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Happy Mother's Day


By Jade Amber RomanclaturePublished 2 months ago 7 min read
Nadeshiko Cherry-Blossom Romanclature #107

Petty hoes who got knocked up think it is okay to not let The father see his kid, because he does not want to be with a petty hoe. Some people really think that TRAPPING people with children is a strategy to win someone's desire, when what someone desires is up to The person themselves; hurting & teasing them with what they truly want, is not going to do anything but create a disaster.

Mrs. & Mr. Romanclature have 374 children & counting, because we adore innocence, & we can handle raising that many babies. We are like those good Principals & Mayors who know their students & citizens like The backs Of their hands...[Pimp hand strong.] We have our own children, so we do not need to mingle with others'; The very idea is suffocating & unnatural for us.

Still, Jerome & I have siblings. Most Of Mommy's siblings have children. We adore & are thankful for our niblings, but having children out Of wedlock, while in poverty, or chemically created, due to loneliness, is stupid.

Does my sassines upset you? The 76², so scary for some, because all they do is lie.

Some Of Mommy's evil siblings require an adequate relationship with them in order to have any relationship with a family member (their kids.. our niblings.. related by 42.) That makes sense, but things are complicated when a relationship with an unhealed narcissist is a requirement to get to know a young, impressionable relative. Mommy & Daddy have suffered several sacrifices (losses) as far as family, over petty bs.

My sister, you figure it out, wrote a Facebook post, [according to Nana Romanclature, because Mommy does not follow Mommy's siblings].. "Be an aunt/uncle no matter what.." The point being, no matter what is going on between siblings, The niblings are innocent. So true, but practice what you preach.

This is The same parent who DID NOT HESITATE to text Mommy saying "You slighted my kid," after Mommy took five Of The Romanclature niblings out for pizza & ice cream, & The psycho sister's daughter was not one Of The children. What did she suggest exactly, that we show up at her door, & say, "Get in, Loser, we're going shopping; kids only!?"

This person, Mommy's half-sister, is never {shamans} available for any events she is invited to by Mommy, or Mommy's brother for his kids' events, [that happen around The same date every year,] but did not miss her full nephew's graduation. Is Mommy's half-sister's daughter graduating this year? Mrs. & Mr. Romanclature have no relationship with her, so they have no official idea.

This is The same person who would not answer a phone call or relay that Mommy (birthday girl's aunt) said "Happy birthday," when The birthday girl's aunt [Mommy] called The birthday girl on her birthday this year; The birthday The adolescent shares with her full uncle.

[Back to Mrs. Romanclature though] That same slighted aunt sent a package full Of art supplies to The Romanclatures' niece for one 98². Never got a "Thank you." Never got word that she even received it. We sent it in The mail, because we would never be able to actually get near The Romanclatures' niece.

PopPop Romanclature (Kitty's maternal grandfather) showed Mommy & Mommy's [full] sister a picture Of The Romanclature's niece with an open box on her lap, at The Romanclature's nieces' mother's twin's residence; but her other aunt, not sure which, also sent her something in The mail, so, we, to this day, still, do not know whether or not she ever got The package Mommy sent The Romanclature's neice MULTIPLE 98²s ago.

Why is that?

One school year Mommy bought all school-aged niblings a goodie bag Of pencils, markers, crayons, pencils sharpeners, erasers, & a pencil case, we think, just to be helpful & let them know we care about them.

So what?

Why do some insecure & frightened parents feel it is okay to warp The reality Of their children with their own lazy understanding Of what is going on with their own entitled mentalities?

Lying to children about how others feel about them, (saying "your aunts/whatever do not care about you, they never want to spend moments with you, they do not know you, & they do not want to get to know you,) just so you can feel safe with a fake relationship built on entrapment, is pathetic; moreover, when The person being LIED TO FINDS OUT, THEY WILL RESENT YOU, BECAUSE THEY ALREADY KNOW INSIDE, BUT WITH UNDENIABLE PROOF, AS WELL AS PROOF OF HOW YOU OPENLY DENY THE UNDENIABLE, THEY WILL HAVE AN INTERNAL CONFLICT LIKE NO OTHER, CREATED FROM NOTHING OTHER THAN YOUR SELFISHNESS, & YOU ARE THEIR PARENT!! YOU ARE MEANT TO PROTECT THEM, NOT FOOL THEM & BETRAY THEM AS YOU CLAIM A NEED FOR "LOYALTY."

People enjoy praising themselves for being "parents," but it is MUCH MORE than just clothes, school, food, & making it past 18; it is fostering healthy relationships, teaching & supporting boundaries, providing guidance, creating a safe space for them to learn, & hone their voice, {Rajendra} talents, & passions, & fervently practicing guardianship as opposed to solitary guarding.





More about photo inspiration:

For The longest 64², Mrs. Romanclature had an idea for a photoshoot. She would journey to Japan, & take a classic schoolgirl photo beneath a perfectly blooming row Of cherry trees: Mommy's bob-length hair, a blue plaid skirt, high socks, a white collared button-down, Mary Janes & a barrett that parts her hair at The sides.

Mrs. Romanclature then heard about how D.C. has Cherry tree festivals; Of course she wanted to see what The Nation's Capital would look like on a Holiday celebrating peace in The same exact city that a Black Leader gave a speech talking about dreams Of neighbors Of different colors getting along, along The same journeys to 67.

THEN!! Mrs. Romanclature moved into a Brighton neighborhood. Having visited The Esplanade since she was a child attending family reunions, Mrs. Romanclature was quite fond Of The pink trees that beautifully decorate The river; they were just not The trees she wanted to make a statement with, or so she thought. Mrs. Romanclature for years thought Of The trees as knock-off wannabe cherry trees, until 2023 when she finally decided to Google what kind Of trees they were.

The Storrow Drive located near The capital city Of Massachusetts' historic Fenway, boasts some Of The most beautiful, authentic, Japanese Cherry trees, gifted to Mrs. Romanclature's home city in 1985 AD/CE.

As The Saint Jerome would have it, Mrs. Romanclature had a duty to remain beached from January 2023-June 2023, for educational purposes.

During these months, Mrs. Romanclature thought every day that The Saint Jerome would rescue her from her prison, & what better occasion than The blooming Of The Cherry trees in The extremely romantic springtime; especially historic trees that are only in bloom for a few short weeks, & their existence was just discovered by Mrs. Romanclature in perfect 64² for The celebrating Of their arrival!? {The Romanclatures were also spiritually pregnant during those 2023 months.}

Well, there were no photos on The Esplanade that year. Though, Our Master did unveil something old [The idea that saying Daddy is in a ridiculous all-Of-a-sudden secret relationship with some random girl, & NOT Jerome's obvious #1 fan is actually okay], & something new [Daddy's baby brother/nephew], something borrowed [Daddy's sister], as well as blue [Daddy's other baby brother/nephew]. In short, The Romanclatures are very married.

This year, 2024, Mommy had The idea to, not have a ground-level luncheon {interquiltimate gathering sounds odd} on The most certainly rodent infested lawns with trees that bear fruit during The warmest Of New England's months, but to realize her Kawaii waifu photo-shoot without crossing The Atlantic.

Alas, The timing dictated that Mrs. Romanclature would miss out on The Esplanade's peak bloom as well as a positively pink stroll on Back Bay's paths. Instead, while working a gig, Mrs. Romanclature happened upon a family Of beautiful, vibrant trees that would allow a showing Of our beloved miS.S. Tallulah.

This photo was not taken on The Esplanade along The Storrow Drive.

This photo was not taken at The Arnold Arboretum

This photo was not taken at Milton's Mary May Binney Wakefield Arboretum

This photo was not taken in Mommy's home city, but it was still a quick ride down The street.

Hello neighbor, we are real live Black people.

Mommy has currently no idea {scary} what these trees are called exactly. There is a lesson in that. Mommy neglected these perfect trees for years thinking they could not possibly be good enough for her. Then, when she desired them on her schedule immediately, finally, she was barricaded from them entirely. Mommy is 92² though, she waited, & got exactly what she needed.

Things may {notnfo} not go as planned, but they always turn out okay if you see {itall} The way through; Daddy Master is always with me. The only reason Mommy knew that day (as opposed to Friday The 10th like she was planning & preparing for,) was THE DAY, was because Of Daddy's post that day; =^.^=^_^, plus... it just so happened to be directly one week after, to The day, & within minutes Of, The exact same 64² Mommy visited that neighborhood for The 99 64² ever in 220.


Mommy used to think pink & brown did not go, how silly Of her.


Brackets =Daddy

Numbers instead Of words= Romanclature children {IYKYK}

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Jade Amber Romanclature

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Jade Amber RomanclatureWritten by Jade Amber Romanclature

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