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OPINION |Beyond Bureaucracy: Streamlining Adoption to Protect Vulnerable Children

It's unsettling to realize that this digital convenience has a dark side: infants are being bought and sold through Facebook, hidden behind the veil of 'adoption'.

By Hanah Coleen ReformadoPublished 4 days ago 3 min read
OPINION |Beyond Bureaucracy: Streamlining Adoption to Protect Vulnerable Children
Photo by Aditya Romansa on Unsplash

In an era where e-commerce platforms have streamlined our lives, facilitating everything from grocery shopping to booking vacations with the click of a button, it's unsettling to realize that this digital convenience has a dark side: infants are being bought and sold through Facebook, hidden behind the veil of 'adoption'.

Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) uncovered a network of Facebook pages dedicated to the sale of Filipino babies. Despite efforts to halt the illicit trade online, these pages persist, multiplying and perpetuating the exploitation of innocent lives.

Channel News Asia (CNA), provided further insights into the grim reality of infant trafficking, highlighting the prevalent rates for these transactions and the modus operandi of the perpetrators. The underground sale of infants is not merely a matter of convenience or choice; it's a manifestation of systemic inequality and exploitation. Behind the facade of adoption lies a sinister world where the most vulnerable members of society are treated as commodities, their innocence commodified, and their futures sold to the highest bidder.

In an interview with CNA, the harrowing accounts of mothers like 'Christine', who felt compelled to sell her two-month-old baby to secure a meager sum for a fresh start were revealed. These stories underscore the desperation and vulnerability that pervade impoverished communities, driving individuals to extreme measures in the face of adversity.

According to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), as many as 1.2 million children fall victim to trafficking every year, highlighting the scale and severity of this crisis. Child trafficking is a global problem that affects millions of children worldwide, robbing them of their fundamental rights and subjecting them to unimaginable suffering.

The Republic Act 9208, known as the Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, provides a legal framework for combating trafficking, yet the reality on the ground tells a different story.

The adoption process, intended to provide a safe and loving environment for children in need, has become mired in bureaucracy and inefficiency, exacerbating the vulnerability of those it seeks to protect. The lengthy and convoluted procedures deter prospective parents, leaving children languishing in institutions or vulnerable to exploitation in the black market. Expedited legal adoption offers a solution to this crisis, ensuring that children are placed in loving homes expeditiously, reducing their susceptibility to exploitation.

Undersecretary and Executive Director of the National Authority for Child Care (NACC), Janella Estrada, has called for concerted action to address this issue. She emphasized the importance of expediting legal adoption processes and cracking down on illegal adoption practices, urging the public to adopt legally and ethically. Estrada's words underscore the urgent need for reform and the imperative of prioritizing the welfare of children above all else.

The scarcity of social workers poses a significant challenge to expedited adoption processes, hindering efforts to streamline the system effectively. Investment in training and recruitment initiatives is essential to address this shortage, ensuring that qualified professionals are available to assess prospective adoptive parents and facilitate the placement of children in suitable homes. Additionally, making the adoption process more accessible and transparent is crucial in empowering prospective parents to navigate the system with confidence.

Collaboration between law enforcement agencies, government authorities, and non-governmental organizations is paramount in combating child trafficking effectively.

Targeted investigations and crackdowns on online platforms used to facilitate illegal adoptions are essential in disrupting trafficking networks and holding perpetrators accountable. Education and awareness-raising initiatives play a vital role in empowering communities to recognize the signs of trafficking and take action to protect vulnerable children.

Expediting legal adoption but still ensuring the quality of each process offers a chance for children ensnared in the web of child trafficking to find solace. By placing a paramount focus on the welfare of these children and simplifying the adoption process, we can grant them the caring homes and promising futures they are owed.

It's imperative to move beyond mere rhetoric and unite in combating the exploitation of innocent lives. Only through concerted effort can we forge a world where every child is esteemed and afforded the chance to flourish.


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HCRWritten by Hanah Coleen Reformado

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