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5 best short moral stories for kids

These moral stories for kids are an interesting way to teach your children about good stories with moral lessons. As kids, they are in their formative years, that is why they need to be educated with the Best moral stories.

By Yogesh SawantPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
moral stories

Tales that will inspire you by teaching important lessons of your life

1. Ants and worm

Once, while an ant was searching for its food, she saw a worm coming out of a cocoon. He was slowly moving his legs out of the box. Seeing that, the ant said, ‘Oh, what is your condition? I can walk wherever I want. But you have to spend days in this cell. So there is a big gap between you and me. 'The worm said nothing. A few days later, when the ant returned, only the shell of the worm had fallen and she saw that the worm had gone somewhere. She saw a beautiful moth fluttering its wings as it fluttered its wings. He said to her, ‘Oh, you were mocking me that day as a prisoner, you were saying that your own condition was better than mine, remember that I am the worm in the box. If you want to brag that you can go wherever you want, feel free to hit. Until then, I can easily walk around in the sky for a while. '


- It is foolish to ridicule a person in distress and boast about his own glory, believing that he will never raise his head again.

2.The importance of time

a rider saddled his horse and put a saddle on it, he noticed that a nail in one of the horse's hooves had fallen off. But he put off putting another nail in it. After some time, the rider sounded the alarm to go to battle, and the rider mounted his horse and set out for the battlefield. The commander of the army issued an order saying, "Everyone should leave their horses and run after the enemy and chase after them." When he was lame, his foot hit a rock, and the rider fell off his horse and was killed by the enemy as soon as he was caught by the enemy.


- The habit of lazily postponing work is bad and dangerous.

3. the selfish cat

A cat kills and eats its owner's favorite parrot. The owner said angrily, "If I see that cat, I will kill it." Upon hearing this, the cat became so frightened that he promised that if God saved him from this incident, he would never kill any bird again. After a while, a cat suddenly came in through the living room window and the cat wondered what to do with the tempting situation. After a while, he found himself in a dilemma of hunger and fear of breaking his promise. He looked at the bat and said to himself, "If I think it's a bird, I don't have the right to touch it, as promised, but its mouth is so similar to a rat's mouth that I have the right to kill and eat it." She ate the bat and ate it.


- When it comes to selfishness, liars keep their vows wrapped up in tricks.

4. The best earnings of hard work

There were two thieves living in one town. Every day he would steal and split in two. They used to give one part for themselves and the other part to God. One night they set out to steal. Despite wandering around a lot, they did not get a chance to steal. Exhausted, they both sat on the roof of the temple. There he met a saint. When the saint asked him to introduce himself, he told the truth about himself. Hearing this, the saint said, have you ever considered whether what you are doing is good or bad? The thief said, "What we are doing is going to be good, because the money or things that we get by stealing are also divided into two parts."

One part we keep to ourselves and the other part we offer to God at our feet. Then the saint took a live hen out of his bag and gave it to them and said, "Keep this hen because you are not able to steal today. Divide it into two parts, one for yourself and the other for God. '' Both the thieves were astonished and understood the meaning of the saint's words and said, Greeted and left.


The earnings of sin cause dissatisfaction and sorrow, while the earnings of hardship give mental happiness, peace and happiness to the soul.

5. Insults and favors

Once two friends are walking through the desert, they have an argument on the road and the argument turns into an argument. The quarrel is so violent that one friend puts it in the other's mouth. The other friend who sits in the mouth is very sad, sits quietly and writes with his finger in the sand, "Today my dearest friend gave me in the mouth, the one whom I have befriended killed me today." The one who is hit in the mouth sees this but without saying anything, both of them keep on walking. Going further, they see a lake, they both decide to take a bath in the water, while taking a bath, the friend who ate in the mouth suddenly falls into the water, there is a swamp, he starts shouting loudly. The friend who has been hit in the mouth runs to the aid of his friend without thinking for a moment and pulls him out of the swamp. When that drowning friend comes out of the water, drying his limbs, he carves a stone and writes, "Today my dear friend pulled me back from the brink of death, I'm dead today but he saved my life by risking his own life." But he reads it in his mouth and doesn't live with it. He asks his friend, "If I killed you first, you wrote it in the sand, and now if I save you from the water, why did you write it on a stone?" The writer friend said, "When someone hurts your heart, mind, emotion, write it all in the sand because after a while the sand breaks up and the emotions in the mind don't stay the same for a long time. Benevolence should always be remembered as it is carved on stone.


Man should immediately forget insults and remember gratitude from birth.


About the Creator

Yogesh Sawant

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