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Diane Odell has her own solution to unwanted pregnancies- murder.

Diane Odell

By Lesedi MolutsiPublished 3 months ago 5 min read

Murder can be found in the most surprising places. There was an orb there about the size of a softball and it was gray leather looking. A horrifying secret. Thomas hope this is not what he think it is. It is preserved in storage, he could see the eye in the nose and the mouth of a little baby. She was using murder as a form of abortion. In the early 1970s at Connie angle Lake upstate New York. Diane Odell is a young woman giving in to her desires. The way Diane was, it was like now I can do whatever I want, because I am free. She met the wrong guy. She got pregnant and all kinds of bad things happened.

Diane is a headstrong go-getter who will not listen to her mother, Mabel. Mabel had no control. Diane wanted to go out at two o'clock in the morning and meet some guy. Diane's wild ways will soon deliver consequences. A teenage pregnancy with a terrible aftermath. I think that Diane Odell did not want this baby. When this baby came out, she was alone and she murdered this baby. It's easier to kill a newborn baby for some women because the bond, the mother-child bond hasn't been formed. For most women though that bond starts forming the moment she finds out she's pregnant, that did not happen with Diane. Diane makes another shocking decision. She doesn't dispose of the body.

She keeps it in a blue suitcase. author M William Phelps has interviewed Diane Odell asking her why. One of the reasons she gave William, is that she wanted to give the baby a proper burial at some point in its life. She didn't just want to discard the baby like is was a piece of garbage. The nameless infant will never be buried. For the next 15 years, Diane takes the corpse wherever she goes. As Diane and her mother move around the country, she dreams of finding the ideal husband and father. She wanted a man to go out and work during a day, while she stayed home with the kids. She lived in that that fantasy world of the 1950s and 60s.

For five short years she finds that dream. Marriage to James, Odell and three healthy children. However, when the marriage ends, she returns to her wild ways. Diane is again without a man in her life. She has three living kids and one baby in a suitcase. She gets pregnant but she doesn't really know who is the father. She's sleeping with so many different men at the same. Her fifth pregnancy is a problem, with no husband, another child is another burden. Diane has a solution. There probably was not much decision-making going on in her head. To kill that that child it was easy, she'd done it before. The child wasn't doing her any good. Diane Odell is becoming a serial killer of her own children.

Diane's mind was twisted. Diane Odell has her own solution to unwanted pregnancies- murder. Smothering an infant is very easy. They can die without much effort at all. With most infants, if something is placed over their mouth or nose, their exhaled carbon dioxide is then re-inhaled in and subsequently with the child becoming hyper, which is increased carbon dioxide. Death ensues shortly thereafter.Maybe she did it for guilt, maybe she did it because she was afraid to leave them behind, thinking they'd be found and she'd get in trouble. Maybe she did it because she could convince herself, if she had them, they weren't really dead. We really don't know. Diane's mind was twisted. Dianne's preserved victims have one thing in common.

Their fathers weren't around before they were born. Whenever there's a paycheck around, she kept the baby. As the baby could then what provide her with money. The dad bringing the money into the house, there will be more pregnancies. Eventually Diane has four dead babies. Basically, for Diana Liddell whenever she got pregnant and the father of the child wasn't around, she murdered that child. She was using murder as a form of abortion. The murders only stopped when Diane settles down with a new man, and has four healthy children. However, nearly 20 years later, her dark past will resurface. Diane has abandoned her personal possessions in an Arizona storage facility. When she doesn't pay the rent, the contents are sold.

Thomas Bright thinks he's got a bargain. He got a whiff of a musty smell element. There was some brown flaky material too. He's bought himself a crime scene. He hoped this isn't what I think it is. Then, he pushed the bag a little further apart and he could see the eye, nose and the mouth of a little baby. Thomas calls in the police. Not only, did they find one baby, as they start digging through the boxes, there's another one, two babies. They start digging through more boxes, three babies. Along with the bodies, our documents and effects leading straight to Diane Odell. Back in New York detective Thomas scallop calls in Diana for an extraordinary interview. She was very articulate.

She was almost like a grandmotherly type. She's an older woman, middle-aged Diane says the babies were all stillborn and she couldn't afford a proper burial. The odds of that, for babies being still born and eight healthy children, that we knew she had, were to me was miracle. If there was some type of foul play, I wanted to get to the bottom of it. If the babies were stillborn, we had absolutely no charges. We had no charges against her at all. If the babies were born alive naturally, we had murder. After more than 20 years, Dianna's their only lead. Forensic testing of the remains can't distinguish misfortune from murder. It is a determination that is extremely difficult to make.

A determination made years and years later on mummified remains would be virtually impossible but Diane will make the key admission. Baby crying that's when she told us that yes the baby did gasp and cry. She eventually told us that all three babies gasped or cried. The babies cried when they were born, they were alive. The only way they can build a case against her, is if Diane Odell puts a noose around her own neck. Which she just did. She asked the police what do you think is gonna happen to me. He responded by saying, what do you think should happen to you. That is when she just looked at the detective and she says, I think I should go to jail.

Diane Odell is found guilty of three murders. She's serving the sentences concurrently over 25 years. I think there was more to it, than simply killing them, because they were illegitimate. Most mothers love their child, no matter what the circumstances of their birth are. Diane did not. I was stunned. If you didn't want the child, there's agencies that could take the children. You don't have to kill them. Even Diane's brother, Richard, finds it hard to forgive her.

juryinvestigationinterviewincarcerationguiltycelebritiescapital punishment

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Lesedi Molutsi

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LMWritten by Lesedi Molutsi

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