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Destiny game - the story of a girl

Realistic story

By mostafa mohamedPublished about a year ago 8 min read

The story of a girl who hurt us with her story The dreamer brother says he is a member of our group The story of a member of the group who hurt us with her story (sorry, sisters) before the start I disobeyed my Lord!!!!! So I changed the characteristic of bliss by myself And the language of speech turned crying Alas Oh, om the heartbreaks of God May the peace, blessings, and mercy of God be upon you A few days ago, a new member appeared to us, who hurt everyone with her story, and they waited for her end with one heart.

Realistic stories of girls.. the story of the lost, the story of a chaste girl who met a bad friend - Realistic stories of lost girls story Today with realistic stories of girls and today's story entitled The Lost.. It is the story of a girl who met a bad friend, and it was the end. Chaste girl The story of a chaste girl who grew up in a house of honor and purity, as is the habit of a girl and the habit of the human soul to have a friend. This chaste girl got to know a girl, and the relationship between them developed, and she became confident in her. She and she exchanged secrets, and she became her best friend. One day, this chaste girl came, and her friend was crying. She said: Why are you crying?! She said: My love left me. The chaste woman was amazed, and said: Do you know anyone other than your father and brother? She said: Yes.

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And here the chaste girl discovered the misconfiguration of those cells in her ranks. You have decided to drive the good girl to vice. So I took it from her, and after a few days, the relationship returned, and she said to her: Get to know the guys. The chaste woman said: I seek refuge in God. She said: You idiot, do you want to be like a million and a half spinsters in homes? Devil's entrance This is the entrance of the devil who caused the marriage -. You are smart and can distinguish between the truthful and the playful, so I gave her a piece of paper in it. And I made a mistake when I took!! When the night fell dark on her, Satan whispered to her, so he whispered to her, perhaps she was a girl, then she took phone numbers. The phone started ringing with a young man answering. Devil's ropes:

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So she hung up the phone quickly, then Satan said to her: Call me Then I called and hung up the phone, repeating it over and over. Then this young man learned that he was a stupid fan who knew about the world of hazing, and then he said to her: If you are one of those who contradict, then I do not contradict and do not like contradictions, but rather I am looking for a wife and turn off the phone. This girl said: She spoke these sly words of love. The page i want in a future wife. Then she pointed to talking to him and him, and the matter continued between them, then he said to her: Tonight I will propose to you from your father, but how can I propose to a girl whom I have never seen? And he began to say to her, “I must see you, even in a crowded place, so that you will not be afraid.” The girl responded and went to meet the young man. Wolf encounter: When he saw her, he said:

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You are the one I want, but I have an apartment, come and see it, and tonight I will come to propose to you from your father. Then that poor woman went out and rode with that wolf, and he took her to their apartment, “their alleged palace.” When she entered, she was surprised by six young men who violated her honor and robbed her of the most valuable possessions after her faith. God is great, where are the promises? Where is the love? Where is the sacrifice? That poor woman came out sad, deceived by this wolf. The girl became anxious and sad, everyone noticed her change and bad condition. She is so distracted and thoughtful that she doesn't care who talks to her.. the end: She refused to talk to her father or mother, until she became emaciated and the pain started in her body. She went to the doctor, and she said to her: Oh my daughter, you are pregnant, this news came down to her like a thunderbolt, the earth narrowed for her, her soul narrowed for her, her grief and crying intensified. She went to that sly person in the apartment and said to him:

She is pregnant, come and fix the mistake she did, so he expelled her and said: If you come here again, I will tell the police. So a believing teacher knew about her and advised her and said to her: O my daughter, you have lost this world, so do not lose the hereafter. God is Forgiving, Merciful. Repent to God Almighty, so she repented.

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And one day her father said: My daughter, I know that you are wronged, and I know that you repent to God, but who will erase the shame that you have brought us? And her mother lost consciousness and woke up in the psychiatric hospital, and her father lost consciousness and woke up with paralysis.. But!

Another story..........

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One of the saddest and heart-wrenching stories that ever passed me by, a true and fateful story, and a girl paid for it, like a flower blooming at the beginning of spring, a girl with utter naivety and innocence, a mistake, a mistake after which you must pay a harsh and heavy price, and it is not comparable to living with the bitterness of the unknown wait

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Her story began when she was in the second year of high school, and she excelled academically. She was always ranked first on a continuous basis, but by the end of her academic year her grandmother was very ill, so her parents had to take her abroad in search of treatment for all her ailments and pains that never subsided, as for the girl and the rest of her siblings. The children were taken by their aunt to live with her. The girl felt the departure of her parents, especially her mother, in whom she used to find a friend who would tell her all the secrets and everything that occurred to the heart first. She felt a great emptiness, which made her search for things to fill that void, and the aunt was not a modern person at all. Familiar with modern life matters, so they did not get along with each other.

The girl was very introverted, she used to find everything she wished for in her mother, and now her mother has disappeared and she has gone on a journey that only God knows when it will end, and she was feeling bored and depressed in the presence of her aunt who only knows anger at her all the time, so the girl helped her in all the housework After that, she finds comfort in searching among social media for someone who will listen to her and find in him what she lacks and misses

And one day I spoke with a young man, the girl was very confident in her upbringing, as she would abide by the limits and the like, but the young man had traveled abroad and had many experiences with other girls, at first she would disclose to him everything she felt, and in fact she found in him yes The mentor listener, they used to exchange conversations for long hours on Messenger, during which the young man got acquainted with all the details of the girl’s life, and she was like him, and he had the blessings of the mentor, who made him adhere to prayer and fasting, and to stay away from everything that God Almighty forbids.

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And one day, the young man told her how sincere his love for her was and that he could not imagine his life without her, and asked her to propose marriage to her as soon as her family returned from travel, but the girl was afraid to ask her family how he knew her and how she got to know him, especially since he is from a city that is completely far from them, so she refused. The idea is final and argued for its study that you would like to complete

And one day the young man told her that he had come specially to her city in order to see her and her picture, and that he would not leave her city until after seeing her. He asked, and the first thing she saw in him was beauty that no one can describe. He is really like a knight of any girl’s dreams, because she believes that every girl she sees wishes him as her husband, and he also greatly approved her and insisted on meeting her family as soon as they arrived from travel.

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And the meeting was renewed again, and a third time, and this time they both drifted in the path of Satan, who begged them and almost, the girl lost the thing she was most proud of possessing, the young man deeply regretted what he had done to her, but he promised her that he would not leave her and that he would marry her, every day he called her to check on her after He happened, reassuring her about her health, how she became, and how she became, but for a whole week his contact was cut off, and she started calling him, but to no avail, and as soon as the week ended, he returned to call her and asked to meet her.

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She saw deep sadness in his eyes, and when she asked him about the reason, his eyes began to drop tears, but he tried to hide them, and with the girl's insistence on knowing, he told her, saying: “I discovered last week by chance that I had a serious illness, and I don't know how I did this to you. My Lord, I have never loved a girl in my entire life except you, and my heart is severely crushed because the girl I love myself is the one who leads her with me to the path of destruction.” About the calamity that befell her, and what a heartbreak for her about the extent of the injustice she inflicted on herself and her family with her.

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    MMWritten by mostafa mohamed

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