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The Incredible Thai Cave Rescue

Wild Boars Football Team

By Dilesmeyyy<3Published 20 days ago 3 min read

On June 23rd, 2018, the boys of the Wild Boars Football Club, aged 11 to 16, set out for training as usual. They were a dedicated football team coached by an experienced head coach and an assistant coach. After their training session, some of the team members, along with their assistant coach, decided to explore the nearby Tham Luang Caves. This spontaneous adventure seemed like an exciting way to spend the afternoon.

However, hours later, when the boys didn’t return home, their parents grew frantic with worry and contacted the head coach. The coach, surprised by the number of missed calls, realized something was terribly wrong. He reached out to the players individually but got no response until one player, Sangpol, answered. Sangpol, who had been picked up by his mother, informed the coach that the rest of the team had gone to the caves.

The coach rushed to the Tham Luang Caves, and upon arrival, he found the boys’ bicycles and backpacks at the entrance. The sight was alarming, especially since a rapid stream of water was now flowing through the cave entrance due to heavy rain. The team was trapped inside with no means of escape.

Immediate action was taken. Thai police and special divers from the Thai Navy SEALs were called in to assist. Vernon Unsworth, a British caver familiar with the cave system, offered his expertise. Unsworth’s knowledge was invaluable as he connected Thai authorities with the British Cave Rescue Council, enabling expert divers John Volanthen and Rick Stanton to join the mission.

The situation inside the cave was perilous. The divers faced extreme conditions, including poor visibility and strong currents. Despite these challenges, they methodically placed guidelines to aid their navigation, aiming for a section known as Pattaya Beach, a potential safe spot where the boys might have taken refuge.

After several attempts, John and Rick finally reached the boys, who had been trapped for ten days. The boys and their assistant coach were found alive, which was a moment of immense relief. However, getting them out safely posed a significant challenge. Three Thai Navy SEALs stayed with the boys, providing food, medical care, and much-needed reassurance.

Various rescue options were considered, including teaching the boys to dive, drilling a shaft, or waiting for the rainy season to end. Each option had significant drawbacks. The boys were too weak and inexperienced to learn diving in such extreme conditions. Drilling a shaft was a lengthy and uncertain process, and waiting for the rainy season to end would take months, during which the boys' situation could deteriorate further.

The tragic death of former Navy SEAL Saman Kunan, who lost his life while delivering air tanks, underscored the operation's danger. With no viable options, an unconventional and risky plan was proposed: sedate the boys and transport them through the cave while unconscious.

Dr. Richard Harris, an Australian anesthesiologist and experienced cave diver, was brought in to assist with this daring plan. Despite recognizing the high risks, Harris agreed, understanding there were no better alternatives. The boys were sedated and fitted with special full-face diving masks that provided positive pressure to prevent water from entering.

The operation required incredible precision and coordination. Divers administered additional sedatives during the journey to keep the boys unconscious. The first group of boys was successfully brought out on July 8th, followed by more boys over the next two days.

On the final day of the rescue, the smallest boy’s mask didn’t fit properly, causing additional tension. The divers managed to secure a smaller mask, and the last boy and the assistant coach were safely extracted. The rescue was a remarkable success, saving all 12 boys and their coach.

Sadly, another Thai Navy SEAL, Beirut Pakbara, contracted a blood infection during the rescue and passed away a year later. The efforts of the Thai Navy SEALs, British divers, and countless volunteers demonstrated unparalleled courage and collaboration.

The Wild Boars Football Team's ordeal and miraculous rescue captivated the world, showcasing the power of international cooperation and human resilience. Despite the skepticism and challenges, the expertise of the British divers and the relentless determination of the Thai Navy SEALs culminated in a historic rescue mission. The event will be remembered as a testament to the human spirit and the extraordinary lengths people will go to save lives.

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    Dilesmeyyy<3Written by Dilesmeyyy<3

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