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Children have needs, family members accept or deny all is not appropriate, the scientific principles of parents have to understand

Parental affection is not the same as indulgence, and likewise parental affection should not be spoiled.

By Holy horsePublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Children have needs, family members accept or deny all is not appropriate, the scientific principles of parents have to understand
Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

A psychologist once said, "Everything is given to the child, and parents can sacrifice everything, even happiness, which is the most terrible gift parents can give to their children." Parental affection is not the same as indulgence, and likewise parental affection should not be indulgence.

For younger children, you will often hear the phrase, "Don't chastise your child when he or she is still young." If the parents have been using an accommodating attitude to raise the child, it is a kind of cuddling for the child.

The actual fact is that you can find a lot of people who are not able to get a good deal on a lot of things.

For the child's improper behavior, if the parents use violent means to solve, for the child's mind is a kind of harm, if the parents use spoiled means to spoil the child, for the child, it is a kind of harm.

How should parents treat their children's requests correctly?

A. What kind of children will be raised if parents accept all the demands made by their children, and what will happen to their growth?

01. Self-centered

When a child asks for something, the parents accept it all and raise a self-centered child. This type of child is de-centered and not fully developed. The same parents meet all the requirements of the child, will create a psychological implication for the child, so that the child feels that as long as the request is made by me, everyone should meet.

This type of child is not accepted by society when they grow up, and after the child enters society, they will often be ostracized by society, which is very bad for the child's growth.


02. Character problems

When a child makes a request, the parents accept it wholesale, which will make the child lose the opportunity to exercise themselves, and will cause the child's character to have very serious problems.

The child will grow up with a personality disorder, after meeting the problem, the child will always hope in others, rely on others to solve the problem, for this type of children, independence is a very difficult thing.

03. Can't bear difficulties

No matter what kind of request the child makes, the parents accept it all, which will give the child a pampered character. When a child encounters a problem, he or she will always pin their hopes on the parents or her, so the child will choose to run away from the problem when he or she grows up.

It is difficult for children who grow up in this kind of education to be independent, and it is very difficult for these children to integrate into society.

Second, the child's request, parents deny all, and what harm to the growth of children

01. hurt the child's self-esteem

Often see some parents in the child to come up with results, although the results are relatively excellent, but parents are afraid that the child will be proud, will use critical education to tell the child that there are people with better grades than him, and tell the child what this achievement is good to be proud of.

The parents of this type of method is very much, this type of way of parents do not take into account the use of such a way of education will hurt the child's self-esteem, while causing the child to do what is not confident performance, for the child's harm, is also very big.

The children who grow up in this kind of family education environment will always have no self-confidence when facing problems, and will even doubt whether they can go through such things.

02. Suppressing the child's nature

The parents' denial of the child's behavior will suppress the development of the child's nature, which is naturally curious. Parents often feel that their children are like a hundred thousand questions when they are young, and if their children ask questions and do not receive timely responses from them, this can affect their children's creativity and curiosity.

Curiosity and creativity are very important for the future development of children, they are the pushers of hands-on skills, if the parents always answer their children in a negative way, it will suppress the development of the child's nature.

03. Children have a wrong evaluation of themselves

If the parents use a negative approach to the child, the child will not react much when the child is young, and will even be more obedient, but the impact of this approach on the child is subtle, and when the child grows up, they do not have a correct evaluation of themselves, and will still rely on their self-understanding, in the evaluation of others.

How should parents treat their children's demands correctly and what principles should they grasp?

01. Appropriate to meet the child's requirements

The first thing you need to do is to make sure that you have a good idea of what you are doing.

02. Give freedom to your child and give your child timely responses

The parents should give their children the freedom to solve problems on their own when they are faced with reasonable requests from their children.

At the same time, when a child reports to his or her parents that he or she has obtained an excellent result, the parents should also encourage the child in a timely manner. When encouraging the child, the parents should pay attention to the words used to encourage the child, so that the child understands what the praise is for him or her.

03. Respect your child

The parents should respect the child, the child as a small adult education, after the birth of the child is an independent individual, the child also has the same needs as adults, such as the child has the need to belong to the love, the need for security, etc..

The parents should not only meet the reasonable demands of the child, but also respect the child and give him or her enough freedom to solve his or her own problems.


About the Creator

Holy horse

There is no one who does not know the name America, the country that is on the Internet in movies and television as if it were made up by God out of thin air.

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    Holy horseWritten by Holy horse

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