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wondering about space


By Rowan SharkawyPublished 7 months ago 4 min read

What is outer space??

The void that exists between celestial bodies, including planet Earth. It is not completely empty, but consists of a relative vacuum made up of a low density of particles (particles), mostly hydrogen and helium plasma, as well as electromagnetic radiation, magnetic fields, and neutrons. Observations have recently proven that it contains dark matter and energy as well.

The baseline temperature, set by the residual radiation from the Big Bang, is 2.7 K. The extremely low density (less than one hydrogen atom per cubic metre) and high temperature (millions of degrees Kelvin) plasma in intergalactic space accounts for most of the ordinary baryonic matter in outer space; Local concentrations have been condensed into stars and galaxies. Intergalactic space occupies a larger volume than the universe, and even galaxies and star systems are mostly empty, with planets occupying almost all empty space.

-What is the color is the sun?

The color of the sun is white. The sun emits all the colors of the rainbow - the colors of visible light - almost equally, and the resulting mixture is white.

This is why we see so many different colors in the natural world under sunlight.

-Why is the sky blue?

As we explained previously, the light coming from the sun is white, and the light travels in a straight line unless something obstructs it, such as a mirror, which reflects the light, or a prism, which bends the light.

Sunlight reaches the Earth's atmosphere and is scattered in all directions by gas molecules in the air. Blue light is spread in all directions by tiny air molecules in the Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it is transmitted as shorter and smaller waves. This is why we see the sky blue most of the time.

-What is in interstellar space?

Actual space is not empty, stars and planets are scattered throughout the galaxies, and between them is a void filled with gas and dust. Intergalactic gases are often present because galactic collisions scatter gases away from all other galaxies.

-What is a comet? Where do comets come from?

Comets are remnants of the formation of planets in the solar system about 4.6 billion years ago, and are akin to dirty snowballs.

It consists of frozen gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and ammonia, as well as water ice. As the comet approaches the Sun, solar radiation melts the surface, vaporizing gas and dust molecules and creating the magnificent- tailed comets. Comets come from two regions: the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud.

-How many stars are in our Milky Way Galaxy?

The short answer is “no one knows”; But when you think about logic, 20 billion is a very low number, and 600 billion is very high. According to astronomer Martin Weinberg of the University of Massachusetts:

-How long do stars live? How do stars die?

Compared to humans, stars live incredibly long lives. The shortest-lived ones can shine for tens of millions of years while old stars can last for several billion years.

The life expectancy of a star depends on its mass; The more massive a star is, the faster it burns fuel, and the shorter its life.

The largest stars can burn up and explode—dying in a massive explosion called a supernova—after only a few million years, while a star as massive as the Sun can continue fusing hydrogen for about 10 billion years. If the star is very small, only a tenth of the mass of the Sun, it can continue to fuse hydrogen for up to a trillion years, longer than the current age of the universe.

-What is the universe made of?

The universe consists primarily of galaxies and the things they contain: stars, planets, nebulae, black holes, and other dense objects.

The universe was initially composed of hydrogen with some helium and lithium, and the first stars were formed from this helium. As it evolved and expired, it created heavier and heavier elements, which formed second- and third-generation stars and their planets.

-Is there a center to the universe?

According to all current observations, there is no center of the universe. In order for there to be a central point; This point must be somehow special in relation to the universe as a whole.

-Where does space begin?

The “edge of space” begins 100 kilometers above the Earth’s surface. This boundary is also called the “von Kármán line”, named after Theodor von Kármán, the Hungarian scientist who discovered it.

-Does space have a smell?

When astronauts return from their missions and remove their helmets, they find a strange odor that they describe as “burnt steak,” but also “hot metal,” and “welding fumes.”

-What is a black hole?

A black hole is a region of space in which the force of gravity is so strong that its escape velocity must exceed the speed of light; Nothing, not even light, can escape its gravity.

A hole is caused by a large amount of material being present in a very small area; The result is a gravitational field so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape.

-What is inside a black hole?

Wormholes, alternate universes, time warps; We've all heard crazy theories about what happens inside a black hole, but what is the truth?

Scientists believe that inside the black hole is a point called “Singularity,” where all the matter in the black hole collects, becoming a point of infinite density at the center of the black hole. This is what classical physics tells us, but it is also at this point where classical physics collapses; Therefore, it may be true or false.


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Rowan Sharkawy

someone who love to know anything & share it with every one

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    Rowan SharkawyWritten by Rowan Sharkawy

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