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Color Bleach of Life


By kuljit mannPublished 3 years ago 31 min read

The color Bleach of life.

There was a box on the counter. The thin canes made a box, beautiful, pleasing to the eye, at the behest of an artist. The box is surrounded by delicate threads of red Sunil's cloth wrapped around it. The small size of the jewelry box is as if it has expanded its existence as needed. I thought this is an invitation to happiness—a modern example of a basket of sweet Laddus types of chocolates. The handle was wrapped around silver-plated wrist scissors.

I nodded and lifted its lid. There were dark brown chocolates in it. I just started counting. Before I finished my counting Jeeti came.

Jeeti is my wife; never call me by name. Jeeti respects traditional values, which I don't like. I told her so many times to call me by name, but she never pays attention to my suggestion.

I have to accept it.

"Where did this box of chocolates come from?"

"It is a marriage invitation for us from your uncle."

Natha Singh is not my real uncle.

We worked together in a Plastic factory. Natha's wife is from our village. Impliedly, she would be the sister of my father; even my father never met her. In that relation, Natha is my uncle.

"Who came to deliver these bunch of cards?"

"Your uncle came himself for his son's wedding."

"Wonderful, but why uncle gave us chocolates instead of sweet laddus."

"You know, everything is changing now. Canadian kids don't eat Luddus, so people start giving chocolates. There are dark brown chocolates, especially for you, because you like dark brown."

I smiled and said," Uncle is a great, compassionate and emotional person."

"Ya, Uncle is very attached to you. He always said Jay is a great person."

"Jeeti, why don't you call my name?"

"No, I did not utter your name. I am telling you what uncle said."

I start laughing; I feel good when you say, Jay."

Uncle is pleased; he is going to celebrate big time. We are invited three times by different cards. Ladies sangeet, marriage ceremony, reception, for every occasion, we are invited."

I open the cards and start reading and then put those on the coffee table and said, "There is a mistake or something else."

"What mistake?"

"Missing bride's name. There is another name; what about Manjit?"

"Show me the card I did not see."

I handed over the card to Jeeti. Jeeti read the card and said, "Yes, you are right. Is Tajinder is not marrying Manjit? They love each other for two years. All the time they go together, everybody knows, what happens? These kids, you never expect anything from them."

"These days, students came from India with different stories. Manjit also came to Canada to study on a student visa. Then she met Tajinder. She is lucky to get love and immigration both, but what happened on the eleventh hour?"

The news surprised me. Natha Singh is a good person than what happened. I am curious to know the truth.

He is my uncle due to his wife, but they divorced and Natha Singh married again last year. His second wife, fifteen years younger than our uncle.

"New expenses for us. We need at least two thousand dollars."

"Why two thousand dollars?"

"I have to buy new suits, shoes, new purses; it will cost us more than one thousand."

"Why new suit, new shoes, your walk-in cover is full of your suits, lots of shoes?"

"Yes, I already wore those; everyone in our circle has seen it."

"Everyone saw you too. That is right, look at me, I am taking with me the same woman. I am now ashamed to drag the same woman for so many years. Just look at Natha Singh. He has a brand new, younger, beautiful wife. I wish I have now a new wife becuse for so many years, you are with me." I start laughing.

Jeeti knew my nature; I quickly changed the topic and said, "Jeeti, there is something else written on this card. You cannot notice. If you Extinguished, then I believe you are genius."

Jeeti searched all the cards again. Many non-essential pockets are also folded. Some read directly, and some even indirectly understood. But Jeeti refused to find and asked me, "I can't tell me what is special."

"Look, the team of hosts. Our aunt is also named there."


"Uncle Natha's ex-wife."

What is happening nowadays in our community? Anything can happen. Maybe one day I will come home, and you are sitting with someone else and say I have a new husband. Don't worry, it will go away as soon as it is fixed.

Our real aunt was very quarrelsome, how the first wife came in this card, she didn't want to see Natha Singh's face. It may also have played a role in Tajinder's marriage. Maybe The bride her relatives or known to her or some kind of deal.

Anything can happen. Instead of laddu, chocolates are being distributed.

We are surprised. First, the name of Tajinder's bride Manjit is altered, and now ex-wife.

"Manjit has been out of Tajinder's life ever since. It doesn't matter; in fact, it means a red card. The game is over. not only Manjit but traditions too."

"It simply came to our notice then. Wedding cards are red. Jeeti punched me in the arm and said, "Marriage does not mean the end of life, the end of sports." It was as if Jeeti had leaned her hand against the burning candle.

"I know Tajinder and Manjit are killing each other. They love each other so much that they have to repent for the rest of their life if they are not marrying.

Natha Singh is not marrying his son in his community. While boys and girls also love each other. On the contrary, where he is marrying the boy, neither his community nor the boy's choice. Yet, it is an arranged marriage.

Natha Singh's ex-wife named Satnam, did not believe in God at all. She was a very naughty woman. An invitation was always on her face. The matter was closed by divorce, and today I saw her name on the card.

Natha Singh had suffered all his life. He had many reasons—life without a partner, a life with a quarrelsome wife, a lack of money in Canada.

Then new wife changed his life entirely. Chubby Sarita joined the gym and, with a lot of workouts, turned into a beautiful woman. Sarita looks very sexy, and Natha Singh was pleased.

Coincidentally, blessings began to flow. Roads were paved, and the intoxicating water of Natha Singh

started coming back to his pot. It seemed that the water was already ready to go into the pool, just waiting for the new aunt. Whatever Natha Singh prays may be fulfilled.

. It seemed as if Natha Singh now learned how to pray. His pray never went in vain.

Circumstances may have taught him what to ask and how to ask.

Not everyone finds the easy way out. Factory employment has become a thing of the past.

The number of designer clothes stores in Toronto's various malls began to grow. Employment also began to increase.

Their son Tajinder turned out to be a visionary young man.

The girls working in his stores were all attractive, but Tajinder, son of Natha Singh's cypress tree, caught the eye of no one except Manjit. We all knew their love.

Manjit's mother and father in India also knew him. It was not even love at first sight. Manjit was also scheduled to visit Tajinder's house. That is why one wonders why Manjit's name is not on the card. Nirmal was a name we had never heard before.

Natha Singh's family now extended to the gurdwara. I saw Natha Singh cracking. His attention had been distracted for some time. Uncle, who was talking with his eyes closed, was now stealing his eyes.

The difference in Natha Singh's eye shook Tajinder. Tajinder spoke to me nervously, "Uncle, tell Dad to talk to Manjit's family. They are also Jatts same cast as we do. You and I used to talk about how difficult it is to be in a community these days. We both made a well-thought-out decision."

"Very strange, what your dad is thinking, I have no idea."

"Ask my dad; he will listen to you. I know that. You are the only one who could help us."

Before I talk to Natha Singh, we received the package of invitation.

The card that came today was telling another story. There were many designs on this card.

The colors were beautiful too. The words were like pearls. There was also the name of the beautiful banquet hall, but Manjit's name was missing. I was surprised and sorry to read the card.

In the former, Natha Singh, a coward, used to make arguments and prove himself to be truthful. I knew the card was to be printed, but the maneuvering was still to come. The final battle was yet to come. Jeeti knew this too.

The wedding was four weeks away. While working in the factory, Natha Singh always shunned Balbir. Balbir was the most outspoken and wise of us all.

. That is why Balbir did not get married. Married two times bogus papers marriage for money, drank heavily, and advised the people to make money. Tajinder, son of Natha Singh, was getting married without his consent. The issue became the topic among friends. Balbir called all the friends to his place and told Natha Singh to explain the reason. Natha Singh could not ignore his friends.

Meanwhile, Tajinder approached me and said, "Uncle, I can't live without Manjit. Please do something."

I seriously agreed with my inner self and told Tajinder what he didn't want to hear.

"But Uncle, it doesn't matter what you think about self-esteem. What should I say to Manjit and my friends?"

Your dad may have a need, or he may think that it is your need that you do not yet understand. He has seen many ups and downs in life. He is not at all confused."

"Uncle, there's more to it; Manjit is my first love."

"Tajinder, why don't you talk to your mother or get a court marriage with Manjit?" After all, if they don't listen to you, why should you care?"

"Uncle, I think so too. But at one point, I think about Dad. You know he is very emotional. In depression always drink too much; he could die at this age if he does so. Even though Dad has his thinking and does whatever he does, that is my responsibility, but Manjit disagrees. You know she came from India. She told me either get permission from my parents or forget me. I don't want to have a court marriage. I don't know what rituals she keeps talking about all the time. It seems to me that this ritualistic confusion of her. Now you tell me what to do? You help me, uncle; I will die otherwise. I want Manjit. " Tajinder's eyes widened. Seeing his tears, I was thinking, what I should do."

"Son, I'll talk to your dad." Ask Manjit again if she agrees. Tell her how you feel about her."

"Uncle, I'm tired." Why don't you just talk to her?" Tajinder dialed the cell number and handed me the mobile. At the other end was Manjit. She promised to come the next day.

I came home and shared the whole thing with Jeeti. She leaned forward and said, "Why do you need to bother strangers? Sometimes use wisdom, Sardar. Some people have their intellect is in the ankles, but I think your ankles are also empty.

If you support the boy, your whole group of friends will be upset. They call you a traitor and if you walk with them and your conscience blames you. I don't know; your conscience starts to heat up like a water heater.

Let's get up, slap some water on your face today. We will go to see the wedding suit." Jeeti kept both sides, not even talking to me, and completed his chewing habit.

The next day, Manjit arrived on time. It took me ten minutes to sit down and listen. Without any special role, I asked Manjit, "Manjit, since when and how much do you know Tajinder?"

"Uncle, In August will be two full years."

"Where did you first meet?" I asked Manjit, knowing a lot.

"Uncle, the first time I met him with a friend. Jamila was his friend's friend. we've been dating for a long time, but there was no such thing as love."

" Jamila said something funny romantically, and Tajinder called me. I also wanted to find a permanent immigrant friend. Meetings have just begun."

"Don't you have immigration?" I asked in surprise.

"No, uncle, I'm not an immigrant."

"What else do you want?" The boy was ready to have a court marriage. He loves you; you love him. Why doesn't love and immigration come together to your mind?"

Jeeti sharpened her tongue and placed the tea on the table.

My wife Jeeti also gave good advice with a plate of samosas. Jeeti thought it was straightforward, and we are making it complex.

Both of you agree; immigration agrees; what else do you want? Dad will agree later when you guys have a baby. Nobody can leave the children; Manjit is his only son. Don't worry, go ahead.I know Natha Singh is not a bad guy."

"Uncle, I want you to talk to Tajinder's dad." I want our marriage with their consent."

"But why do you want that? When Tajinder is ready to have a court marriage with you.

Why this hesitation?

"Uncle, this is a long story; you may not understand it." I think Manjit said the big thing out of a small mouth. I also admitted my humiliation. I felt as if I had been less educated.

. It's like sitting outside a soccer ground, watching a game, and I don't understand the referee's red and yellow cards, and Manjit is playing with sports shoes. Standing on the ground, standing on the soccer ball, she looked around with eagle eyes to see which way to move the ball. Who can understand me and push me towards goals? I gave up the idea of explaining to Manjit.

"Let's go, Manjit; I will drop you." Manjit got up politely and put on her sandals.

I was thinking about this riddle while driving. Nothing was happening. There was no need to understand. I did not have a close relationship with Tajinder, Natha Singh, and now Manjit. Married or not.

At least I didn't care if it was a boyfriend or girlfriend match. Natha Singh had to invite me wherever Tajinder's marriage took place

The girl sitting next to me seemed strange to me, even a little stupid. Far from his good and evil, I was engrossed in a curiosity. After all, what is the matter?

The girl wanted my help because I was Natha Singh's friend. Tajinder wanted my help because I was Natha Singh's friend.

I decided to keep quiet and attend the wedding quietly. From lady's music to receptions, Nathe Singh inivites me.How come I become a plate of banquet Hall. In confusion, I applied brakes, and the girl was surprised and looked at me in amazement. I also responded to her surprise with a fake smile.

We reached her place.

Under the illusion that the fake flowers were honest, we opened our car doors. Manjit said goodbye and left.

She did not look back. I had no hope.

On my way back, I turned my car towards Pandit's house. Pandit was drying his hair in the sunlight coming through the mirror in the living room. We used to call Kishan Singh a Pandit because of his education and understanding. He had also accepted the post.

"Well, that's it," Pandit said after listening to the whole thing.

"But who do you want to help?".

"No one special, Pandit, what do you think? Where should we be?"

" Help anyone. All is well. You and I are perfect.

Each side has its truth. It's a matter of color bleach.

You don't see the new pollen. One thing I don't understand is what your purpose is? Are you doing some research or preparing a sociology report, or is there some other problem?

"Pandit, I don't know what I want. My confusion about my needs is making me sad. I asked myself. I have a friend, his son is getting married, and I got the card, and the card is also VIP. I am getting the honor of being a friend. Maybe I just want to be a friend. That's all I need. Natha Singh was asking how many people were coming. We have to count and tell the people in the banquet hall how many plates there are. I don't want to be a plate. I am a part of this wedding party, so I want to be a part of the warmth of the wedding. But your words put me in a new dilemma."

Pandit laughed; he picked up the cotton swab and started collecting the drops of fresh water in his ears.

"Shouldn't we write everything down on paper? There are some questions; then we will slowly find the answers; it will be so easy." I insisted.

"Well, write then." I took the pen out of the pocket on the paper hanging on the clipboard and handed it to Pandit.

"Write first, why doesn't Natha Singh want to marry his son to his girlfriend Manjit as per his wishes? While Manjit is also from his community and his caste, and there is no community problem. Natha Singh, where he wants to have an arranged marriage, is not the same caste

, and the girl does not even know the boy."

As I started writing the second number, Pandit said, "Wait, highlight Natha Singh's refusal." Pandit took a yellow marker from the table and gave it to me; I highlighted Natha Singh's refusal.

Pandit said, "Give me the clipboard; let me write the points. "

I handed over the clipboard to Pandit,

"The second thing is Tajinder, that is, the lover. Why can't he force his dad?"

Pandit stopped writing and said, "Is this Tajinder Canada Born?"

"Yes, Tajinder is Canadian by birth. but he grew up in India with his aunt." I took a deep breath.

"The third main issue is Manjit. It's a little more significant. She came to Canada on a student visa. Immigration can be obtained by marrying Tajinder. Natha Singh disagrees, but Tajinder wants to leave home and have a court marriage with her, but I don't understand that she wants to get married with the family's blessings instead of accepting the help. I have offered her all kinds of support.I am saddened. Maybe she is underestimating our support.

Pandit, I need you here. If we can't understand Manjit's heart, then we can't do anything right. And fourthly, whether you write it or not, what do you mean by your word color-bleach.?

I finished my speech and started looking at Kishan Singh's thickening forehead.

"I don't think you communicate the girl in the right direction.

She does not believe you. A girl who has no roots in a foreign land must have something in her heart. It's not about a girl named Manjit; it's about a phenomenon that must be understood. Often we too have daughters and sisters. How can we close our eyes to the traditions? It's not yours; it seems to be my problem. Truly you are right. How do we become banquet hall plates? I have understood the meaning of all your words. Leave it to me now. We do something.

I was glad that Pandit understood my concern. I breathed a sigh of relief—the matter of who, what, and why was now over.

"Well, we have two issues. Natha Singh and Manjit. I think Manjit should be met first. Let her heart be known. Somehow she should be explained that this is not India. If the boy's family doesn't agree, then look at your life, and if she agrees, then Natha Singh may also come under pressure." Pandit said.

Natha Singh may disagree. If there were a chance, he would not have printed the cards. Yes, the cards can be held if Manjit agrees."

"When the marriage is happening?"

"The wedding is on the 16th of next month. It's still three weeks." I said.

"You do this; invite both Manjit and Tajinder to my house this coming weekend."

"Why both? We have to talk to Manjit."

"That's the difference between you and me. You are stupid; that is why you came to me."

I laughed loudly, and Pandit said, "

Manjit has tied a knot in her heart after some thought. She doesn't have emotions, what I think. As long as we don't get Manjit emotional, she won't even speak her heart out and won't agree to court marriage. Tajinder's presence will break her stubbornness.

Manjit's frozen tears need to be melted. The first tear did not flow, and we did not break it. Just do as I say. Find out for yourself what color-bleach means."

I took a cell out of my pocket and dialed Tajinder's fed number.

"Yes, Uncle," Tajinder replied before the ringing could be heard.

Do this, Tajinder, contact Manjit and come to Pandit Uncle's house this Saturday morning at ten o'clock. There is some advice to be given."

"Uncle, do what you have to do quickly. The world is falling apart for me."

"Don't worry. Just don't be late that day. God will do everything right."

Will Manjit win too? Why is she messing with Tajinder's feelings? Why does she want to lose the winning game? Why is she eager to get the traditional medal of infidelity?

I began to wonder if this was just a puzzle for me or if I had any sympathy for anyone? I have seen many marriages.

I saw nobody with an emotional attachment like Manjit. I want to console my curiosity.

I parked the car in the driveway.I did not saw Jeeti's car in the driveway.

I opened the door and sat in the living room. Turning the channel and watching the ads, I angrily turned off the TV. Pandit's words started swirling in my mind. I wondered how old Manjit would be.

When I was twenty, did I think like this girl? Twenty-one years or two or four more years. What are you thinking at that age to be possessive? There is lust, addiction, romanticism, excitement for winning, and you can't believe more.

Pandit was right. Emotionally, a person listens to the heart. Despite my humiliation, I am thinking of Manjit's welfare. I am also thinking of the interest of the same Manjit who underestimated me at the moment.

Let the thinker be convinced. Get married. How much Tajinder loves her. After marriage, she will get immigration too; what else she wants?

I, too, began to consider myself wise, who believes in humanity.

Two days passed, I have been curious since morning.

Jeeti was also ready to go. She, too, was serious about the depth of the matter.

"Dear, can I ask you something?" Jeeti asked. I understand the effect of the question must be emotional.

"Yes, ask, my queen."

"Do you love me?"

"Yes, I do."

"As much as Tajinder does to Manjit?"

"Why are you asking this?" We are no longer children."

"I still don't know what's going on. After all, we are human too. These kids have forced me to ask. They did not come into the world to eat two meals a day."

"Look, if I tell the truth, you don't like it, and if I tell a lie, I don't like it."

"Like it or not, you tell the truth."

"And listen, I love children, and for their happiness, I sometimes love you, and sometimes I use you."

"What's the matter?" Jeeti asked like a tough woman who was upset with her husband.

"Try to understand if you want the truth. When your inner woman, your way of thinking is opposing my wife, my approach towards woman, then I don't like you at all."

"I want to ask in totality. What do you think about your wife, who is also a woman." The unexpected smile of Jeeti surprises me." Bunty's mom grabbed my hand and kissed my palm.

Pandit was waiting for us. At ten o'clock, there were still fifteen minutes left. We simply sat down.

"I called Natha Singh last night." Pandit looked at me intently and said.

"But why did you call?" I said, unaware of Pandit's secrets.

"I did not want to consult. I don't have much in common with Natha Singh, but I thought it might be easier to understand the issue."

"Then something came up."

"Yes, I realized his fears a little bit, but that is very strange. Let me conclude; then, I would tell you the whole story.

Natha Singh is a confused person and very much disturbed. He told me he would marry his son, where his son is comfortable.

He was calling the Manjit's family a storm. The girl's family would snatch his son from him. This pure love is a game of four days; the rest of the game is of Manjit and her family. He says the same thing happened to him. Before marriage, Satnam Kaur and her family pretend different than reality. After marriage, I was just a tool for them. I don't want something to happen to my son Tajinder."

"Then you tried to allay his fears?"

"Yes, I did. I even took the name of Satnam Kaur for encouragement. But maybe it was my fault. It is the weak point of Natha Singh. He does not consider himself safe. He used to say what the community had done after Satnam Kaur's departure.

She never became my wife. She has always been the daughter of her parents. And what is the guarantee of this Manjit from the community?

All things considered. Remaining the daughter of these is also your choice. I said bhaji, this is your superstition, but it seems that Natha Singh has invented a thought of his own and has got fat in his hair."

You guys are trying to say ideals, but in reality, there would be a different story. I can't repeat the history.

Pandit, my wife, most of the time put conditions before going to bed with me like a call girl. Even after marriage, our women remain daughters of their parents. I worked hard in Canada, but they want a shortcut."

"All people are not bad, Natha Singh; some are like you."

"Tajinder, then remain as fodder. Like me, Tajinder should also be crucified by marrying this Manjit."

Natha Singh was playing his flute, not listening to me at all, dear."

" "What can we get from Natha Singh? Why did you call him?"

"Looking for some solution, but you are right. Our goal is to save the love and change what Natha Singh is doing."

"But ahead of time?" Before Pandit could answer, a bell rang outside. Tajinder and Manjit had arrived. Jeeti went ahead and hugged Manjit. Tajinder himself pulled up a chair to sit on. It must have taken about five minutes for the formalities to come to fruition when Tajinder knocked to get to the real issue.

"Son, what's the matter?" Why don't you get married in court? We are all with you. You court-marry, I'll have a reception party. I promise The party will be in full swing, and Tajinder's father will also be present. He has told me in a crooked way. Thoughts are compelling but don't worry, I will convince her after marriage; there is no such problem. Yes, Tajinder's mother may not come. Let them know; she will slowly agree." Pandit Ji addressed Manjit and played the role.

There was no sign of happiness on Manjit's face. She looked unfortunate.

"Uncle, the fact is that I don't want to marry Tajinder." Manjit's words sounded like a bomb had exploded in the living room.

"Don't you love Tajinder?"

"I do; I love so much. Without Tajinder, I will not die, but my life would be hell.

I don't have time to die. Shadows surround me; I don't have my Existence, Uncle."

There is no means to live.

Pandit sipped his tea and put the cup on the table again. This time his cup was not on the plate.

"Daughter, the words you are saying are much bigger and heavier than you. How will you bear their burden? There is nothing wrong with being emotional, but it is also wrong to cry out in agony."

"What words, uncle?"

"Be untimely; that's the effect."

"I don't know, uncle. I probably don't even know the words. It must have come out of nowhere."

"Soaps are made in factories on their own, daughter. Words do not form.

There is a price to pay for these words. These are the words that introduce the state of your mind to the outside world.

It is not your unconditional love, my dear child. Your love is not having one surface.

Are you hiding inside yourself? What penance are you doing in your inner abyss? Twenty years of age is not enough for your words. There is something else. Look, daughter, we are yours. We have also come together to explain to you. But I think the real issue is something else.

The dwelling within yourself does not understand our word.

We do not understand that hidden person. Introduce us to that invisible. Only then will we be able to conclude." Pandit finished his speech.

After concluding the ongoing talk, Pandit looked at us with a thoughtful gaze. There was no flexibility in his look. What we could have guessed was not the real issue.

Reflective thinking had come to an end. It was as if the purpose for which we had come together had taken on another form. The Pandit beheld this new color on our faces.

There was a question for us in his gaze.

Manjit started picking up teapots. Pandit's wife helped her. Manjit also brought a cloth and cleaned the table.

"You asked once What is.'

"This is color-bleach of life is sitting in front of us," Pandit said to me and pointed to Manjit.

"Will Tajinder do me a favor?" Said Manjit, placing the dirty cloth near the sink, opening the tap, and washing her hands.

"Say Manjit, say anything, why you ask? just order."

"Can you leave us alone for an hour? I cannot say what I want to say in your presence. It is not a matter of curtains; it is a matter of hesitation. With you, I will be weak to speak my mind."

"I love you, darling. Whatever you do, do it for your good." Tajinder said, getting up.

"Me too," Manjit replied with a smile. Tajinder got up and left.

"Yes, Uncle, ask now what is to be asked."

"There is no question to ask. Just introduce yourself."

" I'm just a girl. I love Tajinder. I want to marry him at the will of his family."

"But why?"

"Uncle, don't you find this explanation is strange?" Manjit replied with a laugh.

"Look, Manjit, the days are gone when girls and boys had love marriages look bad and surprising. Now we all understand the mindset of children. Not willing to impose anything on you. We are saying, go ahead. Start your life. We are with you. Even Tajinder's dad is ready, just with some conditions. Those conditions are also not special. His tacit consent is with you. Look, Manjit, you have to get immigration too."

" uncle. Enough is enough. Stop using your wisdom. You also know what the reality is. Why are you displaying your wisdom?" We did not understand Manjit's anger. I wondered what conditions the Pandit was talking about attitude.

"No, dear Manjit, I don't know any reality. You are like my daughter. Try to understand; we came together to find a solution. There is thinking sitting inside you. Tell us your intricacies; we will all listen with your ears. Look, your Jeeti aunt is sitting here. We are all yours; our country, roots, traditions, and way of life are far from here. In the past, we always help each other. We solved so many problems, even domestic violence." Pandit had to stop his speech. Manjit was sobbing.

"Uncles don't light lamps in smoky houses. Even if you light the lamp, they do not look beautiful.

Do you believe that marriage is always for families, not for humans? I have a family too. No one sitting here cares except me." Manjit cleared her throat and said something concrete which we did not understand. Probably the number of hairs on the forehead was more petite, or the depth was less.

Manjit then said, "I am graduate in scinece.No job then I did B.Ed. I thought I would do it and get married to a handsome boy. Laboratory experiments kept me busy I did not estimate the amount of oxygen in the house.

I saw the helplessness of my father instead of the dream of a handsome boy.

I have two brothers and one sister. I am the youngest. Dad opened a scooter repair shop for my brothers, with all his resources, including the provident fund. The scooter repair shop did not earn enough money. Brothers were not making money even for rent.

Then the shop became a haven for drug addicts. My brother Goldy was not addicted to drugs, but he was afraid of boys. That's when I applied for a student visa. The whole family was happy and sold the shop. He sent me to Canada with all the money, and the entire family sat unplanned.

Now, if I get married, I cannot sponsor them.

They are sitting on the edge of the runway, tied to my every move. The desires of the girl sitting inside me are not in the limbs of my lust and desires.

I did not love Tajinder at all. He is my need.

I thought Tajinder belong to a wealthy family. But sometimes, pity does come to him. If I am convinced by marrying Tajinder, then the gross income required to invite all the family, no matter where it comes from, has to be maintained for three years.

Love is not at first sight; my need is my first sight. Tajinder told me that his father is stubborn. I start thinking differently."

We listened intently to Manjit's words. We had no answer for her.

There was no question that asked for an answer. One thought overwhelmed our minds.

For Tajinder, only Manjit was in front, with her physical beauty. For Manjit, the fish's eye was Tajinder's family and family property.

Natha Singh, on the other hand, composed his son's marriage. He was planning to show all nears and dears his wealth and to please his second wife. He was printing the red cards.

The whole thing became clear. Someone's shadow surrounded everyone.

We found the problem out of control. "Dear daughter, you're fine. Your compassion is also fine. Big stress at a young age is your destiny." Pandit, while acknowledging the burning fire, gave his blessings to Manjit with good words.

Said a good thing which no one could do.

Sometimes even good things don't matter without emotional morality. Manjit"

Pandit got up and walked towards the washroom.

"Should we call Tajinder now?" I said.

"Yes, Uncle, there is nothing wrong with the poor guy.

He doesn't know what crime he is being punished for falling in love with an imperfect girl. He is ready to leave his family for me. I may never forget this in life. I deliberately continued to encourage him to use all kinds of tactics. He becomes my first love and stays in my mind forever, but I am sorry, I was the hunter to look for a fish who could help me, and he was trapped."

"Hello Tajinder, you can come." Yes, of course, I will tell you everything. "

"Manjit, I also talked to Natha Singh. He knows everything. He used to say that this is not love but deception. The girl Natha Singh finds for Tajinder is the daughter of his wife's sister. Manjit and her family are greedy. The whole family wants to come here with the unmarried girl as their front. I know they will sell my son in the market if they have to do it.

He used to say to people that he can't do anything without his wife's consent.

Admittedly, the boy is sad too, but Natha Singh is entirely dependant on his wife.

"Pandit, tell me straight forward."

"Leave it; why you want to know?" Jeeti said.

"Because he told me something which I don't believe?"

"What did Natha Singh say? Pandit asked

" He used to say that if Tajinder got married to Manjit, he would not join the marriage but would forgive them later if Manjit did not call her family at our behest. He will start meeting them, but he is not able to take care of the family."

The doorbell rang outside. Pandit's eldest daughter opened the door.

Tajinder came into the living room.

He had a bundle of Chocolate boxes in his hand. Tajinder looked happy.

Manjit looked at him and smiled slightly. He opened one chocolate bar box.

Pandit grabbed the box from his hand and closed it.

He got up and put the box on the kitchen counter. Tajinder's complexion faded. The smile on his face began his act of disappearing. Reading the questions in his eyes, Pandit patted his back and motioned for him to sit down.

"Yes, Uncle?"

"Son, why did you buy so many chocolate boxes?"

"Uncle, this is the sweetness of our future. We're getting married. "

"No, my son. These chocolates are not in our destiny; we will not eat them. Your money is wasted."

"But why?"

"You could call it bad luck. We'll just call it a coincidence. "

"But why?"

"Son, our religion does not allow it."

"What do you mean, uncle?"

"Son, our rituals are tied to our religion. Our religion believes that marriages are settled in heaven, only celebrated on earth. Your marriage has not been settled in heaven, so it cannot be celebrated on earth.

. Forgive us, children." Pandit's throat became full of grief. "

"If I can fight the world, go against my dad, I can fight with God too; God cannot do it with us. I do not believe in any God. my Manjit is my God."

"You could live with God if Manjit is with you. Did she with you, No?" Jeeti put an end to Tajinder's growing anger.

"Watt ... Manjit, what is all this?" Tajinder looked at Manjit.

"Yes, Tajinder, I have decided that I will finish my studies first and then think about marriage."

"Is this your final decision?"

"It's not my decision; it's the truth of my life. I am not an independent human being. I am a helpless girl surrounded by the shadows of my destiny. My bones are not my own. My truth does not need my decisions."

"But what will happen to me? I will die." Tajinder cried.

"I'm sorry for you. Your family does not deserve me. Where I am not accepted before marriage, how much will they respect me after marriage? My destiny is not up to my needs. Please don't get me wrong." Manjit replied.

We never met Manjit after that meeting. The front page of the red card had ladies' music.

The Event was in the banquet hall.

The bar counter was bustling. Tajinder was sitting with his friends. Natha Singh had a glass of Scotch in his hand.

His face matched a pencil sketch. Only his sketch artists were not one but many. It was as if anybody around him had taken a pencil and made some lines. Manjit's touches were also included in it.

"Dude, what's going on?" Natha Singh asked me in a tearful voice.

I said with a load of rejected feeling, "Natha Singh, there is still time. There are twelve full hours. Tajinder's real bride is ready."


"But why not?" I said.

"I have the answer to your question, but you do not have the wisdom to hear it." Pandit may have tried to calm down the sharp movement of my head by stopping it on the way.

Some of the guests who came to the wedding the next day were those whose hopes were blossoming. Tajinder had been wearing a beautiful turban with a congratulatory beard since last week. The girl's father was sitting in India during the ceremony.

The reception was lively. It seemed an invisible person was walking around the hall.

Perhaps something terrible was happening with the invisible person.

We arrived at seven o'clock with the children. After having a snack, we found a table where we could enjoy all the rituals. There was a gathering of at least five hundred people. In addition to the chairs of the married couple on the stage, there were some other chairs. At nine o'clock, Tajinder and his bride came into the hall holding hands with the music of drumsticks. Everyone got up and applauded and welcomed the couple. After the cake-cutting ceremony, the two danced slowly on the dosing floor. Tajinder had shaved his old beard.

At ten o'clock, Manjit entered the hall with a bouquet of fresh flowers. In the fragrance of fresh flowers, Manjit herself was smelling like a fresh flower. In my mind, I began to compare her and the new bride. The new bride was taller than Manjit in stature and was probably more beautiful, but with Manjit's outer appearance and inner beauty, she seemed more attractive to me. Maybe the one who knows the inside of the new bride has different ideas from me.

She came to our table and wished us. After that, she went to congratulate Tajinder on his marriage

"Manjit, these fresh flowers will wither in one night. It would be nice if you could give Tajinder something lasting." Jeeti said this just to talk.

"Auntie, I have heard that if we dry the fresh flowers with a hairdryer, then these fresh flowers do not wither. Yes, only their fragrance disappears. Tajinder no longer needs my fragrance. I know he has a perfect and expensive hairdryer."

"But then fresh flowers will become fake." Jeeti did the same.

"But what can I do about it?" I can only suggest." Manjit said with a laugh.

In the noise of dancing, I saw Manjit dancing with Tajinder's friend Gurpreet.

"The pair is good," Jeeti said, looking closely at the dancing floor.

"Manjit and Gurpreet, a new try for Manjit?"

"Aren't you mad, Sardar?" Use common sense. Every time you thought negative, you psycho, don't say what you don't know exactly."

"Jeeti, I told you so many times; call me by my name."


"Then you don't have to insult me."

"No, I can't call you by name; my mother taught me to like it but be careful. Drink as much as you are told. Otherwise, you will be grounded for one month."

"I don't care Natha Singh was grounded for life, and then look at him now.". I laughed and Jeeti looked at me with smile.Nobody can beat you in talks.

I looked around. Life was thrilling. Every gender was full of pleasure.

I also looked at Jeeti. Then I recall Babli. Babli was full of colors. We traveled a lot. Sometimes even without tickets.

The color of my life is Standing in the dilemma of my heart and mind.

My last peg with Babli was no less than the color of life.

I don't know who put bleach in my laundry. My gifted shirt faded away forever.

extended family

About the Creator

kuljit mann

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    kuljit mannWritten by kuljit mann

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