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HAMAS: Gaza's voice


By Madiha MasoodPublished 9 months ago 3 min read

The land, once known as the Qila of three world religions, has turned into a battleground that has been burning for over a century. It was held by the powerful Muslim empire, the Ottomans, but was brutally taken by foreign forces in the aftermath of World War I. In collusion with the victorious Allied forces of World War, a brutal state was established within Palestine, under the label of Zionist, which resulted in the displacement of thousands of Palestinians. This displacement gave rise to defense movements, such as the PLO, a party that raises its voice for the people of Palestine, who were expelled from their own homeland. Even though these Palestinians didn't need to be kicked out and could coexist, as all three religions lived in Jerusalem, what we've witnessed is that brutality begets more brutality. The Holocaust led to the creation of the most brutal movements, including Islamic ones like Hamas and Fatah, further intensifying destruction on both ends. This piece will highlight the creation of these groups, which are called terrorists by many nations. If Hamas is considered a terrorist group, then so is the Zionist movement.


PLO was founded in 1964 as the representative of the Palestinian people. It was established after 16 years of Israel's invasion. The question arises: why? What did Israel put the innocent Palestinians through that they had to rise up for their protection? The answer came during the Six-Day War in 1967 when Israel significantly impacted the Palestinian population. If not them, then who would defend them? They had to stand up for themselves, and their rights are what the Palestinians truly fight for. They fight for the city that was claimed as the capital of Israel - Jerusalem, a place considered the second most sacred for the world's second-largest religion(Islam). The Palestinians' right to visit the compound was taken, which ignited the Palestinian fighter's movement. They later accepted Israel as a nation and a country, but Israel's greed was insatiable. They continued resettling in the West Bank and other areas once held by Palestinians. The first wave of immigration was no more than 30,000, but now it has reached 9.8 million, completely engulfing the land once owned by Palestinians. However, the failure of this political movement gave rise to other movements, which are now called extremist.Fatah, such as the Palestine National Liberation Movement, emerged from the aftermath of the betrayal that the PLO had to endure under the Oslo Agreement. It transformed into an Islamic movement fighting for the rights of Muslims trapped in Israeli atrocities. While it was primarily operational in the West Bank, it now stands alongside Hamas in the Gaza Strip.


Hamas formed in late 1987 as a religious group that realized that separation was the only solution. They could see how Israel was engulfing their land and rights. The movement evolved into a group when Israel imprisoned the leader of Hamas, Ahmad Yassin. The feud turned into a full-scale war with multiple events, as Israel suppressed the rights of Palestinians. Furthermore, in 1994, American Jewish settlers living in the West Bank walked into a Hebron mosque and killed 29 Muslim worshippers, further inflaming the situation.

All of these horrendous events transformed Hamas into a Muslim organization, which was labeled a terrorist organization worldwide. However, Hamas is an Islamic organization that wields the sword for the rights of Muslims, which they believe were usurped by Jews. The latest attack by Hamas on Israel was seen as a response to the atrocities committed against helpless Muslims.

The ultimate goal that has become evident in this century-long turmoil is to strengthen Israel's position on the map. The map that once separated Israel and Palestine has now vanished, leaving Palestine as the Gaza Strip with 2 million people. This has become the target of Israeli efforts to ethnically cleanse Palestinians. This process began with the construction of fences around the Gaza Strip and is now marked by the tragic deaths of infant babies in hospitals without oxygen.

The reason for writing this piece is to provide answers to those who believe they have the right to pass judgment on the lives of others by labeling them as terrorists. It's essential to note that these organizations were, in part, a creation of Israel itself, initially formed as a retaliatory response to counter Zionist. Their motto was to establish a separate state for the Muslims of Palestine, not necessarily by displacing Israel but by protecting their own. The roots of these atrocities can be traced back to the Holocaust, and they have grown into the current Israeli Zionist movement, contributing to the rise of Palestinian extremist organizations.


About the Creator

Madiha Masood

Dealing with a profound burden and enduring agony in search of solace, I made the choice to document my experiences and paint the world with my vibrant thoughts, hoping to receive recognition and understanding for my efforts.

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    Madiha MasoodWritten by Madiha Masood

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