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Echoes Of The Past

Follow Eliza On Her Journey To Catch Her Parent's Killer

By Shauna MullenPublished 6 months ago Updated 6 months ago 13 min read

The local pub looked unrecognisable with the shimmering lights and elegant decorations, echoing with laughter and chatter as guests mingled, celebrating Eliza’s 18th birthday. Her radiant smile lit up the room, but behind her sparkling eyes lay a shadow of sorrow that never quite faded. As the evening progressed, she found herself surrounded by friends and family, showering her with gifts and well-wishes. Each present unwrapped brought a momentary distraction from the haunting memories that lingered in the corners of her mind. Amidst the pile of brightly wrapped packages, one gift caught her attention- a small, intricately wrapped box with no name tag. Curiosity piqued, she carefully peeled back the layers of wrapping paper, revealing a polished wooden box engraved with delicate patterns that gave her an uneasy sense of familiarity.

Her heart stopped as she opened the box, revealing an antique locket nestled within strips of newspaper, it’s cold metal glinting ominously under the lights. With trembling hands, she picked up the locket, her fingers brushing against the cold surface as she opened it to reveal a faded photograph of her, probably only two years old. She instinctively touched the identical locket that hung around her neck- a constant reminder since that tragic day. Who could have sent this? She remembered her mother wearing the matching locket on the very day her life was taken.

A sense of dread washed over her as she unfolded a small piece of paper tucked inside, her eyes scanning the cryptic message: “The Past Holds the Key.”

Whispers of confusion rippled through the onlooking crowd as Eliza’s expression darkened, the weight of unresolved grief pressing down on her once more. She stares blankly at the crowded room, anyone of them could be a suspect.

Exhausted from the emotional roller coaster of the evening, Eliza finally retreated to the solitude of her bedroom, the mysterious locket clutched tightly in her hand. As she drifted into a restless slumber, the boundary between reality and nightmare blurred, plunging her into the depths of her darkest memories. The familiar warmth of her childhood home rapidly transformed into an oppressive chill as shadows dance ominously along the walls. She found herself standing at the top of the grand staircase, a haunting melody echoing through the hallways, sending shivers down her spine. Before she can process what is happening, her legs begin to carry her down the stairs, each step heavier than the last. The once familiar surroundings distorted into a cold, bleak version of her family home, filled with echoing whispers and fleeting glimpses of masked figures lurking in the shadows. As she reaches the bottom of the staircase, Eliza’s heart pounded in her chest as she heard the muffled voices creeping from the dimly lit living room. Drawing closer, she peered through the cracked doorway. Her blood running cold at the sight before her. Her parents laughing and chatting animatedly, her mum’s locket shining brightly. The comforting sound of her parents' voices are suddenly interrupted by an ominous knock on the door. Her father hesitated for a moment before opening it, revealing a shadowy figure whose face remained obscured in darkness. A chilling silence enveloped the room as time seemed to stand still.

Without warning, chaos erupted as a masked intruder stormed into the house, their sinister laughter echoing through the halls. Eliza’s parents stood frozen in terror as the invader closed in, their intentions unforgiving. Helpless, Eliza watched in horror as the events unfolded before her, the nightmare intensifying with each passing moment. The chilling realization dawned upon her that this wasn’t just a dream- it was a haunting re-imagining of the night that changed her life forever.

After the unsettling nightmare and the traumatic memories, it evoked, Eliza felt an unyielding urge to unearth the truth buried deep within her family’s history. With the locket and fragmented memories as her only leads, she remembers boxes belonging to her parents collecting dust in her attic.

Rummaging through the numerous files in the ancient, crumbling boxes held together with tape and determination, she comes across faded newspaper clippings and police reports detailing a fatal car crash that forever altered the course of her family’s lives. The headlines painted her parents as heartless villains, responsible for snuffing out the innocent life of a young boy, their reputations tarnished by whispers of negligence.

Consumed by disbelief and despair, Eliza’s perception of her parents shattered, replaced by a vicious image of cold-hearted individuals capable of unspeakable cruelty. Yet, a gnawing doubt lingered, forcing her to find the truth buried beneath the layers of deceit and betrayal. Seeking clarity, Eliza turned to her Uncle Nathaniel hoping to find answers amidst the webs of lies and half-truths that cocooned the memories of her parents. She listened as her uncle recounted a different narrative, one that the media refused to publish. Contrary to the damning accusations and whispered rumors, her parents had taken responsibility for the tragic accident, devoting their lives to atone for the irreversible harm they had inflicted upon the young boy’s family. They had anonymously funded the child’s funeral and committed themselves to supporting his siblings’ education and well-being, ensuring they lacked nothing in the wake of their devastating loss. To honor the boys’ memory, they had established a charitable foundation in his name, dedicated to uplifting underprivileged children and fostering a legacy of compassion and forgiveness. Eliza had an overwhelming sense of relief, the memory of her parents restored.

As Eliza left the cozy, safe atmosphere of Uncle Nathaniel's house, her phone veraciously vibrates with a no caller id ringing her phone. She lets it ring out, if it is that important, they will leave a message. However, the phone doesn’t stop. The caller rings religiously, the only way to stop this unnerving feeling is to answer.

“Hello, who is this?”

Eliza asks, unsure whether she really wants to know the answer.

The same haunting tune from her nightmare plays on repeat, with an ominous whisper repeating the same two sentences.

“The truth is closer to home than you think. Your family isn’t what it seems.”

Eliza finds that tears start to stream down her face, emotions that she has never felt before consuming her every thought.

“Whoever you are, I will find you.” She exclaims.

After the jarring anonymous call, Eliza found herself on edge as she joined her family members for a seemingly ordinary belated birthday meal. Despite the familiar setting, an undercurrent of suspicion tainted her interactions, casting shadows over once-trusted faces.

Aunt Lydia, Eliza has always respected her, especially since she had her only child at an age younger than she is now. She could never fathom how she had so much strength to be a single mother at 15. Always typically unrestrained with her affection, now seemed to Eliza like a puzzle missing a crucial piece. Though Lydia's warmth was undeniable, Eliza couldn't shake the nagging feeling that beneath the surface lurked a layer of envy, a hidden resentment that belied her aunt's seemingly caring demeanor.

Cousin Robert, although he is older than Eliza, he has always had a youthful presence about him. Unless you were staring at him you wouldn't think he was a full 18 years older. Usually the life of family gatherings with his charismatic charm, now appeared in a different light. Whispers of dubious financial dealings and a relentless thirst for power tainted Eliza’s perception of him. His laughter seemed forced, his smiles calculated, leaving her to wonder what ulterior motives lay behind his seemingly pleasant facade.

Uncle Nathaniel, always a man of few words and mysterious actions, intensified Eliza’s growing paranoia. His cryptic remarks and elusive behavior, once dismissed as eccentric, now fueled her suspicions.

As the meal progressed, Eliza felt like a detective navigating a minefield of hidden motives and veiled threats. Each family member’s gesture, every spoken word, was scrutinized for clues, as she tried to piece together the puzzle that had shattered her world. With the anonymous caller’s unsettling words echoing in her ears, she was determined to expose the dark secrets that could destroy everything she held dear. Eliza couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling when she caught Cousin Robert’s eyes darting repeatedly to the locket hanging around her neck. There was something about that piece that he recognized or perhaps feared. Spotting Robert outside later, isolated in the dim glow of a cigarette’s ember, she approached him with determined steps.

“Robert”, she began, her voice firm, “I noticed you looking at this.” She touched the locket gently, its cold metal a stark contrast to the evening's warmth. “What do you know about it?”

Robert took a deep drag from his cigarette, exhaling slowly as if preparing himself for what he was about to reveal. “Eliza”, he started, his voice low and cautious, “that locket is linked to something strange in our family.”

Eliza’s heart raced. “Go on.” She urged, her patience wearing thin.

He met her gaze, seriousness darkening his features. “The man we’ve known as Uncle Nathaniel? I don’t think he is. Years ago, your parents introduced him as a ‘long-lost brother’. No one knows who he truly is or why your parents felt compelled to bring him into our lives under such false pretenses.”

A wave of disbelief washed over Eliza. The weight of Robert’s revelation bore heavily on Eliza’s mind, a relentless curiosity that she couldn’t shake. The next morning, she approaches Nathaniel’s secluded home, her heart pounding with a mix of fear and anticipation. She knows he won’t be in, he works in the next town over and won’t be home until the evening. She picks up the gnome in front of the pot plant next to his front door to find the spare key still there. Her eyes darted around the dimly lit interior, searching for any clues that might reveal his true identity.

Her eyes land on a locked cupboard, its imposing presence casting a shadow over the living room. With trembling hands, she fumbled through Nathaniel’s belongings eventually locating a key hidden among a stack of old books. As the cupboard’s door creaked open, she is met with stacks of files, as she grabs them and puts them into her handbag, the unmistakable sound of a car pulling into the driveway shatters the silence. Her heart jumps into her throat as she scrambles to lock the cupboard and throw her phone charger down the back of the sofa. Panic surged through her veins as the front door swung open, revealing Nathaniel, his eyes widening in disbelief as he took in the scene before him.

Their eyes locked, an immense tenseness floods the room as Eliza’s anxiety begins to consume her. She thinks quickly and stammers “I think I left my charger here yesterday, could you help me look please?”

Nathaniel's gaze softens, a reassured look sweeps over his face, and he smiles. “Of course.”

As Eliza pretends to look on the kitchen side, Nathaniel's voice emerges from the behind her. “Found it. It fell down the back of the sofa, must have fallen out of your bag!” Eliza smiles, thanks him and leaves sheepishly, trying not to arise any suspicion in him. She races back home to read the files she grabbed.

Eliza's fingers trembled as she carefully spread out the files she had managed to snatch from Nathaniel's locked cupboard. Each document was a puzzle piece in a mystery that threatened to engulf her life. Though much of the information was redacted, the fragments that remained were enough to send a chill down her spine. Phrases like "suspicious activity," "unexplained connections," and "potential threat" leapt out at her, hinting at a dark underbelly to the man she'd known as Uncle Nathaniel.

With a furrowed brow, she meticulously scanned the available details, her mind racing to connect the dots. The redacted portions, though frustratingly elusive, seemed to suggest a pattern of disappearances that extended far beyond mere family intrigue. Could it be possible that Nathaniel was not only masquerading under false pretenses but also harboring a sinister secret that directly impacted her parents' untimely demise? The gravity of the situation weighed heavily on Eliza as she pondered her next move. With each passing second, the urgency to expose Nathaniel's true nature intensified, charged by a combination of fear, anger, and a relentless pursuit of justice. Despite the inherent risks, she knew she had to act swiftly, armed with the limited information at her disposal.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, Eliza made a fateful decision. Determined to peel back the layers of deception shrouding Nathaniel's existence, she prepared herself for a perilous confrontation. With the files clutched tightly in her grasp, Eliza steeled herself for the harrowing journey that lay ahead, vowing to reveal the truth.

She hurries over to the bungalow, knowing she must do it before she loses resolve.

The gravity of Eliza's discoveries pressed heavily upon her as she sat across from Nathaniel, her heart pounding with a mix of dread and anticipation. With a deep breath, she mustered the courage to confront him. "Nathaniel," she began, her voice quivering with emotion, "I've seen the files. I know who you are"

Nathaniel's eyes met hers, a flicker of sadness and resignation crossing his features. "Eliza," he started, his voice tinged with regret, "your parents were not the people the world believed them to be. They were part of the Witness Protection Program."

Eliza's breath gets caught in her throat, the revelation sending shock waves through her. "Witness Protection? But why? What were they hiding from?"

Nathaniel took a moment before answering, choosing his words with care. "The young boy's death—the one they were blamed for—it wasn't an accident. They witnessed his murder, Eliza. They saw something they shouldn't have, and their lives were forever changed."

Tears welled in Eliza's eyes as the pieces of a grim puzzle began to assemble. "The media painted it as a car crash," she whispered.

Nathaniel nodded gravely. "A convenient cover-up. Your parents were framed, Eliza. They took the blame to protect themselves and, in doing so, protected you. But they had to disappear, to go into hiding to ensure your safety."

In that moment, Nathaniel reached into a bag and produced a delicate music box, its haunting melody echoing the tune that had tormented Eliza's nightmares. "This," he said softly, "was left at your parents' doorstep before they were forced into hiding.”

As the weight of Nathaniel's revelations settled upon her, Eliza realized the depth of the sacrifices her parents had made. The tune from the music box pierces through her; “that was playing when that guy called me.” Nathaniel’s eyes are overcome with worry; “What phone call?” he snaps.

Nathaniel's face paled as the implications of the locket and the anonymous phone call became clear. "Eliza," he said urgently, "we don't have much time. That locket is a message, a warning."

As if on cue, the melody from the music box seemed to grow louder, echoing ominously around them. "That tune," Nathaniel muttered, his eyes narrowing in concern. "It's the calling card of a notorious child serial killer known for leaving music boxes at the scenes of his crimes. Your parents... they were the key witnesses set to testify against him. His name is The Melody Murderer."

Eliza felt a chill run down her spine as the horrifying truth unfurled before her. "You're saying this killer found my parents and murdered them?" she asked, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief.

Nathaniel nodded gravely; his face etched with sorrow. "I'm afraid so. Your parents were brave, Eliza. They chose to protect you at all costs, even if it meant sacrificing their own lives. But now, it seems the killer has found you."

Suddenly the lights cut out. The unnerving laughter of The Melody Murderer reverberated through the darkness; Nathaniel's eyes flashed with determination. Swiftly pulling out his phone, he discreetly dialed a pre-set emergency number, alerting the police to their location. With Eliza's safety paramount in his mind, Nathaniel had prepared for this very moment, having transformed the building's basement into a makeshift holding cell. Seizing the element of surprise, Nathaniel lunged at the Melody Murderer, wrestling him to the ground with a forceful determination. With Eliza's help, he managed to subdue the killer long enough to drag him to the basement entrance. With a swift motion, Nathaniel forced the Melody Murderer into the dark confines below, locking the door behind him, sealing his fate until the authorities arrived.

As the chilling laughter transformed into desperate pleas for mercy, Nathaniel and Eliza stood firm, their resolve unshaken by the killer's desperate cries. The police sirens wailed in the distance, growing louder with each passing second, signalling the imminent arrival of justice.

Within moments, armed officers stormed the home, descending into the basement to find the Melody Murderer trapped, his reign of terror brought to a decisive end. Eliza froze in shock as the face of this evil killer was familiar to her. Cousin Robert. As they apprehended him, his face contorted in disbelief, realizing that his sinister game had finally come to an end.

Nathaniel revealed to Eliza that he knew the killer was planning something when he recognised the locket she received as a birthday gift. He had to keep her in the dark to preserve the memory of her parents and so that the killer would think she was vulnerable. With the Melody Murderer in custody, Nathaniel and Eliza emerged from the ordeal as heroes, their bravery and quick thinking ensuring the killer's capture. The community breathed a collective sigh of relief, knowing that a dangerous threat had been eliminated.

In the aftermath, Eliza and Nathaniel were celebrated for their courage, their actions lauded by law enforcement and the community alike. Though the scars of their harrowing encounter would linger, they found strength in their shared experience, forging a bond that transcended the darkness that had threatened to consume them.


About the Creator

Shauna Mullen

I like to write about true crime and do small investigations. I also write fiction sometimes

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

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Comments (3)

  • Mike Singleton - Mikeydred6 months ago

    Absolutely wonderful story, great challenge entry and surely a Top Story

  • D. A. Ratliff6 months ago

    Well-crafted thriller with an excellent unexpected ending. Well done.

  • Clyde E. Dawkins6 months ago

    WOW! I was hooked from beginning to end! An amazing thriller piece!!

Shauna MullenWritten by Shauna Mullen

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