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Going on holiday to grandparents' house

school holidays

By Agus SusantoPublished 3 days ago 3 min read

In a small town surrounded by green hills, there is a house which is a favorite vacation spot for the grandchildren in the family. The house belonged to their grandfather and grandmother, a white wooden building with a red tiled roof that looked so beautiful in the middle of a flower garden. Every time summer arrived, Aisha and Adam, two enthusiastic brothers, couldn't wait to visit their grandfather's house. and their grandmother. They always looked forward to the moment when the family car entered the path leading to the house, decorated with wild flowers that grew abundantly along the side of the road. When they got there, grandfather and grandmother happily welcomed them. Grandpa, who always smiled broadly with his long white mustache, immediately hugged them tightly and said, "Welcome, my sweet grandchildren!" Meanwhile, grandmother, who always wore a brightly colored apron, immediately offered the delicious food they had prepared. The first day at my grandparents' house was always spent exploring around the village. Aisha loved following grandfather when he went fishing in the small lake behind the house. They would sit together on the edge of the lake while enjoying the silence of the morning which was only decorated by the sound of small birds chirping.Meanwhile, Adam prefers to help his grandmother in the back garden. They will walk among rows of colorful flowers that attract butterflies to land. Grandma would teach Adam how to care for plants and pick fresh vegetables to cook together. In the evening, after a delicious home-cooked dinner, they would gather around the fire in the living room. Grandpa would sit in his rocking chair and tell stories about his adventurous childhood in this village. Aisha and Adam were always transfixed listening to the stories, often laughing merrily at their grandfather's behavior when they were young. One sunny afternoon, grandfather took them around the village on his old bicycle. Aisha and Adam rode behind grandfather, feeling the summer breeze brushing their faces. They passed green fields, lush small forests, and a river that flowed fast in the middle of the village.On their last night at their grandparents' house, Aisha and Adam decided to have an evening picnic in the backyard. They brought blankets and snacks prepared by grandmother. Under the light of the full moon, they sat together under a large tree that provided shade, telling stories and laughing together. However, not all moments went smoothly. One morning, it rained heavily, hindering their plans to play outside. Aisha and Adam were a bit disappointed, but grandma quickly found a solution by inviting them to make cakes in the kitchen. They were both given mini chef hats and protective clothing, and began mixing the dough happily amidst laughter. When the day to return home arrived, Aisha and Adam felt sad about leaving their grandparents' house. They promised to return soon next summer, hugging grandparents tightly before entering the family car. They brought home beautiful memories and stories that they will keep in their hearts all year long. Grandparents' house is not only a place for vacation, but also a place full of love and unforgettable memories for Aisha and Adam.After everyone is done on holiday we go home. and prepare ourselves for tomorrow when we go back to school and return to our activities. Cheer up friends, always think positively to live life wait for my next story. I will always share stories with you. with interesting stories. support me okay? With your support, I am very enthusiastic and will make more stories in the future. Thank you very much for listening to my story. bye

travelparentsimmediate familyextended familychildren

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    ASWritten by Agus Susanto

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