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Good Foster Mother

Ibu Angkat Yang Baik

By Zynn SimajuntakPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

In the heart of a bustling city, there was a small but cozy neighborhood where people knew each other by name. Here lived a remarkable woman named Sarah, known fondly by everyone as Aunt Sarah. She wasn't a biological mother, but she was a foster mother to many.

Aunt Sarah's home was a sanctuary—a place where children who needed love, care, and stability found refuge. Her house, a charming old cottage with a garden bursting with colorful flowers, always had an inviting aura. Children from difficult backgrounds would come to live with Aunt Sarah, some for a short time and others for longer stretches, but all were welcomed with open arms.

One chilly autumn evening, a knock echoed at Aunt Sarah's door. She opened it to find a timid 8-year-old girl named Lily, clutching a worn-out teddy bear.

"Hello there, sweetie," Aunt Sarah greeted warmly, crouching down to Lily's level. "I'm Aunt Sarah. Come on in, you must be freezing."

Lily hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, her eyes wide with uncertainty. Aunt Sarah led her to the living room where a fire crackled in the hearth, casting a warm glow across the room.

Over hot cocoa and cookies, Aunt Sarah listened as Lily shared bits of her story. Lily's parents were unable to care for her due to personal struggles, and she had bounced around different foster homes. But with Aunt Sarah, Lily felt a glimmer of hope.

As days turned into weeks, Lily began to blossom under Aunt Sarah's care. She attended the local school and made friends with the neighborhood kids. Aunt Sarah helped her with homework, read bedtime stories, and taught her how to tend to the garden.

Aunt Sarah was not just a caregiver; she was a beacon of stability and love. She showed Lily what a nurturing home felt like—a place where she was safe, valued, and cherished.

One sunny afternoon, Aunt Sarah took Lily to the park. They sat on a bench, watching ducks glide across the pond.

"You know, Lily," Aunt Sarah began, "families come in all shapes and sizes. They're not just about blood. They're about love and care."

Lily nodded, her eyes reflecting understanding.

"You're part of my family now, dear," Aunt Sarah continued, her voice filled with sincerity. "And I promise to always be here for you."

Lily smiled, a smile that reached her eyes for the first time in a long while.

As months passed, Lily's confidence grew. She started excelling in school and discovered a passion for painting. Aunt Sarah proudly displayed Lily's artwork around the house, turning every corner into a gallery of creativity.

But life wasn't always smooth sailing. There were moments of doubt and tears, especially when Lily missed her parents. Aunt Sarah was there through it all—offering comfort, guidance, and unwavering support.

One spring morning, Aunt Sarah received a surprise call. It was Lily's mother, now in a better place and ready to reconnect with her daughter. Aunt Sarah listened attentively, her heart filled with mixed emotions—joy for Lily's reunion with her mother and a touch of sadness at the thought of saying goodbye.

When Lily's mother arrived, Aunt Sarah welcomed her warmly. The reunion was emotional, with tears and hugs shared all around. Aunt Sarah witnessed the love between mother and daughter, knowing that this was a new chapter in Lily's life.

As Lily prepared to leave, she hugged Aunt Sarah tightly. "Thank you for everything, Aunt Sarah," she whispered.

Aunt Sarah smiled, her eyes misty. "You'll always have a piece of my heart, Lily."

In the days that followed, Aunt Sarah's house felt quieter, but her heart remained full. She continued to open her home to other children in need, knowing that she had the capacity to make a difference, one child at a time.

Years later, Aunt Sarah's home remained a sanctuary—a place where children found solace and hope. Lily, now grown and successful, often visited Aunt Sarah, bringing her own children to meet the woman who had changed her life.

And as Aunt Sarah sat in her rocking chair on the porch, surrounded by laughter and love, she knew that being a foster mother was not just a role—it was a calling, one she embraced with all her heart.

childrenimmediate familyextended familyadoption

About the Creator

Zynn Simajuntak

With my habit of daydreaming, I am now a professional writer. Turn your habits and hobbies into an income that makes a lot of money.

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    Zynn SimajuntakWritten by Zynn Simajuntak

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