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Playing God!

The Experiment That Went Too Far..!

By Sophia HayesPublished 8 months ago 4 min read

Dr. Olga Petrov entered the sealed chamber, anxious to see the results of her experimental sleep deprivation study. But the sight before her was more horrifying than she could have imagined.

Blood spattered the stark white walls. The subjects - five men strapped to their beds - thrashed against their restraints, emitting ear-piercing shrieks. Two men had maimed themselves, gnawing through their own limbs like animals in a trap.

Olga froze, bile rising in her throat. How could her study have gone so terribly wrong? She had designed it to test the limits of the human mind and body, not unleash madness and mayhem.

It began three weeks earlier. Russia was locked in war, desperate for any advantage. Olga believed her study could help soldiers stay alert longer, gaining a critical edge over the enemy.

She selected five prisoner subjects, strong in body and mind. The men believed they would earn their freedom by participating. In truth, they were only pawns, their fates expendable for the sake of progress.

The subjects were confined to a sealed chamber, with amenities for basic survival. Olga's experimental gas flowed in through vents, designed to enable continuous wakefulness. Monitors tracked vitals and cameras recorded behaviors.


The first few days, the men seemed unhindered by lack of sleep, laughing and chatting like old friends. Olga allowed herself to hope the experiment would succeed. But soon, subtle changes surfaced.

Irritability gave way to paranoia. The men muttered of conspiracies and eyed each other with suspicion. By the second week, some relentlessly paced like caged predators while others sat motionless, lost in waking nightmares.

When the first blood-curdling screams rang out, Olga realized she had severely underestimated the fragility of the human psyche under relentless, dreamless consciousness.

Now, gazing upon the gruesome scene before her, Olga was forced to accept the full horror of what she had unleashed. These men were no longer human, but creatures consumed by manic rage, driven only by primal instinct to harm and survive.

As she stumbled back in shock, a soldier restrained one man writhing against his straps, teeth bared and face contorted in madness. Another thrashed man had already torn free of his restraints, ripping away chunks of his own flesh in the process.

Olga knew then she had irrevocably crossed a moral line. No scientific gains could justify the anguish inflicted upon these unwilling souls. She ordered the chamber flooded with anesthesia gas to pacify the men.

After the chaos subsided, Olga surveyed the devastating human toll wrought by her pursuit of progress. Though she strove to save the surviving subjects, it was too late for two who succumbed to their gruesome self-inflicted wounds.

For the remaining subjects, Olga had their restraints tightened. Sedatives kept them docile as surgeons repaired torn flesh and set shattered bones. Olga took on their care herself, wracked with guilt.

Gradually the men regained lucidity, but the nightmare had left deep scars. They flinched at shadows, crying out against unseen horrors. When asked why they had mutilated themselves so severely, they could only repeat "We had to stay awake."

At night the men awoke shrieking, haunted by phantom memories and begging for the gas they had come to crave. Olga stayed up watching over them, trying in vain to comfort them.

In rare moments of clarity, the men met Olga's eyes with humanity, silently pleading for release from their anguish. Olga knew then the only merciful act would be to end their suffering.

One night, she administered a final dose of the wretched gas that had caused this misery, lacing it with a painless, lethal poison. She stayed to ensure they drifted off eternally this time, gazing up with relief and gratitude in their fading eyes.

Olga had believed her intentions noble and the sacrifice worthwhile. But men were not meant to stay awake endlessly, no matter what scientific heights beckoned. She had twisted nature ruthlessly, only to watch minds and bodies unravel in unfathomable ways.

No knowledge gained could ever redeem the price these men paid in blood and sanity. Olga understood now that playing God has unintended costs - and sometimes mercy, not progress, is the only just act left.

She walked away from the chamber forever changed. The noble scientist who entered was gone, replaced by a woman heavy with the weight of culpability. With clarity, Olga now saw the humanity rather than the pawns.

Her findings were burned that night. The world would never know what was unleashed - or thankfully - replicated from that horrific experiment. The true cost was etched only in Olga's soul, as she vowed never again to sacrifice humanity for any cause.


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Sophia Hayes

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    Sophia HayesWritten by Sophia Hayes

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