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The Most Bizarre Phenomena That Lit Up the Sky

Light pillers

By Rabia DilawarPublished 8 days ago 8 min read
The Most Bizarre Phenomena That Lit Up the Sky
Photo by Casey Horner on Unsplash

Throughout history, people have witnessed and documented strange and bizarre phenomena in the sky that defy logical explanation. From eerie lights and colourful auroras to mysterious objects and celestial events, the sky has always been a source of wonder and intrigue. Here are some of the most bizarre phenomena that have lit up the sky:

1. Aurora Borealis

One of the most awe-inspiring natural light displays, the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights, is a phenomenon caused by the interaction between charged particles from the sun and the Earth's magnetic field. Appearing as colourful curtains of light dancing across the sky, the Aurora Borealis is a sight to behold and has captured the imagination of people for centuries.

2. Ball Lightning

Ball lightning is a rare and unexplained phenomenon where luminous, spherical objects appear during thunderstorms. These glowing orbs of light can vary in size and colour, and often seem to float or bounce around before disappearing. Scientists are still puzzled by the origins and nature of ball lightning, with no definitive explanation for this strange phenomenon.

3. UFO Sightings

Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) have been reported by people all over the world, with many claiming to have seen strange lights or objects in the sky that defy conventional explanations. While most UFO sightings can be attributed to natural or man-made phenomena, there are still many cases that remain unexplained, fueling theories of extraterrestrial visitations and unidentified flying craft.

4. Solar Flares

Solar flares are intense bursts of energy and radiation from the sun that can cause disturbances in the Earth's atmosphere, resulting in colourful displays of light known as auroras. While solar flares are a natural phenomenon, they can have serious consequences for modern technology, including disruptions to satellite communication and power grids.

5. Strange Cloud Formations

From lenticular clouds that resemble UFOs to mammatus clouds that hang like pouches in the sky, there are many strange and unusual cloud formations that can captivate observers. These surreal clouds are often caused by unique weather conditions or atmospheric disturbances, creating mesmerising patterns and shapes in the sky.

we only have one Sun only one Moon reserved for us humans and apparently we only have one Milky Way do we a mysterious thing happened that made the scientists doubt that we have only one Milky Way on the island of Hawaii there's an extinct volcano Mona this is where the twin brother of the Milky Way was captured by a telescope in the night sky The Observer saw a mysterious spiral twisting in the shape of a galaxy and it did resemble the Milky Way still it disappeared quite quickly but it left the scientists perplexed sometime later they concluded that this spiral is no twin brother of the Milky Way but it was due to the launch of a SpaceX rocket careful the lightning has struck a Lone Tree near where you just stood it's caught on fire and there's a column of flames rising to the sky still no rain and the pillar becomes taller and taller you've heard of such a thing but never seen it a fire tornado these phenomena occur when the wind is caught in a circle close to the ground because of the difference in air pressure such manyi tornadoes are usually easy to notice small Rubble dust sand and leaves rise into the air and start flying in Rapid circles but then if there's a source of fire nearby the funnel can catch it and blow it stronger like Bellows the Flames go round and round reaching even higher and eventually creating a swirling blazing Tower luckily fire tornadoes are short-lived and don't normally cause much damage just the way tornadoes can be unordinary the rains can be too now if anything could startle me out into the sky it's a rain of spiders and if you wonder whether it's a real thing well yes it is in Australia spider Reigns actually happen quite often they even got a name for this ballooning seems kind of inappropriate it goes like this spiders that can balloon climb up trees and tall bushes trying to reach the highest point available in the area when they've climbed up to the very top they spin their web in such a way that it allows them to be carried by the wind and there it goes clutching the strands of the web with its tiny little feet the brave spider lifts off into the air and flies to whatever awaits it out there normally ballooning goes unnoticed by us humans because spiders don't travel in large groups you might have quite a shocking experience when a spider suddenly lands on your face out of nowhere but otherwise it's a pretty rare occasion to meet more than two ballooners at once still when the weather gets particularly bad with lots of rain or wind thousands or even millions of SP spiders might decide it's time to move somewhere friendlier and take to the sky all at once that's when spider Reigns occur those who witnessed the most recent ones back in 2012 and 2015 says it looks like a snowfall spiders slowly drifting down on their web parachutes that settle on the ground and turn it white that's it I'm moving to Mars I draw the line at flying spiders now picture this you look out the window and see something incredible a rainbow but it's dark already and the Moon is shining in the clear night skies uh wait that's exactly what it is a moonbow also called a lunar rainbow this event occurs extremely rarely it's similar to a regular Rainbow in everything except that it appears on a clear Mooney night after a rain shower thankful for such a spectacle you go to sleep the next morning you look out the window again and suddenly the sun is all but blocked and it seems to be night again you hear distant rustling and some kind of call puzzled you look up and can't believe your eyes there are thousands upon thousands of birds in the sky so many that they block all sunlight this is called sorta or black sun in Danish very fitting more fitting than ballooning spiders normally it only happens in Denmark hence the name where numerous migratory starlings take to the air at the same time to look for a place to stay for the winter there are so many of them that they make the Sky Go black for a few moments what are they doing where you are well that's a good question money doesn't grow on trees but it can fall from the sky this is the kind of rain I'd like to see someday a money shower as opposed to spiders one such event occurred in Germany people just saw Bank notes falling from a high-rise building no one knows why it happened probably someone accidentally dropped a bag full of money out of a window but that was around €50,000 those who were lucky to get caught in such a rain turned out to be very honest people and they handed those raindrops I mean Bank notes over to the police don't wait for the second reign of this kind to come go find a job not all the rain is as pleasant as the one pouring money on your head a pretty unpleasant kind of rain happened back in 1876 in Olympia Springs Kentucky please don't be spiders please don't be spiders a Mrs Crouch said that she had been making soap outside her home when suddenly pieces of raw meat started falling from the sky all around her some of those chunks were pretty massive reaching over 3 in in diamet Amer hey dinner yeah she'd rather choose Kentucky Fried Chicken but she involuntarily ended up with Kentucky meat shower local newspapers reported that two people who decided to remain unknown tasted the meat and concluded it was either mutton or venison months later scientists decided to find out the truth behind the strange event it became a matter of heated debate until one of the researchers came up with the most reasonable conclusion the meat rain must have been caused by vultures flying over the town at the time these birds sometimes regurgitate the food right in the middle of the flight as a defense mechanism or to make their bodies lighter to fly faster and that must have been what happened right over Mrs Crouch's house unfortunately I love California let's teleport to La can you see that almost right above you there's a beautiful rainbow Cascade of clouds these are called a fire rainbow or a circum horizontal Arc again it's a rare thing but here in Los Angeles it's much more likely to occur than say in Berlin Fire Rainbows only appear when the conditions are right the place must be close to the equator the sky must be clear and there are feather-like clouds in the sky the position of the sun matters too it must be higher than 58° above the Horizon such clouds are made of ice crystals and when the sun's Rays hit them the particles refract the light and create a rainbow the moon may seem like no big deal you can see it in different places in different sizes but how come the colors May differ what makes it bright yellow tonight and ominously dark red tomorrow is a more complex thing the natural color of the Moon as seen from outside the Earth's atmosphere is brownish gray when seen right above our heads it usually looks bright and almost white because it's reflected light passes through a relatively thin layer of the atmosphere almost nothing blocks and refracts the shine so it's very clear the moon can appear yellow orange or even red when it's seen just above the Horizon the effect is similar to what happens at Sunrise or Sunset when the Sun appears to be red the light goes a much longer way to reach your eyes from that location and much of the blue part of its Spectrum gets lost this turns the color of the light into a much warmer variety it can also appear blue and the reason for that is the presence of fine particles in the air they refract the light anyway so the Moon is never the way it looks outside the atmosphere but when they're larger than usual they turn its color bluish finally there's an extremely rare occasion when the moon can look purple nobody knows for sure why this happens but astronomers believe it must be a combination of the atmosphere dust particles and maybe something else there's no clear explanation that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side


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    RDWritten by Rabia Dilawar

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