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By Abida AwaisPublished 8 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Urban Vintage on Unsplash

What a brilliant day, but hold up a moment, can you see that peculiar thing in the sky?

No time to form a wish—it's a space rock, not a shooting star. The chances of seeing a huge meteorite drop are exceptionally low, but it's still great to know what to do if it ever happens. Welcome to the virtual reality survival course.

HOW to Respond if You're in the Impact Area

Evacuate Immediately: If you're standing inside the impact area of the meteorite, evacuate as soon as possible.

If you're attempting to escape by car, you can anticipate many panicked drivers and traffic.

If you have time, ack some food and water, warm clothes, personal hygiene items, and a first aid kit. Do not forget a flashlight and important documents.

HOW to Stay Safe if You Can't Evacuate

Get prepared for intense earthquakes.

Stay away from any tall buildings.

Find underground shelter and hide as soon as possible. This subway station looks good.

Be sure that this simulation isn't real. These buildings are empty, so no one was harmed

WHY Understanding Asteroid Sizes is Crucial

The biggest space rocks are approximately 329 miles in diameter, whereas the smallest are less than 33 feet across.

Researchers estimate that an asteroid would need to be about 60 miles wide to completely wipe out life on our planet.

Luckily, in our case, it's much smaller.

Additional Preparations and Safety Tips

HOW to Create an Emergency Kit

Essentials: Ensure your emergency kit is well-stocked with the essentials mentioned earlier. Add multi-purpose tools, sturdy shoes, and weather-appropriate gear.

Communication: Include a battery-powered or hand-crank radio to stay updated on emergency broadcasts. Have a list of emergency contacts and a portable phone charger.

Medication and Supplies: Pack necessary medications and medical supplies. Include items for specific needs, such as baby supplies or pet care items.

WHY Staying Informed and Calm is Vital

Reliable Information: In a real event, misinformation can spread quickly. Rely on official sources for updates and instructions. Social media can be helpful but verify the information.

Mental Preparedness: Panic can lead to poor decisions. Practice calming techniques and have a plan to stay in touch with loved ones. Knowing what to do in advance reduces fear and increases your chances of making sound decisions.

HOW to Protect Your Home

Reinforce Structures: If you live in an area prone to natural disasters, consider reinforcing your home's structure. Install storm shutters, secure heavy furniture, and reinforce doors and windows.

Utility Management: Know how to shut off utilities, such as gas, water, and electricity. This can prevent additional hazards like fires or flooding after an impact.

WHY Community Preparedness Makes a Difference

Neighborhood Plans: Work with your community to develop an emergency response plan. Knowing your neighbors and their needs can create a support network.

Drills and Training: Participate in or organize community drills and first aid training. Being prepared as a group enhances overall safety and resilience.

Post-Impact Recovery

HOW to Navigate the Aftermath

Safety First: After an impact, the environment might be hazardous. Watch out for structural damage, gas leaks, and debris.

Emergency Services: Wait for instructions from emergency services. They will provide information on safe areas, medical aid, and recovery operations.

WHY Long-Term Planning is Essential

Rebuilding: Recovery can take time. Have a long-term plan that includes temporary housing, financial resources, and a support network.

Mental Health: The aftermath of a disaster can be traumatic. Seek mental health support and stay connected with your community for emotional and psychological assistance.

By understanding these additional steps and considerations, you're better prepared to handle an asteroid impact and its aftermath. Preparation, information, and community support are key to survival and recovery.


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    AAWritten by Abida Awais

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