Generosity (also called largess) is the virtue of being liberal in giving, often as gifts. Generosity is regarded as a virtue by various world religions and is celebrated in cultural and religious ceremonies.

Scientific investigation into Generosity has examined the effect of several scenarios and games on individuals' Generosity, potential links with neurochemicals such as oxytocin, and relationships with similar feelings, such as empathy. Or the shorter definition that is a lot easier to understand is giving without receiving anything in return.

2.) Be Smart With Your Money

First off, how do you even be smart with your money? Here are three ways to be smart with your money:

  • Do not go out as much ~ You would probably be shocked if you realized the amount of money you spend per week just by going out. A movie here, bowling there, coffee now and then, or an occasional shopping spree can add up. Remedy this problem by limiting yourself to going out once a week. The rest of the time, get creative with your friends and think of free entertainment options. This is one great way to be smart with your money. Do more free stuff like reading a book you have at home or going over to a friend's house (and make them pay for the property, trust me, it works.)
  • Open a savings account ~ One of the best ways to be smart with your money is to open a savings account. Then, make it a priority to put a little money in it with each paycheck. You may only be able to afford to put $20 or less in there, but in time that small amount of money will add up. You never know when you will need emergency funds or when something may come up, so it's always nice to have a little money put back.
  • Please think before you buy stuff ~ One thing to watch out for when you shop is telling yourself you have to have it. Ask yourself these two questions: "Do I need it?" "Can I afford it right now?" If you can answer both of these questions with a yes, then go for it. Be proud of yourself, knowing you are smart with your money!

Thanks to my mother's kindness and generosity towards my future, I already know how to save money or be smart with my money. I am thankful that she taught me these life skills at a young age instead of telling me later or not telling me at all. Without these money-saving skills and techniques, she has taught me I would be in a lot of debt right now.

But because of her, I learned how to make my savings account, put money in my bank account in person (and deposit checks), write reviews, and many more things, all at a very young age. Which wasn't very helpful at the time since I had no money, so it didn't matter, but I'm still so grateful for her kindness.

3.) How To Be Kind

She taught me always to consider kindness before I open my mouth. When I have something negative to say about someone, she taught me always to say something kind even if it is hard. Kindness always comes from the heart. She's taught me to be kind to every soul and not just specific people. She's taught me so many ways to be kind, but I will tell you one more. She taught me how to set an excellent example for people. Those people are younger than me or a lot older. She taught me always to be a good role model and model kindness in my day-to-day life.

The "professional definition" of kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others without expecting praise or reward.

According to a new international study of over 2,700 college students, most people look for an essential quality in a long-term partner is kindness. Other attributes, such as physical attractiveness or financial stability, we're also ranked as critical factors, but compassion was the highest priority.

Kindness affects us in many ways, but kindness improves the cardiovascular system. Kindness benefits the nervous system. The longest nerve in the human body, the vagus nerve, which controls inflammation in the body, plays a role in keeping your cardiovascular system healthy.

Showing kindness to someone you don't like is hard. But you might startle yourself when you take the high road. You have to remember that it's not about the other person. It's about us and who we choose to be in that moment. Practicing little things like grinning and saying greetings to an irritable neighbor, or not talking bad about a troublesome co-worker, or choosing not to clap back at someone when they've dissed you are all acts of compassion.

4.) Dream Big

A big dream is a fire in your belly that fills you up with a craving to make yourself and things better. A big goal is a substantial wish or an aspiration for something, of which when we attain it, we believe it would fulfill or satisfy an inner longing or desire.

Dreaming prominent means having the mental freedom to think about what you want out of life and forget about all the reasons why you can't make it a reality. It means having high standards for your life and setting the bar high for yourself.

To see things as what they could be. To reach out and not be able to touch it in the immediate-physical or convince others, but to see it so vividly, and to take it day by day, following it until destiny is reached.

I dream big, I fail, I don't accept it, I try harder, and when people don't support me, I leave them in the dust with my pain because I don't need to hear that I'm in the clouds, not trusted, too young, too old, too impossible, fat, skinny, dumb, or that I can't live forever.

"Don't be afraid of the space between your dreams and reality. If you can dream it, you can make it so." By Belva Davis.

"When you cease to dream, you cease to live." By Malcolm Forbes.

5.) Closed Mouths Don't Get Fed

Closed mouths don't get fed an expression my mom would always tell me when I wouldn't speak up for something that I wanted. What to do if unable to speak up (that my mom never told me to do) If you struggle at all with speaking up, take some time this week and examine what you learned in childhood about how safe it was to speak up for yourself. Ask yourself, "What do I remember about how it went when I said to my authority figures "No," "I don't' agree with you," or "Don't do that to me."

I never spoke up because I am shy. Shyness emerges from a few key characteristics: self-consciousness, negative self-preoccupation, low self-esteem, and fear of judgment and rejection. Scared people often make unrealistic social comparisons, pitting themselves against the most vibrant or outgoing individuals.

But without my mom constantly reminding me that if I didn't speak up for what I wanted, I would fall behind, I wouldn't be where I am today.


Your favorite child (I know I’m not the favorite child.)


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Ceo Of Dying

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    Ceo Of DyingWritten by Ceo Of Dying

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