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Fire rainbows

A Natural Phenomenon Circumhorizontal Arcs

By GokilaPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Fire rainbows, also known as circumhorizontal arcs, are one of the most stunning natural optical phenomena. These vividly colored arcs appear in the sky on clear, sunny days and look like a rainbow on fire. Fire rainbows are created by the refraction of sunlight through ice crystals in the atmosphere, resulting in a breathtaking display of color and beauty. In this article, we will explore what fire rainbows are, how they are formed, where they can be seen, and why they are so rare and special.

What are Fire Rainbows?

Fire rainbows are an atmospheric optical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight passes through ice crystals in the atmosphere. The ice crystals act like prisms, bending the sunlight and separating it into its component colors. The result is a dazzling display of vivid colors, ranging from red to orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. Fire rainbows are called so because of their resemblance to flames of fire.

Fire rainbows are not actually rainbows, as they are not caused by the reflection and refraction of light through water droplets, which is what creates a traditional rainbow. Instead, fire rainbows are a type of halo, a general term used to describe optical phenomena that result from the interaction of light with ice crystals or water droplets in the atmosphere.

How are Fire Rainbows Formed?

To understand how fire rainbows are formed, we need to look at the atmospheric conditions that create them. Fire rainbows are created when the sun is high in the sky (at least 58 degrees above the horizon) and shining on a cloud that contains ice crystals. The ice crystals in the cloud must be aligned horizontally, in order to refract the sunlight at the right angle.

When the sunlight passes through the aligned ice crystals, it is refracted (bent) and separated into its component colors, creating a spectrum of colors in the sky. The exact colors and their intensity depend on the size and shape of the ice crystals, as well as the angle of the sunlight. The larger and flatter the ice crystals, the more vivid and intense the colors will be.

Because fire rainbows require specific atmospheric conditions to occur, they are relatively rare and can only be seen in certain parts of the world during specific times of the year.

Where can Fire Rainbows be Seen?

Fire rainbows are most commonly seen in regions that are close to the equator, such as the Caribbean, South America, and Southeast Asia. They can also be seen in some parts of North America, Europe, and Africa, but they are much rarer in these regions. In general, fire rainbows are more common in regions that have a high amount of cirrus clouds, which are thin, wispy clouds made of ice crystals.

In terms of the time of year, fire rainbows are most commonly seen in the summer months when the sun is higher in the sky. In the northern hemisphere, fire rainbows are most likely to be seen between May and September, while in the southern hemisphere, they are most likely to be seen between November and March.

Why are Fire Rainbows so Rare and Special?

Fire rainbows are a rare and special phenomenon because they require specific atmospheric conditions to occur. In addition, they can only be seen in certain parts of the world during specific times of the year. This makes them a unique and unforgettable sight for those lucky enough to witness them.

Furthermore, the vivid colors and the shape of the arc make fire rainbows one of the most beautiful natural phenomena in the world. The bright colors and the shape of the arc create a surreal and almost otherworldly effect, which has captured the imagination of people throughout history.

In some cultures, fire rainbows are considered to be a symbol of good luck and prosperity. They are often seen as a sign of hope and positivity, and their rare occurrence adds to their mystique and appeal.

Despite being relatively rare, fire rainbows are becoming increasingly well-known and popular due to the ease of capturing and sharing images of them on social media. Many people have shared their awe-inspiring pictures of fire rainbows, leading to an increase in public interest in this stunning natural phenomenon.

In conclusion, fire rainbows, or circumhorizontal arcs, are a rare and beautiful optical phenomenon that occurs when sunlight passes through ice crystals in the atmosphere. They are not actually rainbows, but rather a type of halo that produces a stunning array of vivid colors in the sky. Fire rainbows require specific atmospheric conditions to occur and are most commonly seen in regions close to the equator during the summer months. They are considered to be a rare and special sight and have captured the imagination of people throughout history. Despite their rarity, the increasing ease of capturing and sharing images of fire rainbows has made them more well-known and popular in recent years.


About the Creator


She is an astrophile, introvert,

loves to read books all day long,

addicts in healthy lifestyle

and having curiosity to know about new things.

Life Is As Beautiful As You Make It. Contentment Is The Key To Happiness. Peace Be Upon The Saviour.

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    GokilaWritten by Gokila

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