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A Mother’s Journey to Letting Go

Learning to Step Back and Rediscover Life’s Joys

By Emily Chan - Life and love sharingPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
A Mother’s Journey to Letting Go
Photo by Liv Bruce on Unsplash

Once upon a time in a quiet neighborhood, there lived a mother who had always cherished her son. She was 57 years old, retired for two years, and her son had recently married. The love she held for her son knew no bounds, and she felt it was her duty to care for him and her new daughter-in-law.

Originally, she had hoped her son would live with her and her husband after getting married, but her husband had wisely advised her that the young couple needed their own space. So, the devoted mother and father decided to move into the same community as their son.

Every morning, the mother would joyfully carry fresh vegetables from the morning market to her son’s house, helping prepare breakfast and tidying up. In the evenings, she would return to her home after cooking dinner and ensuring her son and daughter-in-law were ready for bed.

But one fateful day, as she approached her son’s house, she found herself locked out. Her daughter-in-law had changed the door lock, citing recent thefts in the community as the reason. Although she made breakfast, cleaned, and washed clothes as usual, she was not given the new key.

Her son eventually provided her with a key but cautioned her not to let his wife know. This secrecy puzzled the mother.

The next day, she overheard an argument inside her son’s house. Her daughter-in-law complained that the mother was spoiling her husband, treating him like a child. She criticized the mother for meddling in their affairs and invading their privacy.

To the mother’s dismay, her son’s response was simply, “She is my mother, what do you want me to do?”

This stung the mother deeply, for she had always been a capable leader in her workplace and at home. Yet, in her daughter-in-law’s eyes, she was seen as an ignorant intruder.

Heartbroken, the mother shared her grievances with her husband, shedding tears of frustration. Her husband comforted her, acknowledging that their son and daughter-in-law were ungrateful, and had taken her for granted.

She reminded one of her friend who had traveled the world, contrasting it with her own sacrifice for their family. This reflection weighed heavily on her mind.

A spontaneous decision led the mother and her husband to embark on a journey to the grasslands of Bashang. There, they witnessed the natural course of mother sheep giving birth and raising their lambs. The mother realized that just as these sheep needed to let go of their offspring for their survival, she too needed to learn to gracefully exit her son’s life.

She shared an article on parental control and its impact on children. It revealed that some parents cling to their adult children not out of love but to maintain control, which provides them with a sense of power and satisfaction.

The mother questioned whether she had become such a controlling mother. Her husband assured her that she could change her ways.

During their seven-day trip, her husband taught her how to use modern technology, emphasizing the gap that had emerged between them. When they returned, the mother replaced her old phone with a new one.

Upon returning home, the mother called her son and asked to visit their house that evening. Her son was surprised and suggested she simply use the key.

During the visit, the mother shared her recent experiences with her son and daughter-in-law, half-jokingly asking for sponsorship for her newfound interest in technology. Her daughter-in-law readily transferred funds, and the night ended happily.

Before leaving, the mother handed the house key back to her son, symbolizing her decision to step back. She expressed her intention to call before visiting in the future.

Her son was bewildered, but the mother reassured him, “Mom is not angry; she is just learning to quit.” With a warm hug, the mother felt the true beginning of her farewell to her son.

Over time, her son reached out to her through social media, inquiring about her whereabouts. The mother and father shared their travels and experiences, embracing a new chapter in their relationship.

In the end, the mother realized that the purpose of having children is not just to cling to them but to give them the space to grow and appreciate their own lives. She learned that a parent’s role is not to control but to provide love and support, understanding that the parent-child relationship is a profound journey of wisdom and growth.

Thank you for reading!

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About the Creator

Emily Chan - Life and love sharing

Blog Writer/Storyteller/Write stores and short srories.I am a writer who specializes in love,relationships and life sharing

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Comments (1)

  • Esala Gunathilake2 months ago

    Great work. Unforgettable.

Emily Chan - Life and love sharingWritten by Emily Chan - Life and love sharing

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