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A Slice of Life

Chase and Maddie's story continues

By Rebecca HackneyPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

Chase finished his work for the day and saw it was almost time to pick up Maddie from work. It had been five months since she moved back and fixed the old barn; every weekend something seemed to be happening there and it brought the town together. Chase worked with Maddie on hosting the events or planning them. He was even in the process of renting it out to others. Things with them were going good they found they still liked each other a lot and started dating. Even his sister, Emily, reconnected with Maddie and they were hanging out again. Finished with loading his tools, Chase took off towards the bakery.

Maddie finished going over inventory and wrote down what she still needed. Maddie was focused on getting her Grandmother’s bakery, Nana’s Place, back up and running because it was the town’s favorite place to stop for a sweet treat. They even had a business deal with the diner to deliver fresh pies and cakes daily.

Maddie was the only grandkid who found baking fun and interesting and the only one who wanted to help out with the shop. So when it was time to pass down the business her Grandma left it to Maddie, who was happy. Maddie was going to keep Nana’s favorite recipes but also add new items to the menu. With everything that was going on with the old barn the most Maddie was able to do was keep up the deliveries to the diner. The grand reopening was in a week though and Maddie needed to make sure everything was perfect. Maddie didn’t do much to the shop, except add a couple tables just in case some people wanted to eat inside. She walked out to the counter and saw Chase pull up. He had been a big help lately she thought, not only with the barn but with helping her get Nana’s going. She went and unlocked the door so he could come in.

“Hey stranger, have a good day?” He asked hugging her.

“Yeah it was good I got everything organized, got the final orders of supplies coming and got the word out about the opening. How was your day?” She said.

“It was good too. Running Grampa’s store is a new adjustment but worth it. I think I need to hire someone though because when I go out to do handyman calls I have to close it.”

“Something to work on but I’m sure you will figure it out.” She said with a smile and kissed his cheek. They locked up the bakery and Chase drove her home. Maddie’s house was on the same property as the barn so she could easily maintain it on her down time. When they arrived Chase walked her to the door and she invited him in for coffee and chocolate cake. Grabbing a slice for Chase and herself they sat down at the table with a glass of milk.

“Oh my gosh,” Chase said with his mouth full, “This is amazing, I don’t think I’ve had chocolate cake like this before.”

“Thanks it’s a family recipe, Nana’s actually. Its one of the bakery’s best sellers and my personal favorite, everyone always asked for the recipe.”

“I can see why. Is that peanut butter icing?” He said licking it off the fork.

“Sure is, that’s a family recipe too.” She said laughing and wiping cake off his mouth. They talked for a bit about the bakery and hardware store. Realizing it was getting late Chase stood up to leave.

“I should be heading out. Thanks for the cake and coffee.” Chase said heading towards the door. Maddie walked him out to the porch and gave him a kiss. He pulled away and put his forehead on hers. They stood there for awhile then kissed again and Chase left.

The next day Maddie made her deliveries to Emily at the diner when she was stopped by her sister Nikki.

“Can you watch Rosie? I know its short notice but Emily just called and asked if I could work today.” Nikki said.

“Sure, I’ll be working at the bakery she can help me.” Maddie said glancing down at her niece.

“Thanks so much! Be good for Auntie Maddie ok, love ya bunches. I’ll bring you some lunch, Thanks again!” Nikki said as she gave her daughter a hug and went back inside the diner.

“Auntie Maddie can I have a slice of chocolate cake?” Rosie said tugging on Maddie’s hand when they walked inside the bakery.

“Sure thing kiddo, just don’t tell your mom.” Maddie winked.

It was just after lunch time when she heard a knock on the door. She thought it might be Emily or Nikki bringing her lunch but it was an older woman, Kay.

“Hello sorry but we aren’t opened yet.”

“I know but I was just at the diner and I had some of your cake. I was wondering if I could maybe order some or just get the recipe.” Kay said.

“We will be open in a week and I will start accepting orders then. Sorry but there is a lot going on right now.” Maddie replied as Rosie come in the room.

“Oh, I see that. Hello sweetheart.” Kay said addressing Rosie.

“I not sweetheart, I Rosie!” Rosie said stomping her foot and crossing her arms.

“Hmm, well that was rude.” She replied giving Maddie a disapproving stare.

“Rosie why don’t you go back and play.”

“Ok Aunt Maddie” Rosie said skipping off back to the table she was sitting at and started playing on her tablet. Maddie turned to the woman who looked confused.

“Well if you excuse me I have to get back to work but like I said we will be opened in a week and I will gladly help with your order then.” Maddie said with a smile on her face while herding the woman out the door.

“Oh but I must have some of that cake, you sure you can’t just give me the recipe?”

“Sorry Mrs. Kay but I can’t, it’s a family recipe.”

“Oh fine then. Have a nice day.” Kay said sarcastically walking away. Not five minutes later Chase walked in with a bag from the diner.

“What’s her problem? I brought lunch, Nikki and Emily sent it.” He said.

“Oh good I’m starving!” Maddie said taking the bag and giving him a peck on the cheek.

“Chase! Chase!” Rosie said running towards him with her arms outstretched.

“Hey there Rosie posie! You being good and helping Maddie?” He asked picking the girl up and giving her a hug.

“Yep, until that mean lady came in.” Rosie replied.

“Shall we eat?” Maddie said changing the subject.

Everything went as planned and a week later Nana’s Place had its grand reopening. The town came out as well as visitors. Maddie made all of the regular treats and introduced new ones like she wanted. Her sister Nikki was there telling the back story of Nana’s Place and how their Grandmother opened it and all the recipes were hers. The town’s people seemed happy to have it back open and Maddie already had a few orders.

“It was a good day today, glad you got this place back open.” Nikki said hugging Maddie.

“Me too, it’s what Grandma would of wanted and glad I was able to do it. Thanks for the help today.”

“Of course I know I’m not a baker but I was thinking maybe I could help out here on a permanent basis. I’m good at managing things, can take orders and run the front.”

“Nikki, you don’t have to ask. This is a family business after all.” Maddie said hugging her little sister and laughing.

“Thanks sis, Rosie is going to be thrilled.” Nikki laughed and went to get her daughter.

“Hey you,” Chase said walking up, “Today was a good day.”

“Yes it was and..” Maddie began but Kay walked through the door. “Hey Mrs. Kay, you missed the party, haha.”

“I want my cake now.” She said rudely.

“All I have left is sample pieces but I can get one for you.” Maddie replied.

“You said I would have a cake when you opened.” Kay snarled.

“No ma’am that’s not what I said, I said we would open in a week and if you wanted to order a cake then you could.”

“humph I want to speak to the owner.”

“You are.”

“What? You aren’t Lois.”

“I’m her granddaughter. I’ve taken over this place at her request.”

“Fine I will order, I want the same cake from the diner. The chocolate with peanut butter icing, I will be here tomorrow at ten a.m.” Kay said grabbing a sample piece and storming off.

“I gotta ask but why is everyone surprised by that cake? Didn’t your grandma sell it before?” Chased asked.

“No she just kept it with the family, but she told me that when I took over the bakery to start making and selling it.” Maddie said closing for the day and heading home.

Maddie opened the bakery the next day and started the cake order for Kay and true to her word Kay showed up at exactly ten for her cake.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. That cake is very good. Can I please have the recipe?” said Kay.

“No, sorry it stays with the family.” Maddie said handing the cake to Nikki.

Once Maddie left Kay turned to Nikki and said, “Do you know the recipe? I would pay for it and I know you could use it being a single mom and all.”

“Like my sister said it stays with the family.” Nikki said forcing a smile and finishing the transaction sending Kay on her way. The nerve of some people Nikki thought, it was just chocolate cake granted it was super yummy, it was still cake. She was sure there were plenty of recipes the woman could use. The day went by normally, Chase brought them lunch and they sold a few things and took down a few orders. The fact that Kay wanted the recipe so bad made Maddie nervous but figured she would just let it go, she was wrong.

When Maddie got home she found Kay sitting on her front porch, rolling her eyes Maddie walked up the steps to get this over with.

“What can I do for you Mrs. Kay?”

“I figured out most of the cake, but what’s the secret ingredient?”

“If I told you it wouldn’t be a secret.”

“Oh come on its not like I’m going to open my own shop and steal your customers.”

Tired and worn out Maddie figured she would indulge the old woman, “Fine I will tell you but you can’t tell anyone,” Maddie looked around then leaned in and said, “Its love.”

Kay looked mad, “Love? Love! Oh please!” With that Kay stormed off and Maddie went inside.

Maddie looked down at her Grandmother’s recipe book and smiled, family recipes going back generations filled the pages. Maddie would continue the tradition and add her own one day. She put the book up and Nikki came walking in with Rosie and Chase.

“Can’t believe you actually told her the secret was love.” Nikki said laughing.

“She probably wouldn’t believe the real secret anyway, so thought I would get her out of my hair.”

“What is the secret anyway?” Chase asked.

“Think we can trust him?” Maddie asked Nikki with a smile.

“Yeah he is one of the good ones.” Nikki replied.

Maddie went and got the recipe book and turned to the page that had the chocolate cake with peanut butter icing and handed it to Chase. While reading his eyes got big and the look of shock on his face was priceless. The girls laughed.

“Mayonnaise? Really? That’s the secret ingredient.” Chase asked.

“It’s called Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake for a reason.” Maddie replied and they all laughed.

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About the Creator

Rebecca Hackney

Love writing and taking readers on a journey.

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    Rebecca HackneyWritten by Rebecca Hackney

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