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By echi monday echemPublished 2 months ago 2 min read

The curse of the Yahoo boys 4.

Jerry was unaware that Wizzy's men were searching for him and his sister. He had already packed their bags, eagerly anticipating their departure from the country the next day.

That night, after Jerry and Regina had gone to sleep, a sudden knock on the door woke Jerry. He was surprised, not expecting any visitors. Fear gripped his heart as he considered the possibility of it being Wizzy and his men at the door.

"Could it be Wizzy knocking nonstop?" Jerry wondered to himself as he carefully approached the door to check .

Looking through the door's peephole, Jerry spotted some of Wizzy's men armed with weapons. Realizing he was in grave danger, Jerry panicked, unsure of how to escape. "What should I do? If they get inside, both Regina and I are in danger. Help me, God," Jerry prayed silently as he hurried back to the room to retrieve the sleeping Regina.

Gently carrying Regina, Jerry slowly opened the back door, climbed the compound's fence, and fled into the darkness of the late night.

Outside, Wizzy's men grew restless and eventually broke down the door, searching the house only to find it empty. Frustrated, they noticed the open back door, confirming Jerry's escape.

"We must pursue them. Jerry saw us and fled. We can't let Wizzy down this time," one of the men declared as they went to their car, driving off in search of Jerry. The gateman lay lifeless, having been shot while trying to prevent the Wizzy's menfrom entering the compound.

Jerry was still carrying the sleeping Regina, unaware of where they were going. As he saw a flashlight of a car, he ran inside the nearby bush.

Wizzy's men saw him as they began to run after him. As Wizzy fearfully ran into the Bush, he saw some group of cult boys, holding their meeting there. He knew they were the only ones that could possibly save them. He ran to their middle and knelt down, still with Regina. "Please, save us, don't allow them to hurt my sister and me. I'm ready to pay back with anything," Jerry said to them.

Their group leader signalled him to get up, and he did. "This cult group is meant for protection. We are going to protect you both, but you will have to accept to be a member of this cult," the group leader said to Jerry who accepted. He went ahead to place a bead around his neck, signifying that he was now their member.

As Wizzy's men went into the Bush in search of Jerry, they met him with the other cult boys who were in their territory. They knew it was impossible for them to attack and left to inform Wizzy what had happened.

Jerry narrated all that happened to his new cult group who promised to protect both him and his sister.

When Wizzy heard of what happened, he became angry and prepared his men. He fortified them, and gave each one of them guns, ready to attack Jerry and his new cult members. He went ahead to obtain information on where they were staying and how they operate. "Heaven bear me witness that I will not hesitate to end that boy and his sister when I eventually catch them," Wizzy said, pointing at the sky.


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    EMEWritten by echi monday echem

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