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Importance of fire


By FarhaPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Importance of fire
Photo by Cullan Smith on Unsplash

Fire is very important to humans because it provides energy. It also allows us to cook food, produce light and keep predators away. It can be produced in many different ways but most commonly by combustion of wood, which changes the materials around it. Fire has helped humans progress over time because of its many uses. Read the following Essay on fire, its uses and importance in life. This essay is quite helpful for children and students

Essay on Fire | Uses, Value & Importance of Fire

Fire is very important to humans because it provides energy. It also allows us to cook food, produce light and keep predators away. It can be produced in many different ways but most commonly by combustion of wood, which changes the materials around it. Fire has helped humans progress over time because of its many uses. Read the following Essay on fire, its uses and importance in life. This essay is quite helpful for children and students

Essay on Fire | Uses and Importance of Fire in Life
Fire is a form of energy that we can see and feel. We need it for warmth, to cook food or to heat a room. It comes from the Sun which heats up Earth’s surface and sends energy out as heat and light. Warm air rises so some of this heat escapes into space. Without it life on Earth would not be possible. Some animals can see ultraviolet radiation which comes from the Sun too, it helps them to find food and shelter. Fire has been important for humans ever since they evolved about 2 million years ago.

Essay on Fire | Uses, Value & Importance of Fire

Fire is very important to humans because it provides energy. It also allows us to cook food, produce light and keep predators away. It can be produced in many different ways but most commonly by combustion of wood, which changes the materials around it. Fire has helped humans progress over time because of its many uses. Read the following Essay on fire, its uses and importance in life. This essay is quite helpful for children and students

Essay on Fire | Uses and Importance of Fire in Life
Fire is a form of energy that we can see and feel. We need it for warmth, to cook food or to heat a room. It comes from the Sun which heats up Earth’s surface and sends energy out as heat and light. Warm air rises so some of this heat escapes into space. Without it life on Earth would not be possible. Some animals can see ultraviolet radiation which comes from the Sun too, it helps them to find food and shelter. Fire has been important for humans ever since they evolved about 2 million years ago.

Essay on Fire

Fire is an important source of light at night. This helped our ancestors to survive by making it easier to find food or avoid enemies in more safety and with more light. The forest fire burns the nests of birds and abodes of animals. The earliest fire users were early humans and Homo Erectus. They used it to make spears by hardening the end of a stick in a fire, this would help them hunt at night, using the heat from the fire as a form of light. Fire can be dangerous and destructive but without it we would not have progressed as much.

Fire is energy which is produced by reaction between oxygen in the air and something else. Fire needs 3 things to keep burning: Oxygen (it needs this to react), Fuel (something that will burn) and Heat (to start the reaction). If you take away any one of these then the fire will stop, for example if you remove the oxygen from a fire it will go out. Without oxygen there can be no combustion, so if you put something over a flame the object will suffocate and die out.

Fire needs fuel to burn, but not all fuels produce flames. For example oil does not burn because it has no carbon in it which is necessary for combustion to occur. Using the right fuels in a fire is very important because when they burn they produce heat. The most important form of fuel for producing heat is wood, which when burned produces ash and smoke.

Fire does not need to be big to keep you warm or cook food, but it does need fuel to burn, the bigger the fire the more fuel it needs. This is why campfires are often built in a ring shape, the outer area of this circle is where heat escapes instead of being trapped close to whoever might be sitting nearby.

Fire is most useful to humans when it can be controlled. Its the source of heat energy to run our machines and fuel other technological innovations. Controlled fire lets us do things like keeping warm at night, cooking food or keeping predators away by scaring them off with flames. It also allows for light in the dark without having to carry around a flame on its own. Fire is also important because it changes the materials around it, for example when wood burns it produces ash, allowing for new materials to be made, which are needed by humans.

Fire is produced in many different ways. A common form of fire that humans use is a campfire. To start a campfire you must first have tinder, something small and dry that will catch fire easily, usually made from dry grass and leaves. Once you have tinder, gather larger pieces of wood and build a teepee shape over the tinder with kindling. Kindling is slightly bigger than tinder and can be easily lit with a lighter or match. Finally place two logs on either side of the fire as they will burn longer than anything else and as such produce the most heat. It is important to always put water on a fire when you are finished, if not it can spread and turn into an uncontrollable forest fire.


Fire has been important for humans ever since they evolved about 2 million years ago. Fire provides energy for our ancestors to find food or avoid predators safely. Fire can be made by using wood that has been heated up, but it needs oxygen to burn. It is important for us to put out fire when we are done with it because if not, the fire could spread and become an uncontrollable forest fire.

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