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By umamanidrahPublished 11 months ago 61 min read

State Archive Board is going to digitize all the files, -Pull that up. DGP. Ashok Rajan has issued an order.

Will discard the unnecessary files, post which will scan all the important files,

which will be guarded with safety. If it's a small case, then it's 3 years. If it's a big case, then 8 years. Feed only the cases dated during that period.

Scrap rest of the files.

This file is to be scrapped. Put it there Sir. Quickly grab them.

Sasi! This has to be fed in to the computer.

Constable! Where can I get Theeran Sir's phone number?

It's DSP Theeran. Good Morning Sir. Sir, this is SI Sasi from SARP. I just read your case file on Inter-State investigation.

I couldn't believe it. The case which turned my life upside down, the case which I wish to forget all together,

but this phone call, has reminded of all those things. My entire life...

...just flashed for a moment.

Who's that?

Grandma! Dad!

Oh No!

No...let me go!


Please let me go. If you commit this crime, do you think the Police will let you go?

Why don't you be smart and think about it? I don't like to be the smart one. Ask me why?

Why? A human's smartness, has fooled many. Have made them slaves.

Have destroyed many communities. It has also turned me in to a thief. That's why I never like to be the smart one.

Walking Begin! Left-Right! Left-Right! Left-Right! Left-Right!

Left-Right! Running Change! CADETS! During the DSP training, there's work out 6 table card method.

Every table card, has an exercise which will strengthen every muscle in your body.

"Pain fuels the wound inflicted" "There goes the Achiever, There goes the Achiever"

"Turn to the left...Turn left!" "Turn to the right...Turn Right"

What's the duty of a Policemen? Prevention and Detection of Crime, Collection of Intelligence, and maintenance of Law & Order.

Good! It's easy get hold of the criminals. But getting them convicted is tough. That's why, when you're at the Crime Scene for the first time,

should observe keenly. 'Cause you won't get that opportunity again. Observation, Detection and Analysis skills are very important to us.

Use your eyes the most, hands the least, especially your mouth the least-est.

"When it's beyond you, the heart might get poisoned" "Police Department would end up healing that wound"

"The blood lost on this soil..." CADETS! Attention! Knife is of the accused from the Crime Scene.

How will you take it? Where did you learn that?

Cinema I believe? Yes Sir! Next.

Why did you do that? Fingerprints are something which gets imprinted due to sweat. It'll get wiped off, even if we pick them up with a handkerchief.

Visualize how the Criminal would've handled it, and pick it up on the opposite side with minimum handling. Good. Clap for him.

"Turn to the left...Turn left!" "Turn to the right...Turn right!"

"Turn to the left...Turn left!" "Turn to the right...Turn right!"

Hey buddy! you've topped the list. -Yayy! -Be careful guys.

After 1 year of training, went home for Diwali.

Mom! Mom! Mom! Knock harder... ...must've sunk in to the serials.

Twenty Seconds, you've been staring at my face. Meanwhile I would've read two questions. Waste of time.

-You...? -Theera! Did you just get here? Come in, Mahesh.

She's our neighbor Teacher's daughter. -Moved in recently. -Nothing in there. Hey! Hey, did you get my make-up kit? How disrespectful you're.

He'll definitely get it for you, let him join the duty. Freshen up, I'll serve you guys food.

Hey! I thought you were fit for nothing. Not bad, the room looks great.

It isn't me, It was Priya who you just saw. No wonder. She seems like a studious one.

She regretted wasting 20 seconds. Is she pursuing IAS? She's studious. But her parents are not letting her study though.

Heard that your daughter is studying at the moment. She can continue her studies even after the marriage. I want to study.

Please make my mother understand. Ok, Ok don't cry...don't cry. I don't want to get married.

Please make mother understand. -Ok, don't cry. -I want to study... If you repeat that once again, I'll thrash you.

Hold on. It's the women, who are bread winners these days Let her continue studies.

You don't get it, It's been ages since she failed Higher Secondary. If given any work to do, she pretends to study.

But she reads comics hiding behind the books. Lazy!

Interesting. Then, does it look like I'm narrating a story. trying to be sarcastic with a Policeman?

Oh God! -Bloody pig! -Buffalo.


Hey...hey be careful kids. Heard that your Son is here.

Buddy, the food is delicious.

Did you eat the sweets? Huh?

Hey! Where are you going?

What's it? Nothing, felt that you might want to talk. So just came over to...

Shall I call my Dad?

-Sweetheart. -Hmmm. -Sweetheart. -Hmmm. Our Neighbor Priya,

yeah, what about her? She... ...seems to have fallen in love with me.

Why are you telling me this? You're not in love with her right? Ignore then. I too am in love with her.

You got to help me with this dear. I'm your sister, not a pimp.

You're crazy to ask your sister that, there's a society called friends for this kind of work.

Just shut up, don't irritate me. Look here, A Friend is, equal to two elder brothers.

equal to four younger brothers. When it comes to love, they're equal to 100 brokers.

Huh! She's definitely in love with me. But she's confusing me,

by not expressing it. It's possible only in Rajinikanth's movies for the women to confess love. That won't happen in reality.

Just follow as I say, tell me. Follow her.

Buddy, you're going to be a DSP, do you have any regrets following a girl?

-Nope. -Good boy. Even if you happen to be the Chief Minister, you got to lurk with no conscience of time,

only then you can impress them. Ok then, run. Priya. Priya!

If you keep stalking, I'll let my Dad know about it. -What did she say? -She'll complaint to her Dad it seems...

Periyar was spot on, he was right about it. -How do you say so? -Of course... Ma'am has been praying for ages and still haven't cleared her exams,

that explains, there's no God.

Son, no use in just praying hard, got to study hard too. If I had to get through only by studying hard...

...then why there's a God?

"You've been studying hard on the terrace," "that's History..."'s not History but Mathematics.

She's been trying to get through that for years. So then, looks like you're all cozy gawking at her.

I recited a beautiful poetry, she doesn't seem to care. She's playing hard to get.

I'm gonna....

Buffalo! -Hope you're doing good, Son? -I'm good Aunty. When are you joining the duty?

Once the field training is done. You took up Group One and became a Police. But the one here,

-buffalo! buffalo! -It hurts! It'll be embarrassing if a teacher's daughter flunks the exam.

If she doesn't get through this year, I'll get her married to some uneducated politician. Uncle don't act in haste,

give me a chance. Son!? I meant, when I'll be coaching my sister...

...thought will coach Priya too, and help her get through the exams. I'm wondering, 'cause she's quite grown up.

Dad, please not him. I'll definitely get through. Please!

She got really scared, 'cause you're a Policemen. You're the right person for her. Dad, please don't.

Dad, please don't. I was smart to trick your Dad in to it. Are these your sketches?

You're very creative. Go on... Get coached by Uncle, and try to be like him.

On this page number... Priya get ready. Shall we test how much you've learn till now?

That's the question paper, you've ten minutes.

"He's been taken to the operation theater" (Serial on TV)

"Operation is going on mother" (Serial on TV)

Uncle, you're the reason Priya is flunking. How will she concentrate on studies with a loud TV running.

I'm really sorry. Sister Chitra! are you home?

It's time already...

Son! Jon Snow hasn't returned yet, wonder what happened with the White Walkers.

I can't barge in to neighbors like my wife did. Lock the door,

and watch with a low volume. Thank you Son. Sweetheart!

Damn, what's it? I'll get you a make-up kit. Can you get me a cup of tea.

Kids! Keep reading with heads down. Ok!? Ok uncle!

Problem is fixed. Now we can happily romance. Hopes you got! Then why did you click a picture of me? and why did you wink at me?

Shall I call my Dad?...Shall I!?

Hopeless! You'll never get through the exams in this life. Instead confess your love to me and settle down.

-Daddy! -What happened dear? This crack head is hitting me. What's it? Do you know what she wrote for an essay on Meera Bai?

"Meera Bai is a Big Mattress" "On which 3-4 people can sleep on" "Meera Bai at our house has worn off"

"We need to get a new one" I wrote the same thing during the last exam. My Dad had evaluated it and gave two marks for it.

Didn't you Dad? Spare the eyes Son.

But skin her thoroughly. Dad! Do as he says.

Wake up!


Hey! Please. Let me go. In order to evade the daily chores,

I was pretending to study. You've been torturing me a lot. Don't you pity this cutie?

Am I not a cute one? Please!? Dear!

I never did ask you to study. I asked you to love me. "They're in love it seems."

Just say "Dear I Love You", I'll let you go. Not a chance, get lost. Get lost!?

Damn it! I get really angry if you knock me on the head. Ok. You don't have to say "I Love you".

Give me a kiss, I'll let you go. First apologize for hitting me. Close your eyes, I'll apologize.

Is this the way to apologize? I'll let Dad know about this.

-Shahrukh Khan built the Taj Mahal. -Yes, Yes. Mom had asked to pack your things for training.

Don't get too happy. It's not that far, I'll be back soon.

Are you aware of Field Training Model? Have to work as a Para Constable for a week. Have to gather records on crooks and in postal department for a week.

Got to work as a Writer and learn record complaints. Work as an SI for a month and learn Station maintenance.

Work as an Inspector and learn their duties and investigation. And lastly get associated with all the offices from Traffic to DSP.

Don't you guys understand, College students. -Both died on the spot. -Give me that torch. "Sir is here."

"please be quiet." "Don't you get it that Sir is here?" "Please listen to what I have to say." "Who the hell is he? get lost from here." "Did both die on the spot?"

Sir. These guys didn't switch on their headlight, don't lie to me.

They came with headlight on for sure, If they'd rammed in when it was on, the tungsten would've got burnt.

If not would've been intact. Muthu note this down on the report. It's an NRI murder case, the sniffer dog did go around the house.

But couldn't find the dead body.

Sir! ask them to dig here.

Good! Take a class for our Range this Sunday. "Locard's Principle of Exchange"

When two particles collide with each other, Components of one particle will transfer in to...

Asking for paper to lodge a complaint and taking bribe at the beat duty, is bringing down the respect our Police Department. Sir, food for the accused,

station maintenance, biriyani for the protestors who we arrest. These expenses amount to two to three lacs a year.

If you can find a solution to that, we will never take bribe. Take from the ones who have,

let go of the ones who don't. Amongst all this you'll have to keep the Law in Order. Beep.

Is it for me?


Sweetheart. You must be craving for Tea, aren't you? Hmmm! Craving is getting a bit too much,

you guys are going to get caught. Kids! Sister will find it difficult, please go and help her.

-It's going to be fun. -Get in the front. Enough of pretending to study. Give a massage, my body is aching.

I won't. Shall I tell your Dad about your love escapades. -Uncle! -Hey...Hey! Ssssh!

I'll do it damn it. Just like that on the back too.

It'll be great if you can sing too.

Hey...hey, don't touch that. Hey, if you get down, I'll thrash you. You're sketching in a reading book.

Isn't that wrong? Oh, Oh. Oh, so my pictures I've been looking for are here.

Police dear is a fool, I Love You! Damn you crook!

Hey you, I thought you were going to complaint to your Dad. But you seemed to have written "I Love You".

I did say will complain to Dad, did I ever say I didn't love you.

Crook! That's you. You got swept away by my good looks.

-Nope, -Then!? I did when I saw your picture for the first time. If so, then why did you make me suffer.

Just like that. Good looks were fine, but was not sure about the character.

Apologize, for making me suffer.

Is this how even you guys apologize?

It was you Dad, who had asked to do, whatever he asks for.

Parents are the last one to know about their children's relationship.

Dear. Dear.

Talk something dear. Hey! I had asked you to talk.

Enough of talking dear. Kiss me dear. -I won't. -Won't you?

Look what I'm going to do... God save me from him, God save me from him!

Dear. We should stay the same forever. You shouldn't scold your Dear.

Shouldn't fight. Ok! Do you like me or your mother the most?

Can't you women stop asking this question!? Dear!

Hug me. A bit more,

tighter, hug me until I'm a part of you.

In Tamilnadu Police Department, Thirty new DSP's have taken charge. Theeran Thirumaaran, has taken the charge as Tuticorin's DSP.

They've kidnapped my child. and demanding a sum of one million as ransom. Sir, somehow please save him.

Where the hell is that DSP? in spite of repeated warnings he laid hands on my men. Won't you listen to what the MLA has to say?

Don't you know how to respect? Don't you get it? Don't you know how to respect? Is this respect enough?

Hey! Can't you favour bribery and stay in one place? How many more transfers...Huh!? You were the one who wished to see places,

Don't try heroism, to get your pictures in the newspapers. He overpowers everywhere he goes. You find excuses to do encounters.

Sir. A girl who got in to an auto last week during the night, the driver and his two friends...

closed her mouth, and broke her hand on the vehicle's railing. Threatened her and took her into the bushes and raped her.

Took that injured girl in the auto for about 10 kms, and again raped her. They did the same thing thrice.

And when they were about to slit her throat with a bottle, said that, she's the sole bread winner of her family. You've already broke my arm,

you got everything you wished for. For god sake, let me live. She pleaded with that broken arm.

Still they slit her throat. Those three ********!

I managed to nab those accused. What should I do now? What are you going to do?

Open the door sir. Our vehicle met with an accident on the highway. A child is injured and is bleeding.

We need to call an ambulance, please open the door. Wait I'm coming. Dad!!?


Cholavaram of Thiruvallur District, late last night. Close to the National Highway,

A burgle which took place at lonely house there... Five victims with jaw broken, and heads smashed.

Also few were shot in the heart, and killed in a very gore manner. An exact same incident occurred last year at Gummidipoondi.

Police couldn't catch them. Public are scared to sleep at nights. Police has to catch them immediately. Relatives,

neighbors, we tend to suspect each and everyone. On behalf of Bharithiyaar Committee, ten members are patrolling every night on the roads.

We're not able to go for jobs. Police don't seem to care. The officer who investigated at the crime scene, Sathya of Cholavaram Police Station.

Addressed stating that they'll catch hold of the burglars soon.

-Sir. -Sir. -Priya. -Huh?

Inspector Sathya. -Hello Ma'am. -Hi. -Keys to the house. -Thank you. All these are Inspector's ancestor's wealth.

That yellow building there is their house. This village looks exactly like ours. This house is awesome.

-More than me? -Yes. You're too much.

A little higher. A bit more. -Hey! -Ouch!

This is you and that's me. Hope you guys are doing good?

My parents. Dad...take this. -Greetings. -Greetings, Sir. The house is awesome, thanks.

The house on top of DSP office is occupied by other officers. That's why I opted for a private house. That's why I'm thanking you.

House on top of the office is boring. Hey.

why do you have a long face? She's pissed 'cause, we didn't get her a doll. Is that so, wait.

The small lion is you, and the big lion is me. Shall we play?

We're leaving. We stay close to you, give me call if you need anything at all. I'm leaving Ma'am. I'm leaving too.

Sathya arrange for the Calling on tomorrow. -Sir! -Sir! -Heard that new DSP is here. -That's right. We heard a lot about you.

We're glad to be working with you. -Thank you. -Sir. I would like to meet the local big shots and Thasildar. Make arrangements.

Keep all the pending case files on my table. Amongst the 100's of pending case,

as an ordinary case, that case came to my table. Was unaware of the danger hidden in it.

How come such a gore dacait case is pending? Didn't you guys do anything? We did investigate. Except for the fingerprints, we don't have any other clue.

Is it a new or an old team? Was it just one or were there others too? we're not able to figure it out. We couldn't follow up on this case amongst many cases.

Hey! Send me off to my parents, then sit and read the file in peace. I'm fed up.

Priya. Come here. Come closer dear.

How do you manage to be so beautiful dear? Chubby Cheeks,

luscious lips, big beautiful eyes,

sharp nose like a parrot. Hey dear!?

You promised me a new nose ring, where's it? uh? I'm extremely romantic here,

and you're all about nose ring. -nose ring right? -I won't ask, I won't!

Open the door, Sir. Our vehicle met with an accident on the highway.

...Mummy! Siddhu!


There are two more bodies inside. They've killed them like animals. Motive is same as before, Sathya. Why isn't the forensic team here yet?

Ask them come immediately and take the blood samples and fingerprints. Yes sir. Shouldn't miss out on any evidence, ask them search every bit of the place. Make arrangements for Line Method Search.

In Thiruvallur District, this is the third time. A gore theft has taken place.

Serial Killing, Gory deaths, Masked Burglars, what is the Police doing?

"What was the Crime Committed" How's it possible to safeguard such a huge highway with just 10 Policemen?

Adding to that Vajpayee's highway work is on. Don't know who's coming in and going out of the town. Earlier I use to keep the shop open till 11 in the night.

But now I get home the minute sun sets. It's really scary to go on cycle at late nights. Since I saw the gory incident at Sharadha's house,

not able to go to work. Not able to attend weddings, we're scared even to sleep along with children during the night.

Before the public loses hope on the Police Department, will the Police department take steps to drive away the public's fear. CRIME!?

-Sathya. -Sir! Send a fax to all the Police Stations in Tamilnadu. I need observation report of similar cases, photos, videos, dog squad details, fingerprints, footmarks, tire-marks.

Material objects, physical evidence. In quest report, postmortem report, and all such reports related to this case.

there were many cases surfacing similar to it. One gang, at many places. have burgled and murdered people.

In desperation to get a clue, we started investigating thieves from the accused list. Stealing is an art.

Just by looking at the house. You should be able to judge if there's money and jewels in that house. Looking at clothes drying,

men and women, number of servants should be understood. Is there a dog? Is it a local breed or an international one,

what does it like to eat? If we take the tools, you Policemen nab us suspecting.

So, we got to arrange the tools from the house we steal. We should get in without making a sound.

Just with the smell, we need to figure out which is the bedroom and kitchen. By touching,

need to figure out which is a drawer and the cupboard. Then finally take out the keys quietly. Should sweep everything soon,

and if possible grab a good meal there. And leave from there quickly. We're artist sir. And you're insulting us of being murderers.

Go and mind your business... Stand straight!

He's testing my patience. Give me that Sathya.

Now that's how you whack. I'm only in to cupboard pulling. 200ml of Oil.

And ash to get a grip while climbing. We pick houses with cupboards kept near the windows. Climb on to those,

and pour oil under the cupboard and move them. Then the cupboard will dance to your tune.

Job done. God is our partner, so whenever I steal I share with him. If I don't then God won't spare me.

It will gouch my eyes out. I don't know who was it. I didn't do it. Sir, it wasn't me. Sir, don't hit me please.

We don't buy stolen jewels. Buddy, Police is here, run. Sir, don't hit us. Sir, we have no idea who's it, please let us go.

There was a Keravas caste gang in Trichy, there was Maariappan gang while I was in department.

They will lie about their caste. I've been an Informer for Twenty Five years, never have I seen such a case.

The technique seems to be new, no idea who it must be. In Tamilnadu, using a gun, to steal, no one does that.

Take out the license. Put up a notice warning all the lonely houses.

There have been many cases across Tamilnadu similar to this. This one is from Wallajah. They've knocked hard on this kid's head.

due to which she lost her memory. This is from Cholavaram. They broke his jaw. We've done a jaw replacement surgery for him.

This is from Gummidipoondi. How many times will you investigate? They will have to be hacked. You can't harm them in any way.

Please leave Sir. Sit down. This is from Dakut, it's our new DSP. It was my dream sir.

To build a house of my own, and to live happily with my children. I didn't want my children to go through what I did.

I sacrificed a lot, managed to save up and bought a house. We were happy with our lives.

One unfortunate night, they destroyed everything.

Sir! This situation of this family, shouldn't be endured by any other family.

Don't let them go, Sir. Don't let them go. Don't let them go, Sir.

Don't let them go. Kabe. Kabe.

Kabe. Kabe. Kabe. Kabe. Kabe.

Kabe. Kabe! KABE!

I started investigation, thinking this will be a simple one too, but it wasn't simple.

It's a very rare and a serious case. Who are these Dacoits? No idea. How do they travel?

How do they manage to steal and evade? No idea. How are they able to kill someone with just one blow? No idea.

Why isn't there even one eye witness? No idea. This gang is very smart, which leaves us with just questions.

But they are quite a fools to leave their fingerprints. This kind of motive is something new to our department.

When we compared the fingerprints across Tamilnadu, it didn't match with any of the criminals.

But... did match

Since 1995 till last week, it matched with 22 of such similar cases of thefts and murders.

It's not an old gang. They're a new gang. It's just one gang, who have been evading without getting caught for 9 years.

If we don't catch them. They'll continue to do so. Till date, 'cause of them there have been 18 deaths, Sixty have lost their eyes and ears,

with broken jaws and are in coma, losing their day to day life. I'm wondering how come our department was negligent about this,

I'm not able to sleep. The cries of kids and old people... reverberating in my mind.

Lives of public is lost eventually in one crime or another. Why are you taking this to your heart? Even a passer by takes a moment to stand up against crime.

We're are paid to do the same, and we live on that money. I feel ashamed to lead such a life.

I'm not sure how's it with you. What shall we do Theeran?

All victims have been killed with a blow on side of the head. It's a technique used to kill animals. Only the people who hunt,

can do such treacherous murders. They've used country guns, we don't have such guns in Tamilnadu.

The slipper from the last place of the crime, gutkha cover and empty shell, none of the items are from Tamilnadu.

So, with the permission of DGP, along with a big team, we need to search across India. So you want to do a pan India search?

Are you kidding? Just to catch a bunch of thieves, you're asking for troops. It's a heavily populated country.

Any idea how many Prisons, Police Stations, Courts... ...and record rooms are there? With just fingerprints, do you think can find them!?

What have you done so far, except for warming benches? Leave, wait outside.

Can't take a hasty decision on this, let's escalate this and see what happens.

Didn't agree. The Public is not safe. We've to do something. Form a special crime party within our limitations.

I'll give you a van, you can use that for investigation. If it's far, then take a train.

I left Priya with a lady constable. One slipper, empty shell, with fingerprints,

went on in search of the criminals across India.

Across Andhra, all the drivers wear this kind of slippers. We can't find anything with this as evidence.

Just like you've mentioned, there are three similar cases with us too. We've been in search of them for past 10 years.

Sir...Sir! Brother, who was that? It's the SP. Sir!?

Is this the respect they give to their SP? Sathya, there's a union present here for the Police. Can't do anything about it.

Ask him, if we can get in? Brother! These guns are available here in abundance.

This can't be considered as a vital evidence. We have 4 cases pending similar to these. We suspect it must the be the Poorthi Criminal Tribe.

Keravas gang are known for this style, check in Chandrapur District. No, no, no, it's not Keravas,

they always enter from the backdoor. But in your case, it's the front door. I think it must be Sanjar Bhats.

During these two years of our marriage, I've never left Priya alone for this long. With the little funds we had,

we slept at schools and Dhabas. Ate what we could find, and went on from state to state. People started to get sick.

It's the Hawarias, they're a dreadful gang. It's really hard to catch them. They're a heredity of Criminal Tribes,

Criminal Tribes is a word which was found by Westerners to burrow their lands. Read this you'll understand.

"The Hide 'n' Attack technique of Wolves" "Where one chases, and the others hunt..." This search of mine for criminals,

lead to history of many strange crimes happening across India. Every place we went, just like Tamilnadu...

...there were pending cases gorier than ours. We collected the fingerprints from those cases, and compared it with the chance fingerprints,

and it was just one gang who were behind all this. Which gang is it?

Is it Poorthis? Sanjar Bhats? Hawarias? or it's the Soonsis?

or Binglus? Who must be it? After going through the statements and evidences pertaining to that gang,

something struck me. I categorized their thefts, according to the dates it occurred.

I got a small clue. First, After 1995-96, not only in Tamilnadu,

but across India, they were missing in action for 4 years. Why?

Chances of them getting arrested was high. Where could it be? Second,

It's a statement given by an accused in Tirupathi 10 years back. I'm small time, from a small gang.

The lorry gangs do it 4 times a week. Let me go. I'll help you in all the cases. Just looking at the crime scene,

I can tell which gang would've done it. Third, even I feel, it must be the lorry gang.

Second month of 2002, on the 14th at Gummidipoondi, 16th at Aathur,

and on 18th Kaarimanglam Dharmapuri. finally on 19th in the outer region of Bangalore.

They must be doing it when they go to and fro carrying goods. -Sathya! -Sir!

That accused is still at Tirupathi prison. Bail him out, and take him to the crime scene. -Ok Sir. -Ask him if it's the Lorry gang.

This is definitely is the work of Lorry Gang. How can you be so sure it's the Lorry Gang? With the forensic report of the victims.

They were attacked with a strange weapon, It's nothing but the flag rod attached in trucks up north. They use these rods to kill them,

and then fix those rods back on to the trucks. No Police can track them. Why don't to ransack all the trucks and take the fingerprints?

No Sir. It'll become the headlines. It might alert the accused. Let's form a special team, and find the place where they got arrested.

But the only evidence we have is their fingerprints. Up North, fingerprints are taken only after they're convicted.

That becomes an issue. Just like Sherlock Holmes, you traveled in and out of 2003-05', and spinning stories of rods and trucks.

Why don't you admit, that can't catch them. No Sir. We can find them for sure. If at all this gang kills a big officer like you or a Politician,

which will eventually happen for sure. Then this Govt. and the department will take this case seriously. Then we can find them for sure.

'Cause you don't care the lives of the public. -Theeran! -Sorry Sir.

We're traveling in between other cases. That too we spend our money. Since the investigation had started they've done it five times at different places.

They've killed many in the most dreadful manner. At least now the Department has to take this seriously.

We neglect being a Police to save the Good from the Evil, Instead we stay loyal henchmen in saving the Evil from the Good.

I'm leaving Sir.

Sathya, they didn't agree to the special team we had asked for. Let's wait and watch, what happens. Ok!

I saw you hiding. Get up! I called you 8 times to tell you something important.

Sir is busy, he's in a meeting... I got these two for Rs.500/- Now you can talk to me anytime with no disturbance.

-Do you see this green button? -I know... -I've seen it, -Priya!

It's a very important case, public is quite helpless. What about me then?

You're my sweetheart, -darling! -Don't be kidding. Get serious. Ok.

I'm serious. Tell me.

Why are showing me this stone? What a fool!

Tell me. Bloody Crook!

“Would love to be the slave of your beautiful eyes”

“Wanna take your breath away with my sweet kisses”

"Oh dear, I'll be your cradle"

"My life is ploddingly rubbing on to yours."

"As and when it gets excited my heart goes out in beating as one"

"Oh my dear, you'll be my cradle"

“Shall I take you in to my arms and travel a Eon”

“Or shall I pamper you from head till toe”

"Oh dear, I'll be your cradle"

"Oh my dear, you'll be my cradle"

What gift shall we get for your friend's wedding? Your wish. Your wish. Your wish dear.

If it's all my wish, then what are you there for?

To... everything you wish for.

"The pleasant hug in the morning, and the whisper in the ears"

"Wouldn't end even when I'm gone..." "...come oh my dear!"

"The mellow kicks on the ear, while you're resting on my chest"

"Won't be able to live without it..." "...come oh my dear!"

"I'll be like a mother to you when you're pregnant, just like the moisture turning to rains"

"Then your tears will fade away..." "...and the time will be in your favour"

It's done, take it. Why don't you clean them as well dear. That's why... ...avoid chores when your wife asks for.

Oh God! That's why... shouldn't argue with your wife.

Be blessed! Bloody!

Big Lion... ...shall we go to that forest? Sure we can, but only after you finish your meal.


Ruby shut up. Ruby! Shut up! Shut up I say.

What's wrong with her today?

Take out the gun sooner.

Let's go.

Ruling party MLA Sugavanam, late last night, was shot dead by the masked burglars.

Exactly,three other murders of the same nature, where many have been killed,

but when a Government leader itself has been killed. It stirred a fear and panic among the public.

They couldn't protect an MLA, then who will protect the people here? Police just throws a glance and then leaves,

they're busy begging at the signals, how can we expect them to nab criminals.

Damn! The time isn't in our favour. It's not even a month, since the death of people due to Tsunami.

And here we have a murder of an MLA. What have you guys been up-to? It's all in the file.

If I had the knowledge to understand this, I wouldn't have been struggling as a politician. Won't I prefer getting paid monthly like you guys do?

Police are worse than Politicians. Better be good, if not they'll send the burglars to your house.

The deaths till date were of public, not an issue. But this, MLA from the ruling party.

By-Election is around the corner. The expenses will go through the roof.

Who the hell are those guys? During the 19th century... ...several common people and traders traveling towards Northern India.

Were missing in most mysterious circumstances. During 1830, Governor William Benedict issued an order,

to William Henry Cillaman; in forming a troop for investigation. A burglar group name Thuggee, were disguising like traders and soldiers,

and killing the travelers looting them. During the Investigation, they dug out thousands of dead bodies buried by them.

For about 450 years, with the help of of few rulers. They came to know the death toll was more than 2 million.

Shocked from this knowledge, sent their troops, and took extreme measures. Hung 100's of Thuggee's to death.

And put 1000's of them in the prison. Gave them strenuous sentences. Also burnt the jungles they were hiding in.

And demolished the clan of Thuggees. British Govt., listed these incidents as an excuse,

stated Indians are cannibals. They can't rule. We're the right people to rule over you guys.

Across India, sorted 230 caste as criminals, and branded them as Hereditary Criminals.

In this thousands of innocent lives, were affected by British officials. After Independence,

during Pandit Nehru's Govt., revoked the rule of Hereditary Criminals. And helped the families of the affected.

Grateful people, lead calm and peaceful life making their living. Except for the few.



Few among them, don't even realize what they're doing is a crime. Poorthis, had migrated from Maharashtra,

and are living in many parts across India. Keravas; migrated from Tiruvanamalai, and are in Chandrapur(Maharashtra), also they're in Urapakkam and Guduvanchery.

Bingolos; they enter through Bangladesh, and commit crimes in outer Delhi. Hawarias;

they're in UP and Noida. It should be one of them, who would have done this.

Hunting being their profession. the technique used in killing animals, is used for killing humans too.

Do something and catch them. Stations, Courts and Prisons across India, we'll have to look there for their fingerprints.

Do that right away. IGP North Zone, under Vijay Rathore's order a special team has been formed.

Why was that not in place, all these years!? The burglars will be caught soon. Sir one more question, sir. ...sir, sir! Long live Democracy!

-Sir, Sir. -Last question sir.

-Nothing seems to be in order -Can't understand the writing...

-Not Identical. -Not Identical. -Not Identical. -Not Identical. We've searched the entire Andhra Pradesh, no match.

Not Identical. Not Identical. Not Identical.

Not Identical. Couldn't find anything in Karnataka too. That's it, no more files.

-no match. -Not identical. The documents up North are not in order, we're not leaving anything to chance.

Those are the only files, please get out from here. No match found Sir.

Sir! Nothing in Orissa too. Next we're heading to Madhya Pradesh.

Couldn't find anything in Madhya Pradesh too. These are all the files, nothing more to it.

We've searched completely. No match found. I'm losing hope on getting the fingerprints.

Jai Hind Sir! please come.

West Bengal was a no go too. No match found. No match found. No match found. No match found. No match found. No match found.

No match found. No match found. -Hello Sir. -Jai Hind Sir.

From Tamilnadu Police, are the files ready?

Sir! No match found. Could've let me know we were coming this far,

you asked me to pack light, and got me here in a van. I'm dying of cold. Sir, please adjust and keep looking, I'll be back.

They're gone... They'll only return in the evening. Sit down, please sit down photographer. They're not even letting me celebrate Pongal Festival.

Snake. Snake. Snake. What's it Sir? You've been ranting, Snake?

Photographer, every strand of fingerprint, has been imprinted on to mind like a parrot and a scorpion.

The one we're looking for now is a Snake. A Black Cobra.

Now in UP, Meerut and Agra. Only those two prisons are left to check. I'm going there tomorrow, if nothing is there too wondering what to do?

Not possible, can't let you guys in. It's 5:30pm and we're in the process of releasing prisoners on bail. We'll bring down the flag at 6pm and closed the gates.

-We're coming from Chennai -Come again tomorrow -We've been searching them for 10 years -Please understand come tomorrow. -Please help us sir. -Salim!?

Jai Hind Sir! Good evening sir. What is the issue here? They've come in search of fingerprints. What are you going to do with the fingerprints?

It's surprising! You've come all the way with the fingerprints. It's 5:45pm...

...Sir! I just need the exit gate ledger. Please sir. Sir, please. Please Sir, Please Sir.

-Please Sir. -Let them in. -Ok Sir! -Thank you Sir. Come along Sir, come along.

That's great brother, you rock. You're awesome.

-Hello Sathya. -Sir, Sir! We got one match, Sir. That's great Sathya. It's a perfect 8 point match.

Yes, Yes, Yes! His name is Banne Singh, we were lucky as he was convicted for a petty case. He's from Rajasthan's Hawaria Gang.

Secure the fingerprint specialist. He shouldn't speak to anyone. Until the news reaches CM's office and is re-confirmed, this news shouldn't get out to the press.

You leave to Rajasthan immediately. -I'll tomorrow... -Sir, a small request. Huh? It's been long since I went home, had food or slept.

I feel like seeing my kid. Only if we lose our sleep and happiness, public can sleep peacefully. Sorry Sir.

It's ok Sathya, good job. Thanks Sir. Once I get to Rajasthan, will relieve you. Until then, I'll send a lady constable as security to your house.

Ok!? -Thanks Sir -Good job, Good job. Ok Sir. Dear...Dear! What happened, why are you so excited?

Tell me why? Rathore here, Sir! Congrats Theeran.

-Thank you Sir. -What next? We have to fax an official letter to Rajasthan to support our team.

-He will help you. -Thanks Sir. Sir! Actually the case was is... Are you a Tamizhan?

How did you figure that out? It reflects from the way your English is. Stay here, I'll inquire and get back.

Sir has asked to keep you isolated. You shouldn't speak to anyone it seems. -It's an order from high up. -Ok Sir. -Dear. -Yes Dear!

I won't come home tonight. I'm heading to Rajasthan. Pass on my bag through Porkodi. If you leave to Rajasthan,

then who will I hug and sleep. -Hang up, damn it. -You hang up! Hey! I forgot to mention something important.

What's it? I Love You. Don't sass me with your antics. BYE!

I got the picture of the accused from the record room. Brother,

Fax from Rajasthan.

Greetings Sir. Greetings Sarpanch! (Head of the Village) When did he leave?

Sathya here Sir, Tell me Sathya. Sir, Sir! Banne Singh left 5 days back with a load for Maambakkam Glass Company.

He might be in Chennai now. Great! I'll nab him right here. Hari! Get me the number Maambakkam Glass Company unloading section.

Ok Sir! Ask the local Police to get there right away. Control Room; from Ponneri DSP office. Accused from MLA's case is in Maambakkam Glass Company.

Ask the local Police to get there right away.

Sir, we got the number for the Glass Company

Hello! give the Police to the phone. Give it to the Police. Sir it's for you. Sir!?

It's SI Durai here. Durai, I’m sending you a fax right away... ...check for him in all Rajasthan trucks. If possible arrest everyone with him.

Be careful, he's very dangerous.

Kabbadi...Kabbadi! -Get a hold of him, don't let go off him, -Kabbadi...Kabbadi!

Come on soon. Point the torch at the number plate. It's from Maharashtra next one...

It's from Kerala. Come point here, it's Karnataka.


-Is everyone here? -Yes everyone's here. Check if the guy in the picture is among them. Not him. Not him.

Not him. Not him. Not him. Not him. Huh...the next one.

Go...not him. Kabbadi...Kabbadi!

Get a hold of him, don't let go off him, Kabbadi...Kabbadi!

Looks like the time is good. Hoping for a great hunt today.

Are there any more trucks? Many trucks parked outside too, you can check there as well.

Hey come here. Tell me Sir. Have you seen him? I've seen him.

The truck he came in is parked out there. -Is that so? -Yes I'll take you there. Show me where's it. Hey!

-Where's the truck? -It was right here. Where exactly did you see it? Brother, the truck parked here, where did it go?

It left an hour back, would’ve crossed Red Hills.

Sir, It's Durai here. It's been an hour since the truck left. They're saying might've crossed Red Hills by now. There were 5-6 of them in the truck.

Control Room; DSP Theeran here. MLA case accused truck is heading towards Red Hills. Get the picture from DSP's office, share it with all the stations across the highway.

Barricade the roads, and check every truck thoroughly.

Has the picture reached Control room? Ask all the stations on high alert. The truck shouldn't go beyond Tamilnadu border.

Ok...Ok! Don't spare any truck, Check if it has Rajasthan's license plate. -Come sooner. -Check them properly. Check if it's the guy in the Fax.

Don't spare anyone, I've been checking them for an hour, no truck with Rajasthan license plate came through.

Hey leave, leave from here. Let the cars go, check all the truck and their license plates. Quick!

Keep coming, move quickly. -Check the cars too, -Let the cars go... Sir, let the cars go.

Did the Rajasthan truck pass by? No Sir. Leave, you can leave. Ask that vehicle to move forward.

I'm heading towards Red Hills, update me if you get anything. We've been checking every truck, once we have something will inform you.

Get down, quick.


Sir, open the door. Our vehicle met with an accident due to rain. We need to call an ambulance. -Who's that? -Please open the door.

Job should be completed in five minutes. Oh no, it's those Dacoits.

Who's been knocking so hard on the door. What's the noise there? Who's that? What happened Selvi?

Leave from here, it's those Dacoits. Leave! Oh god, how are we going to handle without Sathya.

Priya give the phone to brother. He left for Rajasthan. Oh God! Sister!?

-Hello...Sister!? -Don't know what to do. Porkodi! -Come on quick, -Where are we going at this hour? No idea what happened, Sister called...

...she was crying on the phone and it got disconnected. Moreover brother Sathya isn't here, let's go and check. Dad... ...take your daughter and leave through the back exit.


-Mother come soon. -You manage to escape. You runaway to Priya's house. Runaway dear. Big Lion!

Big Lion. Big Lion! They've broke down the door.

You leave too sir. Oh no, sir you please leave. If you don't, I'll get a earful from the department.

You please leave.

Stop! Sir! We heard a gun shot near Kommakkambedu forest, go there immediately. I'll be there in 10 minutes, I'm 5 kms away.

Ok Sir, we're heading there.

They're running away with the Jewels. I'll take care of her. Take the child and runaway. Somehow manage to escape.

Sister! Ma'am please don't get in to the forest alone. Please listen to me Ma'am. Sister!

-You check on the house. -Let's call the police station. Just do as I say. I can hear the child crying. Sister!

Big Lion. Sister! Small Lion!?

Sir, there's a truck parked here. Check the license plate. Is it Rajasthan registration? Sir, it is Rajasthan license plate.

Who's inside the truck? Check on the other side. Hey! They're shooting at us. Get in to the car, come on drive.

Don't let them escape, chase.

Police have captured the truck, -Let's leave... -Bloody ****** Police! Run quick, come on quicker. Faster!

Stop the vehicle. They went in to Inspector Sathya's house, don't let them evade. Chase and catch them, come on quick.

Hello Control Room. Accused have entered Inspector Sathya's house. Inform DSP about it. Sathya is not in town, nothing should happen to his family.

I'm on my way there, call for back-up immediately.

They ran in to the forest behind. Chase them!

Split up and look for them. -Ok Sir. -Ok Sir!


Seva! Seva!? Hey!

Seva! Hey! Seva!


Neilson! Neilson! Neilson!

Sir there's a guy here. Hey!

Hello control Room. DSP's wife Priya ran in to the forest in spite of me stopping her. Priya.

Sister! Sister. Big Lion!

Big Lion. Where's Mom? where's she? Huh!?

What happened?

SIR! They've escaped in to the forest. Our men have gone too looking for them.

Send a Patrol immediately to other side of the forest. Call for an ambulance right away.

Get behind me.

Ruby. Ruby! Looking at this I'm scared what would've happened to Ma'am.

-Give me the gun. -Here it is, Sir. -Which way did they go? -That way.

Priya! Ruby attack!

Small Lion. Poor thing, he's drenched in rain, stop the vehicle.

Come on, let's go quick. -Quick! -Faster, Faster. Police is right behind us. Faster! Drive faster.

Ambulance will be here anytime, shift everyone there. Priya!?

Don't cry. Don't cry. Don't get scared.

I'm calling the Police now.

Priya! Priya!

Give me the Jewels, if not... Priya!


Get up, big lion. Priya!

Priya! Uncle! Priya! Priya!

-Priya! -Uncle. Priya! Priya! Priya!

Priya! Priya! Priya!

Late last night, in order to catch the burglars involved in MLA Sugavanam's murder case, the operation led by DSP Theeran failed.

In spite informing Andhra Police, they escaped. Inspector Sathya's wife and family, were killed by that gang of burglars.

I feel like harming myself. All thoughts at this moment will be dangerous.

You have a child to take care of, Sir! Doctor is calling for you. Priya is in coma.

Surgery is done for the wound on the head. -But... -Will she get better, Doctor? Let's believe that.

Should regain consciousness. It might happen tomorrow. Might even take 4 years. -Might not even... -Doctor!?

I'm not trying to scare you, It's a fact. She's under observation. And, she also got aborted.

Dear! In eight months, there will be a baby just like me at home.

Then for 3 months, she will be blinking, sleeping and watching us.

During the 4th month, she will roll over. After which she'll stand, walk and will start to play,

will call me "Mom" for the first time. Her first words will be "Dad".

-It'll be Mom. -It'll be Dad. -It'll be Mom. -It'll be Dad.

-It'll be Mom, Mom, Mom... -Ok, Ok.

-Theeran. -Sir! I'm relieving you both from the operation. Sir! It's vital for us to be in this operation.

Don't take hasty decisions in anger. I'm saying this 'cause there's too much personal loss involved. No Sir.

When I was 5, my Dad who went out to get chocolate wearing his uniform, never returned.

My mother never let me realize that as a personal loss. Not everyone is lucky to lose life in the line of duty.

She raised me keeping my Dad as an example. Till date, I can proudly say, that I'm his son.

It should be the case with my children too. It's not anger nor a revenge.

If we get off this case, we both... ...will regret entire life that we didn't perform our duties well.

Proceed. PULL!

If there are more than three in the cabin, Police might check... they set up a secret room behind truck in pretense to an actual one.

As they park the truck a kilometer away from the spot, we never got the tire-marks of the truck.

They fixed a dummy diesel tank, in which they hid weapons. It was all meticulously planned.

Pick young and righteous team to go up North. Seniors will laze around without investigating,

and will lie stating, they did go but no one was there. Nazeer Sir! Pick him, he can speak Hindi well.

We've divided you guys in to 8 Crime parties. Every Crime Party will have a fingerprint specialist, and one who can speak Hindi will be present.

Will we get good food up north? will we get sleep? we don't know if we can speak to our family wives or kids.

But make sure not to spare no one from that gang. There shouldn't be another theft, or loss of an innocent life due to this gang.

No criminal should even think of coming to Tamilnadu anymore. Can we do it!? Yes Sir!

Disperse! We've allotted Rs.20,000/- per team for petrol, food and stay.

Spend wisely, and make sure to account them.

We made Tamilnadu Regiment quarters of Tihar Jail as our main office. Each team stayed in different States.

I camped in Rajasthan and started the work.

First find out from which gang he's from and who's their leader. 'Cause there 8-10 Hawaria gangs active at the moment.

Ruthless killers. They still live like nomads. He'll help you. I'm Madhu Sir, and I'm from Tirupathi.

The village you mentioned of Banne Singh, is a settlement village outside Bharatpur. Inquire and let me know, if Banne Singh is in the village.

If we walk in with uniform to that village won't return. They'll kill us. We'll compromise with him not to come to Tamilnadu anymore.

We can't arrest them. Why are you beating around the bush? Sir!? We're not here to compromise.

Dad will be back soon, ok? You got to eat well. -Greetings Sir. -Yeah.

Sir. Banne Singh is in the village. -Sathya get ready. -Yes Sir!

Boys, everyone get in to the vehicles. Sir. Don't do anything in haste. I'll take care of everything.

Get in the vehicle. Should I come too? You guys don't listen, no matter what I say. Oh My God!

-Madhu. -Ya. Just the you come with me. You carry on Sir, I'll be in the vehicle. Come on Madhu.

-Follow Sir. -Sathya! -Sir. -Get in. No matter what happens don't get out of the vehicle. Use the force and cover the other side.

Ok Sir. Take the vehicle. Brother get around the backside of the village.

Uncle! Hey, hold on. Uncle Banne Singh, Police is here.

Brother, Police has come in to the village.

Hey! Don't you know, that Police can't come in to the village. Get out. Madhu, asked them to send Banne Singh.

Then we'll leave. I have nothing to do with it, he tricked me in to it, saying wanted to see around the place.



You'll be tarnished, stop there damn it! I'm getting the entire village.

Wait, I'll handle it.

Sir! Let's leave! The entire village is chasing us.

Oh God!

Take that bamboo and fix it in the vehicle. Madhu get inside the vehicle.

Keep Driving!

They've surrounded us Sir. What do we now Sir?

Sir, they're inside the Jeep, Sir. They're coming to hack us. Bash Them! LATHI CHARGE!

Hit them hard. Bash them!

Now it's impossible to catch Banne Singh He would've escaped to nowhere. Didn't I warn, not to go inside that village.

We should get a force of 500 and destroy that village. Kill them in an encounter, only then they'll fear. Shall we put him down in encounter and return, Nazeer?

I was hasty. -Madhu. -Huh!? I need to meet the informers who were dealing with Hawarias.

No one will rat them out. These people didn't learn even after such bashing.

You haven't left for home yet? Everyone return to your hometown, if not will get killed.

It's really impossible to catch them. Because they, will hide in to the Aravalli river which connects 5 states.

No point in searching, 'cause we won't know even if they're close to us. They'll be moving from one place to another.

Catching them is impossible. I'll arrange a meeting to compromise personally. If they promise, will never come towards Madras.

They'll never commit a crime in their home state. As they go to every State, they're well versed with all languages. If they're looking at a child,

they wouldn't see them like a child. Only their jewels will be visible to them. If we rat them out, they'll kill the entire family.

Lawyer Sir. Police has never come looking for us.

Then how come, these Madrasi Police is here? You had killed an MLA in Gummidipoondi.

Really!? I killed an MLA?

Damn it, he was pointing a knife at me. I shot him with my gun.

The bullet went in, and the heart popped out.

But how did they figure out, that it was us? With fingerprints. Fingerprints!?

We got to be careful with these Madrasis. They're here with just this information.

Banne Singh. You made a mistake by attacking them at your village. That Madrasi is not alone,

he is Government. They'll return, after searching for few days.

Till then make sure not to get caught, and lay low working under someone. If there's anything,

I'll send a word through the lawyer. I will be in Aravalli mountains, safe and sound with the blessings of Grey Wolves.

Jai Baouli! Jai Baouli!

There's an informer named Pandit who is the Village president, He supplies betel nuts to the shops in this district. He's well connected with Hawaria Gang.

He's the only one, who can help you. Where's he?

Sir. That's Pandit. Let me go Sir.

I don't mind even going to the prison. I will never rat out the Hawarians. I'll rather be in prison, than getting tortured to death by them.

I'll give you protection. Protection!? Do you even realize how dangerous they're?

They'll leave poisonous snake in to the house and runaway. They'll burn down the house, while you're sleeping in the night. Then, how will your protection help me.

They're not scared of Police, like they do in your city. They'll shoot you down.

Who are Hawarias? Where did they come from? And how they became Dacoits? It's easy to talk without knowing their history.

I know. What do you know, Sir? What do you know? Tell me something then. They're descendants of Hajputs.

Hawarians! They were highly skilled Guerrilla warriors in Hajput's army. In 1600 AD.

Hajputs and Mughlai's had a huge war. Hajputs who came with a huge army,

Mughlai who was with a much smaller army... ...stood strong against Mughlais with their unique strategy.

Hajput warriors, always pray to Baouli before going to war... ...with a belief to return victorious and without loss of life.

For which there was a ritual performed. But in the war Hajputs were defeated, and many warriors died during the war.

The Empire of Hajputs was destroyed. The ritual which was performed before the war,

Hawarians had, War-God Baouli... ...stained it with cow's blood. It's their sin which led to defeat,

and were chased out in to the forest.

After Hajput Empire got defeated, Hawarians were left with no job. And were in fear of getting killed by Mughlais.

They remained hiding inside the forest, hunting and thieving making their living, is what the stories state.

Hawarians, lived as hunters for generations. In the 80's Government issued a ban on hunting.

They returned to the village for survival. There they neither got job nor respect,

and their life became a tough one. Due to which, a few of them, turned to hunting again.

But this time, they were hunting humans.

Not bad, even our Police is not aware of such things. But Sir...

They never stay in one place, they keep changing cities. If you have to get a hold on them...

...then it'll cost you a lot. One information, will fetch you 50,000/-. Fifty...

...Thousand uh? For just one information!?

Are you serious? You're not kidding right?

Ok Sir. Sir. Here on... ...don't come to see me in person.

If someone in the village comes to know, they'll come to know about it. I'll... ...inquire through the betel sellers.

If there's an information. My guy's shop at the foot of the fort, will wear a green turban.

We then started to wait for that green Turban. Pandit's men were on lookout on one side,

and on the other side us... ...road side tents, railway platforms, we didn't spare any place in search of them. It was months since any of us went home,

we were longing for a information on Banne Singh. In the process we went State to State. started searching across North India.

We kept going nudging cold, hot sun and dust. We slept where ever we got a place.

There shouldn't be another life lost due to this gang. We we're extremely outraged in catching them.

All this gave the strength to endure everything. The food in North didn't favour us.

With very less funds. We took utensils in our vehicles, and made food at places where we rested.

It tastes good, Sir. You wife is very lucky.

How's it?

"B" "A"

"It's Bad!?" This is awesome!

Brother, stop right there. He's wearing a green turban.

Is the Special Betel here? "Get me one Betel!"

Sir, we got an information from Pandit. Very good. -Sethu, assemble everyone. -Yes Sir.

Sathya you stand down for this operation, I have something else for you. Sir.

Remove me from this team. It's hurting to see your concern about me.

You don't have to feel bad, whenever you see me. Please send me away. Everyone has assembled, Sir?

Yes Sir!

Follow the guy in this paper. Thanks Sir.

Haram Singh. Age 55. Banne Singh's Uncle. Organizer of this gang. Works as a VAO(Village Administrative Officer).

They call him "Patwaari" here. The only educated person from their caste. He secretly collects information about the gang.

And resolve issues if any among them. Handles all legal problems pertaining to them. Converting the looted Jewels in to money.

All of this is done by him. If we nab him. Banne Singh who escaped, that gang,

also we can gather information about the gang leader. As he's got a good support with local Police,

he's happily moving around the village. He comes down to Bharatpur market everyday to collect interest. That's where we'll pick him up, without anyone's knowledge.

For this Banne Singh's village was a better option. All the rowdies will be present at the market. You'll get caught.

First change our license plates to a local one, market will be crowded in the morning. If the crowd gathers while we're arresting him,

or if the accused is alert, the operation will be a failure. Arrest is going to happen, or it happened, no one should come to know it.

I'll let you know the plan, there's shouldn't be another failure.

Haram Singh is here. Two minutes. Before the people get a whiff of it, we'll nab Haram Singh and leave. Ok Sir! Two minutes!?

Even if it's two hours, you can't nab him. It won't take that long... run to that gate and get back.

-By then we'll nab him. -What if you don't? We'll leave this city. If you're going to leave the city, then why just once...

...I'll do it four times. Shall I go? Hey, look here I come! Nazeer!

-Sir! -Madhu is running, scream out thief and run behind him. -He's our guy. -Do it. Thief, catch him, catch him, thief.

Thief! Thief! -Thief! Thief! -Oh no, he's planned something. -Hey, I'm not a thief. -Stop him, he's a thief.

Sathya ready? He's a thief, catch him. Hey, please listen to what I have to say.

Hey, Hey, please...please let me go. Vicky move.


Sethu cover. Nab him. Hey!

Now stuff bananas in to his mouth.

I'll listen to anything you asked me of. But please don't ask me to run.

Arrange for transit warrant to take Haram Singh to Chennai. The 10 years search of the burglars came to an end with Haram Singh's arrest.

In regards to that, many officers from other states, congratulated DSP Theeran on this achievement. Also DSP Theeran assured that the leader of the gang will caught soon.

Seems like the investigation will reveal more information.

Constable ask the biker not to come this side. don't come this way. Hey who's in there?

Who's that? come outside. Sorry Sir, we're lovers.

Family problems, so were talking about it. What kind of discussion happens inside the bushes?

I'm Innocent. Speak. I'm Innocent. "Begunah" means Innocent, Sir.

I'm Innocent. Speak up. Speak up. I'm Innocent.

I'm Innocent. I'm...I'm Innocent. -Speak up. -I'm Innocent.

He's saying that... ...I get it, he's been ranting the same for days now. "I'm Innocent"

He doesn't seem to budge for beatings, make him talk. Strip him naked. He'll open his mouth at the 30th second of bed bugs treatment.

Why the bed bugs? Once the heat is felt by the bed bugs, they'll pierce through the navel. Then he'll talk due to unbearable pain.

I'm Innocent, Sir. How do we break him? He doesn't seem to budge, keeps ranting that he's Innocent.

-Sir! -Sir!

If you don't tell us where's Banne Singh and the gang leader, I'll make the same hole on his head this time. If you don't tell us where's Banne Singh,

next time the bullet will be in your head. I'm... I'm...

I'm... I'm Innocent, Sir. Damn it!

He keeps repeating it. I'm Innocent, Sir. For 15 days, we tortured an old man,

but the fact he didn't budge... ...was really surprising to us. Their threshold for pain,

and loyalty to their clan. We were not able to break that. We tried extending the remand time.

Aren't you ashamed? You brought an old man, and accusing him of all the theft's and murders.

If you don't manage to get the right evidence next time, I won't extend the remand.

First pay him. Thank you sir, next time please get us a bail.

Is everything fine, well and good? So Banne Singh escaped, and he cannot be caught.

No idea who's the gang leader. So can't catch him either. Wonder which corner of India is that gang hiding.

Due to which no Police can catch him. No witnesses. Even we arrest them, can't do anything about it.

Haram Singh will get a bail, and the case will be closed, that's great!

Sir. -One week. -It's a summon from Human Rights. They've complained about you torturing the innocent.

You're all words, go and withdraw the operation... ...compromise with them not to come here.

Then get hold of two, and issue a press release stating they're the accused from MLA's case. And find a way to close the case.

Ok Sir. I'll take care of it.

-Hold this. -Sir. Just a little more time... What's it Theeran?...

...heard you're going to compromise. Congratulations.

-Are we going to stop the operation? -Yes. "We didn't hit Haram Singh", get a signature from him confirming that. -We're going to compromise. -Sir...Sir...Sir!

Have fun!

"Bangles are rattling" "Just for you my dear"

"Be aggressive with your touch" "Every time we come across each other"

"Oh my god of thunder, I'm yours forever" "My body is quivering, you take me along with you"

"Oh my god of thunder, I'm yours forever" "It's my heart 'n' body and your opulence"

"Bangles are rattling" "Just for you my dear"

Sir, It's Pandit. Heard that you're going to compromise. Where are you right now?

I'm on my way to Delhi Pandit, tell me. Listen then. I have a vital information with me.

Where should I come? I'll call tomorrow with it. "Ravish me with colors, oh my dear"

"My booty too..." "Oh My Dear"

"You don't have worry about anything" "You're there wherever honey is"

"Come on" "You're the sanity to my wild temptations"

"You're the apex to my climax" "Oh my body is swaying away"

"Oh my body is swaying away" "Come on let's play Holi, oh dear"

"Bangles are rattling" "Just for you my dear"

"Be aggressive with your touch" "Every time we come across each other"

"Oh my god of thunder, I'm yours forever" "My body is quivering, you take me along with you"

"Oh my god of thunder, I'm yours forever" "It's my heart 'n' body and your opulence"

How can you arrest a Govt. Officer without following any rules? Won't you respect the Law? You've nabbed him like a rowdy.

It's become a routine for the Police to frame the innocent. Read this file.

And then you can take a call. Leave that here. Once you've compromised with Hawarians. Ask them to take back the complaint from Human Rights.

Ok Sir. Hello! Sir, get to Rupwas check post's betel shop.

Rupwas Check Post, that's great. I'll be there right away. Nazeer, ask our team to be at Rupwas check post.

Ok Sir! Let's finish that compromise. Get 5-6 of them from our team,

and get to Rupwas check post. Sathya! Tomorrow when we'll take Haram Singh to the court,

Sir, what if it goes wrong. No matter what happens, be brave about it. I'll take care of it.

Madras Police is coming down to compromise. If two gets surrendered, the case can be closed. Hey, Muthupandi.

That Hindi guy will get released on bail. On the way back get the other accused under remand.

-Over! -Ok Sir, Over!

-Sir! -Sir! Didn't expect the case to end with a compromise. Let it go!

There's a Special Betel famous in this place, It's said to be good when taken with empty stomach. -Sir how come you... -Let's have that. -Come on. -How come Sir?

Is the special Beeda here?

It doesn't look like we're here for compromise.

It's Banne Singh, Sir.

Move! Move, who the hell are you? Move!

-Who are you? -Hey! This Madrasi is beating up one of the local, how can you guys stand still without doing anything?

Please do something! Sir, Sir. Sir, Sir, Sir...he's getting out.

He's beating me again. Hey Guddu, the bus shouldn't stop.

Get to the driver. I'll shoot, if you stop the bus. Sir, Sir, Sir...he's getting out.

Hey Madrasi, I'll shoot if you come closer. Let it go, let it go. Get off us, get off us.

He's Tamilnadu Police. We're Tamilnadu Police. We're Police damn it, let go.

Sir! Sir climb up, I got him.

Hey! If you come closer... -Nazeer! -We won't do anything.

Sir! Stop the bus Nazeer. Banne Singh's guy has the driver at gun point. Not letting him stop the bus.

If he shoots the driver, the bus will topple. Did you hear that? if the bus topples everyone will be dead. You'll be responsible for that.

Be careful Sir, he might push you down. Sir, the balance is going off. Surrender yourself. Nazeer stop the bus.

We're Policemen. Sit down, Sit down, Sit down.

Don't come closer. If you don't surrender yourself...

He's jumping Sir... ...Sethu catch him. I caught hold of his leg. Sir, that bus going ahead of this one,

not able to hold on. Nazeer ask both the buses to maintain the same speed and level. Driver, go with that bus.

Maintain the distance on the right hand side. Sethu, don't let go of him, if not he will die caught under the tire. If he dies, then we can't get hold of the gang.

Sir! That bus is getting closer.

Ask him to go around. Ask that bus to right and maintain the gap. There's a vehicle coming towards us, maintain the distance.

Please maintain the distance.

Sir, the rope is slipping away. Sir! don't let go!

Sir! don't let go! Sir! don't let go! Sir! don't let go! KABE!

Sir! Sir! don't let go! BOYS!

Sir, I'm coming, I'm coming. Go closer. Come on top, Sir, Vicky is climbing up.


Now let go of him.

Sir, Sir! Sir! Sir, please forgive me. Sir. Sir I'll surrender myself, please forgive me.

Sir I'll surrender myself. I'll surrender myself, forgive me. Sir. HEY!

Drive carefully, don't ram in to Sir. Sir, be careful. Sir, he's getting away.

Why aren't you guys here yet to compromise? Sir, they're asking if we're coming to compromise.

I'll inform that we have already compromised. Madrasis have nabbed Banne Singh. Oh God no!

Arul, turn around the vehicle. Get down, Get down damn it.

Let's see how you'll get your bail. Take that stone. Die, damn it.

How dare you hit me!?

He attacked every one of you? -Am I right? -Yes Sir. It has become a routine.

I'm Inoocent, Sir. I'm Innocent, Sir. Banne Singh will not open his mouth, I'll bail him out soon.

You don't worry about it.

That Madrasi is a dangerous guy. Also very smart.

How's he managing to nab them spot on. There's something happening which is not right.

Find out what is it? Sure brother. Once you're done, I'll be inside, Guru Shikar mountains. You can meet me there.

Daddy! When will you be back Daddy? Daddy is here with some work. You be...I'll talk to you later.

Sir, torture room for Banne Singh is ready. Let us not torture him Sathya. Why Sir? Even If we hit him,

he'll plead innocent, and will say he doesn't know anything. Let's play Prisoner's Dilemma,

Dynamo...? Sir!? Ok let that go.

Are you a good cop or a bad cop in the game? Definitely a bad cop.

What's up, Haram Singh? Did you eat? I had sir.

Hey. Your group has got educated people too? I've studied till 10th grade. -I'm working as VAO. -What's the news?

Dinesh-Aishwarya... ...scandal. And then,

Gulmaan-Zinta Scandal! -Look at him laugh, -What kinda girl is she? may be he's worried about the girls of this generation.

Do you only know to read or can write too? Give it to me, I'll write and show it to you. Come on write.

Let's see. -What shall I write? -News, News. -News?! -Gossip! Gossip! Gossip!? Yes write down, we'll see.

Haram Singh, turned as an approver, confessing your murders and thefts. Only based on that we arrested you.

If you don't believe us. These are the jewels, you gave to Haram Singh. Check them.

I'm innocent Sir. -If you repeat that again... -Sathya calm down.

Just answer this one question. After 1996,

why didn't you guys come in to Tamilnadu for 4 years? I’ll give you money. Also these jewels too.

If not, Sathya. Why didn't you guys come to Tamilnadu for 4 years?

Let us know. If not we'll put you down in encounter. No Sir. Sir.

From Agra, while evading after a loot. At the Sikandera check post, shots were fired by the Police present there.

We managed to escape from there, but we were caught again by the Police. Nazeer! While they were evading after a loot,

they were nabbed at UP's Sikandra Police and were convicted for 3 years. They escaped after the bail, while the case was still on.

And were back in business. Hey, who's your gang leader. Tell me.

Speak up! He already confessed Sathya. Send our team to Sikandra,

and asked to check their file of arrest. That'll have everything we need. Get in damn it.

Son!? When did you get arrested? You explicitly gave up everything in writing.

When did I do that? Hey, I only wrote gossip.

-Gossip uh!? -Huh! This is why I kept asking you guys to study. You foolish bunch.

Idiotic Fools!

Then Jewels!?

What's this Sir!? I'm innocent Sir.

We got the entire list of the gang who got arrested in Sikandra. ACCUSED 1: Omveer Singh (a) OMA, Gang Leader Haryana.

He's running a travel agency with 13 trucks. He does all the crimes while delivering goods across India.

A2: Khaali, Door Breaker, Haryana. A3: Bhora, Route Expert, UP. A4: Banne Singh, Lock Opener, Rajasthan.

A5: Haram Singh, Organizer, Rajasthan. A6: Thara Chandh, Weapon Handling, UP. A7: Mubeen, Weapon Handling, MP.

A8: Gulaam, Driver Maharashtra. A9: Rukesh Singh, Driver, Punjab. A10: Jhankuri, OMA's Sister/Spy, Rajasthan.

A11: Antho, Spy, Rajasthan. A12: Mangey Lal, Spy, Haryana. A13: Guddu Mal Singh, Snatcher, Haryana.

A14: Heena, OMA's Third Wife, Booty Disposal, Haryana. A15: Khorag Singh, Snatcher, Haryana.

A16: Rajee Singh, OMA's Son-in-Law, Works as a school teacher and does booty disposal, Punjab. A17: Tola, Snatcher, MP.

List of matching fingerprints of all their cases across India. That's great, awesome.

You nailed it, get every one of them. Be alert, Sir. They'll escape, if they see any movement.

They're close.


Pandit's information Sir. Rukesh is evading en route Chatrala road. Ok, Ok!

Go faster, Madrasi Police is following. Go faster. Come on, go faster. What are you doing? drive faster, faster.

They're close, go faster, go faster. Go damn it, go.

Go this way, get to the other side. Oh no!!!

Why did you guys come all the way from North India to steal? Speak up! Hit him Sir, hit him. Our guys were getting encountered in UP.

That's why our leader changed the location to Madras. Tell damn it. Whenever we're blocked at check post after a loot,

Twenty Rupees was enough to seal the deal with Madras Police. Keep talking! If caught in UP, Police shoots us down.

Your Police doesn't even have a gun. But we'll have one. Then... Don't stop.

The women here wore a lot of jewels. That made us wonder, if they wear so much, Imagine how much will be at home.

I asked my wife not to wear a lot of jewels, as it's dangerous. one day we have to die,

if it's for gold, there's no harm in it.

With the continuous arrests made by our team, Oma did something which we never had expected.

He started killing everyone he suspected of being informers. Our main informer Pandit,

evaded the city, due to the fear of death. To other North Indian Gangs like Oma's, In order to fear the Tamilnadu Police,

we took an aggressive decision.

After our streak of encounters, Oma kept moving to new places.

Take this. File a case stating, he's torturing the tribes, or complaint to Human Rights. I want that Madrasi out of here.

Mangey Lal. Come on dear, where are you trying to escape?

Come on, come on, let's take a tour of Chennai. Sathya, drive.

Police from all the states, started to help us. With their help. We confiscated the booty looted by Oma's gang.

-Where's Oma? -Where's Oma? I'm innocent Sir. -I'm innocent Sir. -Speak up! Tell us, where's Oma? Speak up?

Where's Oma, say. Where's Oma? Speak up. Once we came know that Oma is the gang leader,

that search went on for 15 months. It was 15 months, since I saw Priya too.

Whenever I felt the guilt of not being with Priya who's in coma. I felt like quitting this job.

Whenever I get that feeling, The ones I lost in my life, flashes of those pleasant moments with Priya will come to me.

Just like this,many families dreams and happiness, would've got tarnished because of Oma.

Oma! No matter where you're, I'll come looking for you.

Brother. Madras Police have arrested 6 and encountered 2 of them.

Eight trucks have been ceased. In spite of our Police investigating, we're not able to find out who's passing him the information, and how he's able to make arrests.

Bhora! We've been running. But that Madrasi,

is calm and hunting us down.

We... We should stop running. Are we going to be the scapegoats,

or those Wolves which demands sacrifices, the time is here to make that decision.

If we keep running, then we can't call ourselves hunters. We'll turn in to the hunted ones.

Pass on a information stating, that I'm escaping through Thalyat Hamira station. No one should be able to find that Madrasi's dead body.

I will chop him in to pieces and feed to the Aravalli eagles.

Here on, no state Police should, have the intention to come looking for us. Sure brother.

Inform the Madras Police that Oma is escaping through Hamira Station. -Hello. -Sir!

-Son, -Tell me Uncle. They're saying she's critical. Surgery has to be done.

I'm really scared Son. Can you please come down? That moment when I had to decide, Should I go to see Priya?

Or I should go on and catch Oma...

I left looking for Oma. My Priya, will be waiting for me.

Take positions. Taken Sir. Taken Sir. In Position Sir.

Oma's gang is not here yet.

Boys, Alert...Alert! Train is here.

Check both passengers, getting in and out. Ok Sir.

Oma isn't here. He is not here. There are chances of him on train already. Everyone get inside each compartment and check. Fast, Fast!

We're checking in the Non-AC coaches. -Hey! -Ah!

Where do you think you're going? What's the emergency?


He is not there in any of the coaches. Excuse me! He isn't here too. Ok, Ok.

Nazeer, did you check thoroughly? We did Sir, he's not in the last compartment too. It's a wrong information then. We'll get down at next station.

It's become a routine now, They always pull the chain and **** with the train.

Why did the train stop halfway? There's someone climbing in to the last compartment. I'm on it Sir, come on go.

Nazeer, check immediately who was it, I'm coming there. Ok Sir, we're headed there.

Sir, the train is leaving, get on it. Get on the train. The train is leaving Sir. Nazeer the train is moving, I'm climbing on a different compartment.

Did you check? Sir, It's Oma's gang, please come soon.

I'm 2 compartments away, hold him, will be there soon.


Silence! Run! Side...side, side, side, side!

Sir that side, gun shots are fired. Public is running in panic. Senthil is stuck inside. Due to the crowd can't get in.

Make way.


STOP THE TRAIN! Get to the horses.

Sir. There's a village on this side, where shepherds live. Beyond that is dry land and mountains.

How many kilometers brother? Two Kilometers. Boys let's leave. Oma wouldn't have gone too far.

If we follow can catch him. He'll definitely kill me. Everyone be alert. Keep searching.

Wonder how far we'll have to walk.

How many more kilometers brother? Two Kilometers.

Hey brother! You said Two Kilometers, it doesn't seem to end.

How many more kilometers? Two Kilometers. "Doh" means "2" right? Not sure if it's him or I don't understand.

How far do we have to go more? Ask him. You don't have to ask him, I'll tell you,

It's Two Kilometers. Come on. Oh God, two more! Not able to take it.

The village is here. Come on, Come on! Come on, quick.

I'm sure there will be water there.

Why do you look troubled Sir? Not sure with what courage, I got the team here. The fear of something might happen to them,

has been troubling me. Let's do a recce. Make note of the entry and the exit of the village. Yes Sir.

They're calling this a Ghost Village. Only 4 families of the Shepards are residing here. I've made arrangements for our dinner with them.

Ok. We'll stay the night, and resume our search in the morning. They're in the village as per our plan. Let's attack now and finish them.

No! Let's wait. Patience is really important to a hunter.

"She's critical it seems..." "I'm really scared, Son."

Grey Wolves! Have taught us how and when to hunt. We'll go on horses and scatter them with powder bombs.

You guys hide there, and kill those who are running in fear. If you ask how?

just like how the Wolves hunt.

Jai Baouli! Jai Baouli! Jai Baouli!

Jai Baouli!

Dear! Are you worried about me?

I'll be fine! Sleep.

Sleep well on my lap.

ALERT! Cover, Cover, ask everyone to get in. Run, Run, Run! Hide, Hide! Hide, Hide!

Murugan! Sethu, Nazeer come here. Murugan! Murugan!

Lift him, lift him. Ask the villagers to get in. Don't be scared, it's just a country gun.

It'll shoot only 20 feet. And 10 feet is the killing point, maintain the distance. Everyone get to a vantage point.

Sir! Sir!

There are two more in front of me, Sir. Oh God!

"The Hide 'n' Attack technique of the Wolves." "One chases, and another hunts..."

Sathya come in. They've killed Madhan. Relax Sathya. They're using the Wolves trap techniques to attack. We should take that to our advantage.

What Should I do? Can you see a tower from you're? I can see it Sir. Jump.

Run towards it.

He's close Sir.

There are two more running towards me.


Khali! -Vicky!? -Sir! -Jump. -Yes Sir! Turn to your right.

One of them is chasing me, run straight towards me.

Two more in the front.

OMA! Bhora!? What happened!? OMA!


Bhora! Bhora! What happened to our plan? Where are our men?


Boys, I've spotted Oma. He's in the North East Corner. Everyone round him up. Careful, Careful!

Sir, Oma burnt the Sheep farm. The smoke has covered it all, nothing is visible. Sathya don't lose him, don't lose him, try to cover him.

Don't let him move from here, I'm coming there. Khali! Quickly get the horses.

I'm coming. Let's Go!

Sathya, I've shot Khali dead. But Oma, escaped. Get me a horse.

Sir! -Sir!? -Huh! Sorry to disturb you Sir. I would like to meet you Sir.

Please Sir. Come on Sunday. Thank you Sir.

Since two months, I've been asking to change this chair. I've applied for it, Sir.

Why someone, who has dealt with such a huge case, is been given a dummy position. If you're honest to your Department.

You'll be rewarded with such things. But he gets them very often.

The highways are different now. There's been development in technology to catch the criminals. But as far as that case is concern,

the respect which was given to the lives of authority, if had given to the common man too. Many lives would've been spared.

Is it department's fault? Or is it the authority who governs the department? Or is it the public, who elected the Authority? It's an never ending topic.

Until we get an answer to this. Crimes, Death of innocent people, will continue it's streak.

The innocent people will die. Again, and Again, and Again, Forever!

-Sir! -Sathya. Hey small lion. Hi uncle. How are you guys?

Come in brother. It's fine sir. I wanted to meet you in person. And Salute to you.

You're really great Sir.

This film dedicated to all those Honest officers, and we salute them

They were convicted across India, but only Tamilnadu Police, arrested Thirteen and put Two down in encounter.

Since 1995-2005, there were 45 such Dacoity cases,

in which 18 were dead and 63 were injured and lost their day to day lives. Considering this a rare case, the Judge gave death sentence to 4, and the

rest were convicted to life imprisonment and severe punishment. After they made an appeal, the verdict was changed

to life imprisonment from death sentence. The main suspect OMA a.k.a Om Prakash, died in prison, and that case is still open.

After the strenuous action by our Police Department, burglary of this nature never took place in Tamilnadu.

The officers pertaining to this case, were never rewarded nor were given promotion

jurymafiainvestigationfact or fiction

About the Creator


Hello to all, My name is Umama Nidrah and by profession I'm a physiotherapist and I am seeking for Article writing , Blog writing that is related to health with some interesting initiatives which are also uptodate.

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    umamanidrahWritten by umamanidrah

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