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OPINION: The Importance of Need for Global Cooperation in dealing with Climate Change.

By: Lorie Jean To

By Lorie Jean ToPublished 3 days ago 3 min read
OPINION: The Importance of Need for Global Cooperation in dealing with Climate Change.
Photo by Matt Palmer on Unsplash

In a world full with challenges, one specific problem stands out as both serious and existential: climate change. With the repercussions of global warming become more visible through extreme weather events, sea level rise, and ecological disruptions, the urgent need for global cooperation has never been greater.

Climate change is not a looming danger; it is a harsh fact that is occurring now in front of us. The data is clear: our world is warming at an alarming rate, and the implications are grave. Climate change has already had an influence on the world, from destructive wildfires to catastrophic storms.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global temperatures have risen by around 1.1 degrees Celsius from the pre-industrial period. This may appear to be a minor rise, but the effects are significant. Glaciers are melting at an alarming rate, putting millions of people's freshwater supply at risk. Extreme weather disasters, ranging from hurricanes to wildfires, are growing more often and severe, inflicting havoc on people and businesses globally.

Moreover, the impacts of climate change are not distributed equitably. Vulnerable populations, including low-income communities and indigenous peoples, bear the brunt of environmental degradation and climate-related disasters. Injustice is inherent in the climate crisis, amplifying existing inequalities and exacerbating social tensions.

For example, as of February 12, 2024, Save the Children reported nearly 10,000 individuals displaced by floods and landslides in Mindanao, a region in the Philippines. This event has caused these family to lose their homes and their properties making their lives a lot harder while facing inevitable natural disasters. These extreme weather patterns are attributed in part to the climate crisis and El Niño, a natural weather phenomenon characterized by fluctuations in sea surface temperatures, rainfall, and atmospheric circulation in the Pacific Ocean. The persistence of this phenomenon in the Philippines is anticipated to extend until May of this year.

The importance of addressing climate change cannot be emphasized, yet real progress has been painfully sluggish. The Paris Agreement, heralded as a watershed moment for its pledge to keep global warming far below 2 degrees Celsius, remains insufficient. Current promises from

governments fall well short of what is required to accomplish this objective, let alone the more ambitious 1.5 degrees Celsius target set by scientists to avoid catastrophic effects.

The impediments to successful climate action are numerous. Economic interests in the fossil fuel sector have significant influence over policymakers, impeding the transition to renewable energy and sustainable practices. Political inertia and short-sightedness hamper the execution of ambitious actions that may reduce emissions and strengthen resilience.

Despite the tremendous hurdles, there is reason for optimism. The rising momentum of grassroots movements, spearheaded by young activists such as Greta Thunberg, underlines the strength of collective action in demanding climate justice. Clean technology innovations provide viable routes for decarbonizing economies and creating green jobs. And, while international collaboration is sometimes strained, it remains our greatest hope for tackling a crisis that transcends borders and ideologies.

To accelerate genuine change, we must recommit to multilateralism and global partnership. This includes holding governments responsible for their obligations under the Paris Agreement and beyond, as well as funding activities that enhance climate resilience and adaptation in vulnerable populations. It entails investing in renewable energy infrastructure and eliminating subsidies for fossil fuels. And it entails acknowledging that climate change is more than simply an environmental concern; it is a serious moral and ethical dilemma that requires our collective action.

When faced with such a huge undertaking, it is natural to give in to despair or resignation. However, we cannot afford the luxury of pessimism. The stakes are too great, and the repercussions of inactivity are too severe. We owe it to future generations and the world itself to face the problem of climate change with courage, dedication, and unity. Now is the moment to take decisive action.


About the Creator

Lorie Jean To

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    Lorie Jean ToWritten by Lorie Jean To

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